

academic discipline, 497
academic journal, 132–5
academic knowledge, 123–4
books and journal articles, 123–43
academic journal, 132–5
future knowledge systems, 135–7
knowledge representation role in knowledge design, 123–6
scholarly monograph, 126–8
digitally mediated book
production, 129–32
authors, 130
bookstores, 131–2
publishers, 131
readers, 132
emerging knowledge ecologies, 137–41
disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, 140
distributed knowledge, 139
globalism, 140
intellectual property, 139
knowledge making conditions for knowledge economy, 141
post-publication knowledge validation, 138–9
pre-publication knowledge validation, 138
reconfiguring the university role, 140
representation and signification modes, 140
sustainability, 139
print-publishing system
deficiencies, 128–9
bookstores, 129
publishers, 128
readers, 129
scholarly authors, 128
academic language game, 492–6
actor-network theory, 57, 307
Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements, 174–5
alignment, 68
Amazon, 20, 132
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, 110, 391
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, 203
analytical principle, 505
article, 135
assertions, 334
attributes, 397
authors, 31–2
automated translation, 436–8
Average Depth of Inheritance Tree of Leaf Nodes, 72


Basic Formal Ontology, 237, 242–3, 250, 293–4
belief, 346–8
BioCyc, 291
bioinformatics, 298
biological cultures, 296–8
biological ontologies, 290–6
book publishing, 131
academic knowledge textual
practices, 123–43
academic journal, 132–5
digitally mediated book production, 129–32
emerging knowledge ecologies, 137–41
future knowledge systems, 135–7
knowledge representation role in knowledge design, 123–6
print-publishing system deficiencies, 128–9
scholarly monograph, 126–8
definition, 126–7
new, 127
old, 126
vs internet, 126–7
bookstores, 132


Cartesian mind-body dualism, 50
cataloguing, 394–5
CGMeaning, 378, 381, 385–7, 402
Chemical Markup Language, 96, 504
ChemML, 96, 504
chronoid, 255
cinema, 82
class composition, 293
closed tags, 419
closed world assumptions, 223
COA mapping, 450
COA ontology, 472
cognitive semantics, 46–52
categorisation theories, 46–9
geometrics of meaning, 51–2
semantics and the embodied mind, 49–51
collaborative ontologies, 72
collaborators, 31–2
commensurability, 30–3, 303–41, 343–69
applying the framework, 369
assessment, 227–9
construction of science, 324–30
creation load, 463–7
de-structuring critiques, 319–24
incommensurability of madness, 321–3
resurrecting structures, 323–4
elastic structures, 330–40
practising with concepts, 334–6
socialising concepts, 337–40
spatialising concepts, 331–4
framework, 68–9, 340–1, 349–68
assessment, 364–7
generic dimension set, 358–64
interpreting assessments, 367–8
modelling a scenario, 350–3
quantification, 354–8
human interpretive intelligence, 467–8
material intangibles, 305–18
Foucauldian epistemes, 311–15
Kuhnian paradigms, 307–11
Quinean conceptual schemes, 315–18
ontological cultures, 344–9
quantification, 354–8
contrasting ontology matching approaches, 356–8
Common Ground Markup Language, 389–96, 401–2, 404–5, 431–2, 434, 445, 458, 466, 481
as an interlanguage, 405–25
approach, 409
language pairs, 408
paradigm, 417–22
schematic, 406
thesaurus, 422–5
cataloguing, 394–5
dictionary formation, 413–17
functional clarity, 415
internal cross-reference system, 416–17
lowest common denominator semantics, 415–16
minimising ambiguity, 414–15
silent and active tag-concepts, 416
Dictionary of Authorship and Publishing, 402
fragment specifying concept of <editor>, 415
fragment specifying concepts of <creation> and <creator>, 413
digital rights management, 396
e-commerce, 396
educational texts, 395
electronic rendering, 392
filters, 476
human interpretive intelligence facilities, 475–7
print rendering, 392–4
resource discovery, 394
Taxonomy of Authorship and Publishing
first to fourth level concepts, 420
fragment specifying concepts of <party>, 422
thesaurus, 422–5
fragment of Dublin Core, 423
translation/transformation architecture, 446–9
CGML XML content into destination standard, 449
how system works, 447–8
merging source XML content with CGML XML schema, 448–9
XML content translation, 448
typesetting and content capture, 391–2
vs COAX systems, 445
vs OntoMerge, 461–2
common knowledge, 158, 167–8
common-explicit knowledge, 159
communication, 376
communicative practices, 347
complete untranslatability, 320
composition, 421
computational semantics, 67–72
collaborative ontologies, 72
matching ontologies, 67–71
ontology metrics, 71–2
concept script, 204
concepts, 332
conceptual frames, 307
conceptual perspectivism, 304, 325, 330, 340
conceptual relativism, 304, 319, 325, 330
conceptual schemes, 306, 319, 338, 344 See also Quinean conceptual schemes
conceptual semantics, 334
conceptual spaces, 332–4
conceptual web, 51
conceptual-definitional principle, 505
configuroid, 255–6
connectionist model, 47
connotational meaning, 204
constructionist, 326
constructivism, 329
constructivists, 329
content capture, 391–2
context principle, 420
Contextual Ontology_X_Architecture, 431–2, 434–5, 445, 458, 478–9, 481
human interpretive intelligence facilities, 468–74, 477
translation/transformation architecture, 450–3
content into destination standard, 452–3
how system works, 451
merging source XML content with COA XML schema, 451–2
vs CGML systems, 445
vs OntoMerge, 461–2
contingency, 329
continuants, 294
Convention T, 40, 320–1
crosswalks, 405–7
CUDOS, 173
culture, 65, 344–5
Cycorp, 240


DARPA Agent Markup Language, 220, 454–5
data dictionaries, 171
database, 20
knowledge systems, 215–32
Database Task Group, 216
deep ontology See standard ontology
Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, 216
definition, 383, 503
denotational meaning, 204
description logics, 219
Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering, 237, 244, 250–1
design, 124
(re)designed, 125–6
available designs, 124–5
designing process, 125
designing, 495
desktop, 3
desktop publishing systems, 92
digital content
interoperability and exchange, 429–87
interoperability approaches evaluation, 462–77
ontology-based interlanguage approach, 453–62
transformation, 435–44
automated translation problem, 436–8
incommensurability, 438–41
technical design choice, 442
translation/transformation architecture system components, 441–4
translation problem, 477–87
automation, 478–82
embedding human interpretive intelligence, 482–4
patch and mend architecture, 477–8
XML-based interlanguage approach, 444–53
Digital Equipment Corporation, 216
digital incunabula, 3
digital media, 140
effects in knowledge making, 81–120
knowledge representation, 82–4
old and new representation of meaning in digital reproduction era, 84–119
future knowledge systems, 135–6
digital print, 116
digital reproduction era
hype in hypertext, 85–119
changes in textwork since Gutenberg, 97
multimodality, 99–102
new dynamics of difference, 107–19
new navigational order, 97–9
parallels between old and new media, 104
recording and documentation ubiquity, 102–3
rendering mechanics, 87–96
representational agency shift in balance, 103–7
SGML markup for bungler definition, 93
knowledge representation work, 82–4
old and new representation of meaning, 84–119
virtual hyperbole, 84–5
digital rights management, 396
Digital Talking Book, 392, 405
digital text, 1–7
dimension set, 353–4
dimensions, 353 specific types
Dims See dimensions
DimSet See dimension set
disciplinarity, 496–502
dispositional knowledge, 156
distributed knowledge systems, 7–10
DocBook, 375, 392, 405
Document Type Definition, 171, 397, 459–61
documenting context, 179
dogmas of empiricism, 316
DOLCE ergo SUMO, 240
domain-level ontologies, 235–6
domains, 332
Dublin Core, 394, 405, 471
fragment to CGML Thesaurus, 423
Dublin Core Metadata Framework, 404
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative 2010, 394
Dumontier ontologies, 291
Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, 481


e-commerce, 112–13, 396
e-Scholarship Research Centre, 174
EDIFACT, 479–80
EdNA Online 2000, 395
Educational Modelling Language, 395
educational texts, 395
electronic rendering, 392
electronic standards commercial implications of emergence and stabilisation, 400–1
efficiencies and cost reduction, 401
new business opportunities, 401
supply chain integration, 401
elements, 397, 419
Elements of Logic, 203
Encoded Archival Context, 179
epistemes, 306 See also Foucauldian epistemes
epistemic virtues, 499
epistemological, 346
errata, 2
evolutionary epistemology, 152
explicit knowledge, 157–8, 167
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, 392
Extensible Markup Language, 7, 16, 18, 22–3, 93, 390, 397–9, 403, 419, 431–2, 437, 462–3
content translation
CGML, 448
COAX, 451
OntoMerge, 457–61
Extensible Rights Markup Language, 396
Extensible Stylesheet Language, 452
extrinsic dimensions, 358, 362–4


failure of translatability See untranslatability
family resemblance, 494–5
file transfer protocols, 479
FlyBase project, 294
FOAF ontology See Friend of a Friend ontology
folk taxonomy, 503
folksonomy, 503
form, 376
formal knowledge, 159
formal knowledge systems
crises in modernity, 205–12
towards a computational world, 211–12
completeness, truth, decidability and computations, 208–10
mathematical principles, 207
thereof one must be silent, 207–8
historical narrative, 197–212
early modernity, 202–5
pre-modernity, 200–2
formal semantics, 39–41
Foucauldian epistemes, 311–15
Foucauldian term, 21
foundational ontologies See upper-level ontologies
Friend of a Friend ontology, 237
function, 376


Gene Ontology, 290, 294–9
factors in success, 296
General Formal Ontology, 237, 244–5
Generales Inquisitiones de Analysi Notionum et Veritatum, 491
globalism, 140
Google, 9
Google Docs, 5
Google Scholar, 238–9
guessing principle, 420
Gutenberg’s Bible, 1, 86, 107


Habermas, 337–8, 340
habitus, 337
hermeneutics, 41–3
hierarchically complex systems, 161–72
formal knowledge level, 168–70
knowledge society level, 170
social construction and knowledge formalisation, 169
individual researcher level, 165–7
turning personal into explicit knowledge, 166
research knowledge and dynamics, 164–72
knowledge cycling hierarchical levels, 164
research team or larger group level, 167–8
socio-technical aspects of schema interactions, 170–2
theory, 161–3
systems triad, 162
historical ontologies, 329
holon, 163
holonymy/meronymy, 38
homonymy/polysemy, 38
How to do Things with Words, 43
human interpretive intelligence, 433, 436, 447, 482–4
facilities, 468–77
CGML, 475–6
COAX, 468–74
OntoMerge, 474–5
system provisions, 467–8
hypertext, 4, 85–119
Hypertext Markup Language, 7, 22, 92, 127, 392, 405, 437


Ideal Language Philosophy, 201
illocutionary act, 44
incommensurability, 31, 309, 321, 337, 351
addressing problem in digital content, 438–41
digital content transformation, 438–41
madness, 321–3
incunabula, 2, 91
inferences, 334
information infrastructures, 57
Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science, 237
Instructional Management Systems Standard, 395
interlanguage, 369, 404–25
ontology-based approach, 453–62 See also OntoMerge
social web, 371–425
Common Ground Markup Language, 389–96
discursive practice of markup, 371–4
interlanguage, 404–25
mechanism, 384–9
metamarkup, 378–84
schema alignment for semantic publishing, 389–94
structural markup, 374–8
tagging schemas, 397–404
theory of translation, 444
XML-based approach, 435, 444–53
interlanguage mechanism, 384–9, 402
schematic, 386
International Business Machines, 206, 216
internet, 126–7
interoperability, 430–5
and exchange of humanly usable digital content, 429–87
Interoperability of Data in E-Commerce Systems, 396
intrinsic dimensions, 358–61
ISO 2709, 395
ISO website, 231
ISO/IEC 21000–5, 469
ISO/IEC 21000–6, 469–70


JDF standard, 392
job definition format, 392–4
effects of wide adoption, 393–4
audit trail, 393
automation, 393
equipment variations, 394
human error reduction, 393
post-press, 393
pre-press, 393
press, 393
journal articles
academic knowledge textual practices, 123–43
academic journal, 132–5
digitally mediated book production, 129–32
emerging knowledge ecologies, 137–41
future knowledge systems, 135–7
knowledge representation role in knowledge design, 123–6
print-publishing system deficiencies, 128–9
scholarly monograph, 126–8
journal peer-review process, 132–3
key flaws, 133


Kant, 371–2, 493
KL-ONE, 219
knowledge, 152 specific knowledge
contextual nature of personal knowledge, 157
globalization and technologies, 56–7
in three worlds ontology, 155
management, 63–6
sociology, 52–5
knowledge domains, 289–300
biological ontologies, 290–6
biological/ontological cultures, 296–8
ontological objects, 298–9
ontologies in practice, 299–300
knowledge making
digital media effect, 81–120
knowledge representation work, 82–4
old and new representation of meaning in digital reproduction era, 84–119
knowledge processes, 499–502
analytical, 501–2
applied, 502
conceptual, 501
experiential, 500–1
schema, 500
knowledge representation
frameworks, 15–33
commensurability, 30–3
networked ontologies, 29–30
ontology computing, 25–6
Ontology Web Language, 27–9
order of things, 16–22
semantic web, 22–33
semantics framing, 33
knowledge society level, 170
knowledge support-systems
and textual representations in research intensive networks, 145–88
knowledge systems, 15
changes in the era of social web, 1–10
distributed knowledge systems, 7–10
from print to digital text, 1–7
extrinsic dimensions, 362–4
intrinsic dimensions, 359–61
relational database vs semantic web, 215–32
ordering the world by relations, 215–18
semantic web early threads, 218–20
shifting trends or status quo, 221–2
systems of knowledge, 222–4
social context, 229–32
Kuhnian paradigms, 307–11


language games, 495
languages, 377, 505
Lebenswelt See lifeworld
libertarian technologies, 229
lifeworld, 338, 346, 498
lingua franca, 108, 114, 117, 140
lingua mundi, 108
linguistic semantics, 37–46
formal semantics, 39–41
hermeneutics and semantics, 41–3
pragmatic semantics, 43–6
semantics in language, 37–9
Linotron 1010 phototypesetter, 92
Linux operating system, 62
lithographic printing, 100
locutionary act, 44
logic, 303
knowledge systems, 197–212
crises in modernity, 205–12
early modernity, 202–5
pre-modernity, 200–2
Second World War, 211
logic programming, 219
logical axioms, 25–6
classes, 25
individuals, 25
properties, 25
logical positivism, 305
lower-level ontologies, 235
lumpers, 382


Machine Readable Catalog, 394–5, 404–5, 472
madness, 321–3
Madness and Civilisation, 321–2
MARC Standards Office 2000, 405
markup, 371–4 See also metamarkup
schemas, 381
tags, 373–4
Markus, 493
match, 68
material intangibles, 305–18
Foucauldian epistemes, 311–15
Kuhnian paradigms, 307–11
Quinean conceptual schemes, 315–18
meaning, 420
Meaning Definition Axioms, 460–1, 467
meaning form, 376–7, 390
meaning function, 376–7
MedicalWordNet, 291
merged ontology, 442–3
meta-meta language, 444
meta-schema, 404
metadata, 130–1
metalanguage, 38–9
metamarkup, 378–84
foundations to alternative framework, 379–84
making meanings explicit, 381–3
one-layered linear string to double-layered string, 380
positing relations, 383
schema making as site of social dialectic, 379
social schema alignment, 384
metamathematics, 212
micro-power, 337
Microsoft, 217
Microsoft operating system, 62
Microsoft Word, 101
monograph, 126
monotonic reasoning, 223
Motion Pictures Experts Group, 469
Mouse Genome Informatics project, 295
multiliteracies, 495
multimodality, 99–102


naive realism, 294
namespaces, 397
National Cancer Institute, 291
National Human Genome Research Institute, 295
natural semantic metalanguage, 38
network model, 216
Network Society, 18
networked ontologies, 29–30
nominalism, 325, 327–9
nonmonotonic reasoning, 223–5
number of leaf classes, 72
number of root classes, 72


OASIS/UNESCO sanctioned DocBook standard, 392
occurrents, 243, 294
Online Information Exchange, 396, 405, 471–2
OntoEngine, 434, 455–61, 474
Ontolog Forum, 280
ontological, 346
ontological cultures, 296–8, 344–9
ontological objects, 298–9
ontological pluralism, 294
ontologies, 16, 22 specific ontologies
advantages, 26
collaborative, 72
computing, 25–6
conceptual distinctions, 280–2
networked, 29–30
preliminary ontology for research knowledge support, 184–8
upper-level, 235–85
Ontology Inference Layer, 220, 454–5
ontology mapping, 442, 466
ontology matching, 30, 33, 67–71
ontology merging, 456 See also OntoMerge
ontology metrics, 71–2
Ontology Web Language, 7, 16, 22–3, 27–9, 41, 94, 220–1, 225, 227, 237, 263, 453
language variants, 27
ontology-based interlanguage approach, 453–62
ontology-based interlanguage infrastructure, 466–7
OntoMap, 240
OntoMerge, 431, 453–62, 467–8, 479, 481
differences in approach, 461–2
human interpretive intelligence facilities, 474–5, 477
ontology-based translation system, 454–6
XML content translation, 457–61
how system works, 459
outline, 460
source content into merged ontology data set, 459–61
source document merged ontology dataset into destination XML schema, 461
Open Archive Initiative—Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, 179
Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry, 290–4, 299
foundational principles, 293–4
Open Digital Rights Language, 396
Open eBook, 392, 405
open tags, 419
open world assumptions, 223, 225, 228
Oracle, 217
Outlines of the Laws of Thought, 203
OWLViz plug-in, 250


painting, 82
paradigms, 306 See also Kuhnian paradigms
Common Ground Markup Language, 417–22
partial untranslatability, 320–1
patch and mend approach, 436, 477–8
PDDAML, 454–5
peer-review system, 138
perdurant, 243
perlocutionary act, 44
personal knowledge, 165–7
Personalised Print Markup Language, 392
perspectival specialisation, 255
perspective dimensions, 361, 367
perspectivism, 330
photoengraving, 100
photography, 82
Planning Domain Definition Language, 454
polylingual, 109
Portable Document Format, 3, 96, 126, 392
positivism, 318
post-press, 393
post-publication, 8
practice dimensions, 361, 367
pragmatic semantics, 43–6
pragmatism, 45–6
pre-press, 393
pre-publication, 8
press, 393
Principia Mathematica, 207, 209
print capitalism, 108
print rendering, 392–4
printing, 148
procedural knowledge, 158
process dimensions, 361, 367
properties, 332
Protégé, 27, 250
PROTo ONtology, 237, 245–6
public, 146
public knowledge space, 146, 151, 174–82
contextual information management practices, 178–80
knowledge brokering role, 180–2
socio-technical aspects, 181
notion and public knowledge, 174–8
publication, 8
purpose dimensions, 361, 366


quality dimensions, 332
Quine, 305–6
Quinean conceptual schemes, 315–18
QWERTY keyboard, 481


Ramus, Petrus, 2
RAND Corporation, 216
rationalisation, 337–8
rationalists, 329
realist perspectivalism, 242
reason, 322
referent, 37
relational database, 215–32
relational model advantages, 217
key concepts, 217
relativism, 326, 330
relativists, 326, 344
relators, 451
representations, 332, 376
research enterprise, 150
research intensive networks
cyclical model types with acquisition and growth of knowledge, 160–1
John Boyd’s OODA loop concept, 160
hierarchically complex systems theory, 161–72
research knowledge and dynamics, 164–72
systems triad, 162
implications for managing research enterprises in knowledge society, 172–82
historical concern associated with open science, 172–4
public knowledge space, 174–82
knowledge as emergent property of evolutionary systems, 151–5
knowledge in three worlds ontology, 155
personal knowledge contextual nature, 157
Popper’s general theory of evolution, 153
ontology of knowledge, 151–61
knowledge type emergence through time, 155–60
preliminary ontology for research knowledge support, 184–8
textual representations and knowledge support-systems, 145–88
Resource Description Framework, 7, 16, 22–3, 41, 94, 220–1, 225, 227, 263–4, 382, 454, 458
resource discovery, 394
Rights Data Dictionary, 469
Rights Expression Language, 469


Saccharomyces Genome Database project, 295
schema alignment, 384
semantic publishing, 389–96
schemas, 148–9, 374, 379, 397
scholarly knowledge, 123–4
science, 307
Science Wars, 325
Scientific American, 201
Scientific Revolution, 148
scope dimensions, 359, 366
semantic ambiguity, 471
semantic atomism, 350
semantic delicacy, 471
semantic dimensions, 352
semantic distances, 354–5
semantic frames, 219
meaning of meaning, 35–72
cognitive semantics, 46–52
computational semantics, 67–72
linguistic semantics, 37–46
social semantics, 52–5
semantic function, 438
semantic holism, 350, 357
semantic incommensurability, 471
Semantic Knowledge Technologies, 237
semantic markup, 378, 380
semantic networks, 218–19
semantic primes, 38
semantic publishing, 7, 378, 405, 491–506
academic language game, 492–6
disciplinarity, 496–502
new agenda, 502–6
analytical principle, 505
conceptual-definitional principle, 505
situated meaning principle, 503–4
transformational principle, 506
schema alignment, 389–96
semantic tagging, 503
semantic web, 7, 16, 21–33, 212, 401–2, 433, 496–7, 502–3
early threads, 218–20
foundations to alternative framework, 379–84
knowledge systems, 215–32
Semantic Web Interest Group, 258, 262
Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontology Forum
author and subject counts, 260
joint contributors to the ontologies surveyed, 260
messages receive, 259
ontology count, 262
word frequency analysis, 283–5
semantic web ontology, 453
semantic web processing, 96
semantics, 19, 39, 41–3
and the embodied mind, 49–51
sense-datum language, 316
Shareable Content Object Reference Model, 395
sign, 37
sign making, 495
signified, 37
signifier, 37
signs, 376
situated meaning principle, 503–4
situoid, 256
Smart Web Integrated Ontology, 247–8
social constructionism, 324–5
social languages, 381
social semantics, 52–66
critical theory as sociology of knowledge, 55–6
globalization and technologies of knowledge, 56–7
IT standardisation, 59–63
knowledge management, 63–6
sociology of knowledge, 52–5
studies on technology and science, 57–9
social web, 5
changing knowledge systems, 1–10
distributed knowledge systems, 7–10
from print to digital text, 1–7
creating an interlanguage, 371–425
discursive practice of markup, 371–4
interlanguage, 404–25
mechanism, 384–9
metamarkup, 378–84
schema alignment for semantic publishing, 389–94
structural markup, 374–8
tagging schémas, 397–404
Sokal hoax, 325
spatialising concepts, 331–4
splittérs, 382
spreadsheet, 18
stabilists, 328
stability, 328–9
Standard Generalised Markup Language, 7
standard ontology, 457, 460
Standard Upper Merged Ontology, 237, 246–7
Standard Upper Ontology, 239–40
standard wars, 62
Standardised General Markup Language, 92
markup for bungler definition in Oxford Dictionary, 93
stimulus meaning, 317
structural dimensions, 359, 365
structural markup, 374–8
structuralism, 319
Structured Query Language, 217–18
stylistic dimensions, 359, 365
subject dimensions, 359, 366
subjective knowledge, 156
superordination, 421
surface ontology, 457, 460
Swoogle, 238–9
synonymy/antonymy, 38
syntax, 19
system of knowledge
modern and postmodern
assessing commensurability, 227–9
closed vs open world assumptions, 223–4
comparison of knowledge systems, 228
modern grid, postmodern webs, 225–7
System of Logic, 203
System R, 217
Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms, 291
systems of knowledge, 222–4


tacit knowledge, 157
tagging, 371 See also markup
tagging schemas, 373, 379, 397–404, 407
tags, 373, 375–6, 390, 399, 407, 439, 503
Tarski’s model theory, 41
taxinomia, 230
tensed intensional logic, 40–1
terminological logics, 219
text, 95
Text Encoding Initiative, 375, 392
textual representations
and knowledge support-systems in research intensive networks, 145–88
hierarchically complex systems research knowledge and dynamics, 164–72
hierarchically complex systems theory, 161–72
ontology of knowledge, 151–61
The Archaeology of Knowledge, 312
The Concept of Truth in Formalised Languages, 209
The Cornucopia of Formal-Ontological Relations, 294
The Order of Things, 16, 311
The Origin of Species, 81
The Semantical Conception of Truth, 209
The Social Construction of What?, 3245
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 307, 309
third dogma, 320, 338
topoid, 255–6
Tractacus, 207–8
transformation mechanisms, 443–4
transformational principle, 506
translation/transformation architecture, 437
Common Ground Markup Language, 446–9
Contextual Ontology_X_ Architecture, 450–3
system components, 441–4
interlanguage as a theory of translation, 444
system design, 442–3
transformation mechanisms, 443–4
Turing Test, 218
typesetting, 391–2
typography, 89–90


UK National Curriculum Metadata Standard, 395
Unicode, 110–11, 391
Unified Medical Language System, 291
Uniform Resource Identifiers, 22, 26
universalis mathesis, 198, 200
universities, 7–10
untranslatability, 320
upper-level ontologies, 29, 70, 235–85
assumptions, 241–8
Basic Formal Ontology, 242–3
Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering, 244
extending the taxonomy, 248
General Formal Ontology, 244–5
PROTo ontology, 245–6
Smart Web Integrated Ontology, 247–8
Standard Upper Merged Ontology, 246–7
background, 237–40
Google Scholar results, 239
Swoogie results, 238
categories, 250–2
Basic Formal Ontology, 250
Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering, 250–1
General Formal Ontology, 251
PROTo ontology, 251–2
Standard Upper Merged Ontology, 252
commensurability, 271–7
implications for general theory, 275–7
ontology commensurability matrix, 273–4
conceptual distinctions between ontologies, 280–2
foundational ontologies and their ontological choices, 248
methodologies, 240–1
ontology engineering dialogical account, 257–8
mailing lists analysis, 258–9
quantitative analysis, 259–62
work frequency analysis, 262–3
qualitative analysis, 264–71
Ontolog Forum dialogue map, 264–7
ontological dialogue, 264–7
positions and distinctions, 267–71
Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontology Forum
Author and subject counts, 260
joint contributors to the ontologies surveyed, 260
messages receive, 259
ontology count, 262
word frequency analysis, 283–5
structural features, 249–57
classes, properties, concepts and ratios comparison within ontologies, 249
orientation summary, 257
supplementary data, 278–80
survey, 237–57
top-level classes representation Basic Formal Ontology, 278
Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering ontology, 278
General Formal Ontology, 279
PROTo ontology, 279
Standard Upper Merged Ontology, 280
US Patent Office, 231


Vocabulary Mapping Framework, 465–6
voice-synthesised telephone banking, 113


W2 See World 2
W3 See World 3
Web 2.0, 7, 136
Web 3.0, 492
Web-PDDL, 455, 460
webometrics, 138
weighted average, 355
Wikipedia, 5, 9, 134
word processing, 3, 92
WordNet, 239–40
World 2, 154
World 3, 154
World Intellectual Property Organisation, 470
World Wide Web, 92–3, 220–1, 404
World Wide Web Consortium, 220, 433


Xerox, 216
Xeroxography, 116
XML compliant, 438
XML Schema, 438
XML-based interlanguage approach, 435, 444–53
XML-based interlanguage infrastructure, 463–6
XSL transformations, 452
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