Series ISSN 1939-5221
is volume is a printed version of a work that appears in the Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and
Computer Science. Synthesis Lectures provide concise original presentations of important research and
development topics, published quickly in digital and print formats. For more information, visit our website:
Value Rational Engineering
Shuichi Fukuda, Adviser to System Design and Management Research Institute of Keio University
Early in the 20th century, our world was small and closed with boundaries. And, there were no appreciable changes.
erefore, we could foresee the future. ese days, however, we could apply mathematical rationality and solve problems
without any diculty.
As our world began to expand rapidly and boundaries disappeared, the problem of bounded rationality emerged.
Engineers put forth tremendous eort to overcome this diculty and succeeded in expanding the bounds of mathematical
rationality, thereby establishing the “Controllable World.”
However, our world continues to expand. erefore such an approach can no longer be applied. We have no other
choice than “satiscing” (Herbert A. Simons word, Satisfy + Suce).
is expanding open world brought us frequent and extensive changes which are unpredictable and diversication and
personalization of customer expectations.To cope with these situations, we need diverse knowledge and experience. us, to
satisfy our customers, we need teamwork.
ese changes of environments and situations transformed the meaning of value. It used to mean excellent functions
and exact reproducibility. Now, it means how good and exible we can be to adapt to the situations. us, adaptability is the
value today.
Although these changes were big, and we needed to redene value, a greater shift in engineering is now emerging. e
Internet of ings (IoT) brought us the “Connected Society,” where things are connected. ings include not only products,
but also humans.
As changes are so frequent and extensive, only users know what is happening right now. us, the user in this Connected
Society needs to be a playing manager–he or she should manage to control the product-human team on the pitch.
Moreover, this Connected Society will bring us another big shift in engineering. Engineering in this framework will
become Social Networking, with engineering no longer developing individual products and managing team products.
e Internet works two ways between the sender and the receiver. Our engineering has ever been only one way. us,
how we establish a social networking framework for engineering is a big challenge facing us today. is will change our
engineering. Engineers are expected to develop not only products, but also to dream society.
is book discusses these issues and points out that New Horizons are emerging before us. It is hoped that this book
helps readers explore and establish their own New Worlds.
Value Rational
Shuichi Fukuda
Value Rational Engineering
Synthesis Lectures on
Each book in the series is written by a well known expert in the field. Most titles cover subjects
such as professional development, education, and study skills, as well as basic introductory
undergraduate material and other topics appropriate for a broader and less technical audience.
In addition, the series includes several titles written on very specific topics not covered
elsewhere in the Synthesis Digital Library.
Value Rational Engineering
Shuichi Fukuda
Strategic Cost Fundamentals: for Designers, Engineers, Technologists, Estimators,
Project Managers, and Financial Analysts
Robert C. Creese
Concise Introduction to Cement Chemistry and Manufacturing
Tadele Assefa Aragaw
Data Mining and Market Intelligence: Implications for Decision Making
Mustapha Akinkunmi
Empowering Professional Teaching in Engineering: Sustaining the Scholarship of
John Heywood
e Human Side of Engineering
John Heywood
Geometric Programming for Design Equation Development and Cost/Profit
Optimization (with illustrative case study problems and solutions), ird Edition
Robert C. Creese
Engineering Principles in Everyday Life for Non-Engineers
Saeed Benjamin Niku
A, B, See... in 3D: A Workbook to Improve 3-D Visualization Skills
Dan G. Dimitriu
e Captains of Energy: Systems Dynamics from an Energy Perspective
Vincent C. Prantil and Timothy Decker
Lying by Approximation: e Truth about Finite Element Analysis
Vincent C. Prantil, Christopher Papadopoulos, and Paul D. Gessler
Simplified Models for Assessing Heat and Mass Transfer in Evaporative Towers
Alessandra De Angelis, Onorio Saro, Giulio Lorenzini, Stefano D’Elia, and Marco Medici
e Engineering Design Challenge: A Creative Process
Charles W. Dolan
e Making of Green Engineers: Sustainable Development and the Hybrid Imagination
Andrew Jamison
Crafting Your Research Future: A Guide to Successful Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees in
Science & Engineering
Charles X. Ling and Qiang Yang
Fundamentals of Engineering Economics and Decision Analysis
David L. Whitman and Ronald E. Terry
A Little Book on Teaching: A Beginners Guide for Educators of Engineering and
Applied Science
Steven F. Barrett
Engineering ermodynamics and 21st Century Energy Problems: A Textbook
Companion for Student Engagement
Donna Riley
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