

[1] Aeronautical Radio, Inc. ARINC Characteristics and Specifications for Navigation Equipment. Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee. Annapolis, MD.

[2] Cohen. C. E., et al. Real-time flight testing using integrity beacons for GPS Category III precision landing. Navigation 41:2 (1994): 145–157, Institute of Navigation, Alexandria, VA.

[3] International Civil Aviation Organization. Reports of the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) Committee. Montreal, Canada.

[4] Kelly, R. J., and J. M. Davis. Required navigation performance for precision approach and landing with GNSS application. Navigation 41:1 (1994): 1–30, Institute of Navigation, Alexandria, VA.

[5] RTCA, Inc. Produces Minimum Aviation System Performance Specifications (MASPS) and Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for airborne and ground avionics using DO-xxx report numbers. Washington, D.C.

(a) “Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment,” DO-160D (1997).

(b) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) Equipment,” DO-212, 1992.

[6] U.S. Departments of Transportation and Defense. Federal Radionavigation Plan. Published in even-numbered years. Washington, DC, 175 pp.

[7] U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Advisory Circulars Especially the AC-20-xx and AC-90-xx series on navigation. Washington, DC.

[8] U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Technical Standard Orders TSO-C91 (1985) and TSO C126 (1992). Emergency Locator Transmitter (Most recent issue). Washington, DC.

[9] U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Federal Aviation Regulations. Part 25: Instruments, navigation, lightning protection; Part 91: Rules of flight; Part 97: Standard instrument approach procedures. Updated at irregular intervals. Washington, DC.

[10] U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. Airman's Information Manual. Updated quarterly. Washington, DC.

[11] EUROCAE (European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment). Produces Minimum Performance Specifications (MPS) and Minimum Operational Performance Specifications (MOPS) for airborne and ground avionics using ED-xxx report numbers. Some are issued jointly with RTCA. Paris, France.

[12] Bellamy, J. C. History of pressure pattern navigation. Navigation 43:1 (1996): 1–7, Institute of Navigation, Alexandria, VA.

[13] Bussert, J. C. China's great march toward modernization. Avionics 20:6 (1996): 34–39. Phillips Publishing, Rockville, MD.


[1] Boozer, D. D., and J. R. Fellerhoff. Terrain aided navigation test results in the AFTI/F-16 aircraft. Navigation (Summer 1988): 161–175.

[2] Bowditch. N. The American Practical Navigator. United States Navy, Hydrographic Office, No. 9. Washington, DC. 1995.

[3] Forssell, B. Radio Navigation Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

[4] Goehler, D. J. Future electronic charts and aeronautical databases. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, June 1991, Institute of Navigation, Alexandria, VA.

[5] Golden, J. P. Terrain contour matching (TERCOM): A cruise missile guidance aid. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers 238 (1980): 10–18.

[6] Goodchild. M., D. Maguire, and D. Rhind (eds.). Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications. London: Longmans, 1991.

[7] Hald, A., Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications. New York: Wiley, 1952.

[8] Hinrichs. P. R., Advanced terrain correlation techniques. IEEE Plans Conference, 1976, San Diego, CA. pp. 89–96.

[9] Hsu, D. Y. Closed-form solution for geodetic coordinate transformations. Proceedings of the National Technical Meeting of the ION, January 1992, pp. 397–400.

[10] Kayton, M. Coordinate frames in inertial navigation, 2 vols. MIT Draper Laboratory Report T-260. Cambridge, MA, 1960.

[11] Kovalesky, J., I. Mueller, and I. Kolaczek. Reference Frames in Astronomy and Geophysics. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989.

[12] Massatt, P., and K. Rudnick. Geometric formulas for dilution of precision calculations. Navigation: 37, 4 (Winter 1990–91): 379–391.

[13] McDonnell. P. W. Introduction to Map Projections, 2d ed. New York, M. Dekker, 1991. 174 pp.

[14] Pierce, B. O. A Short Table of Integrals. Boston: Ginn, 1929.

[15] Schwartz, C. (ed). North American Datum of 1983. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

[16] Torge. W. Geodesy, 2d ed. Berlin, deGruyter, 1991, 264 pp.

[17] U.S. Departments of Transportation and Defense. Federal Radionavigation Plan. Published in even years. Washington, DC.

[18] U.S. Defense Mapping Agency. Geodetic Distance and Azimuth Computations for Lines over 500 Miles. ACIC Report 80. Washington, DC, 1959.

[19] U.S. Defense Mapping Agency. Product Specification for ARC Digitized Raster Graphics. ACIC Report PS/2DJ/100, Washington, DC, 1989.

[20] U.S. Defense Mapping Agency. World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)—Its Definition and Relationship with Local Geodetic Systems. Maryfield, VA: Washington, DC. 1991.

[21] Global Positioning System Standard Positioning Service: Signal Specification, 2d ed. Los Angeles, CA: U.S. Air Force Space Division. March 1995.

[22] White, M. Technical requirements and standards for a multipurpose geographic data system. The American Cartographer 11(1984): 15–26.

[23] Zhu, J. Conversion of Earth-centered Earth-fixed to geodetic coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 30, 3 (July 1994): 957–961.

[24] RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC.

(a) “Preparation, Verification, and Distribution of User-Selectable Navigation Data Bases,” DO-200, 1988.

(b) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Area Navigation Equipment Using Multi-Sensor Inputs,” DO-187, 1984.

(c) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Area Navigation Equipment Using a Single Colocated VOR/DME Sensor Input,” D0-180A, 1990.

(d) “Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, DO-178D 1997.

[25] EUROCAE Paris, France.

(a) “Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne Area Navigation Computing Equipment Based on VOR and DME as Sensors,” ED-28, 1982.

(b) “Minimum Operational Performance Requirement for Airborne Area Navigation Systems Based on Two DME as Sensors.” ED-39, 1984.

(c) “Minimum Operational Performance Requirement for Area Navigation Equipment Using Multi-Sensor Inputs,” ED-58, 1988.

[26] Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC), Annapolis, MD.

(a) ARINC Characteristic 424-13 “Navigation System Data Base,” November 1998

(b) ARINC Characteristic 652 “Guidance for Avionics Software Management,” January 1993.


[1] Kalman, R. E. A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering (March 1960).

[2] Huddle, J. R. Applications of Kalman filtering theory to augmented inertial navigation systems. NATO-AGARDograph 139 (February 1970): ch. 11.

[3] Brown. R. G., and D. T. Friest. Optimization of a hybrid inertial solar-tracker navigation system. 1964 IEEE International Convention Record, pt. 7.

[4] Bona, B. E., and R. J. Smay. Optimum reset of ship's inertial navigation system. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-2, no. 4 (July 1966).

[5] Meditch, J. S. Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

[6] Brown, R. G., and P. Y. C. Hwang. Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering, 2d ed. New York: Wiley, 1992.

[7] Maybeck, P. S. Stochastic Models, Estimation and Control, vol. 1. New York: Academic Press, 1979.

[8] Van Dierendonck, A. J., J. B. McGraw, and R. G. Brown. Relationship between Allan variances and Kalman filter parameters. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Precises Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, November 27–19, 1984.

[9] Ausman, J. S. A Kalman filter mechanization for the baro-inertial vertical channel. Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA. June 1991, pp. 153–159.

[10] Bierman, G. J. Factorization Methods for Discrete Sequential Estimation. New York: Academic Press, 1977.

[11] Anoll, R. K. Integrated GPS/Loran-C receivers: A perspective on user acceptance, integration schemes, and certification status. Proceedings of the 1994 National Technical Meeting, Institute of Navigation, January 24–26, 1994.

[12] Buell, H., and A. Hunton. Development of an advanced system for helicopter applications. Proceedings of the 1994 National Technical Meeting, Institute of Navigation, San Diego, CA, January 24–26, 1994.

[13] Carlson, N. A., and M. P. Berarducci. Federated Kalman filter simulation results. Institute of Navigation 41, 3(Fall 1994): 297–321.

[14] Enge, P. K., and McCullough, J. R. Aiding GPS with calibrated Loran-C. Institute of Navigation 35, 4 (Winter 1988–89): 469–82.

[15] Per Enge, et al. Combining pseudoranges from GPS and Loran-C for air navigation. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 37, 1 (Spring 1990).


[1] Alford, A. Variable frequency radio beacon. U.S. Patent 2,241,897. May 13, 1941.

[2] Alford, A., and A. G. Kandoian. Ultra-high-frequency loop antennae. Electrical Communication 18, 5 (April 1940).

[3] Anderson, S. R., and R. B. Flint. The CAA Doppler omnirange. Proceedings of the IRE 47, 5 (May 1959).

[4] Britting, K. R. Inertial Navigation Systems Analysis. New York: Wiley-Inter-science, 1971.

[5] Bose, K. W. Aviation Electronics. Casper, WY: IAP. Inc., 1983. Wild Goose Assocation. Loran-C system description. Radionavigation Journal, 1975 and 1976.

[6] Bourasseau, S. Differential Omega in Indonesia. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Internationa! Omega Association, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, September 1990.

[7] Colin, R. I., and S. H. Dodington. Principles of Tacan. Electrical Communication 33, 1 (March 1956).

[8] DeGroot, L. E. Navigation and control from Loran-C. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 11, 3 (Autumn 1964).

[9] Doherty, R. H., G. Heffley, and R. F. Linfieid. Timing potentials of Loran-C. Proceedings of the IRE 49. 11 (November 1961).

[10] Durbin. E. Current developments in the Loran-C system. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation (U.S.) 9, 2 (Summer 1962).

[11] Frank, R. L., and A. H. Phillips. Digital Loran-C receiver uses microcircuits. Electronics 37 (January 31, 1964).

[12] Gupta. R., S. Donnelly. P. Morris, and R. Vence, Jr. Omega system 10.2 kHz signal coverage diagrams. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Internal Omega Association, Bergen, Norway, August 1980.

[13] Gupta, R., and P. Morris. Overview of Omega signal coverage. In AGARDograph No. 314, Analysis, Design, and Synthesis Methods for Guidance and Control Systems, ed. C. Leondes, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, June 1990.

[14] Hawkins, H. E., and O. LaPlant. Radar performance degradation in fog and rain. IRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics 6, 1 (March 1959).

[15] Henney, K. (ed.). Radio Engineering Handbook (section on Aviation Electronics by A. Casabona), New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959.

[16] Hildebrand, V. Omega validation highlights. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Long Beach, CA, October 1989.

[17] Hurley, H. C., S. R. Anderson, and H. F. Keany. The CAA VHF Omnirange. Proceedings of the IRE 39, 12 (December 1951).

[18] Johler, J. R. The Propagation Time of a Radio Pulse. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation II, 4 (November 1963).

[19] Kraus, J. D. Antennas. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.

[20] Litchford, G., and J. Saganowich. An Omega/transponder display system. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Quebec City, Canada, August 1986.

[21] Metz, H. I. International short distance navigation—after the ICAO February Meeting. Proceedings of the National Aeronautical Electronics Conference, Dayton, OH, 1959.

[22] Morris, P., and M. Cha. Omega propagation corrections: Background and computational algorithm. Report ONSOD 01-74. U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC. December 1974.

[23] Morris, P., and E. Swanson. New coefficients for the Swanson propagation correction model. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Bergen, Norway, August 1980.

[24] Morris, P. Omega system availability as a global measure of navigation accuracy. Report no. CG-ONSCEN-05-90. National Technical Information Service, no. AD-A229492, 1990.

[25] Morris, P., and R. Gupta. New approach to Omega PPCs. Report no. CG-ONSCEN-03-92. U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, DC. February 1992.

[26] Nard, G. P., 1980, Differential Omega navigation and equipments. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, San Diego, CA, September 1979.

[27] Panter, R. Modulation, Noise and Spectro-analysis Applied to Information Transmission. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

[28] Peterson, B., K. Gross, E. Chamberlin, and T. Montague. Integrated CIS VLF/Omega receiver design. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 8, 1 (January 1993).

[29] Pierce, J. The use of composite signals at very low radio frequencies. Harvard University Engineering and Applied Physics Division Technical Report 552, February 1968.

[30] Poritsky, P. (ed.). Special Issue on VOR/DME. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics 12, 1 (March 1965).

[31] Powell, C. The Decca navigator system for ship and aircraft use. Proceedings of the 1EE, England, 105, suppl., March 1968.

[32] Reynolds, P. Pan American World Airways Omega experience. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association. San Diego, CA. September 1979.

[33] Sakran, C. U.S. Navy flight test results with the LTN-211 ONS. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Montreal, Canada, August 1981.

[34] Samaddar, S. N. The Theory of Loran-C ground wave propagation—A review. Journal of the Institute of Navigation 26, 3 (Fall 1979).

[35] Reference Data for Engineers: Radio, Electronics, Computer and Communications, 7th ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sams, Howard W. & Co., 1985.

[36] Skolnik, M. I. Introduction to Radar Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.

[37] Swanson. E. A new approach to Omega coverage diagrams. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1983.

[38] Terman. F. E. Radio Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1947.

[39] Warren, R., K. Tench, R. Gupta, and P. Morris. Omega ACCESS: A microcomputer display of Omega signal coverage diagrams. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Omega Association, Quebec City, Canada, August 1986.

[40] Watt, A. VLF Radio Engineering. International Series of Monographs in Electromagnetic Waves, vol. 14. London: Pergamon Press, 1967.

[41] Westling, G. R. Joint Soviet/American Loran operations, The Bering Sea chain. IEEE Position, Location and Navigation and Symposium, 1988.

[42] Westman, H. P. (ed.). Reference Data for Radio Engineers. New York: International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., 1956.

[43] U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard. Omega Navigation System User's Guide. COMDTPUB P1656.3. Washington, DC, 3 July 1990.

[44] U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Specification of the Transmitted Loran-C Signal. Washington, DC, 29 May 1990.

[45] Per Enge, et al. Combining pseudoranges from GPS and Loran-C for air navigation. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 37, 1 (Spring 1990).

[46] Anoll, R. K. Integrated GPS/Loran-C receivers: A perspective on user acceptance, integration schemes, and certification, status. Proceedings of the 1994 National Technical Meeting, Institute of Navigation, January 24–26, 1994, San Diego, CA.

[47] Enge, P. K., and J. R. McCullough. Aiding GPS with calibrated Loran-C. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 34, 4 (Winter 1988–89): 469–482.

[48] U.S. Departments of Defense and Transportation. 1994 Federal Radionavigation Plan, DOT-VNTSC-RSPA-95-1/DOD-4650.5. Washington. DC, 1994.

[49] RTCA, Inc. Washington, DC.

(a) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment.” DO-196, 1986.

(b) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Area Navigation Equipment Using Loran-C Inputs,” DO-194, 1986.

(c) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne DME,” DO-189, 1985.

(d) “Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne ADF Equipment.” DO-179, 1982.

(e) “Minimum Performance Standards for Airborne Omega Receiving Equipment.” DO-164A, 1979.

(f) “Minimum Performance Standards for Airborne Radio Marker Receiving Equipment,” DO-143, 1970.

[50] EUROCAE, Paris, France.

(a) “Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne VOR Receiving Equipment,” ED-22B, 1988.

(b) “Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne Omega Navigation Equipment,” ED-29, 1977.

(c) “Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne ILS Receiving Equipment (Localiser),” ED-46A, 1988.

(d) “Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne ILS Receiving Equipment (Glide Path),” ED-47A, 1988.

(e) “Minimum Performance Specification for Conventional and Doppler VHF Omnirange, Ground Equipment.” ED-52, 1984.

(f) “Minimum Operational Performance Requirements for DME Interrogators” ED-54, 1987.

(g) “Minimum Performance Specification for DME Ground Equipment,” ED-57, 1986.


[1] International Civil Aviation Organization. Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems, Fourth Meeting, Doc. 9524, FANS/4, Montreal, May 2–20, 1988.

[2] RTCA, Inc. RTCA Task Force Report on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Transition and Implementation Strategy, Washington, DC, September 1992.

[3] Stansell, T. A. The Transit Navigation Satellite System—Status, Theory, Performance, Applications. Magnavox Government and Industrial Electronics Company, 1978.

[4] Danchik, R. J. Navy navigation satellite system status. Record of the Position Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS '88. Orlando, FL, November 29–December 2, 1988, pp. 21–24.

[5] Chobotov, V. A. (ed.). Orbital Mechanics. AIAA Education Series, Washington, DC: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1991.

[6] Kopitzke, E. NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Satellite Navigation Ephemeris Algorithm. Magnavox Government and Industrial Electronics Company Report R-5226, December 19, 1975.

[7] ARINC Research Corporation. ICD-GPS-200B-PR, NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces (Public Release Version). Fountain Valley, CA, July 3, 1991.

[8] U. S. Department of Defense. Global Positioning System Standard Positioning Service Signal Specification. Washington, DC, June 2, 1995.

[9] U.S. Department of the Air Force, Headquarters Space Division (AFSC) SD/YED. NAVSTAR Global Positioning System User Equipment Relevant World Geodetic System 1984 Technical Data Package, Los Angeles, December 2, 1986.

[10] Blair, B. E. (ed.). Time and Frequency, Theory and Fundamentals. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140. Boulder, CO, May 1974.

[11] Barnes. J. A. Models for the Interpretation of Frequency Stability Parameters. National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 683. Boulder, CO, August 1976.

[12] Van Dierendonck, A. J., J. B. McGraw, and R. G. Brown. Relationship between Allan variances and Kalman filter parameters. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, November 27–29, 1984, pp. 273–293.

[13] Klobuchar, J. A. Ionospheric effects on GPS. GPS World. Eugene, OR, April 1991, pp. 48–51.

[14] Boithias, L. Radio Wave Propagation, transl. by D. Beeson. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

[15] Chao, C. C. The Tropospheric Calibration Model for Mariner Mars 1971. JPL Technical Report 32-1587, vol. 14. 1974.

[16] Parkinson, B. W., and S. W. Gilbert. NAVSTAR: Global positioning system—Ten years later. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 71, no. 10, October 1983, New York, NY, pp. 1177–1186.

[17] Van Melle, M. Cesium and rubidium frequency standard status and performance on the GPS program. Proceedings of ION GPS-90, Third International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Colorado Springs, CO, September 19–21, 1990, pp. 123–137.

[18] Spilker, J. J., Jr. GPS signal structure and performance characteristics. Global Positioning System, vol. 1. Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation, 1980, pp. 29–54.

[19] Campbell, S. D., and R. R. LaFrey. Flight test results for an experimental GPS C/A-code receiver in a general aviation aircraft. Global Positioning System, vol. 2. Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation, 1984, pp. 239–257.

[20] Kalafus, R. M., J. Vilcans, and N. Knable. Differential Operation of NAVSTAR GPS. Global Positioning System, vol. 2. Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation, 1984, pp. 197–214.

[21] McNeff, J. G. GPS signal policy. Proceedings of ION GPS-9I, Fourth International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Albuquerque, September 11–13, 1991, pp. 33–37.

[22] Leach, M. P., M. A. Cardoza, and K. A. Duff. Assessment of GPS receiver performance in the presence of A-S. Proceedings of the 1993 National Technical Meeting, the Institute of Navigation, January 20–22, 1993, pp. 613–622.

[23] Van Dierendonck, A. J., Understanding GPS receiver terminology: A tutorial. GPS World, Eugene, OR, January 1995, pp. 34–44.

[24] U.S. Department of Transportation and Department of Defense. 1992 Federal Radio Navigation Plan, Washington, DC, January 1993.

[25] Martinez, R. Global Positioning System (GPS) Status Briefing. RTCA Paper 316-93/SC159-453. Washington, DC, July 16, 1993.

[26] Milliken, R. J., and C. J. Zoller. Principle of operation of NAVSTAR and system characteristics. Global Positioning System, vol. 1. Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation. 1980, pp. 3–14.

[27] Durand, J. M., et al. GPS availability. Part 1: Availability of service achievable for different categories of civil users. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 37, 2 (Summer 1990): 123–139.

[28] Durand, J. M., and A. Caseau. GPS availability. Part II: Evaluation of state probabilities for 21 and 24 satellite constellations. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 37, 3 (Fall 1990): 285–296.

[29] Phlong, W. S., and B. D. Elrod. Availability characteristics of GPS and augmention alternatives. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 40, 4 (Winter 1993–94): pp. 409–128.

[30] Sams, M., A. J. Van Dierendonck, and Q. Hua. Satellite navigation accuracy and availability modeling as an air traffic management tool. Proceedings of the 1995 National Technical Meeting, the Institute of Navigation, Anaheim, CA, January 18–20, 1995.

[31] Francisco, S. G. Operational control segment of the global positioning system. Record of Position Location and Navigation Symposium PLANS '84, San Diego, November 26–29, 1984, pp. 51–58.

[32] Nagle, J. R., A. J. Van Dierendonck, and Q. D. Hua. Inmarsat-3 navigation signal C/A-code selection and interference analysis, Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 39, 4 (Winter 1992–93): 445–61.

[33] Dixon, R. C. Spread Spectrum Systems, 2d ed. New York: Wiley 1984.

[34] Van Dierendonck, A. J., S. S. Russell, E. R. Kopitzke, and M. Birnbaum. The GPS navigation message. Global Positioning System, vol. 1, Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation, 1980, pp. 55–73.

[35] Jorgensen, P. S. Relativity correction in GPS user equipment. Record of the Position Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS '86, Las Vegas, November 4–7, 1986, pp. 177–183.

[36] Klobuchar, J. A. Design and characteristics of the GPS ionospheric time delay algorithm for single frequency users. Record of the Position Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS '86, Las Vegas, November 4–7, 1986, pp. 280–286.

[37] Feess, W. W., and S. G. Stephens. Evaluation of GPS ionospheric time delay algorithm for single frequency users. Record of the Position Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS 86, Las Vegas, November 4–7, 1986, pp. 206–213.

[38] Bartholomew, R. G., K. L. Nelson, L. S. Snow-Sollum, and K. L. Therkelsen. Software architecture of the family of DoD standard GPS receivers. Proceedings of the Satellite Division First Technical Meeting, the Institute of Navigation Satellite Division, Colorado Springs, CO, September 21–25, 1987, pp. 23–35.

[39] U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). TSO-C129, Technical Standing Order, Airborne Supplemental Navigation Equipment Using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Washington, DC, 1992.

[40] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Supplemental Navigation Equipment Using Global Positioning System (GPS). Document No. RTCA/D0-208, Prepared by SC-159, July 1991, including change 1, 1993. Washington, DC.

[41] RTCA, Inc. Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards, DGNSS Instrument Approach System: Special Category I (SCAT-1). Document No. RTCA/DO-217. Prepared by SC-159, August 27, 1993. Washington, DC.

[42] Aeronautical Radio, Inc. ARINC Characteristic 743A-1 GNSS Sensor. Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering committee, November 8, 1993. Annapolis, MD.

[43] Fenton, P., B. Falkenberg, T. Ford, K. Ng, and A. J. Van Dierendonck. NovAtel's GPS receiver—The high performance OEM sensor of the future. Proceedings of ION GPS-91, Fourth International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Albuquerque, September 11–13, 1991, pp. 49–58.

[44] Van Dierendonck, A. J., P. Fenton, and T. Ford. Theory and performance of narrow correlator spacing in a GPS receiver. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation. 39, 3 (Fall 1992): 265–283.

[45] Chang, H. Presampling filtering, sampling and quantization effects on digital matched filter performance. Proceedings of the International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, 1982, pp. 889–915.

[46] Turin, G. L. An introduction to digital matched filters. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 64, no. 7, July 1976, pp. 1092–1112.

[47] Lim, T. L. Noncoherent digital matched filters: Multi-bit quantization. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-26, no. 4, April 1978, pp. 409–419.

[48] Amoroso, F. Adaptive A/D converter to suppress CW interference in spread spectrum communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications 31, 10 (October 1983): 1117–1123.

[49] Amoroso, F., and J. L. Bricker. Performance of the adaptive A/D converter in combined CW and Gaussian interference. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-34, no. 3, March 1986, pp. 209–213.

[50] Bricker, J. L. Mathematical methodology for performance analysis in combined CW and Gaussian interference. MILCOM '84 Conference Record, October 1984, pp. 39.2.1–39.2.7.

[51] Litton Guidance and Control Systems. Data Sheet for the Global Positioning Guidance Package, Woodland Hills, CA, 1992.

[52] NAVSTAR GPS Joint Program Office. Specification for NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) Miniaturized Airborne GPS Receiver (MAGR). Final draft. Specification No. CI-MAGR-300, Code Identification: 07868, March 30, 1990.

[53] NAVSTAR GPS Joint Program Office. Guidelines for NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) Embedded GPS Receiver (EGR) Applications. GPS-EGR-600. Code Identification: 07868, April 30, 1992.

[54] Latterman, D., E. Emile, and C. A. Wu. Guidelines for NAVSTAR GPS embedded receiver applications. Proceedings of the National Technical Meeting, the Institute of Navigation, San Diego, January 27–29, 1992, pp. 81–88.

[55] Frank, G. B., and M. D. Yakos. Collins next generation digital GPS receiver. Record of IEEE PLANS '90 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Las Vegas, March 21–23, 1990, pp. 286–292.

[56] Private communication with Ken Plate of Dome & Margolin, 1992.

[57] Gray, D. E., and D. C. Forseth. Rockwell International's miniature high performance GPS receiver. Proceedings of ION GPS-89, Second International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Colorado Springs, CO, September 27–29, 1989, pp. 207–216.

[58] Rambo, J. C. Receiver processing software design of the Rockwell International DoD standard GPS receivers. Proceedings of ION GPS-89, Second International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Colorado Springs, CO, September 27–29, 1989, pp. 217–225.

[59] Moen, V., S. Rankin, J. Kacirek, and R. Bartholomew. Design, capabilities and performance of the miniaturized airborne GPS receiver. Record of IEEE PLANS '92 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Monterey, CA, March 25–27, 1992, pp. 290–297.

[60] Karicek, J. L., and R. G. Bartholomew. Signal acquisition and tracking in the DoD standard miniaturized airborne GPS receiver. Proceedings of the Forty-Eight Annual Meeting, the Institute of Navigation, Washington, DC, June 29–July 1, 1992. pp. 53–61.

[61] Johnson, C. R., P. W. Ward, M. D. Turner, and S. D. Roemerman. Applications of a multiplexed GPS user set. Global Positioning System, vol. 2. Washington, DC: Institute of Navigation, 1984, pp. 61–77.

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[1] Kelly, R. J., and J. M. Davis. Required navigation performance (RNP) for precision approach and landing with GNSS application. Navigation 41, 1 (Spring 1994).

[2] Directorate of All Weather Operations. National Air Traffic Service (U.K.). Internal memos of various dates in 1982.

[3] Correspondence titled “RVR Statistiek” from A. J. G. J. Brakke, Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, Hoofdorp, The Netherlands, November 1994.

[4] The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), headquartered in Montreal, an entity of the United Nations, maintains various Annexes to the (Chicago) Convention on International Civil Aviation that promulgate standards and recommended practices (SARPs) to ensure ground/air avionics interoperability. In addition a large number of manuals and other documents provide guidance on implementing and operating most aspects of the civil aviation infrastructure:

(a) Annex 10, Aeronautical Telecommunications, vol. 1, 4th ed., April 1985

(b) Annex 14, Aerodromes, 8th ed., March 1983

(c) Doc 9365, Manual of All Weather Operations, Second. Ed., 1991

(d) Operational requirements for a new non-visual precision approach and landing guidance system for international civil aviation, Report of the 7th Air Navigation Conference, 1974

(e) Report of the All Weather Operations Divisional Meeting (AWO 78), Doc 9242, 1978

(f) Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the All Weather Operations Panel, October 1994

(g) Proposed Operational Requirements for Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control Systems (A-SMGCS), European Air Navigation Planning Group, Draft 6, October 1994.

[5] Federal Aviation Administration: Washington, D.C.

(a) Advisory Circular 120-29, Criteria for Approving Category I and Category II Landing Minima for FAR121 Operations, September 1970

(b) Advisory Circular 120-28c, Criteria for Approval of Category III Landing Weather Minima, March 1984

(c) Advisory Circular 20-57A, Automatic Landing Systems, January 1971

(d) Handbook 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), 3d ed., July 1976, reprinted August 1993.

(e) Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), current edition

(f) GPS Implementation Plan for Air Navigation and Landing, August 1994.

(g) Order 6750.54, Electronic Installation and Instructions for Instrument Landing System (ILS) Facilities. Dec. 17, 1993. pp. 20. Washington, DC.

[6] Instrument Approach Procedure Charts. Published by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and by the USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center at two-week intervals.

[7] Litchford, G. B. The 100 ft barrier. Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA (July 1964): 58–65.

[8] AIAA/ION Guidance and Control Conference Proceedings, August 1965:

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[1] U.S. Department of the Navy. Advanced avionics architecture and technology review. Final report. U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command, August 1993.

[2] Aeronautical Radio, Inc. ARINC 429 Digital Information Transfer System. Annapolis, MD. 1993.

[3] Spitzer, C. R. Digital Avionics Systems, 2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

[4] RTCA, Inc. DO-160 Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. Washington, DC, 1989.

[5] MIL-STD-1553 Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Bus, September 1986.

[6] MIL-STD-704 Aircraft Electrical Power Characteristics, May 1991.

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