Use this index in conjunction with the Table of Contents. Acronyms are defined in italics. Listings are under the noun except where an expression is commonly used, in which case the listing is under the adjective (e.g., Kalman filter or multisensor navigation). When navigation is the noun, the listing is under the adjective or the navaid. Some expressions are listed only under the acronym (e.g., FIR, FANS, AGC). Page numbers lead the reader to the vicinity of the topic in the book but not necessarily to all pages on which the expression occurs.

A-6, 530, 538

A-200, 605

AAMP microprocessor, 247

Aberration, image, 566, 587

Aborted landing, see Bolter; Missed approach

Aborted takeoff, 7

Absolute position:

defined, 1, 114, 283

Absorption, see Atmosphere

Absorption ratio, 101

A/C aircraft


deck heave, 631

effect on gyro drift rate, 345

effect on oscillators, 233

GPS limit, 248

inertial equations, 365 ff

VG correction, 434436

See also Accelerometer; Vibration


bias estimation, 87

cross-coupling, 320, 323

description, 317324

electrolytic level, 429

error model, 323324

flexure pivot, 317, 319321

flight control, 324

floated, 320

hysteresis, 321

gravity level, 428429

micromachined, 321322

multiaxis, 323

pendulum, 319

PIGA, 323

pulse-rebalance, 326

rectification in, 323

testing, 324

thermal effects, 323

vibrating beam, 322

vibration effects, 320

Accident rate, autoland, 597598

Accuracy, see Error

ACID, aircraft identification code, 665, 675

ACLS, automatic carrier landing system, 633


air data, 417

gyroscope, 348

target detector, 6


GPS code, 216

Loran, 151

radar target, 505

star, 574

A/D, analog-digital

Ada, 51, 539

Adaptive control, see Filter

ADC, see Analog-digital converter

ADC, air-data computer, 409411

Adcock loop, 119

ADDSI, Army data distribution system interface, 311

ADF, airborne direction finder, 117

ADIZ, Air Defense Identification Zone

ADS, see Automatic dependent surveillance

Advisory Circulars, see FAA,

AE, antenna electronics, 245

AEEC, Airline Electronic Engineering Committee

AERA, automated en-route ATC, 679

Aeronautical Radio, Inc., see ARINC

Aeronautical Telecommunications Network, 671

Aerosols, 419

AFCS, automatic flight control system

Africa, 167

AFSCF, Air Force Satellite Control Facility, US, 208

AGC, automatic gain control, 233, 247, 507

AGL, above ground level

AGR, air-to-ground ranging, 504

AH, alert height, 599

AH-1 helicopter, 417

AH-64D helicopter, 415

AHRS, attitude and heading reference system:

complex dg/vg, 426, 430, 433436

with Doppler radar, 450

with GPS, 347

gyroscopes for, 325

with magnetic compass, 443

with navcom, 14

simple inertial, 389

AIM, Airman's Information Manual, 645

Air, properties, see Atmosphere; Ionosphere; Troposphere; Weather

Airbus HUD, 637

Air carrier, 3, 96, 656, 676

Air Carrier Operating Certificate, 644

Aircraft, types, 37, 659

Aircraft carrier:

alignment, INS, 377

deck dimensions, 630631

deck motion, 631

operations, 631632

optical landing aid, 633634

landing systems, 630 ff

Tacan, 633, 636

Air data:

boom, 395

computer, 409411

distributed ports, 421

helicopter, 413 ff

history, 400

hypersonic, 421

optical, 418 ff

smart probes, 424

system, 393 ff

Air Force, see United States


capacity, 681

control tower, 655

cornerpost fix, 659

ILS installation, 608, 618

lighting, 600601, 651

reliever, 681

sensitive area, 620

surface detection radar, 604

surface navigation, 9, 605, 638

surface reflection, 619

surveillance radar, 664667, 683

traffic control, 642 ff

See also Approach: Departure; Ground control; Runway


capacity, 681

Class A and B, 645

controlled, 644645

oceanic control area, 680681

organization of, 645646

positive control, 645

special use, 646

terminal control, 645, 655

uncontrolled, 645646

US airway system, 646649

See also Air traffic management


calibrated, 397, 406407

damping of INS, 6768

during carrier landing, 631

equivalent, 397

“hold,” 15

indicated, 397

Mach calculation, 405

true, 407, 418

Air traffic management, 642 ff

advisory, 658, 670, 686

alert, 686

blocks, 12

China, 13

display, 673675

oceanic, 12, 13, 660661

positive control, 12, 645

procedural, 13

radar, 12, 664667

railroad precedent, 13

Russia, 1213

undeveloped areas, 13

vs. on-board, 675676

See also Airport; Airspace; Capacity; Landing; Mode-C; Separation


area navigation, 4243

dimensions, 646649

jet route, 646

low altitude, 646

steering, 4142

US structure, 646649

Victor, 646

AJ, anti-jam, 230. See also Jamming

ALA-52, 497


limit, 266

navaid integrity, 11

radar, false, 540

star selection, 583

Alaska, 152

Aliasing, 247


conflict, 678

flag, GPS, 221

height, 599

limit, GNSS, 263, 266

TCAS, 684

Alford loop, 123124

Alignment, 317 ff

avionics, 703

azimuth, 86

directional gyro, 446

coarse, 382

fine, 383

gyrocompassing, 384 ff

maneuver-match, 388

memory, 381

numerical example, 392

optical, 381

preflight, 592

runway, 381

stellar-inertial, 560, 592593

transfer, 380388, 446

vertical gyro, 446

See also Calibration

Allan variance, 190192, 208

Allied Signal, 497



GPS, 220, 224225

star, 556

Alpheratz, 571, 573


baro-inertial, 297, 375

barometric, 11, 644

for approach, 600

for traffic control, 644

in celestial navigator, 575

GPS-inertial, 86

inertial, 374

Mode-C, 665667

pressure, 394, 396

radar, 494498

radar landing, 599, 606

setting, 405, 644

terrain-matching, 37, 491


astronomical, 556

ATM display, 658

baro-inertial, 375

density, 404

indicated, 644

inertial, 374

hole, radar, 481

pressure, 394, 644

star (angular), 556

See also Minimum altitude

Altitude rate, air data, 407

Ambiguity, navaid, 11, 115


low noise, 232, 493

TWT, 546

AN/x, U.S. military designation, see x

Analog-digital converters:

accelerometer, 320

air data, 402

frequency-to-digital, 486487

GPS, 246247

radar, 507, 516, 548

Anchorage, 681


early flight, 19

rotating, 414

Aneroid, see Altimeter; Barometric

Angle of attack:

defined, 30, 399 ff

landing, 603

probe, 395

Angle of sideslip, 399 ff

Aniso-inertia, 343


magnetic, 437

orbital, 187

Antarctic, 503


Adcock, 119

aperture, 101

array, GPS, 204

ATM radar, 665

beam shaping, 483, 513

body-fixed, 456457, 474

boresight, 515516

controlled reception pattern, 230

dipole, 99 ff

directivity, 101

DME airborne, 131

drift-stabilized, 459

electronic scan, 528, 546547

elevation pattern, 507

end-fire glide slope, 617

farm, 4

fixed radiation pattern, 215

focused, 516517

glide slope, 616617

GPS airborne, 238, 245

GPS ground, 208

GPS requirements, 230

GPS satellite, 204

isotropic radiator, 101

Janus, 454

leakage, 465, 493

localizer, 613614

location for GPS pseudolite, 278

log periodic, 613

loop, 117119

Loran transmitter, 147

marker beacon, 121

mechanically scanned, 622

MLS airborne, 626

MLS ground, 622623

monopulse, 483, 511, 525, 538

near field, 463

nulls, 110

Omega airborne, 169

Omega ground station, 156

phase center, 511

principles, 99103

pseudolite, 278

radar altimeter, 492

radiated power, 102

SAR pattern, 513

SAR radar, 512

scanned array 546547

sense, 118119

slotted array, 480

SPN-46, 635

Tacan, 134

transponder, 665

wave-guide glide slope, 616

See also Aperture; Beam configuration; Centroid; Polarization

See also each navaid

Antenna placement:

aircraft, 4

aircraft carrier, 632

Antenna, stabilized:

horizontally, 134, 459, 474, 636

track-stabilized, 457, 459

Anti-jam, 230, See also Jamming

Anti-spoofing, 198, 304

AOC, auxiliary output chip, 248

AOR, Atlantic Ocean Region, 270

APD, automated problem detection, 679


antenna, 101

effective area, 101

SAR, 517

telescope, 565

APN-81, 490

APN-154, 634

APN-194, 493

APN-202, 634

Apogee, satellite, 186

Apollo, 450


alarm, 11

back course, 613

controller, 655

converging, 683684

coupled, 609

crab angle, 603

description, 8

fix, 8

front course, 613

GPS, 202, 251, 628630

ground-controlled, 613, 636

initial, 652653

instrument, 652

landing, 600601

missed, 9, 599

navaids allowed, 652

non-precision, 8, 600, 662

parallel, 682683

radar, 662

routes, 659

segments, 652654

sink rate, 600

terminal area, 6

terminal VOR, 646

visual, 651

See also Approach; Precision; Landing; Missed approach; PAR

Approach, precision, 600607

GPS, 235

procedures, 654, 659660, 662

See also Category of landing: ILS; PAR

APQ, available position quality, 299

APR, automated problem resolution, 679

Apsides of orbit, 186

Architecture, system:

air data, 412

avionics, 1718

central, 18, 94, 283, 489

decentralized, 9394, 283

distributed, 412

federated, 9394

Arctic navigation, 13, 503

Area navigation, see RNAV

Argentina, 152

Aries, 553, 576

ARINC, Aeronautical Radio Inc.:

air data, 725

characteristics, 19

DME, 628

Doppler radar, 730

GPS receiver, 235, 711, 736

ILS receiver, 608, 619, 736

inertial navigator, 364, 724

marker beacon, 619

MLS, 621, 736

multimode receiver, 638

navigation, 705, 707

software, 51

See also each navaid

ARINC-429 data bus, 693

air data, 409

GPS, 234

ARINC-600, 702

ARINC-629 data bus, 694

air data, 409, 413

Army, see United States

Arrival, see Approach

ARSR, air route surveillance radar, 677

ARTCC, air route traffic control center, 677678, 681

Artificial horizon, 11

A-S, anti-spoofing, 198, 235, 248

Ascension Island, 208

ASDE, airport surface detection radar, 604

ASF, additional secondary phase factor, Loran, 143

ASN-157, 490

ASR, airport surveillance radar, 679

Astrocompass, 446

Astrodome, 3

ATC, air-traffic control, 642 ff

ATCSCC, air traffic control system command center, 677

ATCT, airport traffic control tower, 677, 679

ATE, automatic test equipment, see Testing

ATIS, automatic terminal information service, 657, 660, 670, 680

Atlantic Ocean, 13, 152, 270, 651, 680

ATM, air-traffic management, 642


absorption, 109

attenuation in fog, 109

attenuation in rain, 109

background light, 568572

density, 397, 404

ground wave, 104106

radio noise, 105

refraction, L-band, 298

refraction, optical, 35, 578

sky wave, 106108

specific heat ratio, 397

standard, aerodynamic, 397, 644

standard, refraction, 196

turbulence, 513, 578

See also Ionosphere; Troposphere

ATN, Aeronautical Telecommunications Network 671

ATR, Austin-Trumbull radio rack


“hold,” 15

inertial, 315316

integration, 349

vertical gyro, 431434

Augmentation, GPS, 268 ff

Australia, 158, 197, 621

Autocorrelation, see Correlation; Noise

Automatic dependent surveillance, 1, 13, 650, 660, 667669, 687

Autofocus, SAR, 520

Autoland, 605 ff


ATM, 608, 673675

cockpit, 17

navaid, 11

See also Fault tolerance and each navaid

Autonomy, navaid, 9

Autopilot, see Flight control

Autothrottle, 599, 675

AV-8, 245, 636


ATM, 663

GNSS, 262263

GPS, 202203, 663

landing, 629

Loran, 144

navaids, 11, 115

WAAS, 273274

See also Reliability; SA


air carrier, 3, 96, 656

general, 3, 682

Aviation System Capacity Plan, 681


architecture, 18

bay, 35

described, 1516, 115, 691 ff

interfaces, 691 ff

military, 16

partitioning, 18

subsystems, 16

See also Packaging

AWACS airborne warning and control system 290


calculation of, 34, 281282

from direction cosines, 385

free, 371

MLS scan, 621625

radar, 506, 508, 558

SAR, 513 ff

star calculation, 556

wander, 29, 366, 370373

See also Heading

B-1, 284, 450, 530

B-2, 551

B-52, 450

B-58, 551

Back azimuth, MLS, 621

Back-course, ILS, 613

Background light, see Atmosphere


coefficient, 474475

Doppler radar, 452 ff

mapping radar, 507

Ball-bank indicator, 11, 400


air data, 402

antenna, 475

data bus, 693

Doppler, 475

GPS-IF, 236

GPS P-code, 216

Omega, 169

radar altimeter, 493

Band, see Frequency bands

Baro-inertial, 374375

Barometer, see Altimeter

Barometric correction, 405

Baseband, 216

Baseline, Loran, 153

Batteries, 18


ATC radar, 665667

carrier landing, 634

DME, 131133

fan, 121122

four-course, 11

lighted, 11

non-directional, 13, 120121, 662

radar mode, 503

Tacan, 133

See also Interrogator; Marker beacon; Transponder


pencil, 533, 538

riding, 2

See also Doppler radar; Radar; Airborne

Beam width:

Doppler, 460 ff, 476

ILS, 609610, 612, 617

MLS, 623, 625

radar, 504

radar altimeter, 492


to autopilot, 21

computation, 3840

illustration, 30

measurement of, 32

relative, 39

Bearing, gyro, 344

Beaufort scale, 475

Bellamy, J.C., 12

Bends, ILS, see Multipath

Bessel sidebands, 466467

Betelgeuse, 585


accelerometer, 323, 559, 561

clock, 83

Doppler radar, 65, 462, 489, 559, 561

gyro, 65, 87, 341, 345, 579

mini, 385

radar velocity, 528

star sensor, 591592

Bins, range, 515, 519 ff

BIT, built-in test:

air data, 411, 423

LRU, 700701

radar, 456, 504, 549

See also Failure detection; Fault tolerance; Monitor

BITE, built-in test equipment, see BIT

Black Sea, 175

Blanking, Loran, 140

BLEU, Blind Landing Experimental Unit, UK, 605

Blinking, Loran, 139, 145


air traffic control, 12

strapdown instrument, 356358


navigation error, 48

parallel approaches, 683

Boeing aircraft:

air data, 402, 412

cooling, 703

data bus, 694

displays, 695697

display photos, 696

HUD, 637

landing systems, 605

MLS, 626

MTBF, 700

Bogue, R.K., 421

Bolter, 633. See also Missed approach

Boltzmann's constant, 473

Bomber, 5

Bombing, radar, 503


telescope, 563, 590

See also Antenna

Boundary layer, 578

BPSK, binary phase-shift keying, 213, 278, 671

Brazil, 152

Bridge, compensation, 399

Bubble level, 429

Bubble sextant, 3, 557

Buffalo International Airport, USA, 616

Bug, cursor, 50

Built-in test, see BIT

Burble, 631

Burnout protection, 245

c, speed of light, 101, 223

C, computer language, 51

C-17, 691, 693

C-130, 626

C/A, coarse/acquisition 198

Cables, carrier landing, 631

CADC, central air data computer, 409

Caging, gyro, 440


accelerometer, 324

air data system, 408409, 422423

Doppler radar, 462, 481

in flight, 68, 423, 593

focal-plane array, 592

GPS, 210

gyro, 358

inertial instruments, 358

Loran grid, 146

magnetic compass, 444

mapping radar, 529

overwater, 483

radar PVU, 526

ROM, 345, 409

stellar-inertial, 590 ff

See also Error; Kalman filter

Cams, mechanical:

air data, 393

magvar, 438

Canada, 12, 152, 167


ATC system, 663, 677, 681684

DME, 127128

radio navaids, 11, 116

PLRS, 309

RNAV, 649

runway, 690

Tacan, 136

terminal, 651

Capricornus, 585

Capture effect ILS, 610

Cardioid, 119120, 122

Cargo aircraft, 6

Carrier, see Aircraft carrier

Carrier-phase tracking, 249 ff, 629

Cartridge, data entry device, 21

Caspian Sea, 175

Cassegrain telescope, 565

Catalog, see Star

Catadioptric, 564

CATC, carrier air traffic control, 631

Category of landing:

Cat I, 8, 272, 663, 677, 681684

Cat II, 599, 687

Cat III, 8, 252, 663, 687

Cat IIIC, 599, 605

See also Airport; ILS; Landing

Cathode ray tube display, 695

C-band, 47 GHz

data link, 671

microwave landing: 621, 671

radar altimeter, 492

weather radar, 542

CBT, computer-based trainer, 20, 52

CCD, charge-coupled device, 553, 572573, 596

CCITT, International Consultive Committee for Telephone and Telegraph, 311

CDI, course-deviation indicator, 609 See also VDI

CDMA, code-division multiple access, 214, 257

CD/ROM, compact disc read-only memory, 21, 50, 51

CDU, control-display unit, 698

Ceiling, 597, 683. See also Visibility

Ceilometer, 599

Celestial navigation, 552 ff

block diagram, 580

calibration, 592593

focal plane processing, 573

history, 551552

manual, 2, 551

Moon, 586

moving observer, 557

offset gimbal, 581

stabilized, 578579,

strapdown, 64, 563, 581583

See also Star; Telescope


PVU, 524

resolution, 508

SAR, 518


ATC/ATM, 661 ff

CSOC, 208

See also ARTCC

Centralized, see Architecture

Centrifuge, 324


discriminant, 536

Doppler beam, 453, 456

Doppler spectrum, 462

optical, 574

radar target, 534

TF/TA, 535

CEP, circle of equal probability, also called circular error probable, 47, 561

CERAP, Center/Radar Approach Control, 679

Certification, US, 9, 253

Cesium clock, 204

CFAR, constant false-alarm rate, 540

Chaika, see Chayka


Chayka, 173

Decca, 171

Loran, 139

Changeover point, 646


airlines, 50, 52

for air traffic control, 642

airways, 647

analog, 50

approach plate, 9

departure, 8, 16, 49

digital, 16, 4950

display, 211

en-route example, 647

instrument, 49

Lambert, 28

Mercator, 16

radar strip map, 516

SAR, 509510

terrain matching, 3738

UTM, 28

visual, 49

Chayka, 173176

Checkpoint, see Waypoint


enroute navigation, 13

Loran coverage, 152, 176


GPS processing, 240

See also EPROM; GaAs; MMIC; RAM; ROM; PROM; Spread-spectrum

Chipping rate, 214, 216, 302

Chronometer, 575

Cicada, 178

Circular error, see CEP

CIS, Confederation of Independent States:

air traffic control, 1213

Chayka, 152, 173176

en-route navigation, 13

GLONASS, 178, 257262

helicopters, 414

magnetic field, 437

Tsikada, 178


air traffic, 645

delivery, 655, 657680

obstacle, 648, 653

Clearance signal, ILS, 609610

CLOC, central oscillator control, 307


air-data computer, 409

atomic, 204

drift, 190

error model, 8283, 184

GPS, 190192, 204, 208

JTIDS synchronized, 284, 286 ff, 298

Loran, 146

offset, 13, 35, 168, 184

Omega, 164165, 168

one-way ranging error, 36

stability, 32, 168, 190192

synchronization, 36

time-difference error, 36

See also each navaid; Oscillator; Time definition; Time measurement

Clock correction:

DGPS, 250


GPS, 222224

JTIDS drift, 286

passive synchronization, 287

relativistic, 227

Clouds, see Weather

CLR, ILS clearance signal, 609610

CMC-2012, 490

CNES, Centre National des Etudes Spatiales, 202

Coarse/acquisition code, 198

Coast Guard, see USCG

Cockpit workload, 530. See also Controls; Displays

Coder, GPS, 240, 247


C/A, 214

Gold, 214

forward error correcting, 271

GPS spectrum, 216

GPS tracking, 241

P-, 216

PRN, 213218

transponder, 657

See also Spread-spectrum


Doppler radar, 464

processing interval 540

video, 512


subsystem, 16

taxiway, 9

TCAS, 684686, 688

See also Separation

Colorado Springs, USA, 208

Comanche helicopter, 414

Combat, see Military

Communication, air-ground:

ATM, 645, 658

aircraft carrier, 634635

civil, 119

differential GPS, 250

differential Omega, 167

digital, 670, 687

HF, 660

integrated with navigation, 283 ff

JTIDS, 284 ff

military, 119

Mode-S, 667

oceanic, 660

PLRS, 311

satellite, 15, 670

subsystem, 15

traffic control, 669672

Communication, interfacility:

ATM, 661

ionospheric, 108

Communication-navigation system:

en-route, 8

nodal, 284

nodeless, 283

post GPS, 279, 390

satellite, 8, 9, 15

terrestrial, 283 ff

See also Inmarsat; JTIDS; PLRS; WAAS

Community, navigation:

JTIDS, 288

PLRS, 300

Commutativity, 349


astro, 446

gyro, 436

radiomagnetic, 426

See also Magnetic compass


air data, 402 ff

antenna stabilization, 134

GPS frequency, 194

magnetic, 438

meatball, 634

vertical gyroscope, 434

See also Calibration; Errors; Kalman filter; Motion compensation

Compression, see Pulse


air data, 409411

analog, 400, 438

architecture, 412413

centralized, 18

decentralized, 18

distributed, 412

federated, 9396

iteration rate, 353, 411, 539

microprocessor, 247

parallel, 540

See also each navaid

Conductivity, see Earth

Cone of silence, 120

Confidence, see Quality

Configuration control, software, 51

Conflict, ATC:

alert, 678

prediction, 679

TCAS, 685

Conical scan, 634

Coning, 353, 358359

Conning, 1



GPS, 200

star, 584

Continuity, 263

Continuous wave Doppler, 465472

Control area, see Airspace


hand, 18

human ATC, 655 FF


cockpit, 17

fly-by-wire, 18

subsystem, 18

See also Display, Cockpit; Flight control

Control segment, GPS, 179, 207

Control tower, 14

CONUS, continental United States, 202, 252, 269, 273

Converging runway display aid, 684

Convolutional code, 213218

Cooling, see Temperature

COP, changeover point 646


celestial, 553555

direction cosines, 27, 349 ff

Doppler radar, 454, 485

Earth-centered, 26

geodetic, 27


inertial, 2627, 365367

JTIDS, 288

map grid, 28

MGRS, 28, 302

radar, 527

rotating, 365367

tangent plane, 29

transverse pole, 28

wander azimuth, 27, 370 ff

See also MGRS

Coriolis acceleration:

defined, 368 ff

inertial error, 61

in vertical gyro, 435

Corner post, 659


codeless, 198

coefficient, 45

Doppler, 462, 477

GPS, 214, 216, 277

GPS code, 240

loss, 217

stellar inertial, 561562

terrain-matching, 37

See also Covariance matrix; Spread-spectrum

Correlation distance, 146

Correlation time, Doppler, 462, 477

Correlator, 240, 247, 516

COSPAS, Russian acronym for search and rescue satellite, 16


flying time, 675

GNSS, 664

GPS user charges, 15

inertial navigator, 313

military avionics, 16

radar, 503504

tradeoffs, 8

see each navaid

Counterpoise, 110111, 125

Course-line computation:

block diagram, 22

description, 3841

Covariance matrix:

defined, 374375

information, 564

system error, 46

See also Error; Kalman filter

Coverage, geographic:

Chayka, 174

gaps, 3

GPS, 200204, 273

Loran, 152

navaids, 115

tradeoffs, 11

CPA, closest point of approach, 685

CPE, circular probable error, see CEP

CPI, coherent processing interval, 540

CPU, central processing unit, 409

Crab, landing, 603

CRDA, converging runway display aid, 684


ATM responsibilities, 658, 660

See also Display; Human navigator; Trainer; Landing

Cross-correlation, see Correlation


accelerometer, 320

gyro, 325

Cross-pointer, 609

Cross-track velocity:

illustrated, 30

Doppler, 451, 459


drift, 30

landing, 603 ff

CRPA, controlled reception pattern antenna, 230

CRS, ILS course signal, 610

CRT, cathode ray tube, 695


GPS security, 198

key, 235

security, 300

Crystal, see Clock

Cs, cesium, 204

CS, see Control Segment, GPS

CSB, ILS carrier-with-sidebands signal, 609

CSOC, consolidated space operations center, 208

Cursor control, 509, 698

CW, continuous wave, 155, 465

Cycle slip:

GPS, 630

Omega, 168

D, Bellamy Drift, 12


accelerometer, 320321

compass needle, 440

Doppler-inertial, 65, 479

gravity sensor, 428

leveling loop, 383384

vertical gyro, 432433

Data bus:

air-data computer, 409

avionics, 18

controller, 691

fiberoptic, 693

GPS, 234235

high speed, 693

inter-subsystem, 18, 691694

MLS, 626

STANAG-3838, 693

See also ARINC; MIL-STD-1553

Data-entry device, 21

Data link:

ATC, 665, 669

carrier landing, 634635

future, 687

satellite, 671

See also Communication; Mode-S

Data message, GPS, 218 ff

DBS, Doppler beam sharpening, 504

DDM, difference in depth of modulation: 609


accelerometer, 323

laser gyroscope, 341


defined, 2

Doppler radar, 31

equations, 2932

flat Earth, 31

gyroscopes, 426 ff

illustration, 30

JTIDS, 290

in multisensor system, 55

Omega, 3, 155171

sensors, 56

with wind, 31

Dead zone, see Deadband

Decca, 171173

Decentralized, see Architecture

Decision height:

ATC, 654

defined, 8, 598, 654

See also Approach, Precision

Deck motion, 631


astronomical, 553

magnetic, 437

Decrab, 603 ff

Defect, static, 394, 396

Defense Mapping Agency, US, 197, 208

Deflection of the vertical, 25, 98, 188190

Degrees of freedom:

gyroscope, 325, 344

platform, 361


air-data pneumatics, 412

air traffic, 681

alarm, 266

compass, 440

data bus, 694

Doppler radar, 479

group, 194

ionospheric, 225226, 249

PLRS, 305

TCAS, 686

tradeoff, 10

traffic model, 690

tropospheric, 196

See also Latency

DMA, Defense Mapping Agency, US, 197, 208


controller, 655

description, 7, 657

routes, 659

terminal VOR, 646

Depth of focus, SAR, 518

Descent, rate of:

carrier landing, 631

land landing, 603

Detector, see Sensor

Deviation, magnetic, 438

DF, see Direction finder

DGPS differential GPS:

accuracy, 14

for approach, 251252, 628630, 638

corrected pseudorange, 250

description, 248253

kinematic, 252

landing, 663

RTCM-SC104, 250

runway surface, 680

standard message, 250251

DGRF, Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field, 437

DH, see Decision height

Diego Garcia Island, 208


carrier phase, 252

GPS, 248253

Loran, 146

Omega, 167

Diffraction, 565


antenna, 101102

magnetic, 437

Directional gyroscope, 444446

Direction finder, 112

Direction cosines:

azimuth from, 385

inertial mechanization, 342 ff, 354 ff, 371

JTIDS, 294

latitude-longitude from, 372

multisensor software 90

numerical example, 5253

strap-down, 350352

Direction finder:

airborne, 117

ground, 116

radio, 112

Directivity, antenna, 101

Direct ranging, see Ranging


airline charts, 50, 676

computer, 21

FMS, 676

inoperative avionics, 703

Display, cockpit:

ATC, 673675

avionics, 17

ball-bank indicator, 400

block diagram, 22

cathode ray tube, 695

CDI, 609

CDU, 698

conventional, 426, 696

cross-pointer, 609

DME, 608

EICAS, 695

eight ball, 426

flat panel, 695

glass, 426428

HSI, 426427, 695

liquid crystal, 695

marker beacon, 618619

manual target-finding, 506507

map, 17, 50

map radar, 505, 507, 549

micromachined sensor, 429

multifunction, 695

PFD, 696

radar altimeter, 495

radio-magnetic compass, 426

speech, 699

VDI, 613

VOR, 126

VSI, 426427

weather radar, 540

See also Display, Map; HMD; HUD

Display, traffic control, 673675, 684

Distance calculation:

flat Earth, 39

spherical Earth, 40

Distance measuring equipment, see DME

Diurnal correction:

Loran, 142

Omega, 160

electron density, 194

Diversity, radio propagation, 111

DMA, see Defense Mapping Agency


block diagram, 129

capacity, 127128, 132

duty cycle, 132

identifier, 132133

landing, 627628

with MLS, 621

receiver, 128131

recovery time, 130

signal-in-space, 127

steering to, 42

on taxiway, 604

transmitter, 131133

DME/N, 628

DME/P, 621, 627628

DO-160, 700

DoD, Department of Defense, US, 643

See also Military; United States

Doppler, Christian, 451

Doppler navigator:

block diagram, 452

with GPS, 183, 189, 218

in multimode radar 539540

system error, 488490

test results, 489

See also PVU: Multisensor navigation

Doppler radar:

bandwidth, 475

beam configuration, 454457

boresighting, 486

calibration, 48483

components, 464

continuous-wave, 465466

errors, 477490, 501

FM/CW 466469, 474

frequency tracker, 469472, 476

heading reference, 446, 498

homodyne, 465, 467

installation, 486

maneuver error, 485

mountain paradox, 453454

sea current, 481

signal/noise, 472474

smooth-earth paradox, 453

spectrum, 460 ff, 479, 481482

stabilization, 459460, 474, 485486

terrain bias, 481

transmitter frequency, 463

velocity sense, 465, 471

See also Antenna; Backscatter; Doppler navigator; Helicopters;

Multisensor navigation; Noise; Oscillator; Radome

Doppler shift:

air data, 419

beam sharpening, 504, 513

described, 451453

drift angle, 31

GPS, 240

radar, 451 ff

radar filter, 514 ff

SAR radar, 523

See also Doppler radar

Doppler velocity:

measurement of, 449 ff

from multimode radar 538539

See also PVU

Doppler VOR, 126127

Dorne & Margolin, 245

Douglas aircraft:

antenna farm, 4

displays, 699

HUD, 637

Downconverter, 493, 546

Downwash, 413, 418

DPSK, differential phase-shift key, 626, 670

Drag, orbital, 188

Drift, gyro:

aniso-elastic, 346

bias, 341, 345346

coning, 353, 358359

directional gyro, 445

in error analysis, 376

historical, 325

magnetic, 342, 346

mass unbalance, 346

math model, 341342

optical gyro, 331, 340341

strapdown, 325, 348

temperature-dependent, 341, 346

vertical gyro, 432

Drift angle:

illustration, 30

measured by Doppler radar, 459

pressure pattern, 12

Drift sight, 12, 30

Drone, see UAV

Duplex data bus, 691

Duty cycle, DME, 132

E2A, 284, 290, 450

E3, 284, 290, 450


conductivity, 104, 141, 143, 161

coordinate frame, 2629, 365 ff

dielectric constant, 104

dimensions, 2325

gravitation, 187, 223

magnetic field, 437438

orbit, 590

polar wander, 389

radar backscatter, 474

rotation rate, 23, 188, 365, 554

VLF anisotropy, 161

See also Atmosphere; Ionosphere; Troposphere

ECEF, Earth-centered, Earth fixed, 26, 184, 212

ECCM, electronic counter-countermeasures, 300, 538

ECD, envelope-to-cycle difference, 140

ECI, Earth-centered inertial, 2627

Eccentricity, orbit, 186, 200

Ecliptic, 553

EEPROM, electrically erasable PROM:

air data, 409

stored program, 51

Effective radiated power, 103

Efficiency, quantum, 572, 574

EFGS, end-fire glide slope, 617

EGNOS, European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, 268

EHF, extremely-high frequency, 100

EI, Earth ionosphere, 161

EICAS, engine indicator and crew alerting system 695

Eight-ball indicator, 426

EIRP, effective isotropic radiated power, see ERP

Electric power, see Power, Radiated; Power consumption

Electrolytic level, 429

Electromagnetic interference, see EMI

Electronic countermeasures, 17

Elevation angle:

line of sight, 34

during GPS pass, 640641

MLS scan, 624625

star calculation, 556

Ellipse, orbital, 186

Ellipsoid, reference, 23

See also Earth

ELT, emergency locator transmitter, 16

EMI, electromagnetic interference:

avionics, 16, 276278

data bus, 693

GPS near-far, 206, 232, 277

radar, 538

Engine control, 16

Engineer, flight, 19


navigation, 7

traffic control, 658659, 677679


anti-jam, 232

GPS space, 204

HIRF, 18

mechanical, 3, 18

thermal, 3, 346

See also EMI; Lightning; Vibration


star catalog, 556, 563, 590

errors, GPS, 249


GPS, 223224

WAAS, 271

EPLRS, enhanced PLRS, 310

Epoch, 216, 584

EPROM, erasable programmable read-only memory, 51, 409

Equinox, vernal, 186, 584

Erection, v-gyro, 431432

Ergodic statistics, 44

ERP, effective radiated power, 102

Error, component:

accelerometer, 322, 560

beam direction, 480

clock, 8283, 255

coning, 353, 358359

lever arm, 359

mechanical gyroscope, 345346, 560

optical, 574 ff

optical gyroscope, 340342

PVU, 525

sculling, 359

star angle, 552

Error, subsystem:

air data, 418, 422

baroinertial altitude, 374, 378

DGPS, 251

DME, 132

differential, 114

direction finder, 119

Doppler fluctuations, 477478

Doppler radar, 497498

glide slope, 616619

GPS, 198, 208, 227, 253257

GPS velocity, 255

inertial, 373, 376 ff

JTIDS RelNav, 290, 297299

localizer, 619620

Loran, 52, 143

magnetic compass, 438 ff

mapping radar, 529

obstacle clearance, 652653

Omega, 156, 165, 166167

PLRS propagation, 298299, 310

radar altimeter, 495

radar velocity, 527528

step, radar altimeter, 495

Tacan, 136

vertical gyro, 433436

VOR/DME, 126, 647

warm up, 381

See also each navaid; Error, Budget; Error, System

Error, system:

absolute, 114

along track, 489

autoland, 607

cross-track, 489

description, 4448

en-route, 8

instrumentation, 115

mean, 4546

mean square, 4546

navigation system, 299, 458

principal axes, 45

relative, 114

repeatable, 114

stellar-inertial, 561562

system use, 44

terminal area, 7

test data, 4448

3-dimensional, 4849, 201202

tradeoffs, 9

2-dimensional, 4849, 201202

uncorrelated, 49

vertical channel, 253

wild points, 480

See also Covariance; Flight technical error

Error budget:

air data, 408

Doppler radar, 477487

GPS, 253257

inertial, 377379

JTIDS, 297298

radio link, 103104

SAR, 522

Error covariance matrix, 75

Error rate, PLRS, 309

ESA, electronically scanned array, 546

Escape maneuver, 686

Estimator, see Filter

ETR, external time reference, 286

Euler angles, 349

EUROCAE, European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment:

altimetry, 727

description, 19, 608

GPS, 719

ILS, 608

marker beacon, 619

MLS/ILS, 621, 735

specifications, 19, 705, 707, 711


Geostationary Overlay, 268

ILS interface, 620

Loran chain, 152

traffic control, 12, 167, 687

Exciter, radar, 539, 548

4, 284, 538

F-15, 284, 402, 691, 695

F-16, 402

F-18, 245, 538, 633

F-22, 691, 693

F-104, 421

F-111, 450, 530

FA, final approach, 628

FAA, Federal Aviation Administration, US:

Advisory Circulars, 734

airport lights, 600

airport capacity, 681

data link, 670

display, 694

GPS, 235, 251

ILS, 608

landing categories, 606

Loran regulations, 175

Omega regulations, 168

overwater, 3

required navigation, 663

TCAS, 684686

terminal facilities, 679

traffic publications, 736

TSOs, 705, 728

WAAS, 268, 271

weather, 672

FAA, Technical Center, 275

FADS, flush air-data system, 422

FAF, final approach fix, 600

Fail-safe, see Fault tolerance

Failure detection:

Loran, 139

subsystem, 16

WAAS, 272273

See also BIT; Fault-tolerance; Monitor; RAIM; Safety-critical

Fan beam:

airborne radar, 546

marker beacon, 121122

microwave landing, 621622

Fan marker, 121122

FANS, Future Air Navigation System:

GPS, 279

oceanic, 13, 660

FAR, Federal Aviation Regulations (US)

Faraday Effect, 333

Fault, see BIT; Failure detection; Fault tolerance; Monitor

Fault tolerance:

computation, 18

FDE, 272

GPS monitor, 210

GPS spacecraft, 205206

landing, 599

MLS, 627

quadruple bus, 692

strapdown IMU, 357

WAAS, 272273

See also BIT; Category III; Failure detection; Monitor; RAIM; Safety-critical

FCS, flight control system

FDE, fault detection and exclusion, 264

FDMA, frequency division multiple access, 257

FEC, forward errror correction, 271

Federal Aviation Administration (US), see FAA

Federal Radionavigation Plan (US), 136, 145, 200, 662

Federated, 9396

See also Architecture

FFT fast Fourier transform:

radar, 497, 540

SAR, 519

target detection, 540


gyro, 336

interconnects, 548, 693

Field of view:

optical, 566 ff

radar, 508

Field stop, 565


anti-aliasing, 247

bank, 546, 548

baro-inertial, 375

Doppler inertial, 67

Doppler radar, 469470

GPS-IF, 236

gyrocompass, 385

leakage elimination, 465

least squares, 7072

leveling, 383

Loran notch, 151

marker beacon, 618

matched, 285, 574

multisensor, 55 ff

notch, 151

PLRS tracking, 307308

radar beam sharpening, 513514

radar matched, 539

recursive, 7072, 75

SAR, 515 ff

satellite triplexer, 206

SAW, 236

sensor errors, 70

transfer alignment, 387

vertical gyroscope, 433

weighting functions, 71

See also Kalman filter; Multisensor navigation

Final approach segment, 654. See also Approach

FIR, flight information region, 680

Fire control, 16, 413


absolute, 114, 283

arrival, 659

automatic radar, 509511

celestial, 2, 551

differential, 114

final, 600, 653

holding, 658

hyperbolic, 164

inertial, 69, 313314

initial, 600, 653

intermediate, 653

metering, 658

Omega, 162165

radar manual, 503

radar reference, 505

radar update, 506

radio, 32, 112

rho-rho, 113114

rho-theta, 113

semiautomatic radar, 509 ff

Tercom, 3738

theta-theta, 113

FL, flight level, 644

Flare maneuver:

carrier landing, 631

described, 603607

dispersions, 607

equations, 603

guidance, 606

Flight control system:

accelerometer, 426

bank angle, 4142

carrier landing, 634

fail-operational, 599, 637

fail-passive, 599, 637

landing, 597, 603607, 609

subsystem, 1, 15

terrain following, 530, 536538

Flight-critical, see Safety-critical

Flight director, ILS, 599

Flight level, 644

Flight management system, 16, 409, 670, 675, 688, 698

Flight path angle, 30, 375

Flight plan, ATC:

contract, 645

IFR, 656

processing, 678

VFR, 657

Flight rules, see IFR; VFR

Flight service station, 32, 656, 680

Flight strips, 678, 680

Flight technical error, 44, 116, 254, 647, 653

Flight test, see each navaid; Test

FLIR, Forward-looking infrared detector, 530, 636

FLOLS, Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, 632634

Flow, ATC, 658

Flux gate, 440441

Fly by wire, 18

FMC, flight management computer, see Flight management system

FM-CW, frequency modulated continuous wave:

altimeter, 493497

Doppler radar, 466469

FMS, see Flight management system

f/number, telescope, 566

FOC, full operational capability, 175

Focal length, 565

Focal plane, optical:

defined, 565

sensor array, 573574, 637

Focus, radar, see SAR

FOG, fiber-optic gyro, 336 ff

Forrestal, 631

Foucault pendulum, 61

Formation flight, 18

Fortran, 51

Four-dimensional navigation, 16

Frame, GPS, 220

Framing pulses, 665

France, 11, 176, 202, 437

Free azimuth, 371

Free flight, 8, 688

Frequency, operating:

bands, 100101

Chayka, 173

Decca, 171

direction finder, 120

DME, 127

Doppler radar, 463

glide slope, 609


GPS, 198, 206

JTIDS, 285

laser gyroscope, 331

localizer, 609

Loran, 139

marker beacon, 121, 609

MLS, 621

Omega, 157

PLRS, 300

radar, 538

radar altimeter, 492

Tacan, 133

VOR, 122

weather radar, 542

See also each navaid

Frequency measurement, Allan variance, 190192, 208

See also Time measurement

Frequency, plasma, 193

Frequency stability, 192

Frequency tracker, see Tracker, Electronic

Fresnel lens, 633

Front course, ILS, 613

FRP, see Federal Radionavigation Plan

FRPA, fixed radiation pattern antenna, 245

FSS, flight service station, 656, 677

ft, foot, meter equivalent, 25

FTE, see Flight technical error

Fuel usage, 656, 675676

Future trends, see last section of each navaid chapter

g, gravity unit

GA, ground antenna, 208, 212

GaAs, gallium arsenide, 493, 546, 548


antenna, 101

scheduling, 606

Gatwick Airport, 597


distribution, 4647, 478

Doppler noise, 460

MLS delay, 628

radius of curvature, 25, 40

GCA, ground-controlled approach, 6

GDOP, geometric dilution of position:

defined, 201

described, 4849, 113, 115

equations, 4849

GPS, 201

JTIDS, 298299

Loran, 143144, 153

Omega, 166

GEC Avionics, Inc., 419

General aviation, 3, 175

GEO, geostationary orbit, 268269

Geodesy, 2325

Geological Survey, US, 437


Geometric dilution of precision, see GDOP

Geopotential, see Gravity

Geostationary orbit, 202, 268269

GES, ground earth station, 269

GHA, Greenwich hour angle, 554556

GHz, gigahertz = 109 Hz


antenna, 527

gyro, 344

platform, 361

telescope, 63, 579, 583, 591

See also Platform, Inertial

Gimbal lock, 361

Glide path angle:

carrier, 631

land, 602

Glide slope:

aircraft carrier, 631

antenna, 614617

bends, 619620

capture effect, 614

description, 614617

end-fire, 617

modulation, 624625

obstacles, 654

point of intercept, 654

stabilized, 634

waveguide, 616

Global Navigation Satellite System, see GNSS

Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System, see GLONASS

Global positioning system, see GPS system; GPS receiver

GLONASS Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System:

cost, 15

description, 257262

landing, 628, 662

outlook, 1415, 175, 687

GMV, ground moving vehicles, 545

GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System:

availability, 262263

description, 178

GPS, 235, 687

integrity, 262263

landing, 662

over ocean, 661

RNAV, 649

required accuracy, 263

Goniometer, 117, 119, 123

GPS hybrids, see Multisensor navigation

GPS receiver:

AGC, 246

antenna requirements, 230

block diagram, 231, 237, 244

on a card, 235238

commercial, 235242

description, 229248

downconverter, 232, 238

dual-frequency, 194195

filtering, 236, 242, 245

frequency plan, 233

IF section, 233234

MAGR, 243247

oscillator, 232233

signal processing, 234, 242

See also Antenna

GPS system:

accuracy, 253257

A-S/SA, 198, 235, 248

for ATC, 663

Category I approach, 254

constellation, 200, 210

control segment, 208209

cost, 15

description, 179 ff

ECEF calculation, 280

en-route, 7

errors, 227228

for free flight, 688

measurements, 226227

military use, 5

navigation solution, 228229

outlook, 175

over ocean, 650

range calculation, 3335, 180183

runway surveillance, 605

signal-in-space, 213218

sole means of navigation, 235, 687

spares, 207

spacecraft, 204206

traffic control, 687

user charges, 15

See also Clock; Codes; DGPS; GPS receiver; Integrity;

Message navigation; Multisensor navigation; RAIM

GRASS, Geographical Resource Analysis Support Group, 50

Gravitation, 35, 187, 223

Gravity, 23

Great circle, 40


hour angle, 554, 576

meridian, 26, 554

GRI, group repetition interval, 139, 149

Ground controller, ATC, 655, 680

Ground wave:

attenuation, 105

one-way ranging, 3536

propagation, 104106

range calculation, 35

time-differencing, 3637

GT ground transmitter

Guard sampling, 151

Guidance, defined, 12

Gulf Stream, 484

Gunfire aiming, 17, 413

Gunn diode, 490

Gust, see Wind


airborne (erroneous), 436

inertial, 384386

marine, 313

Gyroscope, directional:

description, 444 ff

backup, 446

gravity sensor, 444

performance, 445

slaving, 445447

Gyroscope, fiberoptic:

closed loop, 339

description, 326, 336 ff

errors, 340341

modulation, 338339

resets, 339

Gyroscope, mechanical:

description, 324, 342 ff

electrostatic, 325

floated, 325

hemispherical resonator, 348

history, 325

micromachined, 347

simple, 427 ff

single-degree-of-freedom, 325

testing, 347

tuned rotor, 325, 343347

two-degree-of-freedom, 325, 343 ff, 434, 444

See also Gyroscope, Directional; Gyroscope, Vertical

Gyroscope, ring laser:

cavity, 327, 331332, 335

description, 326 ff

dither, 331, 333

error model, 345

finesse, 329

gas mixture, 332

lock-in, 330

mirrors, 327, 331

mode hops, 332

multioscillator, 326, 333 ff

performance, 340341

pseudoconing, 333

rate biasing, 331

scale factor, 328

two-mode, 327

vibration, 331333

weight, 340

Gyroscope, vertical:

compensation, 433434

description, 429 ff

dynamic response, 431436

erection, 431

performance, 430, 432

Hall Effect, 443

Hamming code, 221

Hand-off, ATC, 658, 660

Hand-over word, 218

Hard iron, 438


gravitational, 189

magnetic field, 437

Harrier, see AV-8

Hawaii, 208

Hawkeye, 290

HCG, half-cycle generator, 147

HDOP, horizontal dilution of position:

description, 49

for GPS, 201, 253


best available, 29

gyro, 444446

illustration, 30

inertial measurement, 371

magnetic, 30, 440443

reference for Doppler radar, 450, 488

toward target, 34

true, 30

See also Azimuth

Heading reference, see Gyroscope, directional; Inertial navigator; Magnetic compass

Head-up display, see HUD

Heat removal, see Temperature

Heave, deck, 631


air data sensors, 413 ff

Doppler radar, 72, 89, 450, 469, 502

military, 6

naval, 636

operational, 6


Doppler radar, 465

mapping radar, 512

HF, high frequency, 100

HF/DF, high-frequency direction finder, 11

HG9550, 498

HIRF, high intensity radiated fields, 18

History of navaids, 1113

See also each navaid; Time measurement

HMD, helmet-mounted display, 696


aircraft carrier, 631

ATC, 658

Homing, 119

Homodyne radar, 465, 467


air data, 402403

inertial, 357

radar altimeter, 495

Honolulu, 681

Houston, 681

HOW, handover word, 218, 221

HPA, high-power amplifier, 270

hr, hour

HRG, hemispherical resonator gyro, 348

HSDB, high-speed data bus, 693

HSI, horizontal situation display, 691

HUD, head-up display, 637, 696698

Human navigator, 504505, 647

Hyperbolation, 298

Hyperbolic navigation, 138 ff

reduction of fix, 162166

See also Decca; Loran; Omega


aircraft, 3

air data, 421422

See also Supersonic

Hysteresis, accelerometer, 321

Hz, Hertz = cycle/second

I, in-phase, 234

IA, initial approach, MLS, 628

IAF, initial approach fix, 600, 653

ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization:

airport lights, 600

annexes, 733

approach, 600

DME, 132

FIR, 680

GNSS, 178, 279

ILS, 608, 620

ILS indicator, 609610

interfacility communication, 661

landing categories, 598, 662

microwave landing, 621, 628

Mode S, 661

publications, 19, 737

standard atmosphere, 644

traffic control, 643

vertical separation, 651

VOR, 122


ICD, interface control document, 261

ICD-GPS-200B-PR, 212


helicopter, 416

probes, 396

ICNIA, integrated communication, navigation, and identification: avionics, 96

ICNIS, integrated communication, navigation, and identification system, 96

ICO, intermediate circular orbit, 279

ICW, interrupted continuous wave, 465

ID, identification, 675

IDENT, identification code, 665

Identification point, 509, 517

IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 725

IF, intermediate fix, 653

if, intermediate frequency

IFR, instrument flight rules, 9, 598, 645, 677

IFRB, International Frequency Registration Board, 258

IFOG, interferometric fiber-optic gyro, 336 ff

IGRF, International Geomagnetic Reference Field, 437

IIP, ionospheric intersection point, 225

ILS, instrument landing system, 608620

aircraft carrier, 634636

bends, 619

error, allowed, 611

limitations, 619

low-visibility landing, 599

microwave, 620627

military use, 6

monitors, 608

paired frequencies, 609

portable, 627

Russian, 13

signal-in-space, 609

usage, 652654

See also Glide Slope; Localizer; MLS

IM, inner marker beacon, 618, 654

IMA, integrated modular avionics, 96


optical, 565 ff

radar, 505 ff

See also Display

IMC, instrument meteorological conditions, 9, 598, 651, 657

IMU, inertial measurement unit, see Inertial navigator

Inclination of orbit, 185

Index of refraction, see Atmosphere; Ionosphere


Loran coverage, 152, 176

Omega coverage, 167

Indian Ocean, 13, 270


air traffic control, 13

Omega coverage, 167

Inertial navigator:

AHRS, 389

alignment, 379388

cost, 313

errors, 358360, 376379,

history, 313314

horizontal mechanization, 368373

for landing, 14, 263

limitations, 389

military use, 5

over ocean, 650

SAR processing, 519

SAR stabilization, 511

sole means, 661

strapdown, 356358

system, 314317

system specification, 349, 364

throwaway, 390

vertical mechanization, 373375

wander azimuth, 366

weight, 317

See also Accelerometer; Alignment; Gyroscope; Multisensor navigation; Platform

Inertial navigation hybrids, see Multisensor navigation

Inertial space, defined, 2627

Information, defined, 563564

Infrared, see Optical; Sensor; Star

Initial conditions:

dead-reckoning, 29

inertial navigator, 379388

Kalman filter, 7677

time, 575

INMARSAT, International Maritime Satellite Organization, 268271

Input-output, computer, see Data bus

INS, inertial navigation system, see Inertial navigator


air data, 393394

antennas, 4, 626

avionics, 4, 703

Doppler radar, 486

EMI, 703

HUD, 697

inertial platform, 356357

JTIDS, 297

maintenance, 700

radar mounting, 528

stellar-inertial, 577

Instrument approach procedure, 652, 655

Instrument departure procedure, 655, 657

Instrument flight rules, see IFR

Instrument landing system, see ILS

Instrument meteorological conditions, see IMC

Integrated navigation systems, see Multisensor navigation systems

Integrity, navaid:

ATC, 663

defined, 11, 115

GNSS, 262263, 687

GPS receiver, 230

GPS system, 663

landing, 605

Loran, 145

See also Fault tolerance; RAIM; WAAS

Interdiction, 5

Interfaces, intersubsystem, see Data bus

Interference, see EMI


fiberoptic, 336337

gyro, 326, 329, 337

radar, 538

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 437

International Civil Aviation Organization, see ICAO

International Frequency Registration Board, 258

International traffic control, 13, 660


ATC radar, 665

DME, 127

JTIDS, 287

Tacan, 133

See also Beacon; Transponder

Interrupted CW Doppler, 465

Intersection, chart, 43

I/O, input-output, see Data bus

IOD, issue of data, 250

IODC, issue of data clock, 223

IODE, issue of data ephemeris, 224


best path, 108

correction, 213

D. E regions, 161

delay model, 193194, 225226, 249

dual-frequency correction, 195

electron density, 194

GPS correction, 195, 227

Omega propagation, 161

refraction, 106, 192194

scintillation, 195

skip distance, 107

sunspot cycle, 161

windows, 109

IOR, Indian Ocean Region, 270

IP, identification point, 509, 517

I/Q, in-phase/quadrature, 528

Iridium, 279

Irradiance, star, 567

IRS, inertial reference system, 263

See also Inertial navigator

IRU, inertial reference unit, 650

Island, aircraft carrier, 631

ISO, International Standards Organization, 672

Isodops, 459, 482


gimbals, 362

inertial sensor, 357

transmitter/receiver, 467

Isotropic radiator, 104

Iterative solution, 43, 7072, 181184

ITT Aerospace, 205

JAA, Joint Aviation Authority, Europe, 608


altimeter, 498

GPS, 230

military, 300

stellar, 551

Janus beams, 454, 480, 500, 523

Japan, Loran coverage, 152

Jet route, 646647

Jitter, PPI, 498

Jovial, 51, 539

JPL, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA 208

JPO, joint project office, 197

JSTARS, joint surveillance target attack radar system, 290

JTIDS, joint tactical information distribution system, 284299

air-data backup, 297

clock synchronization, 287 ff, 312

community, 288 ff

donor, 286

errors, 297299

Kalman filter, 289, 293294

quality, 293

relative navigation, 285

RelGrid, 288

signal-in-space, 286

time reference, 289

TOA only, 285

with GPS, 286

See also Multisensor navigation

Julian date, 584

Ka-band 101, 634

Ke-band 101, 463

Ku-band 101, 538, 545, 634, 671

km, kilometer

Kalman filter, 7281, 559 ff

cascaded, 94

closed-loop, 7981

extended, 560

GPS ground, 212

GPS-inertial example, 8391

GPS orbit, 212

GPS receiver, 228229

inertial alignment, 383385

in-flight calibration, 358, 593594

INS, 386

JTIDS relnav, 285, 292 ff

linearization, 78, 82

magnetic compass, 444

measurement model, 83, 560

observability, 563

Omega, 171

open-loop, 7779

practical considerations, 9193

process model, 83, 88

radar velocity, 527529

square-root form, 93

stellar inertial, 6164, 557 ff, 582, 590593, 595

U-D factorization, 93

See also each navaid

Kepler, J., 187, 225

Keyboard, 698

kHz, kilohertz = 103 Hz

Kinematic GPS, 252, 629630

KLM airline, 597

kn, see Knot

Knot = one nautical mile per hour

Korea, Loran coverage, 152

Kronecker delta, 351

kt, see Knot

KVH Industries, Inc., 441

Kwajalein Island, 208

L1, GPS carrier frequency, 178

L2, GPS carrier frequency, 178

L-1011, 605

LAAS, local area augmentation system 687

Lambert conformal chart, 28

Lag, see Delay: Latency

Landing, 89, 600605

accidents, 598

aircraft carrier, 630636

automatic, 605608

with DGPS, 628630

with Doppler-GPS, 498

HUD usage, 637

minimums, 8, 599 ff

missed apporach, 605

navaids, 662

nonprecision, 8, 600, 662

optical aids, 633634, 637

procedure, 659660

radar altimeter, 497

see to land, 599

see to taxi, 599

taxi, 681

See also Airport; Approach; Category of landing; ILS; MLS


ambiguity, 3, 162164

Decca, 171172

Omega, 155


air data velocimeter, 418 ff

inertial sensor, 326 ff

radar, 637


defined, 1011

data bus, 694

Doppler maneuvers, 485

during flare, 603

during landing, 630


celestial, 556557

terrestial, 2324

L-band, 101

data link, 671

DME, 133

GPS, 198

JTIDS, 285

SSR, 665

Tacan, 133

LCD, liquid crystal display, 549

LCP, left-circularly polarized, 333

LDGPS, local differential GPS, 638


Doppler, 465

radar altimeter, 493

LEM (now LM), lunar excursion module, 450

LEP, linear error probable, 253

Leveling, inertial navigator, 382384

Levels, see Accelerometer

Lever-arm correction:

GPS, 278

inertial system, 388

LF, low frequency, 100, 106

LHA, local hour angle

LHA, LHD landing ships, 636

LHCP, left-hand circularly polarized, 230

Lidar, 418


aircraft carrier, 633634

background, see Atmosphere

bars, 600

speed of, 34, 101, 223

See also Airport


atmospheric, 105

protection, 3, 19

See also EMI


GPS equations, 229

of Kalman filter, 8182

of range measurement, 35

See also Filter

Line of nodes, 185

Line of position, see LOP


GPS, 3334, 181

optical, 564

radar, 523

radio, 108111

Link budget, radio, 103104

Link-4, 634

LLWAS, low-level wind-shear alert system, 673

LNA, low-noise amplifier, 232, 493

LO, local oscillator, 232, 247, 469, 493


antenna, 548, 665

switching, 483

See also Antenna; Beam

Lobing, simultaneous, 483

Local controller, ATC, 655, 680


aircraft carrier, 635636

bends, 619

description, 613614

See also ILS

Local level coordinates, 27, 365373

Lockheed, 245. See also C-130


defined, 234

of satellite, 186

Loop direction finder, 117

LOP, line of position:

celestial, 557

described, 117, 264

Decca, 171

Loran, 112, 149

Omega, 159

Loran, 138154

accuracy, 143

for approach, 652

availability, 144

blinking, 139, 145

calibration, 146

chain, 139

with Chayka, 176

differential, 146

direct ranging, 145146

diurnal effects, 142

false locks, 151

geometry, 153

hyperbolic, 13

integrity, 145

for landing, 618

nonprecision approach, 8

propagation error, 141

receiver, 149151

repetition interval, 139

seasonal effects, 142, 144

signal-in-space, 139140

tracking, 151

transmitter, 147149

See also Ground waves; Sky waves; Multisensor Navigation

LOS, see Line-of-sight

Low observables, 532

LP, linearly polarized, 230

LPD log-periodic dipole antenna, 613

LPH, landing ship, 636

LPI, low-probability of intercept, 493

LRM, line replaceable module, 700

LRU, line replaceable unit, 691, 700

LSO, landing signal officer, 633

LTP, local tangent plane, 201

m, meter

m, prefix milli = 10 − 3

M, prefix mega = 106

Mach number:

calculation of, 400, 405

effect on airspeed, 407

effect on light, 578

effect on pressure, 396397

effect on temperature, 398

Magnetic compass:

Compass Engine, 441

deviation, 438439

in Doppler navigator, 489

errors, 438439, 442

flux gate, 440441

hard iron, 438, 442

needle, 439440

soft iron, 438, 443

strapdown, 442, 447

superconducting, 443, 447

Magnetic field:

declination, 437

dip, 15, 437

effect on gyroscopes, 341, 346

effect on IMU, 363

goniometer detector, 119

mathematical model, 437 ff

sensors, 440 ff

variation defined, 437

VOR reference, 176

Magnetometer, see Magnetic compass

Magnitude, star, 567568, 570

MAGR, miniature airborne GPS receiver, 243245

Magvar, 437


air data, 412, 423424

avionic, 700

dispatch, 703

radar, 504

See also MTBF, MTTR

mamp, milliampere

Manchester coding, 692

Manual navigation, see Human navigator

Maneuver sensitivity, see Error

Manometer, 404, 422423

MAP, missed approach point 654

Map, see Chart; Display, map

Map, real-beam, 501509

Map matching, see Terrain matching

Marker beacon:

description, 121122, 618619

as final fix, 654

landing, 599

taxiway guidance, 605

Markov process, 90, 297

MASP, Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard, 251

Master station:

Decca, 171

GPS control, 179

Loran, 139

Mathematical model, see Error; Simulation


antenna rotation, 527

covariance, 75

direction cosine, 27, 355, 366

Kalman gain, 75

measurement noise, 74

observability, 563

quaternion, 355356

rotation, 563

McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, 4, 699

See also Boeing; C-17; F-15; F-18; MD-x

MCF, Metroplex control facilities, 679

MCM, multi-chip module, 548

MCOPS, million complex operations per second, 548

MCS, master control station, 208

MCU, modular concept unit, 235

MD-11, 605, 695, 698

MD-80, 605

MDA, minimum descent altitude, 600

MEA, minimum en-route altitude, 649, 657

Measurement, see each navaid; Accelerometer; GPS; Gyroscope; Magnetic Compass; Sensor

Mean time between failures, see MTBF

Meatball, 633

Mediterranean Sea, 152, 167


DME, 131

Loran, 149

See also EPROM; RAM; ROM; Software

Mercator, 28, 40


GLONASS navigation, 261262

GPS navigation, 218226

WAAS, 270272

Meteorology, see Weather

Metering, ATC, 658, 678

Metroplex, ATC, 679

MF medium frequency, 100

MFD, multifunction display, 695

MF/DF, medium-frequency direction finder, 11

MGR, miniature GPS receiver, 243

MGRS, military grid reference system, 28, 302

MHz, megahertz = 106 Hz

Microbursts, 544, 599

Microwave landing svstem, see MLS

MIDS, 284, 311


airborne radar, 503

aircraft carrier, 630636

aircraft types, 56

air data, 408409, 413414

airspace, 646

avionics, 16

celestial navigation, 594

charts, 4950

cooling, 703

Doppler radar, 450

GPS, 198, 229 ff, 243248

helmet display, 697

inertial navigators, 314, 390

JTIDS, 284299

landing, 630637

MGRS, 28, 302

mission planning, 17

MLS, 622

packaging, 702

PLRS, 299311

radar, 503

radar velocity error, 526

sonobuoys, 6, 484

standards, 19

Tacan, 133137

tactical landing, 622, 638

terrain avoidance, 529533

terrain matching, 534536

See also aircraft designations; Aircraft carrier; Helicopter;

Radar, airborne

Millibar, defined, 397

Millimeter-wave, 636637

Millington (Loran), 146

MIL-M-28787, 702

MIL-STD-704 power, 700

MIL-STD-1553 data bus:

air data, 409

description, 691692

Doppler radar, 490

GPS, 235

MIL-STD-1773, 693

min, minute

Minimum altitude:

descent, 18, 600

en-route, 649, 657

landing, 652

vectoring, 659

warning, 674

MIPS, million instructions per second, 548


laser gyro, 327

telescope, 567

Misalignment, see Alignment

MIS, metal insulator semiconductor, 572

Missed approach:

aircraft carrier, 633

described, 9, 599

procedure, 654

segment, 654

See also Bolter

Missile guidance, 8, 41

Mission planning, 17, 21, 182

Mixer, 470

Mizar, 585

MLS, microwave landing system, 620628

data transmission, 625626

in Europe, 687


mobile, 627

redundancy, 627

scanning, 623 ff

signal-in-space, 621

Shuttle landing, 636

See also DME/P

MM, middle marker 618

mm, millimeter (10–3 meter)

MMIC, microwave monolithic integrated circuits, 493, 498

MMLS, mobile MLS, 627

MMO, maximum operational Mach number, 408

MMWR, millimeter-wave radar, 636

Mode A, 665667

Mode C, 409, 665667

Mode S:

described, 667, 670

display overlay, 50

TCAS coordination, 686

Models, mathematical, see Filter; Simulation

Modes, see each navaid


air-ground communication, 670

depth of, Tacan, 134

difference in depth of, 609610

Doppler radar, 466469, 490

Doppler VOR, 126

fiberoptic gyroscope, 337

fluxgate compass, 441


GPS, 213

glide slope, 610611, 614616

JTIDS, 286

localizer, 609

marker beacon, 121

PLRS, 302

pseudonoise, 213

radio altimeter, 492, 498

of radio waves, 100

Tacan, 134135

VOR, 123

wobbling, 495

See also each radio navaid

Modulation index, 466, 468


aircraft systems, 670

carrier landing, 635636

data bus, 691692

GPS, 179, 207210

gyro, 325

ILS, 608

landing, 638

Loran transmitter, 149

Omega station, 156, 167

PLRS, 301

precision runway, 683

RAIM, 176, 264265

WAAS, 269

See also BIT; Failure detection; Fault tolerance

Monopulse, see Antenna

Monte Carlo simulation, 376

Moon, 210, 586

MOPS, Minimum Operational Performance Standards, 235, 271

MOS, metal oxide semiconductor, 572

Motion compensation:

autofocus, 520

Doppler tuning, 515

range walk, 516

SAR radar, 514, 518522

vertical reference, 433434

Morse code, 123, 133, 609, 618

Moving target detection, 539540

mrad, milliradian = 10 − 3 radian

MS, master station, PLRS, 300

MS, monitor station, GPS, 208210

MSAS, MTSAT satellite augmentation system, 268

MSAW, minimum safe altitude warning, 678

MSBLS, microwave scanning beam landing system

MSK, minimum shift key, 670

MSL, mean sea level, 23, 38, 307, 644

MSS, mobile satellite services, 259

MTBF, mean time between failures:

avionics, 695, 700

inertial, 364

radar, 504

MTBUR, mean time between unconfirmed removals, 700

MTI, moving target indication, 541, 544

MTSAT, multi-functional transport satellite, 268

MTTR, mean time to repair, 202

Multilateration, 4243, 113, 283284, 288

Multimode radar, 538 ff

Multipath effects:

altimeter, 495

description, 109111

direction finder, 119

DME, 132

Doppler CW, 465

glide slope, 615

GPS, 228, 230232, 250, 278

ILS bends, 619

ILS siting, 630

ionosphere, 107

PLRS, 309

Tacan siting, 138

VOR siting, 127

Multisensor navigation:

air-data-inertial, 6768, 97, 373375

block diagram, 22

Doppler-AHRS, 6970

Doppler-inertial, 6467, 451, 462, 477, 479

GPS-AHRS, 347, 389, 447

GPS-Doppler, 97, 451, 490, 498

GPS-GLONASS, 257262, 267

GPS-inertial, 8191, 629


GPS-Loran, 69, 175

GPS-Loran-Doppler, 2069-70

JTIDS-air data, 297

JTIDS-inertial, 289

JTIDS multifunction, 311

Loran-Chayka, 176

Omega-inertial, 156

SAR-inertial, 511, 519

stellar-inertial, 6164, 557 ff

stellar-inertial-Doppler, 6869

theory of, 55 ff

VOR-inertial, 82

NAS, national airspace system, US, 262

NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US

air data, 418

Space Shuttle, 422

NATO, North American Treaty Organization, 197, 198

Nautical mile, defined, 25

Navigator, human, 3, 1920


NC, navigation controller, 288

NCO, number-controlled oscillator, 240

ND, navigation display, 695

NDB, nondirectional beacon, 12, 120121, 662


air traffic, 671

JTIDS, 284 ff

PLRS, 300 ff

New York, 681

NEXRAD, Next-Generation Weather Radar, 673

NF, noise figure, 476

Night, propagation, 117

NIST, National Institute of Science and Technology, US, 575

nm, nanometer = 10 − 9 meter

nmi, nautical mile = 1852 meters.

NNSS, Navy navigation satellite system, US, 178

NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US, 152


ascending, 186

com-nav, 283

descending, 186

line of, 185


abatement, 659660

clock, 190

Doppler S/N, 476

Doppler spectrum, 460, 472473

optical gyro, 331

radar jitter, 528

receiver, 102

scanning, 462463

sensor, 7071

velocity, 487

white, 83, 560

See also Atmosphere; Correlation; Filter; Power spectral density: Spread-spectrum

Noise figure, 102, 476

Noise power, receiver, 102

Northrop-Grumman Corp., 580, 582, 591

NOTAM. Notice to Airmen, 661, 670, 680

NovAtel Communications, Ltd., 235, 236, 237, 239

NTR, net time reference, 286, 289

Null, antenna, 110

Null-reference glide slope, 614

Nutation, astronomic, 587

NWS, National Weather Service, US, 672, 680

Nyquist rate, 548

Oakland, 681

OAT, outside air temperature, 398


Doppler radar, 65

Kalman filter, 91

radar. 529

stellar-inertial, 562564

Obstacle clearance, 648, 653

Oceanic traffic:

Atlantic, 660

celestial navigation, 551

com-nav, 13, 660

described, 660661

Pacific, 680681

regulations, 680681

OCXO, oven-controlled crystal oscillator, 233

OEM, original equipment manufacturer

Offset, parallel ATC, 663. See also Clock

O'Hare International Airport, 275, 608

OM, outer marker beacon, 602, 654

Omega, 155171

accuracy, 162163

differential, 167

direct ranging, 164165

hyperbolic, 162

lane ambiguity, 158, 163

over ocean, 650

propagation anomalies, 159161

receiver, 169171

RNAV, 649

signal-in-space, 157159

sole means, 661

stations, 156157

transmitters, 156, 168169

with VLF, 167169

Omnidirectional range, see VOR

Optical landing aid:

aircraft carrier, 633634

enhanced vision, 636

FLIR, 636

focal plane array, 637

Optical sensor, see Sensor

OQPSK, offset quaternary phase shift keying, 670

Orbit elements:


GPS, 197198

perturbations, 188190

Orbiter, see Space Shuttle

Order wire, PLRS, 300

Orthogonality, 560


DME crystal, 128

Doppler radar, 480

GPS, 232, 236

number-controlled, 240

optical, 327336

OXCO, 233

radar altimeter, 493

TXCO, 233

VCO, 236

VFO, 524

VOR crystal, 123

See also Clock

OSI, open system interconnection, 671

Outlier, 48

P3V, 450

P3V, 450

Pacer Systems, Inc., 416

Pacific Ocean:

Chayka, 175, 176

Inmarsat, 270

Loran, 152

Omega, 156

traffic control, 13, 680


ARINC, 600, 701702

inertial, 356358, 362363

radar, 548

SEM, 549, 702

Packet, 671. See also MTBF; Weight; Power consumption

Painting, radar 506

PAR, precision approach radar:

land-based, 13, 652, 664

Russia, 13

shipborne 636


mountain, 453454

smooth Earth, 453

Parallax, 555, 587

Parallel approaches, 682683

Parallel processors, 540

Parasitic element, Tacan, 134

Partitioning, 18

Pascal, B., 51


SAR, 509, 520

terrain-matching, 37

PATCO, pulse amplitude and timing controller, 147

Payload, GPS, 204205

PCD, polar-cap disturbance, 165

PCDP, pilot control display panel, 301

P-code, precise code:


GPS, 216

PDF, probability density function, 541

PDOP, position dilution of position, 49, 201

Pendulum, see Accelerometer

Performance, see Error

Perigee, 187

Period of orbit, 187


orbital, 188 ff

state vector, 78

See also Filter

PFD, primary flight display, 695

PGTR, pulse group time reference, 149


in-phase, 239240, 247, 528

lock, 236

measurement, 32

quadrature, 239240, 247, 528

VOR, 126

Phased-array, see Antenna

Phases of flight, 710, 655659

Photoconductive, 572

Photomultiplier, 573

Photon, 572

Photovoltaic, 572


accelerometer, 320

air-data probe, 417

gyroscope, 325, 344

inertial platform, 361

Pick-up, see Detector; Pickoff


air-data, 402

cavity control, 331

mandrel, 337

torquer, 327

PIGA, pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer, 323

Pilot, see Display; Cockpit

Pilotage, 504505

Pipeline processors, 540

Pitot tube, 393 ff


CCD, 572

defective, 592

telescope, 596

PL, see Pseudolite

Planar array, see Antenna

Planck's constant, 572

Planet, 586

Plan position indicator, 506

Plasma, ionosphere, 193

Plates, see Charts

Platform, inertial, 314, 348 ff

alignment, 382 ff

analytic, 314

4-gimbal, 316, 363364

gimballed, 361 ff

gimbal lock, 361

isolation, 356, 361

stellar, 552

strapdown, 356

temperature effect, 356, 363

vibration effect, 356, 362

PLRS, position location reporting system, 299311

accuracy, 309310

altimetry, 305

capacity, 309

control network, 301

enhanced, 310

Kalman filter, 307

MGRS, 312

network management, 308309

range measurement, 305

time offset measurement, 305

waveform, 302304

Pneumatic tubing, 396

PMC, power managment control, 493

PN, see Pseudo-random noise

P/N, part number


precise, 594

to star, 556


DME, 131

Doppler radar, 464

GPS linear, 206

laser gyro, 333, 340

radio waves, 104

VOR, 123, 125

Polar regions:

air traffic control, 13

wander azimuth, 29

POR, Pacific Ocean region, 270

Port, static, 394, 422

PORT structure, 301


absolute, 114, 283

defined, 2

relative, 283

Position Location Reporting System, see PLRS

Position report, ATC, 660

Position update, see Fix

Positive control, 8, 12, 645

See also Air traffic control

Power, optical

sky, 568572

star, 567568

Power, radiated:

DME interrogator, 127

DME transponder, 128

Doppler radar, 490

GLONASS, 258, 261

GPS, 206

Loran, 147

marker beacon, 121

Omega, 169

pseudolite, 276

radar altimeter, 491493, 495, 498

radar, phased array, 546

radio navaid, 103

VOR, 123

See also each navaid

Power consumption:

DO-160, 700701

gyroscope, 345

inertial system, 317, 349

MIL-STD-704, 700701

radar altimeter, 493, 495, 498

Power spectral density, 219, 479

PPC, predicted propagation correction, 159

PPI, plan position indicator, 506

PPLI, precise position location and identification, 284285

PPM, pulse-position modulation, 665, 670

PPS, precise positioning service:

accuracy of, 245

description, 198

error budget, 253

PPS-SM, PPS Security Module, 248


GPS, 220

JTIDS, 285

PLRS, 302

WAAS, 271

See also Data bus

Preamplifier, see Amplifier


astronomic, 584, 586589

gyroscopic, 343

vertical gyro, 432

Precipitation, see Rain

Precise positioning service, see PPS


dynamic, 396

helicopter dynamic, 414

impact, 396

pilot, 396

static, 394

total, 396

Pressure altitude, 404

Pressure-pattern navigation, 12, 41, 661

PRF, pulse reptition frequency, 493, 498

PRI, pulse reptition interval, 540

Principal axes, 45

PRM, precision runway monitor, 683

PRN, Pseudo-random noise, see Spread-spectrum


CEP, 45

Gaussian, 46

GPS codes, 214216

integrals, 46

landing accident, 597

SEP, 48

three dimensional, 48

See also MTBF; Safety of flight

Probe, air data:

angle of attack, 399400

intrusive, 394

flush, 394, 422

omnidirectional, 415

pitot-static, 394396

recovery factor, 399

rotating, 414416

swivel, 417

Profile, see Terrain matching

Program pins, 409

Programming, see Software

Prohibited area, 646

Projections, map, see Charts

PROM, programmable ROM:

ARINC bus, 694

data storage, 51

personality, 694

Propagation, radio:

description, 99 ff

diurnal, 142, 160

JTIDS, 298

Loran over water, 146

Omega, 160161

seasonal, 142, 160

Proportional navigation, 41

Protocol, communication, 671


coverage, 202

described, 13, 275278

landing, 630

WAAS, 275

Pseudo-random noise, see Spread-spectrum


calculation of, 3435, 89

definition, 181

GPS measurement, 226227

radio navigation, 114

Psi-angle, 62, 558

PTH, path, 696

PTTI, precise time and time internal, 139


compression, 545

group, Loran, 139

Tacan, north, 136

PVU, precision velocity update, 453, 504

Q-ball, 421

Quadraphase, 234, 528

Quality of navigation:

GPS health, 221222

JTIDS, 289

MLS confidence, 626

PDOP, 202

See also Errors

QPSK, quadrature phase-shift keying, 278, 670671


strap-down inertial, 352353, 355

JTIDS, 293

RA resolution advisory, 686

Rad, radian


equation, 472477

history, 503

millimeter wave, 637

signal processing, 539540

software, 539, 547548

Radar, airborne:

fluctuations, 513

mapping, 503 ff

military target, 5

multimode, 29, 451, 457, 503, 524, 538 ff

pencil beam, 533, 538

reliability, 504

resolution, 505, 508

search, 664

sensitivity, 507

shadowing, 508

terrain avoidance, 504, 529 ff

terrain-following, 529 ff

warning time, 533

weather, 540545

See also ACRS; Altimeter, radar; Doppler radar; PAR; SAR; ??????????Weather radar

Radar, traffic control:

airport surveillance, 652

approach vectors, 600

ASR, 679

carrier landing, 634635

display, 658

ground-controlled approach, 636, 664

height-finding, 664

primary, 664

procedures, 662

secondary surveillance, 664667, 687

Tracon, 679

transponder, 665

See also Separation

Radiance, sky, 569


hardening, 206

natural, 10

Radio altimeter, see Altimeter; Radar

Radio-frequency interference, see EMI

Radio-magnetic compass, 426

Radio navigation:

history, 1114, 100

radiated power, 103

See also each navaid

Radionavigation Plan, US, 705

Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, see RTCA

Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, see RTCM

Radius of curvature:

Gaussian, 25

meridian, 25, 370

prime, 25, 370

Radome, 45, 125, 230, 465466, 480, 626

Rails, cooling, 703

RAIM, receiver autonomous integrity monitoring, 264268


attenuation in, 109

detection by radar, 542

effect on air-data, 399

effect on GPS, 195

effect on radar, 476, 533534

effect on weather radar, 540, 542543

IR absorption, 637

landing, 599

RAM, random-access memory

Random route, see RNAV

Random walk, see Noise


bin, 515, 519 ff

cell, 534 ff

calculation of line-of-sight, 3335

clock error, 35

dynamic, 507

in ECEF, 233

iterative calculation, 3335

Millington's method, 146

one-way, 3536

range-to-go, 21, 3840

samples, 506

slant, 33, 550

trace, 506

two-way, 32

walk, radar, 516517


DME, 8182

GPS, 229

with JTIDS, 288

line of sight, 112, 181

with PLRS, 305

pseudoranging, 34, 181

WAAS, 273

while search, 538

See also Multilateration

Ranging, direct:

Loran, 145146

Omega, 164165

Range-rate calculation, 183184

RAPCON, radar approach control center, 655, 679

Rayleigh scattering, 421

Rb, Rubidium, 204

RBGM, real beam ground map, 504509, 538

RCAG, remote communication air-ground site, 677

RCP, right circularly polarized, 333

RCS, radar cross section, 542

Reasonability test:

JTIDS relnav, 294

Kalman filter, 92

Reasonableness, see Reasonability test

Rebalance loop:

accelerometer, 320322

mechanical gyroscope, 343, 345

optical gyroscope, 339

Receiver, see each radio navaid

Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring, see RAIM

Reconnaissance, 6


factor, probe, 398

time, DME, 7072, 130

Recursive filter, see Kalman filter

Redundancy, see Fault tolerance


pulse, Tacan, 134

points, radar, 505

station, GPS, 248

Reflection, see Mirror; Multipath


clouds, 542

dust, 544

radar, 507508

rain, 542, 545

See also Mirror; Multipath

Refraction, see Atmosphere; Ionosphere; Troposphere

Refractive index, 35, 193

Refueling, 6

Relative navigation, 283

Relativity, 227

RelGrid, 288


air data, 412

inertial navigator, 364

Loran, 144

radar, 504

of software, 18

temperature effect, 703

See also Availability; MTBF

RelNav, 284

Remotely piloted vehicles, 6

Repair, see Maintenance

Repeatability, Loran 144145

Repetition rate:

DME, 127

Loran, 132, 140

radar altimeter, 493, 498

weather radar, 544

Reporting, ATC, 660

Required navigation performance, 235, 662

Rescue, see Search and rescue

Residuals, GPS, 229

See also Errors


A/D converter, 402

advisory, 686

optical, 565, 572

radar, 511 ff


gimbal, 317

star tracker, 577, 579


accelerometer, 320

optical gyroscope, 326

tuned rotor, 344345

vertical gyroscope, 433

See also Tuning

Restoring loop, see Servo

Restricted area, 646

RF, radio frequency

RF, remote facility, 208

RFI, radio frequency interference, see EMI

RH, relative humidity, 195

RHCP, right-hand circularly polarized, 230

Rho-rho fix, 113

See also Multilateration

Rho-theta fix, 113

Rhumb line, 40

Right ascension, 200, 553

Risk, collision, 10, 606

RLG, ring-laser gyro, 326 ff

RMS, root mean square, 46

RNAV, random navigation:

computation, 4244

described, 7, 649

GNSS, 687

MLS, 626

oceanic, 661

separation, 663

RNP see Required navigation performance

Rockwell, dust jacket photo

Rollout, on runway, 599, 604605

ROM, read-only memory, 21, 51

Rosemount, Inc, 395


axis of, 352

of Earth, see Earth

Euler angles, 349

on takeoff, 7

See also Direction cosines; Quaternions

Round-off, 92

RPV, remotely piloted vehicle, see UAV

RS, radio set, 300

RSS, root sum square

RS-232, serial data bus, 409

RSBN, CIS navigation aid, 13

RT, radio transmitter, 174

RTCA, formerly Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics:

altimetry, 727

air traffic management, 738

avionics standards, 19, 705739

DGPS landing, 251, 252, 713

Doppler radar, 730

GPS, 235, 713

ILS specifications, 608

landing, 735

marker beacon, 619

radio navaids, 710

software, 51

WAAS, 718719

RTCM, Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Senices, 250, 252, 715

RTR, remote transmitter/receiver, 679

RTT, round-trip timing, 286287

RTTI, round-trip timing interrogation, 286

RTTR, round-trip riming reply, 286

Rubidium clock, 204

Runge-Kutta, 261


active, 656

aircraft carrier, 630631

ATM, 660

capacity model, 690

environment, 651

ILS installation, 619

incursion, 604605

monitor, 683

surveillance, 600

See also Airport

Runway dimensions:

aircraft carrier, 630

fixed, 600

Russia, see CIS

RVR, runway visual range, 599

S3A, 450

SA, selective availability, GPS 198, 235


air data, 399

air speed 413

avionics, 16, 703

DGPS, 248249

engine controls, 16

flight control, 599, 606

partitioning, 18

terrain following radar, 536538

software, 51

traffic control, 678

WAAS, 268

See also Fault tolerance

Sagnac effect, 326


aliasing, 247

Kalman filter, 94

See also Filter

SAR, synthetic aperture radar, 511522

antenna scan, 509511

array time, 512

autofocus, 519

beam sharpening, 504 ff

focussed, 516518

future, 549

image formation, 508, 512 ff

patch, 509, 520

polar format, 519

real beam, 504 ff, 518

rectangular format, 518

scalloping, 509

strip maps, 516

terrain features, 508

unfocussed, 514516, 518

utilization, 505509

SARP, Standard and Recommended Practice, 608

SARSAT, search-and-rescue satellite-aided tracking, 16

Satellite navigation history, 178. See also GLONASS; GPS

Saudi Arabia, 176

SAW, surface acoustic wave, 236

S-band, 24 Ghz

SBAS, satellite-based augmentation system, 268

SBO, ILS sidebands-only signal, 609

Scale factor:

accelerometer, 323324

gyro, 341

Scalloping, radar, 509

Scan, radar, 506, 532, 538

Scattering, optical, 330, 335

Scattering, radar:

Doppler noise, 462463

sea, 481485

terrain, 474475

Schiphol Airport, 597

Schuler frequency:

damping, 91

defined, 373, 377

illustration, 59, 567


radio, 195

SAR, 508

star, 578

TF/TA radar, 535

Scorsby table, 365

Scramjet, 421

Sculling, 359

SDF, single-degree-of-freedom,

SDLC, synchronous data link control, 210, 212


bias, radar, 481

state, 475

water, Loran, 143

water, Omega, 160

SEADS, Shuttle Entry Air-Data System, 422

Sea level:

atmosphere, 397, 644

map, 23, 38

refraction, 578


DME, 67, 130

Loran, 149

radar, 511

Search and rescue, 16, 119, 605, 642, 657

sec, second of time

Secondary phase factor, 143

Secondary surveillance radar, 665

Sector, ATC, 656

controller, 677

departure, 657

terminal, 679


final approach, 654

GPS, 207 ff

initial approach, 652653

intermediate approach, 653654

missed approach, 654

Selective availability, see SA

Self-test, see BIT

SEM, standard electronic module, 702

SEM-E, SEM size E, 549, 702

Sensitivity, receiver, 102

Sensitivity time control, 507


air data, 393 ff, 400

airspeed, 396397

acoustic, 6, 348, 417

angle of attack, 399400

CCD, 553, 572573, 596

electrolytic level, 429

inertial, 317348

magnetic, 437443

military target, 5

navigation, 21

photo, 327328

pressure, 394397

quantum of, 572

star, 572574

temperature, 598599

See also Accelerometer; Dead-reckoning; FLIR; Gyroscopes; Star

Sensor Systems, Inc., 235, 238

SEP sphere of equal probability, also called spherical error probable, 48, 207

Separation of aircraft:

alert, 678679

approach, 659, 682

in controlled airspace, 645

longitudinal, 650

metering, 678

oceanic tracks, 660661

procedural 12, 649

radar, 651

standards, 649651, 663664

TCAS, 685

vertical, 651

visual, 651

wake turbulence, 659

See also Airspace; Air traffic management; Collision Avoidance


accelerometer restoring, 320

air data, 393

gimbal drive, 361363

goniometer, 117

Tacan antenna, 136

Sextant, 551

SF, secondary phase factor, 143

Shadowing, 508

Shear, see Wind shear

SHF, super-high frequency, 100

Shimmer, star, 578

Shock and vibration, see Vibration

Shock wave, see Supersonic

Shupe Effect, 340

SID, standard instrument departure, 16, 49, 655

Sidebands, 466, 609

Side lobe:

Doppler radar, 461

suppression, 665

Side-looking radar, see SAR

Sidereal day, 200, 554

Sideslip, 399100, 603604


GPS, 213218

Loran, 140141

Omega, 157159

Tacan, 135

VOR, 123

See also each navaid

Signal processing, see each navaid; Filter; Kalman filter

Signal-to-leakage ratio, 465

Signal-to-noise ratio, 103, 241, 472, 476, 533, 573

Silicon sensors:

air data, 402

inertial, 321, 347

Simplex data bus, 691


baro-inertial, 373375

inertial, 376 ff

landing, 604

Monte Carlo, 376

stellar-inertial, 561562

training, 52

See also each navaid; Error; Kalman filter; Multisensor navigation

SINS, ship's inertial navigation system, 314

Sirius, 555


Siting errors:

glide slope, 616617

Tacan, 136

VOR, 127

SKE, stationkeeping equipment

Skip distance, 107

Sky background, 568572

Sky wave, Loran:

propagation, 106108

pulse contamination, 140

Slave station:

Decca, 171

Loran, 139

Slip, landing, 604, 607

Slip rings, 363

Slot, see Time slot

SM, security module, 248

Smart probes, 492

Smart skin, 549

smi, statute miles = 5280 feet

Smoothing, see Filter; Delay

S/N, see Signal-to-noise ratio

Snell's Law, 577

Snow, see Rain

SNR, see Signal-to-noise ratio

Soft iron, 438


contents of, 21, 411, 507, 539

cost, 52

development sequence, 5152

independent verification, 251252

loading, 21, 52

radar, 539540, 547

See also each navaid; Filter; Kalman filter


activity, 194

array, 204

illumination, 162, 571

Sole means of navigation, 11, 661, 687

Sonobuoy, 6, 484

Sound, speed of, 397. See also Acoustic

South America, 11, 208

Soviet Union, see CIS

Space segment, GPS, 179

Space Shuttle:

air data, 393, 422

landing, 636

Space wave, 141

Spacing, see Separation

Specification, see ARINC: Eurocae; ICAO; RTCA

Specific heat, air, 397


Doppler radar, 460 ff


GPS, 216217

multi-mode radar, 523, 525

See also Frequency bands; Spread spectrum

Spectral density, see Power spectral density


recognition, 699

synthesis, 699


landing, 600, 603, 631

of light, 101, 223

of sound, 397

See also Airspeed

Sperry Corp, see Honeywell

Spherical harmonics:

gravity model, 188

magnetic model, 437

Spherical triangle, 40

SPI, special identification pulse, 665

SPN-35, 636

SPN-41, 42, 46, 631636


GPS, 198, 234

JTIDS, 286

PLRS, 302

SPS, standard positioning service: accuracy of, 198, 253 ff

described, 198

landing, 629630

SR-71, 551

SRC, sensitivity range control, 492

SS, space segment, GPS, 179

SSR, secondary surveillance radar, 665

Stable element, see Platform; Inertial

Stable platform, see Platform; Inertial

Stability, filter, 92


celestial, 577

Doppler radar, 457460, 485

heading references, 426 ff

inertial, 314, 361362

Tacan transmitter, 134

Stall margin, 603

STANAG 3910, 693


arrival, 655

atmosphere, 397

departure, 655

deviation, 46

positioning service, see SPS


avionic, 19

separation, 663664

See also ARINC; DoD; Eurocae; ICAO; IEEE; RTCA

Standard terminal arrival route, see STAR

STAR, standard terminal arrival route, 16, 655


catalog, 556, 583590

calculation, 590593

detector, 571573

double, 585

geometry, 553557

irradiance, table, 570

magnitude, 567569, 583

measurement, 552

pointing error, 576578

position calculation, 586590

quantum efficiency, 574

signal power, 567568

spectral characteristics, 567568

variable, 584585

Star tracker:

detached, 577

gimballed, 576

strapdown, 563, 577, 581583

See also Celestial navigation; Telescope

State vector:

defined, 1, 73

dimensions, 90

GPS, 91

inertial, 90

JTIDS, 289

stellar-inertial, 560

See also Filter; Kalman filter

Static defect, 394

Static source, 413


distribution of errors, 45

Gaussian, 46

stationary, 44

variance, 46

See also Covariance; Noise

STC, sensitivity time control, 507


airway, 4042

carrier landing, 633

course-line, 3842

direct, 4041

great circle, 40

guidance, 2

inertial, 373

Stellar-inertial navigation, 68, 557 ff

STOL, short takeoff and landing, 6. See also VTOL


magnetometer, 440442

radar antenna, 459

stellar sensor, 64, 581583, 594

Strapdown INS, 348 ff

mechanization, 348353

packaging, 356359

performance, 359361

quaternions, 352354

role of gyroscope, 325

Strouhal number, 416, 553

SUA, special-use airspace, 688

Subframe, GPS, 220

Sunspots, 106


Mach calculation, 405

optical shock wave, 578

radar reflection, 465

See also Hypersonic

Supplemental navigation, 235, 266, 661


automatic dependent, 1, 667669

radar, 664667, 683

on runway, 605

Surveyor, 450

Swath, range, 507, 519, 538

Swerling, P., 536


compass, 439, 443444

with Doppler radar, 490

Switch, land-sea, 483

Swiveling probe, 417418


air data computer, 400

direction finder, 445

Doppler radar, 459

magnetic compass, 441


bit, 242

frame, 242

GPS codes, 216

GPS navigation data, 218

JTIDS, 286287

Loran, 147

of measurements, 92

Omega, 158

PLRS, 300

VLF, 167

See also Time measurement

Synchronous satellite, 268

Synthesizer, GPS, 239

Synthetic aperture radar, see SAR

Synthetic array, see SAR

TA, traffic advisory, 658, 686

TA, terrain avoidance, 504

TACAN, radical air navigation:

aircraft carrier, 134, 633

approach fix, 600

military usage, 5

receiver, 135137

signal-in-space, 133

transmitter, 133135

Takeoff, 7

rapid, 593

Tanker, 5


chart, 4950, 378

military, 5

radar, 534

Taxi, see Landing

Taylor series, 520

TCAS, traffic alert and collision avoidance system:

description, 684686, 689

display overlay, 50

speech cues, 699

TCXO, temperature compensated crystal oscillator, 233

TD, dynamical time, 576

TD, time difference, 139

TDF, two-degrees-of-freedom, 343345

TDMA, time-division multiple access:

JTIDS, 287

PLRS, 303

TDOP, time dilution of position, 49, 201

TDWR, terminal Doppler weather radar, 673

TEC, total electron content, 194

Telemetry, GPS, 212, 218221


design, 96, 564566

gimballed, 579580

optic, 514516

stabilized, 563, 578

strapdown, 552, 563

pointing commands, 557, 576


accelerometer error, 323

antenna error, 480

avionic bays, 703

effect on reliability, 703

free stream, 398

lapse rate, 644

optical effects, 578

outside air, 398

stagnation, 398

star, 568

total, 398


air data, 399, 402

beam direction, 480

gimballed platform, 363

inertial instruments, 321, 331, 340, 346, 381, 429

optical gyroscope, 340

oscillator, 232233

Template, voice, 699

TERCOM, Terrain Contour Mapping, 38


control area, 645

instrument procedure, 657

See also Airspace


TERPS, terminal instrument procedures, 652, 736


approach, 615618

avoidance radar, 529 ff

digital maps, 3738

enrors, radar, 474, 481

following radar, 529 ff

glide slope bends, 619

land-water boundary, 506

matching, 37

measurement, radar, 38, 534536

patch, 3738, 509, 520

profiling, 38, 530

radar image, 505, 508

radar reflection, 67, 453454, 474, 508509

scattering, radar, 474 ff

See also Glide slope; Radar, Airborne


accelerometer, 324

air data, 422

Doppler radar, 489

flight, 299, 311, 379, 394, 409, 413, 418, 422423, 489 7/ 8/10

mechanical gyroscope, 347

optical gyroscope, 342

See also Compensation; Calibration; Swinging

Textron Defense Systems, 627

TF, see Terrain following

TF/TA, terrain following/terrain avoidance

TFM, traffic-flow management, 542

Theodolite, 381, 439

Threshold, optical, 574. See also Landing

Throttle management, 15

carrier landing, 635

Category II, III, 599

TID, travelling ionospheric disturbance, 194

Tidal effect:

landing altimeter, 607

radar, 484

Timation, 197

Time constant, see Delay

Time definition:

dynamic, 576

universal, 207, 226

Time-difference, Loran, 139

Time measurement:

absolute, 13, 226

Allan variance, 190192

atomic, 204

celestial navigator, 551, 575576

difference, 32, 139

from GPS, 255

history, 13

from JTIDS, 289

WWV, 575

See also Clock

Time of arrival:

ComNav, 283

GPS, 184

JTIDS, 284 ff

Loran, 36, 145146

PLRS, 299 ff

Omega, 36

Time slot:

DME, 130

JTIDS, 284 ff

Loran, 149

PLRS, 304

Time to closest approach, 685

Time Reference Scanning Beam, 621

TLM, telemetry word, 218 ff

TMU, traffic management unit, 677678

TOA, see Time of arrival

TOPCO, transmitter operational control, 147


accelerometer, 319

directional gyro, 445

gyro, 325, 343, 345, 431, 444, 583

mechanization, 371

platform, 314


aircraft carrier, 631

tolerances, 604

wheel path, 602

See also Landing

TOW, time of week, 204


air traffic control, 655, 679680

as radar target, 533535

T/R, transmit/receive, 546

TR-I, 245

TRACAB, terminal radar approach colocated with tower cab, 679

TRACE, track review and correction estimation, 307

Trace, range, 506


angle, illustration, 30

oceanic, 660

processing, 678

terrain matching, 37

toward target, 40

Tracker, electronic:

altitude, 493

carrier phase, 242, 248

DME, 131

frequency, 469472

GPS code, 241242, 248

leading edge, 492

Loran, 151

mapping radar, 511

sine-cosine, 471

while scan, 538

TRACON, terminal radar approach control center, 655, 679

Traffic, see Air space; Air traffic management


CBT, 20

maintenance, 701

radar operator, 506

simulator, 52

Transducer, air data, 400. See also Sensor

Transfer alignment, 386388

Transit, 178

Transmissometer, 599

Transmitter, see each radio navaid

Transponder, ATC, 657, 658, 665667. See also Beacon; Interrogator

Transverse pole, 2829

Trident aircraft, 605

Trilateration, see Multilateration


delay, 249, 272

refraction, 195197, 227228

Truncation, 92

Tsikada, 178

TSO, technical standard order, 235

TT&C, telemetry, tracking and control, 270

Tubes, air data, 396, 412


gyrocompass, 436

gyro suspension, 344

Kalman filter, 92

optical cavity, 331

See also Filter; Radio navaids


clear air, 418, 543

shimmer, 578

wake, 659

Turn and bank indicator, 11, 400

TWT, travelling wave tube, 546

TXCO, temperature-controlled crystal oscillator, 233

U-2, 245, 551

UAV, unmanned airborne vehicle:

Doppler radar, 450, 490

mission, 6

navigation of, 311

radar altimeter 497

vehicle, 5

UDRE, user differential range error, 250

UERE, user equivalent range error, 253

UHF, ultra-high frequency, 100

United Kingdom, 417, 437, 598, 605

United States:

Air Force, 197, 208, 245, 530, 692, 725, 735

Army, 413, 474, 480, 726

Naval Air Engineering Center, 632, 633

Naval Research Laboratory, 637

Navy, 178, 197, 245, 633, 635

See also FAA; Military; NWS; USCG

Unmanned airborne vehicles, see UAV

Update, see Fix

Uplink, see Data link

Upload, GPS, 207

URA, user range accuracy, 221

URE, user range error, 207

URO, user readout, 301

USCG, United Slates Coast Guard, 119, 145, 153, 175

USNO, US Naval Observatory, 207208, 262

USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, see CIS

UT, universal time, 576

UTC, universal time coordinated:

celestial, 575576


GPS, 207, 218, 226, 255

Loran, 139, 155

UTM, Universal Transverse Mercator, 28

Validity test, see Reasonability test


angle of attack, 399

angle of sideslip, 399

pivoted, 395

swiveling, 417

Variance, 46. See also Allan variance; Statistics

Variation, magnetic, 437

VCO, voltage-controlled oscillator, 236

VDI, vertical deviation indicator, 613

VDOP, vertical dilution of position, GPS, 201, 253


air traffic, 655, 659

celestial error, 558

gravity, 23

state, 1


dead reckoned, 29

Doppler-measured, 449 ff

GPS-measured, 255

group, 193194

illustrated, 30

inertially-measured, 313 ff

JTIDS, 285

phase, 193

PVU, 522

SAR, 518522

touchdown dispersion, 607


apparent, 23

astronomic, 23

defined, 23

deflection of the, 25

gyro, 429436

separation, 65

true, 23

Vertical gyroscope, see Gyroscope; Vertical

Vertical position, see Altitude

VFO, variable frequency oscillator, 524525

VFR, visual flight rules:

clearance, 657

in controlled airspace, 645

described, 643 ff

transponder code, 665

VHF, very high frequency, 100

VHF, omnidirectional range, see VOR

Vibrating beam accelerometer, 322

Vibrating diaphragm sensor, 402

Vibrating string accelerometer, 322


accelerometer, 322

directional gyro, 446

effect on alignment, 384 ff

effect on oscillator, 233

gimballed platform, 362

gunfire, 67

gyroscope, 331333, 340

strapdown system, 359

See also Acceleration

Vibropendulous error, 320

Victor airway, 646

Video, radar, 512

Visibility, 597, 645646, 657. See also Ceiling

Visual charted procedures, 660

Visual flight rules, 643644

Visual separation, see Separation

VLF, very low frequency, 100

VLF, Omega, 167168

VMC, visual meteorological conditions, 651 ff

VMO, maximum operational velocity, 408

Von Karman, 415

VOR, VHF omnidirectional range:

approach fix, 600

block diagram, 125

Doppler, 126127

high altitude, 646

low altitude, 646

radome, 125

receiver, 125127

signals-in-space, 122123

terminal, 646

transmitter, 122125


airways, 4244

approach, 652

description, 122126

Doppler, 646

RNAV, 646

RNP, 663


ATM, 646

description, 138

steering, 4144

Vortex transducer, 415416

VSI vertical situation display, 427

VTOL, vertical takeoff and landing, 636. See also STOL

w, watt = joule/second

WAAS, wide-area augmentation system:

ATM, 663, 687

description, 268274

en-route, 15

landing, 252

WADGPS, wide-area DGPS, 252, 268

Wake turbulence:

aircraft, 659

ship, 631

Wander angle, see Azimuth; Wander

Wander azimuth, see Azimuth; Wander

Warm-up, INS, 381


scattering, 475

sea bias, 481

sea current, 484

sea state, 475

tidal offset, 484

Wave, electromagnetic:

guide, 161

line-oyf-sight, 108111

Loran space, 141

number, 159160

See also Ground wave; Sky wave; Space wave

Wave-off, see Bolter

Watts Antenna Company, 618


description, 16, 38, 43, 649

time of arrival, 675


control of, 17

kill radius, 8, 47

miss distance, 522


all-weather operations, 597

for ATM, 642, 672673, 678, 682

briefing, 656

cyclonic winds, 12

forecast, 598, 672, 680

GPS, 210

IMC, 9

landing, 597598

runway visual range,

star visibility, 562

See also Ceiling; Lightning

Weather radar, 540545

history, 503

precipitation effect, 542

See also Display

Week number, GPS, 222

Weight of receivers:

direction finder, 117

DME, 131

Doppler radar, 490

GPS antenna, 245

inertial navigator, 317, 349

marker beacon, 122

mechanical gyroscope, 345

optical gyroscope, 340

radar altimeter, 491, 493

Tacan, 136

VOR, 126

Weighting factors, see Filter

Westinghouse Corporation, 637

WGS, see World Geodetic System

Whisky compass, 440

Wide-area DGPS, see WAAS

Wilcox Corporation, 614, 615

Wild point, 48


aircraft carrier, 631

cross-wind landing, 603604

dead reckoning, 30

Doppler radar, 484

in-flight calculation, 408

during landing, 599, 603

LLWAS, 673

measured by radar, 540

shear, 16, 418420, 540, 543, 673

steering, 41


atmospheric, 109

distortion, 577

optical, 552, 577

radar PVU, 525

WMM, World Magnetic Model, 437

WMS, wide-area master station, 269

Wobbling modulation, 495

World Geodetic System:

dimensions, 25, 224

gravitation, 187

World War II:

navigation, 12

radar, 503, 507

WRS, wide-area reference station, 269

WWV radio, 575

WWV-H radio, 575

X-15 air data, 421

X-band, 101, 517, 538, 542, 550, 634

Yaw damper, 400

Z-beacon, 12

Z-count, 204

Zero crossings, Loran, 141

Zonal harmonics, see Spherical harmonics

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