
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


access control list (ACL) 460

Access Restrictions feature 40

ACR Tasks 62-65, 70

active replication 390

activities, Durable Functions 195


authentication 460

authorization 460

Azure portal, using to navigate through files 454-457

data, storing 454

network isolation 463

SDKs, using to manage files 457-460

security features 460

ADLS instance

creating 452-454

Apache Avro format 345

Apache Lucene

about 116

reference link 116

reference link, for supported query operations 121

append blobs 312

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) 135

Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) 221

application host 158

application programming interfaces (APIs)

about 522

designing guidelines 507, 508


deploying, to Kubernetes cluster 86-90

deploying, with kubectl 91

developing, with Azure Event Hub 332-340

preparing, for deployment 73-77

applications, deploying to Azure

best practices 584

App Service plan

creating 8-12

Dev / Test 9, 31

Isolated 9, 33

Isolated V2 34

Production 9, 32

selecting 30

ARM templates

about 410, 479, 580, 581

infrastructure deployments, automating 580

using 582

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) 399


about 460

configuring, in Azure portal 34

Authentication Context Class Reference (ACR) 68

authorization 460

autoscale, Cosmos DB 261, 262


about 471, 472

advantages 472

algorithm, using 472

disadvantages 472

examples 473

scaling out 473

scaling up 473

availability zones 59

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

about 384

using, to secure App Service resources 34-38

Azure API Management

API gateway 506

concepts 506

developer portal 506, 507

management plane 506, 507

Azure API Management policies

examples 509

schema 509-511

Azure API Management service

automated management 516, 517

provisioning 511-516

Azure Application Gateway

features 538

integrating, with web applications 547, 548

load balancing 538, 539

multiple-site hosting 540

security 538

SSL offloading 538

URLs and headers, rewriting 540

Web Application Firewall (WAF) 539

Azure Application Insights service

alerts 410-415

automating 410

capabilities 398

data, logging in cloud 396, 397

fundamentals 397-399

instance, creating in portal 399, 400

monitoring, from different platforms 401

monitoring, from .NET 401-403

monitoring, on Azure Functions 405, 406

monitoring, on Node.js 404

using 395, 396

Azure App Service

about 3, 70, 73, 268

autoscaling 477-480

manual scaling 475, 476

networking, configuring for 38

scaling 475

Azure App Service plan

container image, using 78-80

Azure App Service resource

creating 4

creating, with Azure portal 4

creating, with Visual Studio 13-18

creating, with VS Code 22-25

deploying 4

deploying, with Azure CLI 19

deploying, with ZIP file 19, 20

securing, with security providers 34

Azure Bicep

about 580, 581

infrastructure deployments, automating 580

using 582

Azure Blob Storage

about 268

account 312

additional features 320

blob 312

concepts 312, 313

container 312

container permissions level 316-318

Data protection blade 319

Soft delete feature 319

Azure CDN

about 320

applications, developing 499

Azure App Service, configuring with 500-502

caching rules 497-499

Compression 497

content, caching 496

content, optimizing 496

creating, in portal 492-495

endpoint configuration 496

fundamentals 490

geo-filtering 499

pricing tiers 493

working with 490-492

Azure CLI

using 573- 578

Azure Cognitive Search service

AI, adding to indexing workload 128

analyzers 121-124

analyzer selection 124, 125

cognitive skills, configuring 128-131

creating 110

creating, in Azure portal 110-116

full-text search, performing 116

indexing 125

Azure container instances 70

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

deploying, with Azure CLI 49-51

deploying, with Azure portal 47-49

hosting, options 46

Azure Cosmos DB

provisioned throughput, scaling for 484-486

scaling 484

Table API 305

Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)

about 450

best practices 464

data structure 465

fundamentals 450-452

performance 464

resiliency 465

security 464, 465

Azure Event Grid

about 267, 268, 372

CloudEvents schema 284

creating, in Azure Portal 274-276

custom schema option 285

Event Grid schema 282, 283

event handlers 272

event sources 270, 271

reactive architecture 268-270

schemas, using 282

security 277, 278

services, connecting through 274

subscription 274

testing 286, 287

topics 273

Azure Event Hub

about 372

applications, developing with 332-340

Capture feature 344

instance, creating in Azure portal 328, 329

scaling 486, 487

security 342

used, for message processing federation 340, 341

working with 328-331

Azure Event Hub Capture

about 344, 345

enabling 345-350

Azure Event Hub security

about 342

IP filters and networking 342, 343

Private Link, using 342

resource isolation 342

Azure Files

concepts 306

fully managed file shares, implementing 306

versus Blob storage 308, 309

working with 306-308

Azure Front Door

general routing concept 522

usage scenarios 522, 523

using, for load balancing 524-531

Azure Functions

about 157, 256-268

bindings 162

checklist, for scaling 482

concepts 160

developing, by configuring local environment 165

EventGridTrigger 286

features 178

host.json file 183, 184

Monitor feature 182

platform features 179, 180

pricing models 163

publish wizard 184, 185

scaling mechanism 481-483

security 180-182

serverless applications, scaling 481

testing 286, 287

triggers 162

Azure Functions command

in Visual Studio Code 166

Azure Functions endpoint

working with 170, 171

Azure Functions project

creating 166-168

in C# 168, 169

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

about 81, 523

deployment 84-86

responsibilities 82, 83

Azure Logic Apps

about 217, 218

advantages 220

B2B integration 233, 234

connectors 221

current pricing 221

integrating, with virtual networks 234, 235

in Visual Studio Code 230-232

working 218-220

Azure portal

function, creating 174-178

logic apps, creating 224-230

test notifications, sending 146, 147


Azure Private Link 342

Azure Queue Storage

application, developing 309-311

features 309

queues, using with 309

Azure Resource Manager 100

Azure Search 320

Azure Service Bus

about 373

and Azure Queue Storage 373

basic tier 373

dead lettering 385, 386

design patterns 379

features 385

fundamentals 372

in Azure portal 374-376

premium tier 373

queues 377

relays 378, 379

security 383

sessions 386, 387

solutions, developing with 379-383

standard tier 373

topics 378

transactions 387

versus other messaging services 372

Azure SQL

about 417, 418

advanced features 421, 422

automatic backups 421

failover groups 421

features, in portal 428-432

fundamentals 418-421

geo-replication 421

monitoring 444

purchasing model 419

security features 432

tuning 444-446

Azure SQL database

configuring 424

creating 424

Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, feature comparison

reference link 421

Azure SQL instance

creating 424-428

Azure SQL, scaling

about 441

elastic pool 442

read scale-out 442, 443

sharding 443

single database 441

Azure Storage

about 293

replication 296, 297

services 294

storage accounts 294, 295

using, in solution 294

Azure Storage blobs

using, for object storage 311

Azure Storage, securing

about 295

RBAC method 295

SAS tokens used 296

Azure Storage service

creating 298, 299

Azure Storage tables

structured data, storing 297

Azure Stream Analytics

about 352

as data pipeline 354

data processing, steps 353

fully managed 353

input and output types 354

instance, creating in Azure portal 355, 356

low cost of ownership 354

performance 353

query patterns 367

stream 353

stream analysis 352

stream ingestion 352

Structured Query Language (SQL)-based query language 353

Azure Stream Analytics instance

creating 355, 356

input, adding 357, 358

output, adding 358-361

Azure Stream Analytics query language

used, for querying data 361

used, for writing query 361-363

Azure Traffic Manager

Configuration blade 564-566

creating, in Azure portal 558, 559

Endpoints blade 568, 569

functions 556-558

Real user measurements blade 566, 567

using 555, 556

working with 564

Azure Web App

configuring 6, 7

selecting, from available services 4, 5

Azure WebJobs 157


B2B integration

in Azure Logic Apps 233, 234

bindings, Azure Functions 162


append blobs 312

block blob 312

page blobs 312

Blob storage

data, inserting into 313-315

versus Azure Files 308, 309

block blobs 312

build automation

enabling 21

built-in connectors

about 222

Azure API Management 222

Azure App Service 222

Azure Functions 222

Azure Logic Apps 222

batch 222

HTTP 222

request 222

schedule 222


Capture feature 344

Cassandra 253

central processing units (CPUs) 353

change feed

about 262

using, for change tracking 262-265

checkpoints 366

CloudEvents schema 284

Cloud Shell

limitations 580

using 578-580

cloud vendors

responsibilities 158

conditional access (CA) 508

connectionString 142

connectors, Azure Logic Apps

about 221

built-in connectors 222

managed connectors 222

consistency, Cosmos DB 248, 249


URL 72

consumer 377

container group

about 100

as main unit of work 100-103

container image

using, in Azure App Service Plan 78-80

container image lifecycle

high-level diagram 68

Container Instances

container group 100

security 104

containerized applications

hosting, ways 68, 69

containers 67

container throughput 253, 254

content delivery network (CDN) 531

continuous deployment

using, for automated deployments to Azure 583, 584

Cosmos DB

about 240

autoscale 253, 261, 262

Azure Functions 256, 257

basic information 240, 241

capacity 253

consistency 248, 249

container throughput 253, 254

database level throughput 254, 255

database models 250

data replication 242

features 242

Firewall and virtual networks blade 255, 256

multiple read regions 243

optimization 253

partitioning 246, 247

pricing 243, 245

stored procedures 257-259

throughput 247

triggers 259

User-Defined Function (UDF) 259

Cosmos DB instance

creating, in portal 240-243

Overview blade 241

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 539

custom topics 281



inserting, into Blob storage 313-315

querying, in Table storage 303-305

storing, in ADLS Gen2 454

database level throughput 254, 255

database models, Cosmos DB

about 250

Cassandra 253

graph 251

MongoDB 251

SQL 250

table 252

database transaction units (DTUs) 473

data center (DC) 158

Data Explorer feature 244

data lake 320

dead lettering

about 385

handling 386

Dev/Test App Service plans

about 9, 31

Basic (B1) 31

Free (F1) 31

Shared (D1) 31

dev tools 158

direct connection, for push notification 136, 137

disaster recovery (DR)

handling 388-390

Disk Storage 294

Durable Functions

about 194

activities 195

dispatcher 198

error handling 203-205

eternal orchestrations 205, 206

external events 202, 203

high availability 212-214

instance management 209, 210

orchestration client 195, 196

orchestration history 196

orchestrations 194

orchestrator function 198

queue 198

singleton orchestrations 206, 207

stateful entities 208

storage 198

task hub 208

template 194

timers 201, 202

versioning 211, 212

working 196-198

Dynamic Data Masking 439, 440


endpoint monitoring

about 569

nslookup, using 570

Traffic view feature 571, 572

enrichments 129

enterprise connectors 224

entity functions 208

error handling, Durable Functions 203-205

eternal orchestrations, Durable Functions 205, 206

Event Grid schema 282, 283


in Azure Functions 286

event listener 138

event ordering

about 364-366

application time 364

arrival time 364

concepts 364


about 372

filtering 285, 288

receiving 285

external events, Durable Functions 202, 203


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 462

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) 135

firewall 433, 434

Firewall and virtual networks blade 255, 256

first-in, first-out (FIFO) messaging 372

full-text search, Azure Cognitive Search

linguistic analysis 121

performing 116

request, sending 117-121

fully managed file shares

implementing, with Azure Files 306

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 98


about 161

creating 171

creating, with Azure portal 174-178

creating, with Visual Studio Code 171-173

function app 160

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) 158

function, components

function code 162

function decorator 162

trigger 162

trigger data 162

Function file 185-188


generic notifications 149

geographic routing method 562

geo-redundant storage (GRS) 296

geo-replication 60-62

geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS) 296

graph 251

Gremlin 251


Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) 451

hierarchical namespaces

about 450

features 451

high availability, Durable Functions

about 212

individual storage approach, using 214

replicated storage approach, using 214

shared storage approach, using 212

hubName 142

hyperscale repository 450


identity providers (IdPs) 34

image lock 57, 58


about 51

working with 52-54

index 111

indexing, Azure Cognitive Search

about 125

data importing 125

pull model 127, 128

push model 125-127

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 4

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

about 96

advantages, over traditional deployment methods 582

infrastructure deployments

automating, with ARM templates 580

automating, with Azure Bicep 580

input/output bindings 188, 189


about 144

advantages 144

instance management, Durable Functions 209, 210

integration account connectors 224

Internet of Things (IoT) 352, 465

Internet of Things (IoT) hubs 251

Isolated App Service plans

about 9, 33

I1V2/I2V2/I3V2 33

Isolated V2 plan 34


URL 72


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) template 479



application, deploying 91


about 81

high-level architecture 81

Kubernetes cluster

application, deploying to 86-90


URL 72


Least Privilege principle 106

linguistic analysis, in Azure Cognitive Search

performing 121-124


URL 72

Live Stream blade 164

load balancing

about 539

with Azure Front Door 524-531

local environment

configuring, for developing Azure Functions 165

locally redundant storage (LRS) 296, 450

logical partition 246

logic apps

creating 224

creating, in Azure portal 224-230

Logs module

accessing 407-410

using 406


machine learning (ML) 353

managed API connectors 223

managed clusters 82

managed connectors 222

Managed Identity (MI)

about 383, 384

setting up 107

manual scaling

about 475

versus autoscaling 477

manual trigger 178

message 372

message processing federation

Azure Event Hub, using for 340, 341

microservices architecture 70, 71

Microsoft Defender for SQL 434, 435

Microsoft SQL Server

about 417, 418

on VMs 422, 423

MongoDB 251

MultiValue routing method 563


native notifications 149


configuring, for Azure App Service 38

Networking blade 38

network security 158

network security groups (NSGs) 42


Azure Application Insights, monitoring 404

Notification Hubs

application design, challenges 134, 135

notification, sending with SDK 149, 150

notifications, sending to multiple vendors 145

push notification architecture 136

rich content notification, sending through 150

test notification, sending 145

using 134

Notification Hubs device registration

available registrations, checking 143, 144

installation, using 139, 144

notification hub, creating 140, 141

performing 139

registration, creating 141-143

registration, using 139

tag 139

template 139

notification services 137, 138


using 570


object storage

Azure Storage blobs, using for 311

on-premises connectors 224

Open Authorization 2 (OAuth2) 398

open source software (OSS) tools 451

operating systems

about 158

selecting 26, 27


about 194

client 195, 196

history 196

limitations 199

sub-orchestrations 200, 201

working with 198, 199


handling 388-392


page blobs 312


about 111

versus replica 111

partitions, Cosmos DB

logical 246

physical 246

passive replication 390

performance consideration, ADLS

appropriate file format, using 464

data ingestion optimization 464

network connection 464

parallel processing 464

Premium tier, using 464

performance routing method 559, 560


granting, for pulling/pushing images 54-56

physical partition 246

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 4, 164

platform notification services (PNSes)

about 134

high-level design 135


selecting 28, 29

POSIX ACL 462, 463

POSIX-style permissions model 451

pricing, Cosmos DB 243-245

pricing model 159

pricing models, Azure Functions

App Service Plan model 163

Consumption model 163

Premium plan 163

priority routing method 561

Private Endpoints 40

processing units (PUs) 481

producer 377

Production App Service plans

about 9, 32

Premium (P1v2) 32

Standard (S1) 32

property graph 251

publish/subscribe (pub/sub) communication model 378

pull model 127, 377

purchasing model options, Azure SQL

database transaction unit (DTU)-based (provisioned) 419

vCore-based (provisioned) 419

virtual core (vCore)-based (serverless) 419

push model 125

push notification architecture

about 136

direct connection 136, 137

queued communication 137

triggered communication 138


query patterns, Azure Stream Analytics

about 367

data aggregation over time 367

multiple outputs 367

unique values, counting 368

queued communication, for push notification 137


about 377

using, with Azure Queue Storage 309


RBAC authentication 384

RBAC, configuration levels for ADLS Gen2

container level 461

resource level 461

reactive architecture 268-270

read-access GRS (RA-GRS) 296

read-access GZRS (RA-GZRS) 296


creating 141-143

registry 51

registry locks 57

relays 378

replays 366


about 111

versus partition 111

replication, Azure Storage

geo-redundant storage (GRS) 296

locally redundant storage (LRS) 296

read-access GRS (RA-GRS) 296

zone-redundant storage (ZRS) 296


about 51

working with 52-54

repository lock 57

REpresentational State Transfer (REST) API 139, 458

request units (RUs) 473

rich content notification

about 150

creating 151, 152

sending 151, 152

sending, through Notification Hubs 150

role-based access control (RBAC) 358, 460-462


configuring 540-547

routing methods

geographic routing method 562

MultiValue routing method 563

performance routing method 559, 560

priority routing method 561

subnet routing method 563

weighted routing method 560

Run from Package feature 21



about 164

Azure App Service 475

Azure Cosmos DB 484-486

Azure Event Hubs 486, 487

Azure Functions 481

in App Service model 165

in Consumption model 164

in Premium plan 165

scaling out

about 473

visualization 475

scaling up

about 473

visualization 474


generic notifications 149

native notifications 149

notification, sending with 149, 150

reference link 141

test notifications, sending 148

Search Unit (SU) 111

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 251

security, Azure Service Bus

about 383

Managed Identity (MI) 383, 384

RBAC 384

security, Container Instances

access control 106

considerations 104

identity configuration 107

networking configuration 105

security areas 104

security features, Azure SQL

about 432

auditing 437, 438

data classification 435-437

Dynamic Data Masking 439, 440

firewall 433, 434

Microsoft Defender for SQL 434, 435

security providers

used, for securing App Service resources 34

serverless 158

Server Message Block (SMB) protocol 306

Service-Level Agreement (SLA) 242, 513

service mesh architecture 72


configuring 96-99

integrating 224

provisioning 96

services, Azure Storage 294

sessions, Azure Service Bus

about 386

handling 387

sharding 443

shared access signature (SAS) token

reference link 145

Single point of entry (SPOE) 506

singleton orchestrations, Durable Functions 206, 207

Soft delete feature 319

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 4

solid-state drive (SSD) disks 464

split-merge tool

reference link 443


SQL Server VMs 418

stable tags 57

stateful entities, Durable Functions

about 208

features 208

state-of-the-art (SOTA) 383

static HTML site

with NGINX, running on Kubernetes 92

static website 320

storage accounts, Azure Storage 294, 295

stored procedures 257-259

stream ingestion

versus stream analysis 352

structured data

storing, with Azure Storage tables 297

subnet routing method 563

sub-orchestrations 200, 201


about 274

creating 278-281

Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing (SAP) 224

system topics 281


table 252

Table API

in Azure Cosmos DB 305

Table storage

data, querying in 303-305

data, storing in 302

general rule, for entities 303

managing 299-301

PartitionKey 302

RowKey 302

timestamp 303

tagging 56, 57

task hub, Durable Functions 208

test notification

sending 145

sending, in Azure portal 146, 147

sending, in SDK 148

throughput, Cosmos DB 247

timers, Durable Functions 201, 202

topic 273, 274, 378

Traffic view feature 571, 572

transactions, Azure Service Bus 387

Transport Control Protocol (TCP) 373

triggered communication, for push notification 138


about 259, 260

creating 260

triggers, Azure Functions 162


Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 517

unique identifier (UID) 390

unique tags 57

URL redirects

implementing 532-535

performing 548-552

URL rewrites

implementing 532-535

performing 548-552

User-Defined Function (UDF) 259


versioning 56

versioning, Durable Functions 211, 212

virtual cores (vCores) 473

virtual networks (VNets) 309

virtual private network (VPN) 379

Visual Studio

Azure App Service resource, creating 13-18

Visual Studio Code

Azure App Service resource, creating 22-25

function, creating 171-173

VNet integration 41, 42, 513

VoiceNets 256


Web Application Description Language (WADL) 517

Web Application Firewall (WAF) 539

web applications

Azure Application Gateway, integrating with 547, 548

web application settings

working with 29, 30

web applications, hosting with containers

factors 69

weighted routing method 560

Windows Notification Service (WNS) 135


ZIP file

Azure App Service resources, deploying 19, 20

zone redundancy 60

zone-redundant storage (ZRS) 296

ZRS replication model

geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS) 296

read-access GZRS (RA-GZRS) 296

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