
It's a truism, but it's true nonetheless: Writing a book nowadays calls upon a team effort. Blog away in solitary bliss, but writing – and assembling - a hard-copy book is something different. The name you see attached to the book's title identifies but one of its contributors, and it's only proper that I acknowledge those unfailingly congenial, if anonymous, teammates whose work would otherwise go unsung.

First, all due thanks to Apress Lead Editor Ben Renow-Clarke, who was there at the book's inception, and has lent a continually helpful hand to the project. Coordinating Editor Kelly Moritz has offered her non-stop assistance, across six time zones no less, and Copy Editor Janet Gokay has delivered spot-on grammatical and stylistic counsel. Technical Reviewer Simon Murphy asked the right questions, and often supplied some of the answers, too.

Closer to home – much closer – my devoted wife Marsha granted me the time and space to pursue this literary chore, even if it meant neglecting my other chores – even more than usual. (I did manage to mow the lawn today, though.)

And speaking of spaces, a writer's desk these days is wherever his laptop alights, and so a number of venues should be cited and thanked as well, including the Bewick Centre in Gateshead (thanks to Sholmi Issacson), assorted tables on the East Coast and Grand Central train lines, a clutch of Starbuckses (check that plural, Janet) and the British Library.

On the other hand, of course, blame for any and all of the book's shortcomings reverts to the guy with his name attached to the title.

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