

App URL, 359

Apple's documentation

applicationDidFinishLaunching method, 288

changeStatusItem: method, 285

GraphiqueAppDelegate class, 287

intialize: method, 287

NSStatusBar, 284

PreferencesController.h, 285

PreferencesController.m, 285286

showStatusItem outlet, 286

updateStatusItemState: method, 285, 287288

windowDidLoad: check box, 285

AppleWWDRCA.cer file, 337

applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, 257, 258

application:openFile: method, 257

Automatic reference counting (ARC), 49, 50


Bundle ID, 357


COLORS dictionary, 171

Contact email address, 358

controlTextDidChange method, 171

Copyright, 358

Core Data, 217

application process, 218

benefits, 218

Core Data framework, 219221

data model

Add Entity button, 224

entities, graph view, 226

Equation entity, 225

equations and groups object, 222

file saving, 223

graph view, 228

Group entity, 226

new data model, 223

new object model file, 222

Optional check box, 227

predefined Core Data attribute types, 224225

string representation and timestamp, 225

To-Many Relationship, 227, 228

XML file, 221

definition, 218

frameworks linked to application, 218219

Graphique with equations, 217

managed object context

GraphiqueAppDelegate.h, 230

high-level Core Data framework layout, 229

initialization process, 229

mergedModelFromBundles: method, 230

NSManagedObjectContext class, 229

NSSQLiteStoreType, 231

persistent store, 231

outline view control

Cocoa components, 243

double-click prevention, 245

equations selection handling, 244, 245

NSOutlineViewDelegate, 243

recently used equations storage

committing, 235

equation managed object creation, 235

EquationItem.h, 238

EquationItem.m, 238

GroupItem.h, 239

GroupItem.m, 239

initWithNibName:bundle: method, 242

insertNewObjectForEntityForName: inManagedObjectContext: method, 235

lazy loading technique, 241

loadChildrenForItem: method, 240241

NSDateFormatter object, 234

NSFetchRequest object, 234

outlineView:isItemExpandable: method, 241

outlineView:numberOfChildrenOfItem: method, 241

outlineView outlet, 242

RecentlyUsedEquationsViewController.h, 232233, 242

RecentlyUsedEquationsViewController.m, 236237

remembering equations method, 233

remember: method algorithm, 234

.schema command, 238 application, 237

updated equationEntered: method, 237


Data graph

data caching and calculation, 106108

GraphTableViewController.xib, 104

outlets and delegates

data source connection, 111

Edit GraphTableViewController.h, 109

GraphTableViewController.xib, 109

horizontalSplitView, 108

NSInteger, 110

NSTableViewDelegate protocol, 109

returning a cell's value, 110

table with data, 111, 112

Updated draw: Method, 110

verticalSplitView, 108

table columns, 104, 105

Text Field Cell item, 105

titled X and Y columns, 106

Developer Certificate Utility

App IDs registration, 335337

Apple's certificate installation, 337

certificates creation

Create Certificate button, 338

development certificate, 338

distribution certificates, 338

download screen, 343, 344

file upload, 342

generation, 342, 343

installed certificates, 344

Keychain Access app, 338340

Mac Installer Package certificate, 344

save confirmation, 340, 341

"Saved to disk" option, 340, 341

provisioning profile

App ID, 347

creation, 345, 346

generation, 347

preference pane, 347

production, 345, 347

screen, 345

Xcode Organizer window, 347

screen, 334, 335

dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys static method, 171

imageE, F

End User License Agreement (EULA), 359

Equation entry panel

ARC, 4950

code isolation, 45

code reuse, 45

custom equation entry component, 48, 49, 52

equation editor, placeholder string, 57

Equation Entry View, 52

GraphiqueAppDelegate.h, 51

IBOutlet, 5051


custom components, 46

EquationEntryViewController, 46, 47

generated files, 48

Objective-C class, 46, 47

UIViewController class, 46

placeholder text specification, 56

split views resizing

autosizing schema, 53

EquationEntryViewController.xib, 53

Graph button, 54, 55

Label component, 54

springs and struts, 54

Text Field component, 55


Graph plotting

background painting, 125

bounds property, 124

curve path, 128

drawing function, 124

drawRect: method, 124, 126128

horizontal and vertical scaling factors, 124

lineToPoint, 128

NSBezierPath, 125, 128

NSBezierPath class, 124

plotted equation, 129

scaling factors, 125

Graphique, 1

application architecture, 2728

Mac Dev Center program, 1

major components, 23, 24

project and targets product, 26

Graphique target Build phases, 25

GraphiqueTests Build phases, 25, 26

Project navigator, 24, 26

tree structure, 24

project creation

application options, 21

application running, 23

boilerplate code, 19

Cocoa Application, 20

code generator, 20

common initialization code, 19

Git repository, 21

new project, 21

public static void main method, 19

source-control repository, 21

system-wide menu bar, 23

source code and resources

application, 28

applicationDidFinishLaunching method, 31

Application Life Cycle, 32

Connections inspector, 30

GraphiqueAppDelegate class, 30

GraphiqueAppDelegate.m, 32, 33

GraphiqueDelegate.h, 32

Interface Builder, 29

linkages and dependencies, 28

main interface, 28

MainMenu.xib file, 28, 29

nibs, 29

NSApplication, 29

NSApplicationDelegate method, 34

NSApplicationDelegate protocol, 3133

orderFrontStandardAboutPanel method, 34, 35

quick documentation, 32

Xcode IDE, 29

Xcode development tools (seeXcode development tools)

Graphique user interfaces, 119

equation editor, 119

equation entry field, 119

graph view

connections, 123

drawRect method, 120

graph plotting (see Graph plotting)

GraphTableViewController.h, 121

GraphTableViewController.m file, 122, 123

GraphTableViewController.xib, 120, 122

GraphTableViewController's view, 121

GraphView.h file, 120, 122

GraphView.m file, 120, 122

IBOutlet property, 121, 122

Interface Builder, 120

NSView class, 120

setNeedsDisplay method, 123

smarter equation editor (see Smarter equation editor)

text and graph toggling (see Tab view)

GraphiqueAppDelegate.m, 324


hasObjects method, 156

headerEquationToken.h, 142

Help Book creation

description and KEYWORDS, 295

directory structure creation, 291292

Entering Equations help page, 295, 296

equation_editor_example.png, 295

equation_editor.png, 295

equations.html, 294

files and structure, 291

help index creation, 297

InfoPlist.strings, 296

main help file creation

browser window, 293

graphique.css, 293

GraphiqueHelp.html, 292293

open GraphiqueHelp.html, 293

updated help page, 294

plist file bundle, 297

Info.plist, 298

keys, Info.plist, 299300

Xcode Property List editor, 301

Xcode's plist editor, 297, 299

Xcode project, 300

Help creation, 289

Apple's documentation, 290

bookmarks, 303304

Entering Equations help, 302, 303

Graphique help book, 290, 302

Help Book creation (see Help Book creation)

help book items, 290

misspelled equation, search results, 305, 306

resource bundle's directory structure, 290

search results, equation, 304, 305

user interface, 289

imageI, J

iCloud services, 337

Integrated development environment (IDE), 13

Interface Builder (IB), 120


Key-value coding (KVC), 113

Keywords, 358


Last in, first out (LIFO) approach, 155


Mac App Store submission, 323

archives, 352353

Graphique termination, 324

guidelines, 323

icon addition

App Icon, 326327

Graphique.icns file, 326

Icon Composer with blank window, 325

Icon Composer with images added, 325326

image sizes, 324

Mac OS X Finder, 324

users' Docks, 324

initial window size and location

Attributes inspector, 334

equation field, 331, 332

Initial Position option, 332

MainMenu.xib, 332

OS X's Autosave feature, 333

800 pixels wide window, 332, 333

Size inspector, 332

width field, 332, 333

iTunes Connect account set up, 356357

menu clean up

About Box, 328329

Full Screen menu item, 330331

Preferences Panel centering, 329

unused menu items removal, 330

property list file, 327


definition, 349350

entitlements, 350352

security measure, 349

signing code (see Signing code)


App Name, 357

application and signing identity, 361

Application Loader app, 360

application record and signing identity, 362

availability and pricing selection, 357

cryptography, 360

EULA, 359

Metadata, 358359

rating, 359

Ready to Upload Binary button, 360

screenshots, 359

successful completion, 362, 363

successful validation, 361

"Unable to extract package metadata" error, 361

Xcode's Organizer window, 360

web site

artwork, 353, 354

creation, 354356

Mac Dev Center, 2

Mac OS X desktop, 247

blank generic document icon, 260, 261

default preview, 260

file types registration, Lion

Graphique editor, 255256

Graphique equation files, 257259

.graphique file type, 253

UTI, .graphique extension, 253255

Graphique XML files

Apple's PropertyList DTD, 251

destination file selection, 250

equation entry view controller, 249

Equation object, 250

GraphiqueAppDelegate.m method, 252

loadData method, 252, 253

MainMenu.xib file, 252

Microsoft Word, 247

NSDictionary objects, 250

NSOpenPanel, 252

NSSavePanel, 251

openDocument method, 252

property list files, 247

Save and Save As menu items, 248

Save As method, 248249

saveDocumentAs method, 250

text variable, 250

menu bar items

Apple's documentation (see Apple's documentation)

application functions, 277

NSStatusBar and NSStatusItem, 277278

status item (see Status item)

third-party applications, 277

pictures/movies, thumbnail, 259

plug-in testing

Arguments Passed on Launch section, 268, 269

debug preview, 270, 271

GraphiqueQL scheme, 270

QL plug-in build phases, 269, 270

qlmanage link, 268

setup process, 269

Terminal window, 267

preview implementation

Cocoa.framework, 266, 267

export: method, 264

GeneratePreviewForURL function, 266

saveDocumentAs: method, 265

"Quick Look", definition, 259

Quick Look plug-in

Add Copy Files, 276

application bundle, 276, 277

Copy Files Build Phase, 275

document content type UTIs, 264

GenerateThumbnailForURL and GeneratePreviewForURL, 264

GraphiqueQL, 262, 263, 275, 276

/Library/QuickLook, 261

Mac App Store, 276

options, 262, 263

target selection, 261, 262

thumbnail implementation

Finder window, 274, 275

GenerateThumbnailForURL function, 271

qlmanage argument, 272, 273

Quick Look thumbnail testing, 273, 274

Mac OS X Lion, 1

Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, 85

Mutable attributed string, 171

imageN, O

newTokenFromString method, 143144

NSApplicationDelegate, 28

NSAttributedString class, 137

NSBackgroundColorAttributeName, 171

NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName attribute, 173

NSColor class, 125

NSColor value, 171

NSForegroundColorAttributeName, 171

NSMutableArray class, 157

NSRectFill function, 125

numberWithInt method, 171


Primary category, 358

Privacy policy URL, 359

public.content type, 254255 type, 255


QuickLook plug-in, 349


Review notes, 359

RGBA colors, 125


Secondary category, 358

Signing code

build configuration, 348349

Developer Certificate Utility: (see Developer Certificate Utility)

SKU number, 357

Smarter equation editor

equation colorizing, 171173

equation entry field

attributed string, 137

NSAttributedString class, 137

NSControl instance, 137

NSTextField widget, 137

Rich Text, 137, 138

EquationEntryViewController object, 170

evaluator updation

awk, 178

description method, 180

Equation.m, 180

evaluateForX method, 180181

expand method, 178180

implicit exponents, implicit multiplication, and pi, 177, 181

symbols, 177

x^2 graph, 177

x2 graph, 177, 178

exponent superscripting, 170

background color, 173

controlTextDidChange method, 173175

NSFontAttributeName attribute, 173

NSSuperscriptAttributeName attribute, 173

implicit exponents, 137

implicit multiplication, 136, 137

inline error highlighting, 136

parenthesis matching, 136

parsing, equation

arrays in Equation.m, 140

Equation.h with a tokens property, 141

Equation.m, 141

EquationTokenizer class, 140

initialize: method, 140141

initializing tokens, 142

initWithString: method, 141, 142

OPERATORS array, 140

SYMBOLS array, 141


setting colors, 170171

superscript exponents, 137

symbols, 137

syntax coloring, 136

syntax highlighting, 169170

text field, 136

tokenize method (see Tokenize method)


close parentheses, 138

EquationToken class, 139

EquationToken.h, 139

EquationToken.m, 139140

exponents, 138

implicit multiplication, 138

invalid input, 138

NSObject. EquationToken.h, 139

numbers, 138

open parentheses, 138

operators, 138

spaces, 138

symbols, 138

syntax coloring, 138

trigonometric functions, 138

variables, 138

trigonometric functions, 136

validator updation

Graphique tests, 177

invalid input, 177

invalid parentheses, 175

invalid trigonometric functions, 175

rules, 175

validate method, 176177

stack NSMutableArray, 156

Status item

applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, 283

configureStatusItem: method, 283

equations, 284

GraphiqueAppDelegate.h, 282283

graphique18.png, 279

Graphique status item icon, zoomed in, 278, 279

GraphiqueStatusItemMenuDelegate.h, 279280

GraphiqueStatusItemMenuDelegate.m, 280, 282

GroupItem instance, 280

Images directory, 279

loadData: and showEquationFromString: methods, 284

menuNeedsUpdate: method, 280

RecentlyUsedEquationsViewController.h, 283

showEquationFromString: method, 282

statusMenuItemSelected: method, 280

Support URL, 359

Syntax-colored equation, 173


Tab view

addition, 131

attributes inspector, 131

controller switching

connections, 134

tabs showing Graph View, 135

tabs showing table view, 136

expanded structure, 131

Fill Container Horizontally, 132, 133

Fill Container Vertically, 132, 133

GraphTableViewController.xib, 130

graph views maximization, 130

new tab structure with components, 132

Object Library, 130

Objects panel, 130, 132

rename, 134

resize, 133

Size inspector tab, 132

Tokenize method

Equation.m, 142

exponents recognition

Command+U, 155

ExponentTests class, 152, 153

ExponentTests.h, 154

ExponentTests.m, 154155

finding exponents, 150, 152

GraphiqueTests folder, 152

rules, 150

grouping spaces, 146148

initial method, 142

multiple decimal points detection, 161163

recognizing numbers, 145146

stack, parenthesis matching, 155

balancing, 158161

creation, 156157

LIFO approach, 155

NSMutableArray class, 155

popping, 155

pushing, 155

testing, 157158

string–token convertion, 143145

testing (seeTokenizer testing)

trigonometric functions and symbols

detection, 148, 150

EquationToken object, 150

lowercaseString method, 148

newTokenFromString, 150

NSMakeRange function, 148

substringWithRange method, 148

SYMBOLS array, 148


Tokenizer testing

EquationTokenizeTests class, 164

EquationTokenizeTests.h, 164

EquationTokenizeTests.m, 164

exponents, 165

GraphiqueTests folder, 164

invalid cases, 169

parenthesis matching, 168169

simple equations, 165

trigonometric functions and symbols, 167

whitespace, 166


UNIX Development tools, 6

User input handling, 73

Alert Window display, 99100

App Store comments, 91

button presses

Edit Equation.h, 88

EquationEntryViewController.h, 90

Equation.h, 88

evaluateForX: method, 8990

GraphTableViewController method, 90, 91

IBAction, 8587

init method, Equation.m, 88

MVC design pattern, 85

NSString, 87

Return key, 85

UI components, 85

data graph (see Data graph)

Graphique application, 73, 112

KVC, 113

Model Key Path field, 114

parabola, 0.1 interval, 117

parabola, 5.0 interval, 116

real-time validation

catch notifications, 101, 102

feedback attribute, UI component, 103

feedback label, 100

real-time validation error, 104

text field delegate, interface builder, 103

Wrapping Label object, 102

slider bound, 1.0 interval, 115

split view sizes

maximum size constraining method, 7779

minimum size constraining method, 76

NSSplitViewDelegate protocol, 76

subview collapse, 8384

unit testing

102 and 103 error codes, 9899

definition, 94

GraphiqueTests class, 95

STFail() function, 9597

unit test failures, 97, 98

unit test launcher, 97

window resizing

Attributes inspector, 74

Equation Entry View, 79, 80

Equation Entry Viewsubviews size adjustment, 80

Graphique stretches, 82

Graphique window, 76

open MainMenu.xib, 79

Recent Equations View, 100 pixels, 82, 83

Recent Equations View Shrunk, 82

Resize check box, 74

splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:, 81

writing validator

equation validation method and private category, 9394

Graphique error codes, 92

NSError object, 92

romanNumeralValue: to NSNumber method, 92

validate: method, 92

User interface, 37

equation entry panel (see Equation entry panel)

graph panel, 57

empty Graph View, 58

Graphique application, 61, 62

GraphTableViewController, 57, 61

horizontal slider, 5860

table view, 60

Graphique application, 38

horizontal NSSplitView

Document Outline, 39, 40

Graphique application, 43

Horizontal Split View object, 41

MainMenu.xib, 39

Size inspector, 42

View object, 40

layout, 39

recently used equations

adding a toolbar, 7172

data source creation, 6769

data source creationdata display, 6971

EquationItem.h, 65

EquationItem.m, 65

GraphiqueAppDelegate.h, 64

GraphiqueAppDelegate.m, 64

GroupItem.h, 66

GroupItem.m, 66

Mac OS X implementation, 62

NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol, 65

numberOfChildren method, 67

Outline View object, 63

RecentlyUsedEquationsViewController files, 62, 63

vertical NSSplitView, 4345

widgets, 37

UTExportedTypeDeclarations key, 253


Version number, 358


WWDR Intermediate Certificate, 337

imageX, Y, Z

Xcode development tools

App Store installation

Apple ID and password, 9

downloading in Launchpad, 9

3GB disk space, 12

Install Xcode app, 10

iOS SDK agreements, 11

password, 11

writing files to drive, 11, 12

Xcode Installer splash screen, 10

components, 15, 16

"Create a new Xcode project" option, 13

Debug Area and Debug Bar, 17

Editor Area and Jump Bar, 16

Editor Selector, 18

Filter Bar, 17

IDE, 13

Inspector Pane, 18

Inspector Selector Bar, 18

launch, 12, 13

Library Pane, 18

main.m file, 15

Navigator Area and Navigator Selector Bar, 17

project name and type, 13, 14

template selection, 13, 14

Toolbar, 1819

tooltip display, 16

View Selector, 18

Visual Studio levels, 2

Web download installation

Change Install Location, 6, 7

determination, 3, 4

disk image file, 3

instructions, About Xcode file, 3

license agreement, 5, 6

options, 6, 7

password, 6, 8

preparing to install, 3, 4

successful completion, 9

System Tools, 6

UNIX Development tools, 6

writing Xcode files to drive, 8

window with HelloWorld project, 13, 15

Xcode 4 software, 2

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