• Jan-Pro, 144

  • Japan Airlines, 108

  • Jason Kayak, 300

  • Jelly Belly Candy, 151

  • Jiffy Lube, 432

  • jobs

    • rotation, 261

    • small businesses, 132

    • social media, 299

  • Jobs, Steve, 137138, 236

  • job search

  • job sharing, 267

  • John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, 75

  • Johnson & Johnson, 15

  • joint ventures, 103104, 105

  • Jonas, P.J., 140

  • Jones, Todd, 266

  • Jordan, Michael, 393

  • JPMorgan Chase & Company, 71, 181, 182, 310, 362, 507

  • Judeo-Christian ethics, 60

  • junk bonds, 514515

  • just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, 323

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