• M-2, M-3 assets, 49

  • MacDonald, Bob, 13

  • Macromedia, 183

  • Madoff, Bernie, 75, 510

  • maintenance products, 390

  • make-or-buy decision, 312

  • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards, 325

  • management

    • behavior outside office, 6364

    • controlling, 216220

    • definition, 201

    • employee behaviors, 203

    • first-line managers, 203

    • middle managers, 203

    • mission statement, 207208

    • operational planning, 209

    • organizing, 211216

    • planning, 205211

    • security breaches risks, 295296

    • skills, 203205

    • strength-based management, 232233

    • SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, 208209

    • tactical planning, 209

    • theories of motivation and, 230

    • top managers, 202203

    • vision statement, 207208

  • management development programs, 261262

  • management information system (MIS), 291

  • management team, 196197, 542

  • managerial accounting, 473474

  • managers

    • best teams, 243

    • code of ethics, 80

    • employee motivation, 230

    • executive coaches, 262

    • leadership, 235

    • management development programs, 261262

    • mission statement, 80

    • on-the-job training, 261

    • terminating employee, 269

    • Theory X model, 231

    • Theory Y model, 231

    • training, 261262

  • Manpower, 268

  • manufacturer/dealer agreements, 127

  • manufacturers, 314

  • manufacturers’ agents, 430

  • manufacturer’s brand, 393394

  • manufacturing

    • global competition, 310

    • global economy, 310311

    • importance, 310

    • shutting down plants in U.S., 1011

    • social media, 314

    • supply chain management, 329330

  • manufacturing facility, 315318

  • market analysis, 197

  • market-based economy, 6

  • market economy, 29

  • market extension merger, 184

  • marketing

    • benefits, 353354

    • business plans, 542544

    • business-to-business (B2B) markets, 373

    • consequences of purchase, 355

    • consumers, 353354

    • corporate social responsibility (CSR), 68

    • criticisms, 354355

    • customer relationship management (CRM), 352

    • definition, 349

    • economic changes, 361

    • employees, 353

    • evolution, 350352

    • form utility, 354

    • globalization and opportunities, 90

    • hidden fees, 355

    • integrated marketing communications, 412

    • investors, 353

    • marketing concept, 351352

    • marketing department, 350

    • marketing era, 351352

    • mobile marketing, 417

    • not-for-profit organizations, 353

    • ownership utility, 354

    • personal information misuse, 355

    • persons, 353

    • place utility, 354

    • production era, 350351

    • product life cycle, 383384

    • sales era, 351

    • sellers, 353

    • society, 353

    • tactics, 355359

    • target markets, 367368

    • task utility, 354

    • time utility, 354

    • viral marketing, 361

  • marketing concept, 351352

  • marketing department, 350

  • marketing environment, 359363

  • marketing era, 351352

  • marketing intermediary, 427430

  • marketing mix, 356357

  • marketing objectives, 366, 412

  • marketing online, 283286

  • marketing plan, 358, 365366

  • marketing process, 358

  • marketing strategy, 356357

  • marketing yourself, 442448

  • marketplace competition, 6

  • market price, 31, 33

  • market research, 197, 358, 363365

  • market risk, 498

  • markets, 29

    • ethical focus, 7778

    • identifying need, 358

    • monopolistic competitive market, 401

    • monopoly, 402

    • oligopoly, 402

    • perfectly competitive market, 401

    • societal marketing, 352

  • market segment, 367

  • market segmentation, 367

  • market testing, 382383

  • Markopolos, Harry, 510

  • Marx, Karl, 28

  • Maslow, Abraham, 229

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 194

  • mass customization, 312314

  • M-1 assets, 4849

  • mass production, 312313

  • master limited partnership (MLP), 170

  • mastery, 234

  • Match, 287

  • materials handling, 433

  • materials requirement planning (MRP), 324

  • matrix organization, 215

  • Mattel, 104, 109, 123, 312

  • maturity date, 512

  • Mayo, Elton, 233

  • McClelland, David, 229230

  • McDonald’s Corporation, 10, 17, 36, 102103, 122124, 139, 262, 310311, 368, 509

  • McGregor, Douglas, 231

  • mediation, 274

  • medical vaccines, 77

  • Medicare, 8, 44

  • Meeting Wizard, 205

  • MeetMe, 140

  • Mehrabian, Albert, 342

  • memos, 341

  • mentors, 262

  • MERCOSUR, 101

  • Mercy General Hospital, 203

  • mergers, 126, 181185

  • MESA Products Inc., 325

  • message, 412

  • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 182

  • Miao, Lin, 142

  • microeconomics, 27

  • microloans, 465

  • micropreneurs, 139140

  • Microsoft, 8, 37, 40, 78, 104, 127, 141, 182, 262

  • Mid-America Transplant Services, 325

  • middleman, 427

  • middle managers, 203204, 209

  • MidwayUSA, 325

  • Millennials, 241242

  • Millennials Rising: The Next Generation (Howe and Strauss), 241

  • minorities, 9, 133

  • Mint.com, 528

  • Minute Maid orange juice, 90

  • mission statement, 65, 80, 149, 196, 207208, 540541

  • missionstatements.com website, 207

  • mixed economies, 2930

  • Mobil, 183

  • mobile apps, 301

  • mobile devices, 136, 300301, 344

  • mobile marketing, 135136, 417

  • ModCloth, 299

  • model laws, 125

  • monetary policy, 4749

  • money management, 528, 529533

  • money market funds, 518

  • MoneyStrands.com, 528

  • money supply, 4851

  • monopolies, 38, 40, 126, 402

  • monopolistic competition, 39

  • monopolistic competitive market, 401

  • Moody’s, 469, 514

  • moral relativism, 59

  • motivation

    • employees, 227229, 234

    • evolution of motivational theories, 233234

    • extrinsic motivators, 230

    • intrinsic motivators, 230

    • motivational theories in modern workplace, 230233

    • personal motivation, 227

    • strength-based management, 232233

  • motivational theories, 230234

  • Motivation and Personality (Maslow), 229

  • motivator factors, 230

  • motivator-hygiene theory, 230

  • Motorola, 326

  • MS Analysis Services, 293

  • multidomestic strategy, 102

  • multilevel marketing (MLM), 432

  • multinational enterprises, 10, 1718, 9192

  • municipal bonds, 514

  • Munroe, Natalie, 345346

  • Musk, Elon, 234, 240, 284

  • mutual funds, 517520

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