
The first acknowledgement goes to Lisa Erwin, who so many years ago as our extraordinary SAS account manager introduced us to this terrific software and believed we could accomplish great things with it. Many people supported the effort behind this book, but none more so than our external review team, Harry Droogendyk, Bob Janka, and Steve Overton. Your candid feedback pointed us in the right direction. There have also been other colleagues, friends and family members, who have assisted in numerous ways. Many, many thanks to all of you who have contributed to making this book a reality.

Tricia Aanderud

author photo: Tricia AanderudOnce I heard a motivational speaker who said that in our lives each of us meets at least one bump person. Someone who forces us to new levels, reveals our hidden talents, and motivates us to do more than we ever thought possible. Thus, they bump us forward. My co-author, Angela Hall, is one of those people in my life. I would never have learned SAS, rather long dreamed of writing a book about business intelligence without a continual bump from her.

There were many evenings and weekends spent with my face in a computer. My friends and family (Thanks, Mom!!) were a continual support system during this lengthy process.

However, without my incredible husband Ken, taking care of everything else, my task dedication would not have been possible. Thank you for being the perfect husband—I love you most of all.

Angela Hall

author photo: Angela HallAfter three attempts to get this book written it goes without saying that this could not have been done without my co-author Tricia Aanderud. Her creativity, organization, and writing skills were essential to our writing accuracy and speed.

Throughout this process my kids Sydney, Grier, Harrison and Grant continued to be supportive and interested in the book. When I told them I had a sample copy they all came running. They were so excited to finally see and hold what I had been working on many nights and weekends. Your encouragement kept me going. Love all of you dearly!

But none of this would have happened unless I had the most accommodating husband in the world. Craig, your love, support, and understanding make me the person I am today.

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