Other Changes to the config.php File

There are several other changes that you can make to the includes/config.php file in addition to creating a super administrator. We will look at four of these changes.

Admin Log Viewing Permission

The Admin log keeps track of all the changes and edits that the administrators have carried out. To view this, click on Statistics & Logs in the left-hand menu, and then click on Control Panel Log.

Admin Log Viewing Permission

This gives you access to the Admin log.

Admin Log Viewing Permission

By default, only the first administrator account has access to this. (This is the account, with user ID 1, that was created during the setup of the vBulletin board.) To give this power to more administrators (or take it away), you should make a change to the section of code in the includes/config.php file labeled ****** USERS WITH ADMIN LOG VIEWING PERMISSIONS ******.

Admin Log Viewing Permission

Make the change to this line of code:

$canviewadminlog = '1';

Remember to separate each user ID with a comma.

Save the file, and upload it to make the changes active.

Admin Log Pruning Permission

As well as controlling who can view the Admin log, you can control who can prune it (in other words, delete stuff from it).

Add the user IDs of all Administrators you want to have this power here:

$canpruneadminlog = '1';

User ID 1 is there by default.

Query Running Permission

This is a powerful permission that you should grant with care. Giving someone the power to run queries allows them to interact with the actual database that holds the vBulletin data. We've not looked at this yet and won't until Chapter 9. For now, let's just look at how to give this power to or take it away from administrators.

The line of code you need to edit is this:

$canrunqueries = '';

Add the user IDs inside the single quotes. Separate multiple user IDs with a comma.


With great power, comes great responsibility

Be very careful with this. The ability to run queries is a very powerful tool that we will come to later. Running queries can easily damage or destroy your discussion board and any other data in the database. For the safety and security of your board, you may want to remove all user IDs from this list and allow queries to be run only through phpMyAdmin or through a shell.

Undeletable and Unalterable Users

You might want your administrators (or other members) to be undeletable and unalterable. (This refers to the profile settings.) This setting can be handy, because it prevents you from deleting or demoting administrators (including yourself!) by accident.

The line of code you will need to edit is this:

$undeletableusers = '';
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