
What a journey! There are so many people to thank for making this book possible. We’d like to thank Rojer Liberman for founding the Chelsea PC Support Group, which started us off on our teaching journey so many years ago. Our thanks also to Alex Taylor and Leslie Trevena for all of their support. Our sincerest thanks as well to Lorna Stevenson for being a wonderful rock of support.

We’d also like to thank all the wonderful people at No Starch Press. From making excellent improvements, to incorporating our many changes (because one of us is a perfectionist!), to making things look amazing, there’s nothing you haven’t been ready to do. Most especially, our passionate thanks to Bill Pollock, Liz Chadwick, and Serena Yang.

Our thanks also to all of the clients of Enhance Computer Services. In particular, thanks to Arnold Luby and the other clients who have been with us since the beginning. We’ve been thrilled by your support and encouragement.

Of course, not a step of this journey would have been possible without the endless number of delightful seniors we’ve had the pleasure of teaching over the years at Seniors IT and the Chelsea PC Support Group. Thank you all, particularly those who took the time to give us feedback and ideas!

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