JMP Analysis

Descriptive Analysis

The case “Appointment Wait Times at Veterans Medical Centers” presented a variety of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate visualizations to become acquainted with the appointment backlogs and the characteristics of each medical center (e.g., bed capacity, location). While graphs allow us to easily discern patterns, numerical statistics offer a more precise measure of various characteristics of the distribution of each variable.
A number of the variables, such as Provider ID, Hospital Name, and the address columns, are unique identifiers associated with each veterans medical center, so a statistical summary of these columns is not warranted. The key variables are those relating to the appointment backlog.
Tables of numerical statistics can be easily generated from Tabulate. Drag the columns containing backlog data to the drop zone for rows. The Sum will appear as a default. Drag “Sum” to the empty column heading above the numbers. Now select N, Mean, Std Dev, Min, and Max and drag them to the column header occupied by Sum. The result is shown in Figure 10.1 Tabulate for Backlog Variables.
Figure 10.1 Tabulate for Backlog Variables
The statistics should be rounded. Given the magnitude of the backlog values, we will round them all to the nearest integer. At the bottom of the Tabulate dialog click on the Change Format button and complete the dialog as shown in Figure 10.2 Changing Tabulate Formats.
Figure 10.2 Changing Tabulate Formats
The table with rounded values is shown in Figure 10.3 Table of Descriptive Statistics for Backlog Variables.
Figure 10.3 Table of Descriptive Statistics for Backlog Variables
Depending on the problem, other descriptive statistics may be informative. The minimum observed backlog difference is negative which means that at least one VMC reduced their 31-60 day backlog. Similarly, the positive maximum value indicates that at least one VMC’s backlog increased from 2015 to 2016. Calculating the percentage of VMCs in the sample that are unchanged, decreased and increased their backlogs will add insight. To find any VMCs whose backlog has not changed, Choose Rows > Row Selection > Select Where and complete the dialog as shown in Figure 10.4 Selecting Rows with Backlog Difference of Zero to see if there are any VMCs that had no change in backlog.
Figure 10.4 Selecting Rows with Backlog Difference of Zero
No rows are selected, so there are no hospital with a backlog difference of 0. Repeat the row selection process but this time from the criteria drop-down choose “is greater than” and click OK. Rows with Backlog Difference greater than zero will be highlighted in the JMP data table as shown in Figure 10.5 JMP Data Table with Backlog Difference Greater than Zero Selected.
Figure 10.5 JMP Data Table with Backlog Difference Greater than Zero Selected
At the left of the data table we see that there are 12 rows selected out of 16. Twelve out of 16, or 75% of the VMCs saw increases in their backlogs over a year, while 25% reduced their backlogs. These percentages should be included in the statistical summary of the data. Using Rows > Row Selection > Select Where is often easier when there are precise numerical criteria. The slider bar available in the Rows > Data Filter may be more difficult for selecting the precise numerical value desired.
Another way to describe the backlog data is to look at the relative change from 2015 to 2016. This can be done by creating a new column, called Percent Backlog Change using the Formula Editor. Figure 10.6 Formula Editor to Create Percent Backlog Change Column shows the completed Formula Editor where the percent change is rounded to one decimal place.
Figure 10.6 Formula Editor to Create Percent Backlog Change Column
The Percent Backlog Change column is described using the Distribution platform as shown in Figure 10.7 Data Description for Percent Backlog Change.
Figure 10.7 Data Description for Percent Backlog Change
The percent backlog change shows that some VMCs more than doubled their backlog, while in the best case, one VMC decreased the backlog by close to 80%.
In this section we have showed a variety of ways to summarize the backlog data numerically. When presenting a statistical summary, select the view of the data that is consistent with the problem statement and will be most easily understood by your audience.

Selecting the Hypothesis Test

The problem statement can be addressed with a statistical test of hypothesis. We need to choose the statistical parameter that will be used to answer the research question. Since we are interested in the change in the level of the backlog, the mean is an appropriate statistic.
Two backlogs at two time periods are being compared so a t-test is the appropriate method. There are two forms of the t-test, paired comparisons and two independent samples. Which form of the t-test to apply depends on the nature of the test subjects (the hospitals) and how the data was collected. Paired comparisons are applicable when the test subjects are different in some way. For example, the hospitals are of different sizes. Paired comparisons are also applicable when the “treatment” can be repeated on the same subject. This method has the advantage of reducing variation due to individual differences in the test subjects. A two sample t-test is indicated when the treatment destroys the test specimen, when there is no natural pairing, or for a variety of other reasons.
Experience suggests that there are differences between hospitals in terms of their bed capacity, facility age, the number and type of services offered, staffing levels, and management. Figure 10.8 Descriptive Analysis of Bed Capacity gives a statistical summary of the bed capacity of the hospitals in the sample obtained from the JMP Distribution platform.
Figure 10.8 Descriptive Analysis of Bed Capacity
The Summary Statistics table can be customized by selecting Customize Summary Statistics from the drop-down menu next to the Summary Statistics heading. The menu of options appears as shown in Figure 10.9 Summary Statistics Options where the mean, standard deviation, sample size (N), and median have been chosen.
Figure 10.9 Summary Statistics Options
Figure 10.10 Customized Summary Statistics for VMC Bed Capacities shows the customized table of summary statistics where we see that the bed capacity spans almost an order of magnitude for this sample.
Figure 10.10 Customized Summary Statistics for VMC Bed Capacities
Default summary statistics can be set from File > Preferences > Platforms > Distribution Summary Statistics.
The analysis of bed capacity confirms our intuition that the VMCs are heterogeneous. We also see in Figure 10.3 Table of Descriptive Statistics for Backlog Variables that the 2015 backlogs, the baseline for comparison, vary almost an order of magnitude. There is a natural pairing between the backlogs for 2015 and 2016 and the hospitals are heterogeneous, so a paired comparison is the appropriate t-test to apply.

Setting Up the Hypotheses

In a paired comparison, the difference between the 2015 and 2016 backlogs will be analyzed. The subtraction removes the variation due to the inherent differences in the hospitals. The column Backlog Difference was created in the case “Appointment Wait Times at Veterans Medical Centers” and it is the mean of this variable that we will analyze.
The null hypothesis assumes that there is no change on average in the backlog level, i.e., the mean backlog difference is equal to zero. The alternative hypothesis could be two-sided which would detect a change in the backlog mean in either a negative or positive direction. There are two possibilities for a one-sided alternative, either looking for only an increase or only a decrease in the mean backlog.
Since the VA is under pressure to improve their performance, it would seem that a one-sided alternative to detect a reduction in the mean backlog should be chosen. However, if there has in fact been a significant increase in the mean backlog, this form of the alternative hypothesis will not detect that. A two-sided alternative will detect if there has been a significant change, either an increase or a decrease in the mean backlog. A two-sided alternative is consistent with the phrasing of the problem statement. The choice of the alternative hypothesis should reflect the problem statement.

Checking Paired t-test Assumptions

Prior to performing a hypothesis test it is good practice to check the associated assumptions. Violation of the assumptions can result in drawing incorrect conclusions which can lead to unwarranted problem domain recommendations or actions. The paired t-test assumptions are independent samples and that the differences are normally distributed.
In a paired comparison, it is expected that the two observations are dependent. In this case, the size of the backlog at a hospital in 2016 will depend on what the backlog was in 2015. The independence assumption is for the relationship between the test subjects, or in this case the hospitals. The degree to which this assumption is satisfied will not come from a statistical test, but rather an understanding of the problem domain. It seems reasonable that the backlogs could be related for hospitals that are in close geographic proximity. In these situations, patients in that geographic region could easily travel to appointments at either hospital and may choose between the two hospitals based on the wait time for an appointment. In the case, “Appointment Wait Times at Veterans Medical Centers” a map was created showing the locations, bed capacity, and 2015 appointment backlog. This map is reproduced in Figure 10.11 Map Showing VMC Locations, Bed Capacity, and 2015 Appointment Backlog.
Figure 10.11 Map Showing VMC Locations, Bed Capacity, and 2015 Appointment Backlog
The map shows that only two hospitals on the West coast of Florida are within close proximity where dependence may exist between their backlogs. Further investigation into other aspects of these two hospitals such as similarity of services offered can help establish if their backlogs can be reasonably considered independent. Such information can be readily obtained from the websites for these two VMCs.
The normality assumption for the Backlog Difference can be assessed from the JMP Distribution platform in two different ways. Figure 10.12 Normal Quantile Plot of Backlog Difference shows a normal quantile plot for Backlog Difference obtained from the Backlog Difference drop-down menu.
Figure 10.12 Normal Quantile Plot of Backlog Difference
In the Normal quantile plot, the line corresponds to the Normal distribution that best fits the data. The Normality assumption is satisfied to the extent that the observations lie close to this line. The observed backlog differences fall reasonably close to this line with the exception of the minimum observed backlog of -2815 which corresponds to the Fayetteville, NC VMC.
The JMP Distribution platform also provides the Shapiro-Wilk Normality test as an option to assess normality. From the Backlog Difference drop-down select Continuous Fit > Normal and the Fitted Normal output will appear. From the Fitted Normal drop-down select Goodness of Fit. Figure 10.13 Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test Output for Backlog Difference shows the corresponding output.
Figure 10.13 Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test Output for Backlog Difference
The Shapiro-Wilk test null hypothesis assumes the data come from a Normal distribution, with the alternative that the data is not normally distributed. The p-value of 0.1410 is not sufficient to reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level. Therefore, we can assume the backlog difference data is normally distributed.
The assumptions for the paired t-test are reasonably satisified and we can proceed to conduct the paired t-test. In the case of a severe departure from normality, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test is available as a nonparametric option from Distribution > Test Mean.

Paired t-test

There are two ways to perform a paired t-test in JMP. The difference between the 2015 and 2016 backlogs can be analyzed with a one-sample t-test. Enter Backlog Difference into the Y field in the Distribution platform and select Test Mean from the Backlog Difference drop-down menu. Enter 0 for the Hypothesized Mean. The JMP output is shown in Figure 10.14 JMP Test Mean Output for Backlog Difference.
Figure 10.14 JMP Test Mean Output for Backlog Difference
On average, the backlog has increased by 843 for the Southeast United States. The t-test will tell us if this change is statistically significant. The key result from a hypothesis test is the p-value. JMP gives three p-values, one associated with each of the three possible alternative hypotheses. In this case, we are using a two-sided alternative so Prob > |t| = 0.0373 is the corresponding p-value. The p-value is the likelihood of obtaining the sample mean or something more extreme assuming the null hypothesis is true. Small p-values cause a rejection of the null hypothesis. In this case, the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% level and we can conclude that there has been a change in mean backlog from 2015 to 2016. In fact the backlog has increased, not the desired outcome from the perspective of the Veterans’ Administration and veterans seeking improvements in appointment waiting times.
The second way to conduct a paired t-test is from Analyze > Specialized Modeling > Matched Pairs. It gives the same numerical results as Distribution > Test Mean and has the advantage of providing additional graphical output and does not require a column (and formula) to hold the difference. The completed dialog to perform a paired t-test from JMP’s Matched Pairs is shown in Figure 10.15 Completed Matched Pairs Dialog.
Figure 10.15 Completed Matched Pairs Dialog
From the Matched Pairs drop-down select Plot Dif by Row. Figure 10.16 Matched Pairs Output shows the Matched Pairs output.
Figure 10.16 Matched Pairs Output
The differences plotted by row show clearly the large reduction in the backlog for the Fayetteville, NC VMC. For small sample sizes, outliers can have substantial influence on the results. To assess the influence this outlier, exclude the Fayetteville, NC observation by highlighting the corresponding row in the JMP data table, right click and select Exclude. This will exclude the Fayetteville backlog from the paired t-test but it will remain in the graphs. The Hide option will prevent a highlighted row from being displayed in JMP graphs. The estimated mean difference is now 1087. Excluding the Fayetteville observation does not change the hypothesis test conclusion (p-value = 0.0025).
Last updated: October 12, 2017
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