
1 Java Primer

1.1 Getting Started

1.1.1 Base Types

1.2 Classes and Objects

1.2.1 Creating and Using Objects

1.2.2 Defining a Class

1.3 Strings, Wrappers, Arrays, and Enum Types

1.4 Expressions

1.4.1 Literals

1.4.2 Operators

1.4.3 Type Conversions

1.5 Control Flow

1.5.1 The If and Switch Statements

1.5.2 Loops

1.5.3 Explicit Control-Flow Statements

1.6 Simple Input and Output

1.7 An Example Program

1.8 Packages and Imports

1.9 Software Development

1.9.1 Design

1.9.2 Pseudocode

1.9.3 Coding

1.9.4 Documentation and Style

1.9.5 Testing and Debugging

1.10 Exercises

2 Object-Oriented Design

2.1 Goals, Principles, and Patterns

2.1.1 Object-Oriented Design Goals

2.1.2 Object-Oriented Design Principles

2.1.3 Design Patterns

2.2 Inheritance

2.2.1 Extending the CreditCard Class

2.2.2 Polymorphism and Dynamic Dispatch

2.2.3 Inheritance Hierarchies

2.3 Interfaces and Abstract Classes

2.3.1 Interfaces in Java

2.3.2 Multiple Inheritance for Interfaces

2.3.3 Abstract Classes

2.4 Exceptions

2.4.1 Catching Exceptions

2.4.2 Throwing Exceptions

2.4.3 Java's Exception Hierarchy

2.5 Casting and Generics

2.5.1 Casting

2.5.2 Generics

2.6 Nested Classes

2.7 Exercises

3 Fundamental Data Structures

3.1 Using Arrays

3.1.1 Storing Game Entries in an Array

3.1.2 Sorting an Array

3.1.3 java.util Methods for Arrays and Random Numbers

3.1.4 Simple Cryptography with Character Arrays

3.1.5 Two-Dimensional Arrays and Positional Games

3.2 Singly Linked Lists

3.2.1 Implementing a Singly Linked List Class

3.3 Circularly Linked Lists

3.3.1 Round-Robin Scheduling

3.3.2 Designing and Implementing a Circularly Linked List

3.4 Doubly Linked Lists

3.4.1 Implementing a Doubly Linked List Class

3.5 Equivalence Testing

3.5.1 Equivalence Testing with Arrays

3.5.2 Equivalence Testing with Linked Lists

3.6 Cloning Data Structures

3.6.1 Cloning Arrays

3.6.2 Cloning Linked Lists

3.7 Exercises

4 Algorithm Analysis

4.1 Experimental Studies

4.1.1 Moving Beyond Experimental Analysis

4.2 The Seven Functions Used in This Book

4.2.1 Comparing Growth Rates

4.3 Asymptotic Analysis

4.3.1 The “Big-Oh” Notation

4.3.2 Comparative Analysis

4.3.3 Examples of Algorithm Analysis

4.4 Simple Justification Techniques

4.4.1 By Example

4.4.2 The “Contra” Attack

4.4.3 Induction and Loop Invariants

4.5 Exercises

5 Recursion

5.1 Illustrative Examples

5.1.1 The Factorial Function

5.1.2 Drawing an English Ruler

5.1.3 Binary Search

5.1.4 File Systems

5.2 Analyzing Recursive Algorithms

5.3 Further Examples of Recursion

5.3.1 Linear Recursion

5.3.2 Binary Recursion

5.3.3 Multiple Recursion

5.4 Designing Recursive Algorithms

5.5 Recursion Run Amok

5.5.1 Maximum Recursive Depth in Java

5.6 Eliminating Tail Recursion

5.7 Exercises

6 Stacks, Queues, and Deques

6.1 Stacks

6.1.1 The Stack Abstract Data Type

6.1.2 A Simple Array-Based Stack Implementation

6.1.3 Implementing a Stack with a Singly Linked List

6.1.4 Reversing an Array Using a Stack

6.1.5 Matching Parentheses and HTML Tags

6.2 Queues

6.2.1 The Queue Abstract Data Type

6.2.2 Array-Based Queue Implementation

6.2.3 Implementing a Queue with a Singly Linked List

6.2.4 A Circular Queue

6.3 Double-Ended Queues

6.3.1 The Deque Abstract Data Type

6.3.2 Implementing a Deque

6.3.3 Deques in the Java Collections Framework

6.4 Exercises

7 List and Iterator ADTs

7.1 The List ADT

7.2 Array Lists

7.2.1 Dynamic Arrays

7.2.2 Implementing a Dynamic Array

7.2.3 Amortized Analysis of Dynamic Arrays

7.2.4 Java's StringBuilder class

7.3 Positional Lists

7.3.1 Positions

7.3.2 The Positional List Abstract Data Type

7.3.3 Doubly Linked List Implementation

7.4 Iterators

7.4.1 The Iterable Interface and Java's For-Each Loop

7.4.2 Implementing Iterators

7.5 The Java Collections Framework

7.5.1 List Iterators in Java

7.5.2 Comparison to Our Positional List ADT

7.5.3 List-Based Algorithms in the Java Collections Framework

7.6 Sorting a Positional List

7.7 Case Study: Maintaining Access Frequencies

7.7.1 Using a Sorted List

7.7.2 Using a List with the Move-to-Front Heuristic

7.8 Exercises

8 Trees

8.1 General Trees

8.1.1 Tree Definitions and Properties

8.1.2 The Tree Abstract Data Type

8.1.3 Computing Depth and Height

8.2 Binary Trees

8.2.1 The Binary Tree Abstract Data Type

8.2.2 Properties of Binary Trees

8.3 Implementing Trees

8.3.1 Linked Structure for Binary Trees

8.3.2 Array-Based Representation of a Binary Tree

8.3.3 Linked Structure for General Trees

8.4 Tree Traversal Algorithms

8.4.1 Preorder and Postorder Traversals of General Trees

8.4.2 Breadth-First Tree Traversal

8.4.3 Inorder Traversal of a Binary Tree

8.4.4 Implementing Tree Traversals in Java

8.4.5 Applications of Tree Traversals

8.4.6 Euler Tours

8.5 Exercises

9 Priority Queues

9.1 The Priority Queue Abstract Data Type

9.1.1 Priorities

9.1.2 The Priority Queue ADT

9.2 Implementing a Priority Queue

9.2.1 The Entry Composite

9.2.2 Comparing Keys with Total Orders

9.2.3 The AbstractPriorityQueue Base Class

9.2.4 Implementing a Priority Queue with an Unsorted List

9.2.5 Implementing a Priority Queue with a Sorted List

9.3 Heaps

9.3.1 The Heap Data Structure

9.3.2 Implementing a Priority Queue with a Heap

9.3.3 Analysis of a Heap-Based Priority Queue

9.3.4 Bottom-Up Heap Construction images

9.3.5 Using the java.util.PriorityQueue Class

9.4 Sorting with a Priority Queue

9.4.1 Selection-Sort and Insertion-Sort

9.4.2 Heap-Sort

9.5 Adaptable Priority Queues

9.5.1 Location-Aware Entries

9.5.2 Implementing an Adaptable Priority Queue

9.6 Exercises

10 Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists

10.1 Maps

10.1.1 The Map ADT

10.1.2 Application: Counting Word Frequencies

10.1.3 An AbstractMap Base Class

10.1.4 A Simple Unsorted Map Implementation

10.2 Hash Tables

10.2.1 Hash Functions

10.2.2 Collision-Handling Schemes

10.2.3 Load Factors, Rehashing, and Efficiency

10.2.4 Java Hash Table Implementation

10.3 Sorted Maps

10.3.1 Sorted Search Tables

10.3.2 Two Applications of Sorted Maps

10.4 Skip Lists

10.4.1 Search and Update Operations in a Skip List

10.4.2 Probabilistic Analysis of Skip Lists images

10.5 Sets, Multisets, and Multimaps

10.5.1 The Set ADT

10.5.2 The Multiset ADT

10.5.3 The Multimap ADT

10.6 Exercises

11 Search Trees

11.1 Binary Search Trees

11.1.1 Searching Within a Binary Search Tree

11.1.2 Insertions and Deletions

11.1.3 Java Implementation

11.1.4 Performance of a Binary Search Tree

11.2 Balanced Search Trees

11.2.1 Java Framework for Balancing Search Trees

11.3 AVL Trees

11.3.1 Update Operations

11.3.2 Java Implementation

11.4 Splay Trees

11.4.1 Splaying

11.4.2 When to Splay

11.4.3 Java Implementation

11.4.4 Amortized Analysis of Splaying images

11.5 (2,4) Trees

11.5.1 Multiway Search Trees

11.5.2 (2,4)-Tree Operations

11.6 Red-Black Trees

11.6.1 Red-Black Tree Operations

11.6.2 Java Implementation

11.7 Exercises

12 Sorting and Selection

12.1 Merge-Sort

12.1.1 Divide-and-Conquer

12.1.2 Array-Based Implementation of Merge-Sort

12.1.3 The Running Time of Merge-Sort

12.1.4 Merge-Sort and Recurrence Equations images

12.1.5 Alternative Implementations of Merge-Sort

12.2 Quick-Sort

12.2.1 Randomized Quick-Sort

12.2.2 Additional Optimizations for Quick-Sort

12.3 Studying Sorting through an Algorithmic Lens

12.3.1 Lower Bound for Sorting

12.3.2 Linear-Time Sorting: Bucket-Sort and Radix-Sort

12.4 Comparing Sorting Algorithms

12.5 Selection

12.5.1 Prune-and-Search

12.5.2 Randomized Quick-Select

12.5.3 Analyzing Randomized Quick-Select

12.6 Exercises

13 Text Processing

13.1 Abundance of Digitized Text

13.1.1 Notations for Character Strings

13.2 Pattern-Matching Algorithms

13.2.1 Brute Force

13.2.2 The Boyer-Moore Algorithm

13.2.3 The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm

13.3 Tries

13.3.1 Standard Tries

13.3.2 Compressed Tries

13.3.3 Suffix Tries

13.3.4 Search Engine Indexing

13.4 Text Compression and the Greedy Method

13.4.1 The Huffman Coding Algorithm

13.4.2 The Greedy Method

13.5 Dynamic Programming

13.5.1 Matrix Chain-Product

13.5.2 DNA and Text Sequence Alignment

13.6 Exercises

14 Graph Algorithms

14.1 Graphs

14.1.1 The Graph ADT

14.2 Data Structures for Graphs

14.2.1 Edge List Structure

14.2.2 Adjacency List Structure

14.2.3 Adjacency Map Structure

14.2.4 Adjacency Matrix Structure

14.2.5 Java Implementation

14.3 Graph Traversals

14.3.1 Depth-First Search

14.3.2 DFS Implementation and Extensions

14.3.3 Breadth-First Search

14.4 Transitive Closure

14.5 Directed Acyclic Graphs

14.5.1 Topological Ordering

14.6 Shortest Paths

14.6.1 Weighted Graphs

14.6.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm

14.7 Minimum Spanning Trees

14.7.1 Prim-Jarník Algorithm

14.7.2 Kruskal's Algorithm

14.7.3 Disjoint Partitions and Union-Find Structures

14.8 Exercises

15 Memory Management and B-Trees

15.1 Memory Management

15.1.1 Stacks in the Java Virtual Machine

15.1.2 Allocating Space in the Memory Heap

15.1.3 Garbage Collection

15.2 Memory Hierarchies and Caching

15.2.1 Memory Systems

15.2.2 Caching Strategies

15.3 External Searching and B-Trees

15.3.1 (a,b) Trees

15.3.2 B-Trees

15.4 External-Memory Sorting

15.4.1 Multiway Merging

15.5 Exercises



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