
% operator, 24, 242

== operator, 25, 138

^ operator, 412

Abelson, Hal, 223

abstract class, 8081, 313314, 323

abstract data type, 62

deque, 248249

graph, 612618

map, 402404

partition, 672675

positional list, 272275

priority queue, 361

queue, 239240

sorted map, 428

stack, 227228

string, 1718

tree, 312314

abstract methods, 80

abstract modifier, 11, 81

AbstractBinaryTree class, 319320, 323, 325, 330, 339, 341, 342

AbstractHashMap class, 406, 422424

abstraction, 62

AbstractMap class, 384, 406407, 408, 422

AbstractPriorityQueue class, 364365, 366

AbstractSortedMap class, 406, 430, 466

AbstractTree class, 313316, 323, 330, 339342

(a, b) tree, 702704

access frequency, 294

accessor method, 5

activation record, see frame

acyclic graph, 615

adaptability, 60, 61

adaptable priority queue, 390392, 658, 659

adapter design pattern, 233, 245

Adel'son-Vel'skii, Georgii, 479, 530

adjacency list, 619, 622623

adjacency map, 619, 624, 626

adjacency matrix, 619, 625

Aggarwal, Alok, 709

Aho, Alfred, 256, 305, 530, 610

Ahuja, Ravindra, 686

algorithm analysis, 164181

alphabet, 17, 575

amortization, 205, 266269, 376, 672675

ancestor, 310

antisymmetric property, 363

Apache Commons, 448

API, 76, 228

arithmetic operators, 24

arithmetic progression, 71, 268

Arnold, Ken, 57

array, 2021, 104119

dynamic, 263269

array list, 260265

ArrayDeque class, 251

ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception, 20, 33, 84, 87

ArrayList class, 260261, 263265, 283285, 290

ArrayQueue class, 242244, 302

Arrays class, 112, 114, 139, 175

ArrayStack class, 230232, 300

associative array, 402

asymptotic notation, 164177

big-Oh, 164167

big-Omega, 167, 265

big-Theta, 167

autoboxing, 19, 92

AVL tree, 479486

back edge, 639, 680

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo, 530, 572, 709

BalanceableBinaryTree class, 476478

images, Otakar, 683, 686

base class, 64

base type, 4

Bayer, Rudolf, 530, 709

Bellman, Richard, 610

Bentley, Jon, 223, 400, 572

best-fit algorithm, 692

BFS, see breadth-first search

biconnected graph, 681

big-Oh notation, 164167

big-Omega notation, 167, 265

big-Theta notation, 167

binary heap, 370384

binary search, 196197, 203204, 429432, 563

binary search tree, 338, 460478

rotation, 472

trinode restructuring, 473

binary tree, 317330, 533

array-based representation, 331332

complete, 370

improper, 317

level, 321

linked structure, 323330

proper, 317

BinaryTree interface, 319

bipartite graph, 681

bit vector, 456

Booch, Grady, 101, 305

bootstrapping, 424, 502

Boyer, Robert, 610

Boyer-Moore algorithm, 578581

Brassard, Gilles, 188

breadth-first search, 640642

breadth-first tree traversal, 336, 341342

break statement, 32, 37

brute force, 576

B-tree, 704

bubble-sort, 304

bucket-sort, 558559, 562

Budd, Timothy, 101, 305

buffer overflow attack, 20

Burger, Doug, 709

caching, 695700

Caesar cipher, 115117

Carlsonn, Svante, 400

casting, 2829, 8890

implicit, 29

catch, 82

catching an exception, 8284

ceiling function, 163

central processing unit (CPU), 151

ChainHashMap class, 406, 424425

character, 17

checked exception, 86

Chen, Wen-Chin, 458

Chernoff bound, 570

child class, see subclass

circular queue, 246247

circularly linked list, 128131, 246

Clarkson, Kenneth, 572

class, 2, 522, 60, 62

abstract, 8081, 313314

base, 64

child, 64

inner, 96, 284

nested, 96

outer, 96

parent, 64

sub, 64

super, 64

class diagram, 47

ClassCastException, 87, 89

clone method, 141144

Cloneable interface, 79, 141, 144, 302, 303, 353

cloning, 141144

clustering, 419

coding, 46

Cole, Richard, 610

Collection interface, 288

collections, see Java collections framework

collision resolution, 411, 417419

Comer, Douglas, 709

comparability property, 363

Comparable interface, 79, 363

Comparator interface, 363, 538

complete binary tree, 370

complete graph, 678

composition design pattern, 91, 295

compression function, 411, 416

concatenation, 17, 24

concrete methods, 80

ConcurrentSkipListMap class, 436

connected components, 615, 635, 638

constructor, 14

continue statement, 37

contradiction, 178

contrapositive, 178

control flow, 3037

core memory, 695

Cormen, Thomas, 530, 686

Cornell, Gary, 57

CPU, 151

CRC cards, 47

CreditCard class, 4143, 47, 5051, 6568, 8889

Crochemore, Maxime, 610

Crosby, Scott, 458

cryptography, 115117

cubic function, 160

cuckoo hashing, 456

currentTimeMillis method, 113, 151

cyber-dollar, 266267, 495498, 673

cycle, 615

directed, 615

cyclic-shift hash code, 413414

DAG, see directed acyclic graph

data packets, 304

de Morgan's law, 178

debugging, 46

decision tree, 317, 461, 556

decrease-and-conquer, 563565

decryption, 115

default constructor, 6, 14

degree of a vertex, 613

delimiter, 40, 235

Demurjian, Steven, 101, 256

denial-of-service attack, 421

depth of a tree, 314316

depth-first search (DFS), 631639

deque, 248251

abstract data type, 248249

linked-list implementation, 250

Deque interface, 288

descendant, 310

design patterns, 49, 63

adapter, 233, 245

amortization, 266269

brute force, 576

composition, 91, 295, 362

divide-and-conquer, 532536, 544545

dynamic programming, 598604

factory method, 325, 477

greedy method, 597

iterator, 282286

position, 272275

prune-and-search, 563565

template method, 81, 446, 475

DFS, see depth-first search

Di Battista, Giuseppe, 358, 686

diameter, 355

dictionary, see map

Dijkstra's algorithm, 653661

Dijkstra, Edsger, 223, 686

directed acyclic graph, 647649

disk usage, 198201, 204205, 345

divide-and-conquer, 532536, 544545

division method for hash codes, 416

dot operator, 7

double hashing, 419

double-ended queue, see deque

doubly linked list, 125, 132137

DoublyLinkedList class, 135137, 250, 271, 276

down-heap bubbling, 374

dynamic array, 263269

shrinking, 269

dynamic dispatch, 68

dynamic programming, 598604

Eades, Peter, 358, 686

edge, 310

destination, 613

endpoint, 613

incident, 613

multiple, 614

origin, 613

outgoing, 613

parallel, 614

self-loop, 614

edge list, 619621

edge of a graph, 612

edge relaxation, 653

edit distance, 608

element uniqueness problem, 174175, 215

encapsulation, 62

encryption, 115

endpoints, 613

enum, 22

equals method, 25, 138140

equivalence relation, 138

equivalence testing, 138140

erasure, 140

Error class, 86, 87

Euclidean norm, 56

Euler tour of a graph, 677, 681

Euler tour tree traversal, 348349, 358

evolvability, 61

exception, 8287

catching, 8284

checked, 86

throwing, 8586

unchecked, 86

Exception class, 86, 87

exponential function, 161162, 209210

expression, 2329

expression tree, 318

external memory, 695707, 709

external-memory algorithm, 695707

external-memory sorting, 705707

factorial function, 191192, 202, 690

factory method pattern, 325, 477

fail-fast iterator, 284, 304

favorites list, 294299

FavoritesList class, 295296

FavoritesListMTF class, 298, 399

Fibonacci heap, 659

Fibonacci series, 73, 180, 186, 216217, 480

field, 5

FIFO, see first-in, first-out

File class, 200

file system, 198201, 310, 345

final modifier, 11

first-fit algorithm, 692

first-in, first-out (FIFO)

protocol, 238, 255, 336, 360, 699700

Flajolet, Philippe, 188

Flanagan, David, 57

floor function, 163, 209

flowchart, 31

Floyd, Robert, 400, 686

Floyd-Warshall algorithm, 644646, 686

for-each loop, 36, 283

forest, 615

fractal, 193

fragmentation of memory, 692

frame, 192, 688

free list, 692

game tree, 336, 358

Gamma, Erich, 101

garbage collection, 232, 693694

mark-sweep, 693

Gauss, Carl, 159

generics, 9195, 126, 228

geometric progression, 72, 267

geometric sum, 162

Gonnet, Gaston, 400, 530, 572, 709

Goodrich, Michael, 709

Gosling, James, 57

Graham, Ronald, 686

graph, 612686

abstract data type, 612618

acyclic, 615, 647649

breadth-first search, 640642

connected, 615, 630

data structures, 619629

adjacency list, 619, 622623

adjacency map, 619, 624, 626

adjacency matrix, 619, 625

edge list, 619621

depth-first search, 631639

directed, 612, 613, 647649

mixed, 613

reachability, 643646

shortest paths, 651661

simple, 614

strongly connected, 615

traversal, 630642

undirected, 612, 613

weighted, 651686

greedy method, 597, 652, 653

Guava library, 448

Guibas, Leonidas, 530

Guttag, John, 101, 256, 305

Harmonic number, 171, 221

hash code, 411415

cyclic-shift, 413414

polynomial, 413, 609

hash table, 410427

clustering, 419

collision, 411

collision resolution, 417419

double hashing, 419

linear probing, 418

quadratic probing, 419


cuckoo, 456

power-of-two-choices, 457

header sentinel, 132

heap, 370384

bottom-up construction, 380384

heap-sort, 388389, 561

HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue class, 392394

HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue class, 659

HeapPriorityQueue class, 377378, 382

height of a tree, 315316, 471

Hell, Pavol, 686

Hennessy, John, 709

heuristic, 297

hierarchy, 64

Hoare, C. A. R., 572

Holmes, David, 57

hook, 466, 475

Hopcroft, John, 256, 305, 530, 686

Horner's method, 187

Horstman, Cay, 57

HTML, 235237, 253, 574

Huang, Bing-Chao, 572

Huffman coding, 595596

I/O complexity, 701

identifier, 2

IllegalArgumentException, 85, 87

immutable, 18

implicit cast, 29

import statement, 45

in-degree, 613

in-place algorithm, 389, 553

incoming edges, 613

index, 17, 20

IndexOutOfBoundsException, 259

induction, 179180, 203

infix notation, 356

inheritance, 6474

multiple, 79

single, 66

inner class, 96, 284

inorder tree traversal, 337, 341, 473

insertion-sort, 110111, 293294, 387, 561

instance, 5, 60

instance variable, 5, 60

instanceof operator, 68, 89

integrated development environment (IDE), 16, 49

interface, 62, 7679, 90, 228

internal memory, 695

Internet, 304

inversion, 387, 561, 569

inverted file, 456

isomorphism, 352

Iterable interface, 36, 283

iterator, 282286

fail-fast, 284, 304

JáJá, Joseph, 358

Jarník, images, 686

Java, 257, 6096

arrays, 2021, 104119

casting, 8890

control flow, 3037

exceptions, 8287

expressions, 2329

input, 3840

method stack, 688690

methods, 1213

output, 3840

packages, 4445

Java collections framework, 251, 288292, 384, 445448

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 688693

javadoc, 50

Jones, Richard, 709

Josephus problem, 246

Karger, David, 686

Karp, Richard, 358, 609

Klein, Philip, 686

Kleinberg, Jon, 572

Klink, Alexander, 458

Knuth, Donald, 148, 188, 305, 358, 400, 458, 530, 572, 610, 686, 709

Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, 582585

Kosaraju, S. Rao, 686

Kruskal's algorithm, 667675

Kruskal, Joseph, 686

Landis, Evgenii, 479, 530

Langston, Michael, 572

last-in, first-out (LIFO) protocol, 226, 228

lazy iterator, 284

LCS, see longest common subsequence

leaf of a tree, 310

least recently used (LRU) protocol, 699700

Lecroq, Thierry, 610

Leiserson, Charles, 530, 686

Lesuisse, R., 223

level in a tree, 321

level numbering, 331, 371

Leveson, Nancy, 101

lexicographic order, 363, 559

LIFO, see last-in, first-out

linear function, 158

linear probing, 418

linearity of expectation, 565

linked list, 122137, 233, 245

circularly linked, 128131, 246

doubly linked, 125, 132137, 250, 276280

singly linked, 122127, 233, 245

LinkedBinaryTree class, 325330, 466, 476477

LinkedHashMap class, 454

LinkedList class, 251, 288, 289, 290

LinkedPositionalList class, 276280, 286287, 620

LinkedQueue class, 245, 341, 541, 549

Lins, Rafael, 709

Liotta, Giuseppe, 358, 686

Liskov substitution principle, 68

Liskov, Barbara, 68, 101, 256, 305


of favorites, 294299

positional, 270281

List interface, 258259, 284, 288

literal, 23

Littman, Michael, 572

live objects, 693

load factor, 417, 420421

locality of reference, 297, 697

log-star function, 675

logarithm function, 156157

longest common subsequence, 601604

looking-glass heuristic, 578

lookup table, 410

loop invariant, 181

lowest common ancestor, 355

Magnanti, Thomas, 686

main memory, 695

map, 402444

abstract data type, 402404

binary search tree, 460478

hash table, 410427

skip list, 436444

sorted, 428435, 460

Map interface, 406

mark-sweep algorithm, 693

matrix, 118

matrix chain-product, 598600

maximal independent set, 682

McCreight, Edward, 610, 709

McDiarmid, Colin, 400

McIlroy, Douglas, 572

median, 196, 555, 563, 571

Megiddo, Nimrod, 572

Mehlhorn, Kurt, 530, 686, 709

member of a class, 5

memory address, 688

memory allocation, 692

memory heap, 691

memory hierarchy, 695

memory management, 688694

merge-sort, 532544, 562

multiway, 705707

mergeable heap, 530

method, 2, 1213, 60

abstract, 80

concrete, 80

signature, 12

minimum spanning tree, 662675

Kruskal's algorithm, 667675

Prim-Jarnik algorithm, 664666

mixin, 79

modularity, 62

modulo operator, 24, 116, 242

Moore, J. Strother, 610

Morris, James, 610

Morrison, Donald, 610

Motwani, Rajeev, 458, 572

move-to-front heuristic, 297299

MST, see minimum spanning tree

multimap, 445, 448450

multiple inheritance, 79

Multiply-Add-and-Divide (MAD), 416

multiset, 445, 447448

multiway merge-sort, 705707

multiway search tree, 500502

Munro, J. Ian, 400

n-log-n function, 158

narrowing conversion, 88

natural join, 304

natural ordering, 363

nested class, 96

nested loops, 159

next-fit algorithm, 692

node, 309

ancestor, 310

child, 309

descendant, 310

external, 310

internal, 310

leaf, 310

parent, 309

root, 309

sibling, 310

node of a graph, 612

NoSuchElementException, 86, 87, 240, 251, 282

null value, 6, 7, 21, 23

NullPointerException, 7, 87

Number class, 89

NumberFormatException, 28, 84, 85, 87

object, 522, 60

Object class, 66, 91, 138, 141

object-oriented design, 60101

open addressing, 418

operand stack, 690

order statistic, 563

Orlin, James, 686

out-degree, 613

outer class, 96

outgoing edge, 613

override, 64

p-norm, 56

package, 10, 4445

palindrome, 222, 606

parameter passing, 13

parent class, 64

parent node, 309

parenthetic string representation, 346

partition, 670, 672675

path, 310, 615

compression, 675

directed, 615

length, 352, 652

simple, 615

pattern matching, 576585

Boyer-Moore algorithm, 578581

brute force, 576577

Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, 582585

Rabin-Karp algorithm, 609

Patterson, David, 709

permutation, 191

Peters, Tim, 562

polymorphism, 68

polynomial function, 160, 187

polynomial hash code, 413, 609

portability, 61

position, 272275, 312, 437

Position interface, 274, 313, 325

positional list, 270281

abstract data type, 272280

PositionalList interface, 275, 293, 295

postfix notation, 253, 356

postorder tree traversal, 335

power function, 209

power-of-two-choices hashing, 457

Pratt, Vaughan, 610

PredatoryCreditCard, 6568, 8889

prefix average, 175177

prefix code, 595

prefix of a string, 575

preorder tree traversal, 334

Prim, Robert, 686

Prim-Jarnik algorithm, 664666

primitive operations, 154

primitive type, 4

priority queue, 360400

adaptable, 390392, 658

ADT, 361

heap implementation, 372379

sorted list implementation, 368369

unsorted list

implementation, 366367

priority search tree, 400

private modifier, 10

ProbeHashMap class, 406, 426427

program counter, 689


arithmetic, 71, 268

Fibonacci, 73

geometric, 72, 267

protected modifier, 10, 67

prune-and-search, 563565

pseudocode, 48

pseudorandom number generator, 113114, 437

public modifier, 9

Pugh, William, 458

puzzle solver, 212213

quadratic function, 158

quadratic probing, 419

queue, 238247

abstract data type, 239240

array implementation, 241244

circular, 246247

linked-list implementation, 245

Queue interface, 239, 240, 288

java.util.Queue interface, 384

quick-sort, 544555, 562

Rabin, Michael, 609

Rabin-Karp algorithm, 609

radix-sort, 559560, 562

Raghavan, Prabhakar, 458, 572

Ramachandran, Vijaya, 358

Random class, 53, 113, 437

randomization, 421, 437, 442444, 551552, 564565

randomized quick-select, 564

randomized quick-sort, 551

reachability, 615, 630

recurrence equation, 203, 540, 565, 705

recursion, 190220, 314316, 334335, 344349, 461462, 532, 540, 563, 690

binary, 211

depth limit, 218, 525

linear, 206210

multiple, 212213

tail, 219220

trace, 192, 202, 690

red-black tree, 510524

Reed, Bruce, 400

reference type, 6

reference variable, 6

reflexive property, 363

rehashing, 420

reusability, 60, 61

Rivest, Ronald, 530, 686

robustness, 60

root objects, 693

root of a tree, 309

round-robin scheduling, 128

running time, 150

RuntimeException, 87

Samet, Hanan, 709

Scanner class, 3940, 45, 86

Schaffer, Russel, 400

scheduling, 399

Scoreboard class, 105109

search engine, 594

search table, 429432

search tree, 460530

Sedgewick, Robert, 400, 530

seed, 113, 437

selection problem, 563565

selection-sort, 386

self-loop, 614

sentinel, 132133

separate chaining, 417

sequential search, 196

set ADT, 445447

Sharir, Micha, 358

short-circuit evaluation, 33

shortest path, 651661

Dijkstra's algorithm, 653661

tree, 661

sieve algorithm, 453

signature, 7, 12, 14

single inheritance, 66

singly linked list, 122127, 233, 245

SinglyLinkedList class, 126127, 140, 144

skip list, 436444

Sleator, Daniel, 530

snapshot iterator, 284, 320, 340

sort method, 175

sorted map, 428435, 460

abstract data type, 428

search table, 429432

SortedMap interface, 406

SortedPriorityQueue class, 368369

SortedTableMap class, 406, 429432

sorting, 110, 385389, 532560

bucket-sort, 558559

external-memory, 705707

heap-sort, 388389

in-place, 389, 553

insertion-sort, 110111, 293, 387

lower bound, 556557

merge-sort, 532544

priority-queue, 385389

quick-sort, 544555

radix-sort, 559560

selection-sort, 386

stable, 559

Tim-sort, 562

space usage, 150

spanning tree, 615, 630, 634, 635, 662

sparse array, 303

splay tree, 475, 488499

stable sorting, 559

stack, 226237

abstract data type, 227228

array implementation, 230232

linked-list implementation, 233

Stack interface, 228229

static modifier, 10

Stein, Clifford, 530, 686

Stephen, Graham, 610

stop words, 588, 609


mutable, 18

prefix, 575

suffix, 575

String class, 1718

StringBuilder class, 18, 152, 269

strong typing, 76

strongly connected components, 638

strongly connected graph, 615

subclass, 10, 64

subgraph, 615

subsequence, 601

subtree, 310

suffix of a string, 575

summation, 161

geometric, 162

super keyword, 67, 81

superclass, 64

Sussman, Gerald, 223

Sussman, Julie, 223

Tamassia, Roberto, 358, 686

Tardos, Éva, 572

Tarjan, Robert, 358, 530, 686

template method pattern, 81, 446, 475

testing, 46

text compression, 595596

this keyword, 15, 67, 96

three-way set disjointness, 173174

throw statement, 85

Throwable class, 86, 87

throwing an exception, 8586

Tic-Tac-Toe, 119, 336, 358

Tim-sort, 562

Tollis, Ioannis, 358, 686

topological ordering, 647649

total order, 363

tower-of-twos, 675

Towers of Hanoi, 222

trailer sentinel, 132

transitive closure, 643646

transitive property, 363

tree, 205, 307358, 615

abstract data type, 312314

binary, see binary tree

binary search, see binary

search tree

binary tree representation, 354

child node, 309

decision, 317

depth, 314316

edge, 310

expression, 318

external node, 310

height, 315316

internal node, 310

leaf, 310

level, 321

linked structure, 333

multiway, 500502

node, 309

ordered, 311

parent node, 309

path, 310

red-black, see red-black tree

root node, 309

splay, see splay tree

traversal, 205, 334349

breadth-first, 336, 341342

Euler tour, 348349

inorder, 337, 341, 473

postorder, 335, 341

preorder, 334, 340

(2, 4), see (2, 4) tree

TreeMap class, 406

triangulation, 608

trie, 586594

compressed, 590

trinode restructuring, 473, 482, 513

try-catch statement, 82

Tsakalidis, Athanasios, 530

Turner, Clark, 101

two-dimensional array, 118

(2, 4) tree, 500509

type, 5

type conversion, 2829

type inference, 93

Ullman, Jeffrey, 256, 305, 530

unboxing, 19, 93

unchecked exception, 86

Unicode, 115, 575

union-find, 670, 672675

unit testing, 54

UnsortedPriorityQueue class, 366367

UnsortedTableMap class, 406, 408409, 424

up-heap bubbling, 372

update method, 5

van Leeuwen, Jan, 686

vertex of a graph, 612

virtual memory, 697

Vishkin, Uzi, 358

visibility, 9

Vitter, Jeffrey, 188, 458, 709

Wälde, Julian, 458

Wallach, Dan, 458

Warshall, Stephen, 686

widening conversion, 88

Williams, J. W. J., 400

Wood, Derick, 305

worst-fit algorithm, 692

wrapper type, 19, 91, 93, 232

XML, 236, 574

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