Objective 1: Perform Security Administration Tasks

A good security policy includes such things as securing inbound network requests, verifying the authenticity of software packages to assure they are not hostile, and managing local security resources. This Objective details some of the most common of these activities that a system administrator performs.

TCP Wrappers

As a Linux system operates in a networked environment, it is constantly "listening" for inbound requests from the network. Many requests come into Linux on the same network interface, but they are differentiated from one another by their port address, a unique numeric designator used by network protocols. Each type of service listens on a different port. Established port numbers and their corresponding services are listed in /etc/services. Here are some lines from that file:

ftp        21/tcp
ssh        22/tcp
telnet     23/tcp
smtp       25/tcp    mail
domain     53/tcp
domain     53/udp
http       80/tcp    www www-http

The first column lists the names of various services. The second column lists the port numbers assigned to the services and the protocol (TCP or UDP) used by the service. The optional third column and any other columns list alternative names for this service. For example, http might be referred to as www. Both refer to port 80.

On the attack

As the Internet has grown, the frequency of computer break-in attempts has kept pace. To gain entry to an unsuspecting host system, some intruders configure their systems to appear to target servers (that is, your servers) as trusted hosts. This could include a forged IP address or hostname, or the exploitation of aspects of the TCP protocol. Such attacks are carried out against multiple ports, sometimes in a port scan in which multiple ports at a single IP address are attacked in succession.

In response to these threats, the TCP wrapper concept was created. The "wrappers" name comes from the idea that the services are "wrapped" in a protective layer. TCP wrappers consist of a single program, tcpd , which is run by inetd in place of actual services like ftpd or telnetd, among others.


While inetd is not used on many modern Linux systems, the functionality of tcpd has been incorporated into many programs through the use of libwrap, the library version of tcpd.

tcpd performs the following functions:

  • Responds to network requests and does security tests on the information provided in the connection message

  • Consults local configuration files (/etc/host.allow and /etc/host.deny) to restrict access

  • Provides detailed logging via the authpriv facility of syslogd for connection requests

If a connection is approved, tcpd steps aside and allows the connection to be received by the true service. You could consider tcpd to be a gatekeeper of sorts, asking for identification at the door, and once satisfied, getting out of the way and allowing entry. By doing so, tcpd does not impact subsequent performance of the network connection. However, this aspect of tcpd prevents its use for services that handle multiple clients at one time, such has NFS and httpd. Instead, services protected by tcpd include single-client programs such as telnet and ftp.

Configuring inetd and tcpd

Chapter 20, "Objective 1: Perform Security Administration Tasks," examines inetd and its configuration file, /etc/inetd.conf. Without tcpd, a typical service configuration looks like this:

telnet  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/in.telnetd   in.telnetd

In this example, /usr/sbin/in.telnetd is the executable program that is called when a Telnet client tries to attach to the system on the Telnet port (23). With this configuration, in.telnetd responds directly and immediately to inbound requests. To enable the use of TCP wrappers for in.telnetd, it is specified that tcpd be called instead. Making this change yields this revised inetd.conf line:

telnet  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd   in.telnetd

Now, /usr/sbin/tcpd is called in response to an inbound Telnet connection.

tcpd interacts with only the initial network connection. It does not interact with the client process (remote Telnet), the client user (the remote person initiating the Telnet session), or the server process (the local in.telnetd). Since it is autonomous, tcpd has these properties:

Application independence

The same small tcpd program can be used on many different network services. This simplicity makes tcpd easy to install, configure, and upgrade.

Invisible from outside

Anyone trying to gain access has no direct evidence that tcpd is in use.

tcpd access control

tcpd provides a method of limiting access from external sources both by name and by address. After receiving a network request, tcpd first does its IP address and hostname checks. If those pass, tcpd then consults two control files, named hosts.allow and hosts.deny, for access control information. These are text files that contain rules (one per line) against which incoming network connections are tested:


tcpd consults this file first. When an incoming network request matches one of these rules, tcpd immediately grants access by passing the network connection over to the server daemon. If none of the rules are matched, the next file is consulted.


This file is consulted second. If a network request matches one of these rules, tcpd denies access to the service.

If no matches are made in either of the files, then the connection is allowed. This implies that missing hosts.allow and hosts.deny files means that no access control is implemented.

The form of the rules in these two files is simple:

service_list : foreign_host_list

The service list is made up of space-separated program names, such as in.telnetd and in.ftpd. The foreign host list can contain special codes, which can be used on both sides of the colon:


This is the universal wildcard, which always matches all requests. When used on the left side of a rule, ALL indicates every service protected by tcpd. On the right side, it means all possible hosts.


In the context of:

list1 EXCEPT list2

This operator matches anything that matches list1 unless it also matches list2.


This matches any host whose name and address are known, such as after a successful DNS lookup. Dependent on DNS servers.


This wildcard matches any host whose name does not contain a dot character.


This wildcard matches a host whose name and address do not match (when forward and reverse DNS lookups don't match). If tcpd is compiled with the -DPARANOID option, connections in this category are dropped prior to testing against the rules in the control files.


Opposite of KNOWN. When a DNS lookup for a host fails, this wildcard matches. This could happen for valid reasons, such as a DNS server failure, so use this one with caution.

To enable access from systems in domain otherdom.com, except its web server, and to allow access from systems in network, you could put the following rules in /etc/hosts.allow:

ALL: .otherdom.com EXCEPT www.otherdom.com
ALL: 192.168.100.

Note that the leading and trailing dots are significant. .otherdom.com matches any system in that domain, such as ftp.otherdom.com and lab1.otherdom.com. The address rule with 192.168.100. matches all of the addresses on that network, including,,, and so on.


DNS is not completely reliable, so relying on it for access control should be avoided if at all possible. Use IP addresses whenever you can.

To reject everything else, put the following in /etc/hosts.deny:


This rule denies ALL services from ALL machines anywhere. Remember that matches found in hosts.allow cause the search to stop.

tcpd logging

When tcpd is enabled, it logs to the authpriv facility in syslogd. (syslog and its configuration are described in Chapter 18, "Objective 3: Configure and Use System Log Files to Meet Administrative and Security Needs.") Check your /etc/syslog.conf file to confirm where this facility will be logged on your system. For example, this /etc/syslog.conf configuration line puts all authpriv messages in /var/log/secure:

authpriv.*    /var/log/secure

Most system service daemons will do some logging on their own. For example, in.telnetd writes the following line to authpriv as the result of a Telnet connection:

Feb  8 17:50:04 smp login: LOGIN ON 0 BY jdean FROM

When tcpd is listening to the Telnet port in place of in.telnetd, it logs the request first, does its verifications, and then passes the connection on to in.telnetd, which then starts a login process as before. In this case, /var/log/secure looks like this:

Feb  8 17:53:03 smp in.telnetd[1400]: connect from
Feb  8 17:53:07 smp login: LOGIN ON 0 BY jdean FROM

The first line was logged by tcpd. It indicates that a connection was received from bound for the in.telnetd daemon. The smp on these example lines is the name of the host making the log entries. As you can see, the tcpd report precedes the login report.

Finding Executable SUID Files

The SUID capability of the Linux ext2 filesystem was covered in Chapter 6, "Objective 5: Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files." In that section, the SUID property was described as both a security enhancement and a security risk. It can be considered an enhancement because it allows administrators to grant superuser privileges to specific, trusted programs that may be executed by anyone on the system. The example given is passwd, which needs special access to manipulate the shadow password file (/etc/shadow). Without using the SUID property, everyone on the system would need administrative rights to change his own password, which is clearly undesirable. It is also mentioned that an SUID capability that is granted unwisely can be a security risk, and all applications of SUID must be considered carefully. The reason for this concern is that the potential exists for an attacker to exploit the superuser privilege on an SUID file. For example, if the attacker is able to somehow overwrite the contents of passwd, she could effectively gain superuser access to the system by running a passwd of her own design that changes passwords, adds new accounts, or something else shady.

For systems on corporate networks and on the Internet, it is common to minimize the number of SUID files on the system and to regularly monitor the known list of programs for changes. In the event that a new SUID program is found that was not legitimately created or if an attribute of a known file changes, it could be a warning that system security has been compromised.

The find command can perform the searches for attributes such as SUID (see the "Applying commands recursively through a directory tree" section in Chapter 5 for details on find). In this example, a find command that searches the entire filesystem for files that have the SUID bit set is constructed; it avoids the /proc filesystem (kernel information) to prevent permission problems. The example generates verbose output similar to ls -l to log detailed information about the SUID files found:

# find /  
>     -path '/proc' -prune  
>     -or  
>     -perm -u+s  
>     -ls

The first line calls the find program and indicates that the search should begin at the root directory /. The second line specifies a -path directive to match /proc utilizing the -prune modifier. This eliminates (or prunes) the /proc directory from the search. The next line joins the -path directive to the -perm (permissions) directive with a logical -or, skipping execution of the -perm directive when -path matches /proc. The -perm directive uses a permission mode of -u+s, which indicates "match SUID." The next line with the -ls prints each match with a format similar to ls -l.

The result of this command is a listing of files on your system with the SUID property; the following is just a snippet of what that output would look like:

32773 72  -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     root       68508 Feb 24  2003 /bin/mount
32823 28  -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     root       28628 Jan 24  2003 /bin/ping
32866 100 -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     root       95564 Feb 18  2003 /bin/su
33199   32 -rwsr-xr-x   1 root    root       30816 Feb 24  2003 /bin/umount

As you can see, the s bit is set on the user of the file, indicating SUID. Keeping this complete list in a file can be useful, because you'll want to check your system periodically for changes.

Verifying Packages

Package management systems provide a convenient method of managing software on Linux systems. The RPM not only can install package files but also can provide for the verification of package files and software installed on your system.

Checking installed packages

If an intruder were able to penetrate your system, it is likely that he would attempt to modify or replace executable files to grant himself special abilities. To check for such files, the verification option of the package manager can be used to check installed files. With RPM, it is possible to verify the installed files contained in a specific package like this:

# rpm -V apache
S.5....T c /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
.......T c /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf
missing    /home/httpd/html/index.html
missing    /home/httpd/html/poweredby.gif

In this example, rpm is reporting that four files do not match the original installed configuration. None is an executable file, and all are easy to explain, so no intruder is suspected here. If an executable file does turn up in the list, you may wish to investigate. For example:

# rpm -V XFree86-I128
S.5....T   /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_I128

This shows that the file XF86_I128 is not the same as the one originally installed. Unless you know why the file has changed, corrective action may be necessary to maintain security. In this case, the file in question is an X Server binary that was intentionally upgraded to a newer version than that supplied in the original package. Again, this is an expected result.

The output from rpm -V consists of an eight-character string, an optional c (indicating that the file is a configuration file), and the filename. Each column in the result string contains a dot when an attribute has not changed. The output codes listed in Table 21-1 can replace dots to indicate discrepancies.

Table 21-1. RPM verification codes

Dot Code



The MD5 checksum, a sort of "fingerprint" for the file, is different.


The file size has changed.


Symlink attributes have changed.


The file's modification time (or mtime) has changed.


Device file has changed.


The file's user/owner has changed.


The file's group has changed.


The file's mode (permissions and file type) has changed.


Unknown or unexpected result.

It can be helpful to monitor all of the packages on your system and track changes to the resulting list on a regular basis. To check all installed packages, use the a verification option as follows:

# rpm -Va
S.5....T c /etc/exports
S.5....T c /etc/hosts.deny
S.5....T c /etc/printcap
S.5....T c /etc/services
.M......   /root
S.5....T c /usr/share/applnk/Multimedia/aktion.kdelnk
S.5....T c /etc/info-dir
..5....T c /etc/mime.types
S.5....T c /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
.......T c /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf
missing    /home/httpd/html/index.html
missing    /home/httpd/html/poweredby.gif
S.5....T c /etc/named.conf
S.5....T c /var/named/named.local
.M......   /dev/hdc
.M......   /dev/log
.M?....T   /dev/printer
.M......   /dev/pts
......G.   /dev/tty0
(... list continues ... )

This list will be large. As your system is configured, upgraded, and modified, you're likely to change many of the files from their original configurations. The important part is being able to explain changes that occur, particularly on executable files.

Checking packages prior to installation

From time to time, you may obtain precompiled software from various sources to add to your system. This may include updated versions of software you already have or new software you don't yet have. It's always best to obtain package files from a trusted source, such as the manufacturer or a well-known distributor. However, as an added safeguard. you may wish to verify that the packages you obtain have not been tampered with or otherwise corrupted. To check an RPM file, use the --checksig option:

# rpm --checksig --nopgp fileutils-4.0-1.i386.rpm
fileutils-4.0-1.i386.rpm: size md5 OK

The size md5 OK status indicates that size and md5 checksum tests passed for the .rpm file. This means that the size of the file and its checksum matched expected values. (A checksum is a calculated value based on the contents of a file (or other piece of information) used as a sort of "fingerprint.") A NOT OK status could indicate a problem. In this example, the --nopgp option is also used to ignore PGP signatures, which may be necessary for you unless you have PGP installed and configured on your system.

SGID Workgroups

This Objective requires an understanding of the SGID mode bit and its application to a directory. When SGID is set on a directory, new files created within that directory are assigned the same group ownership as the directory itself. This is explored in detail in Chapter 6, "Objective 5: Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files." If you're currently preparing for Exam 102, be sure to refer back to Part I for a refresher on SGID.

Password Management

When a user calls saying she's forgotten her password, you need to use the superuser account to create a new one for her:

# passwd bsmith
Changing password for user bsmith
New UNIX password:(new password)
Retype new UNIX password:(new password again)
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

Resist the temptation to use an easily guessed password, even if you expect the user to change it immediately.

Linux offers you the ability to set expiration dates on passwords. This is done to limit their lifetime, which presumably enhances security by forcing password changes. If a password has been discovered or broken, the password change will eventually correct the security lapse. The chage command configures password aging parameters on a per-user basis when using password aging. The following parameters are defined:

Minimum password age

The minimum number of days between password changes.

Maximum password age

The maximum number of days between password changes. The user is forced to change his password before using the account after this number of days has elapsed without a password change.

Last password change

The date on which the password was last changed.

Password expiration warning

The number of days' warning that are issued in advance of a password expiration.

Password inactive

The number of days of inactivity the system allows before locking a password. This is an automated way of avoiding stale but valid user accounts.

Account expiration date

The date on which an account expires.


chage user
chage [options] user

In the first form without options, chage is interactive. In the second form, chage may be used with parameters specified via options on the command line.

-d lastday

lastday is the number of days between the last password change and January 1, 1970. As an administrator, you may need to modify this value. lastday may also be specified as a date in /MM/DD/YY format.

-m mindays

mindays is the minimum number of days between password changes. This prevents a user from making multiple password changes at one time.


List a user's password settings.

-E expiredate

expiredate is a date on which an account will no longer be accessible. Like lastday, it is stored as the number of days since January 1, 1970, and may be specified as a date in /MM/DD/YY format.

-I inactive

inactive is the number of days of inactivity allowed after a password expires before an account is locked. A value of disables the inactive feature.

-M maxdays

maxdays is the maximum number of days that a password remains valid. This forces users to change their passwords periodically.

-W warndays

warndays is the number of days before a password expires that the user is warned of the upcoming expiration.


User bsmith is to be provided with a password that cannot be changed more than once every 2 days, that must be changed at least every six months (180 days), that retains its default 7-day warning interval, that is set to lock after three weeks' of inactivity, and that expires altogether at the end of 2007. The following interactive session with chage makes these settings:

# chage bsmith
Changing the aging information for bsmith
Enter the new value, or press return for the default
        Minimum Password Age [0]: 2
        Maximum Password Age [99999]: 180
        Last Password Change (MM/DD/YY) [02/10/07]:<return>
        Password Expiration Warning [7]: <return>
        Password Inactive [0]: 21
        Account Expiration Date (MM/DD/YY)
             [12/31/69]: 12/31/2007

This creates the same settings using the command line:

# chage -m 2 -M 180 -I 21 -E 12/31/2007 bsmith

If you wish to set these parameters for groups of users or everyone on the system, you could create a simple shell script to loop over all users in /etc/passwd and run the chage command with options.

The information on password aging is stored in either the /etc/passwd file or, if shadow passwords are enabled, in the /etc/shadow file.

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