
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refer to figures.


Air as working fluid, 14
Air standard cycle analysis, 48–49, 96–97, 148–149, 165
Air temperature and velocity, 158
variations of, 215–217
Alkali metal thermal power generation, 5–6
Ambient crosswind, influence of, 163
model description, 169–177
boundary conditions, 171–174
computational procedure, 175
geometric model, 169
ground boundary, 172–173
inlet boundary, 172
mathematical model, 170–171
meshing skills, 174
outlet boundary, 172
selection of ambient geometrical dimensions, 175–177
side wall, 173
symmetry surface, 173
turbine coupling, 173–174
results and discussion, 177–191, 192–201
comparison of flow performances, 177–182, 192
comparison of relative static pressure contours, 182–183, 192–194
comparison of system output power, 198–200
comparison of system temperature increase, driving force, and updraft velocity, 185–188
comparison of system temperature increase and driving force, 196–197
comparison of temperature contours, 183–185
flow characteristics near the collector inlet, 194–196
influence of crosswind with turbine pressure drop, 188–190
main findings, 190–191, 200–201
SC model with blockage, 191–192
Ambient temperature, influence of, 66–67
Axisymmetric mathematical model, 98–99


Bernoulli Equation, 74
Bernoulli Principle, 186
Betterment model
relative static pressure distribution in, 82f
temperature distribution in, 83f
velocity distribution in, 82f
3-Blade turbine for Spanish prototype, 138–140
5-Blade turbine model, 142
Brayton cycle, 27, 52, 54, 59, 67–68
Brinkman–Forchheimer Extended Darcy model, 99–100, 151–152, 153
Bulk air density, 75, 75


Chimney height and diameter, influence of, 63–64
Chimney radius, 91
effect on driving force, 86f
effect on efficiency, 90f
effect on power output, 88f, 89
Chimney surface, balance conditions for, 115
China’s energy policy and prospect, 4–5
CO2 emissions, 164
Coal combustion, 3
initial investment, 121–122
Collector canopy, 210–211
heat balance condition of the glass surface of, 114
Collector diameter, influence of, 64–65
Collector inlet
conditions for, 115
flow characteristics near, 194–196
Continuity equation, 74, 131–132
Crosswind with turbine pressure drop, influence of, 188–190


Dish-Stirling solar power plant system, 10–11
Driving force, 75–76, 186, 187f
effect of chimney height on, 86f
effect of chimney radius on, 86f
effect of collector radius on, 85f
system temperature increase and, 196–197


Energy background, 1–11
China’s energy policy and prospect, 4–5
energy issue and the status quo, 1–4
solar power generating technologies and the status quo, 5–11
Dish-Stirling solar power plant system, 10–11
parabolic trough solar thermal system, 8–9
solar central power tower system, 6–8
solar photovoltaic power generation system, 11
“Energy—Environment—Ecology” coordinated development model, 224
Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) forecasts for emissions, 2
Energy storage layer, 55, 97, 148–149, 149, 154, 155–156, 156–157, 157, 158, 158, 158–160, 160, 160
Energy storage of solar chimney, 147
numerical models, 149–153
boundary conditions and initial conditions, 152–153
solution method, 153
system description, 149–150
theoretical modeling, 150–152
results and discussion, 154–160
simulation method, reliability of, 153–154
Energy storage with low cost, 13–14
Enviromission, 164–165
solar chimney power plant (Australia), 32f
Environmental factors
impacts on large-scale SCPPS, 223–224
Exergy loss, 156–157, 157
Experimental investigation, 209
disposal of measurement points, 211–212
experimental setup, 210–211
results and discussion, 212–219
temperature distributions of the system, 217–219
variations of air temperature and velocity, 215–217
variations of temperature with time, 212–215


Flow characteristics near the collector inlet, 194–196
Flow performances, comparison of, 177–182, 192
FLUENT (software), 132–133, 136, 168
Fluid flow and heat transfer of solar chimney power plant, 95
computation results and analysis, 116–122
comparison of different helical-wall SC systems, 119–121
comparison of output power for the two type of models, 118–119
comparison on flow and heat transfer characteristics, 116–118
contrast on collector’s initial investment, 121–122
helical heat-collecting solar chimney power plant system, 112
mathematical model, 113–114
physical model, 112–115
results and discussion, 102–112
solving determinant condition and solution, 114–115
theoretical models, 97–101
boundary conditions and solution method, 100–101
mathematical model, 98–100
physics model, 97–98
validition, 115–116
Fossil energy, depletion of, 1–2
Fossil fuels, overexploitation of, 1–2


Gambit, 132–133
Gannon’s Brayton cycle, 27
Generation of turbulence kinetic energy, 98–99
Geometric model, 169, 175f
Global change in power generation, 5f
Global CO2 emissions, 2


Harness solar energy, 72
Heat and mass transfer theory in the system, 28–29
Heat flux, effect of, 213
Heat storage layer, surface condition of, 114–115
Helical heat-collecting SC System
model of, 117f, 117f, 118, 121
planform of collector configuration of, 113f
Helical-wall SC systems
comparison of, 119–121
models of, 120f
Helio-aero-gravity (HAG) effect of SC, 27–28, 71
driving force, 75–76
power output and efficiency, 76–77
relative static pressure, 73–75
results and discussions, 77–91
Heliostats, 6, 8
Hexahedral (HEX) meshing method, 174


Ideal thermal efficiency, 59
Isidoro Cabanyes, 12–13, 15–16


Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 10


Karman vortex downstream, 175–176
kε model, 56, 101, 153, 171


Large scale renewable energy collection, 13
Large-scale SCPP, 32–33
external fluid flow and heat transfer in, 222–223
impacts of environmental factors on, 223–224
new-type, 224
thermodynamic theory for, 221–222
turbine running theory for, 223
LUZ Solar Thermal Electricity Generation International Co., Ltd., 8


Mathematical model, 98–100, 113–114, 131–133, 170–171
in collector and chimney regions, 131–132
in turbine region, 132–133
Maximum efficiency of the system, 77
Mean velocity, law-of-the-wall for, 134
Mechanical exergy (ezergy) of air, 48, 50f
Meshing skills, 174
Multiple reference frame (MRF) model, 132–133, 136
MW-graced solar chimney, 140–142


Natural convection, 76, 170–171
Natural draft cooling towers, 166–167, 167, 167, 168, 168, 168
Navier-Stokes equation, 150–151, 186
New-type large-scale SCPPS, 224
Numerical models, 130, 149–153
boundary conditions and initial conditions, 152–153
solution method, 153
system description, 149–150
theoretical modeling, 150–152
Numerical simulation, 34, 97, 115–116, 135–136


Oil and natural gas reserves, 4


Parabolic trough solar thermal system (TSTEGS), 8–9
Photovoltaic power generation system, 11
Physics model, 97–98, 112–115
Power conversion units (PCU), 12
Pretorius’ model, 182


QUICK scheme, 175


Rayleigh number, 98–99, 131, 170–171
Relative static pressure, 73–75, 102
in betterment model, 82f
effect of chimney height on, 85f
effect of collector radius on, 84f
Relative static pressure contours, comparison of, 182–183, 192–194
Research progress, 15–33
economic and ecological theory and feasibility studies, 30–31
experiments and prototypes, 15–25
potential application of SCPPS, 31–33
theory research, 25–30
HAG effect of the system, 27–28
heat and mass transfer theory in the system, 28–29
operation principle of the turbine and the design, 29–30
thermodynamic theory for the circulation system, 25–27
Research prospects, 221
external fluid flow and heat transfer in large-scale channels, 222–223
impacts of environmental factors on large-scale SCPPS, 223–224
new-type large-scale SCPPS, 224
thermodynamic theory for large-scale SCPP, 221–222
turbine running theory for large-scale SCPPS, 223


SC model with blockage, 191–192
SC turbines, design and simulation method for, 127
mathematical models, 131–133
in collector and chimney regions, 131–132
in turbine region, 132–133
near-wall treatments for turbulent flows, 134–135
numerical models, 130
numerical simulation method, 135–136
results and discussions, 136–142
characteristic of 3-blade turbine for Spanish prototype, 138–140
results for MW-graced solar chimney, 140–142
validity of the method for Spanish prototype, 136–137
Serag-Eldin analysis, 182, 182, 182
SIMPLE algorithm, 101, 115
Simulation method
numerical, 135–136
reliability of, 153–154
Solar Chimney Power Plant System (SCPPS), 11–15, 47–48, 71–72, 96, 97, 127–128, 165–166
advantages of, 13–15
air as working fluid, 14
competitive investment and operation costs, 14–15
energy storage with low cost, 13–14
environmental remediation, 14
large scale renewable energy collection, 13
technical feasibility, 14
appearance of, 11–13
cycle efficiencies of MW-graded, 60f
physical model of, 98f
SCPPS test model, 22f
for food drying, 22f
weaknesses of, 15
Solar One, 6–7, 7
Solar power generating technologies and the status quo, 5–11
Dish-Stirling solar power plant system, 10–11
parabolic trough solar thermal system, 8–9
solar central power tower system, 6–8
solar photovoltaic power generation system, 11
Solar radiation, influence of, 65–66
Solar Two, 7, 7f
Solar updraft power plant systems (SUPPS), 60, 66, 66–67, 164, 165, 165
chimneys of, 166–167
evaluation of performance of, 165–166
factors that influence the characteristics of, 192
large scale, 166
mini scale, 165–166
structural reliability of, 166–167
Solar updraft tower (SUT), 12
Spanish prototype
Spanish SC prototype, 97, 116–117, 210
characteristic of 3-blade turbine for, 138–140
model, 117f, 117f, 118, 118f
relative static pressure distribution in, 79f
validity of, 136–137
velocity distribution in, 79f
SSUPP prototype in Damascus University, Syria, 24f
Static pressure inside and outside the chimney, 73f
Structural integrity of solar chimneys, 166–167
SUPPS Manzanares prototype, 191–192
System output power, comparison of, 198–200
System temperature increase, driving force, and updraft velocity, comparison of, 185–188
System temperature increase and driving force, comparison of, 196–197


Temperature contours, comparison of, 183–185
Temperature variations with time, 212–215
Testo Company, 211
Theoretical models, 97–101, 150–152
boundary conditions and solution method, 100–101
mathematical model, 98–100
physics model, 97–98
Thermal conductivity, 158, 158
Thermal equilibrium, 1-dimensional, 97, 97
Thermal power generation technologies, 5–6
Thermionic power generation, 5–6
Thermodynamic fundamentals, 47
effect of various parameters, 60–67
influence of ambient temperature, 66–67
influence of chimney height and diameter, 63–64
influence of collector diameter, 64–65
influence of solar radiation, 65–66
influence of turbine efficiency, 62–63
results and analysis, 54–60
computation results for commercial SCPPSS, 59–60
computation results for the Spanish prototype, 56–59
thermal efficiency, 53–54
thermodynamic cycle, 51–53
Thermodynamic theory
for circulation system, 25–27
for large-scale SCPP, 221–222
Thermoelectric power generation, 5–6
Total energy consumption for China, 3
Turbine, 96–97, 97, 97, 101, 102, 122
pressure drop across, 111
Turbine coupling, 173–174
Turbine efficiency, influence of, 62–63
Turbine pressure drop, 190
Turbine running theory for large-scale SCPPS, 223
Turbulent flows, near-wall treatments for, 134–135


Wei’s solar heated wind updraft tower power, 25f
Wuhai Inner Mongolia SUPPS, 167
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