

accommodating negotiation style, 207

adjudication, 140-141

ADR (alternative dispute resolution), types of, 138-141

advocacy approach, defined, 194

affiliate joint ventures, 181

aggregate planning, explained, 15-16

agile supply chains

characteristics of, 230-231

efficient supply chains versus, 231-232

explained, 222-226, 229-235

future of, 243

in lean supply chain management, 315-316

principles of, 231

strategies for, 232-235


described, 222-226

global supply chains and, 237-239

S&OP (sales and operations planning) and, 242

supply chain synchronization and, 240-241

agreement negotiation. See negotiation

AI (artificial intelligence), 219

aligning resources

academic perspective, 186-187

contingency planning for growth, 189-190

future of, 190-191

internal versus external alignment, 176

in introduction and growth stages (life cycle), 187-188

meeting customer demand, 182-183

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

in seasonal growth surge, 188

strategic alliances, 180-182

supplier alignment and integration, 177-178

supply chain synchronization, 179-180

technologies for, 178-179

allocating resources in risk management, 282

allowances for global employees, 84-85

alternative dispute resolution (ADR), types of, 138-141

American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), 67

arbitration, 139

artificial intelligence (AI), 219

ASPI Eurozone, 161

ATP (available-to-promise), defined, 236

auditing methodologies for social responsibility, 136

automated guided vehicles (AVG), 222

autonomous agents, 219

available-to-promise (ATP), defined, 236

AVG (automated guided vehicles), 222

avoiding negotiation style, 207


backsourcing, defined, 335

basic alliances, defined, 251

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), defined, 200

BCP (business-continuity planning), explained, 285

Beabout, Brent

about, 421-422

interview with, 422-428


described, 70

for global employees, 84-85

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), defined, 200

best practices in negotiation, 210-212

black swans, defined, 291

bottlenecks, 313

BPO (business process outsourcing), defined, 336

bribery, defined, 128

BTO (business transformation outsourcing), defined, 336

building plants in foreign countries, 429-434

factors in decision-making process, 432-433

government regulations, 429-430

local barriers to entrance, 433-434

ownership issues, 434

planning process, 430-431

bullwhip, defined, 17

business alliances, defined, 252

business analytics

defined, 239, 260

in risk management, 289

business law, described, 130

Business of a Better World, 163

business process outsourcing (BPO), defined, 336

business transformation outsourcing (BTO), defined, 336

business-continuity planning (BCP), explained, 285


California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, explained, 135-138

Capel, Eddie

about, 395-396

interview with, 396-401

career roadmap, described, 71

career succession, described, 71

career-path mapping, described, 71

catastrophic events, estimating risk of, 291-293

cause-and-effect diagrams, described, 101

cellular manufacturing, defined, 238

centralized buying strategy, 321-322

certain demand, 311

change management

defined, 228

in supply chain design, 53-54

chief sustainability officers (CSO), 160

CI (continuous improvement)

defined, 102

in lean supply chain management, 316-317

Clayton Act, 130

closed-loop systems, 151

closing plants in foreign countries, 435-441

cloud computing, defined, 363

CMMS (computerized maintenance management system), defined, 324

The Coca-Cola Company, about, 414

code of conduct for global outsourcing, 360-362

collaborating negotiation style, 207

collaboration as cost-reduction strategy, 326-327

collaborative growth model, 261-262

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR), defined, 54, 178-179

collaborative supply planning in supply chain synchronization, 241

College of Sustainable Operations, 163

commercial law, described, 130

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 116

commoditization, 320-321

commodity managers, defined, 276

common law, described, 130


described, 70

for global employees, 82-84

competence trust, defined, 258

competing negotiation style, 207

complexity management, 99-102

composite business service, defined, 239

compromising negotiation style, 207

computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), defined, 324

consensus forecasting methods, defined, 175

consensus planning, explained, 17-18

Construction Act of 1996, 141

contingency planning for growth, 189-190

continual renewal outsourcing agreement, defined, 338

continuous improvement (CI)

defined, 102

in lean supply chain management, 316-317

contractual trust, defined, 258


defined, 115

future of, 120-121

outsourcing projects, 344-345

performance metrics for, 115

systems for, 115-117

COO (vice president of operations), described, 66

core competency, explained, 11-12

corporate law, described, 130

The Corporate Responsibility Index, 134

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

auditing methodologies, 136

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, 135-138

explained, 127

future of, 141-142

performance metrics, 131-134

principles of, 131

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations), 116

co-sourcing, defined, 336

cost driver analysis, explained, 302-303

cost management

cost driver analysis, 302-303

explained, 302

future of, 327-328

tools for, 303-305

cost management programs, explained, 302

cost-reduction strategies. See also lean management

centralized buying strategy, 321-322

collaboration as, 326-327

Mike Orr interview, 374-375

organization and opportunity analyses, 321

outsourcing, 322

procurement partner competition, 320

standardization and commoditization, 320-321

cost-reduction teams, 302

costs of sustainability efforts, 158

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), 67, 131

CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), defined, 54, 178-179

critical success factors (CSFs)

explained, 11-12

for procurement plans, 104

for retaining employees, 70-71

in strategy development, 19-23

CRO Magazine Best Corporate Citizens, 131

cross-enterprise problem solving teams, defined, 261

cross-functional, defined, 42

cross-functional succession, 89

cross-functional teams, 323

cross-organizational team, defined, 251

crowdsourcing, defined, 336

CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals), 67, 131

CSFs (critical success factors)

explained, 11-12

for procurement plans, 104

for retaining employees, 70-71

in strategy development, 19-23

CSO (chief sustainability officers), 160

CSR (corporate social responsibility)

auditing methodologies, 136

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, 135-138

explained, 127

future of, 141-142

performance metrics, 131-134

principles of, 131

culture, defined, 352

customer complexity, 99

customer demand

meeting, 182-183

monitoring, 117-118

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

customer of choice, 263-264

customer value

dimensions of perceived value, 28

in lean supply chain management, 309

strategy development and, 28-30


Da Rold model for risk transference, 346

data-mining software, defined, 289

decision-making process, building plants in foreign countries, 432-433

decline stage (life cycle)

Brent Beabout interview, 425-426

defined, 13

demand planning in, 167

Eddie Capel interview, 400

James Chris Gaffney interview, 418

Mark Holifield interview, 384

Mike Orr interview, 375-376

outsourcing in, 361

Ronald Robinson interview, 411-412

strategy opportunities and, 20

Yadi Kamelian interview, 393

defamation, defined, 128

delaying tactics in negotiations, 214-215

Delphi method, defined, 171

demand management, defined, 236

demand planning

control activities, 172

explained, 167-170

forecasting methods, 170-172

functions of, 170

in lean supply chain management, 311-312

Mark Holifield interview, 382-383

Mike Orr interview, 372-373

procedure for, 172-176

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

in supply chain synchronization, 240


organizational structure, 37-41, 405-406

supply chains, 41. See also planning process

change management in, 53-54

future of, 57

information system design, 54-55

innovation in, 56-57

life cycle approach, 46

procedure for, 46-47

RFID tagging, 55-56

SCOR (supply chain operations reference) model, 48-50

developing partnerships, defined, 247-250

director (supply chain), described, 66

discontinuation of products, Mark Holifield interview, 384-385

disparagement, defined, 128

disrupter analysis stress tests, 291-293

disruption risk

defined, 274

sources of, 275

distribution complexity, 99

distribution of new products, Mike Orr interview, 371-372

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, 161

downstream, defined, 7


e-auctions, 320

ECPI ethical index, 134

efficient supply chains, agile supply chains versus, 231-232

e-freight initiative, 157

electronic point of sale (EPOS), 180

electronic product code (EPC), defined, 55

electronic tracking in sustainability efforts, 155-157


plants in foreign countries, 435-441

supply chain flow constraints, 312-315

waste, 317-318

emergy, defined, 162

Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI), 162

employee training, 81

employment in supply chains. See staffing supply chains

Energy Star, 159

enterprise resource planning (ERP), defined, 54

enterprise risk management (ERM) departments, 291

entrepreneurial spirit, 98

environmental responsibility in sustainability efforts, 148

EPC (electronic product code), defined, 55

EPOS (electronic point of sale), 180

equity strategic alliances, defined, 181

ERM (enterprise risk management) departments, 291

ERP (enterprise resource planning), defined, 54

ESI (Emergy Sustainability Index), 162

e-sourcing, 320

estimating risk, disrupter analysis stress tests, 291-293

ethical issues. See also legal issues; social responsibility

standards for conduct, 129-131

trust-based alliances, 310-311

Ethisphere Institute, 131, 134

ethnocentric hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 75

defined, 73


candidates, 69, 80

outsourcing providers, 345

suppliers, Ronald Robinson interview, 406-407

evolutionary leadership, 113-115

exchange rate for global employee compensation, 84

executive dashboard, defined, 239

executive search firms, defined, 69

executive-level support in negotiation, 213-214

exercise price, described, 103

exit interviews, defined, 72

experienced competency, defined, 259

experimentation, 98

external environmental analysis, explained, 10-11

external resource alignment, 176


facilities in supply chain network design, 44

factor complexity, explained, 99

factory planning in supply chain synchronization, 241

failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), described, 101

Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC), 136

Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) database, 136

fast cycle planning, defined, 17

Federal Trade Commission Act, 130

financial responsibility in sustainability efforts, 148

fishbone diagrams, described, 101

fixed-term outsourcing agreement, defined, 338

flexibility strategy (global risk management), 287

flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), 222

flexible supply chains

explained, 222-226, 235-237

where to start, 238

flow strategy. See push strategy

FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis), described, 101

FMS (flexible manufacturing systems), 222

forecasting methods, 170-172

forecasts, reconciliation of, 17

foreign countries

building plants in, 429-434

factors in decision-making process, 432-433

government regulations, 429-430

local barriers to entrance, 433-434

ownership issues, 434

planning process, 430-431

closing plants in, 435-441

FTSE4Good, 134

fuel usage in sustainability efforts, 155-157

functional organizational designs, 37, 405-406


of agile supply chains, 243

of cost management, 327-328

of negotiation strategies, 216-219

of outsourcing, 363-365

of resource alignment, 190-191

of social responsibility, 141-142

of supply chain control, 120-121

of supply chain design, 57

of supply chain staffing, 91

of supply chain strategic planning, 30-32

of sustainability, 163


GA (genetic algorithm), 219

Gaffney, James Chris

about, 413-414

interview with, 415-420

gap analysis, explained, 69

GEMI (Global Environmental Management Initiative), 136

genetic algorithm (GA), 219

Genuine Parts Company, about, 368-369

geocentric hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 78

defined, 73

geographical organizational designs, 37

geographical region, product quality by, Mike Orr interview, 376

Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI), 136

global hiring philosophy, 72-74

categories of, 73

global-oriented hiring philosophy, 78

home country national hiring philosophy, 75

host country national hiring philosophy, 76

third-country national hiring philosophy, 77

global outsourcing

defined, 331

labor standards code of conduct, 360-362

risks in, 349-351

global risk management, 287-288, 293-295

global staffing concerns. See also global hiring philosophy

benefits and allowances, 84-85

compensation, 82-84

employee selection, 80

employee training, 81

global supply chains, agility and, 237-239

Global Supply Social and Environmental Management System, 142

global-oriented hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 78

defined, 73

GMROI (gross margin return on investment), 375

goodwill trust, defined, 258

government regulations

building plants in foreign countries, 429-430

as reason for sustainability strategies, 150

Ronald Robinson interview, 407

governmental ideology, defined, 352

green initiatives. See also sustainability

defined, 147

reasons for, 149-150, 163

gross margin return on investment (GMROI), 375

groupthink, defined, 109

growth stage (life cycle)

Brent Beabout interview, 424

contingency planning for, 189-190

defined, 13

demand planning in, 167

Eddie Capel interview, 398-399

forecasting methods, 171

James Chris Gaffney interview, 416-417

Mark Holifield interview, 382-383

Mike Orr interview, 373-374

outsourcing in, 361

resource alignment, 187-188

Ronald Robinson interview, 410

strategy opportunities and, 20

Yadi Kamelian interview, 390-391


hardball strategy, defined, 200

hedging strategy (global risk management), 287

heuristics, defined, 289

Holifield, Mark

about, 379-380

interview with, 381-386

home country national hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 75

defined, 73

The Home Depot, about, 380-381

horizontal collaboration, defined, 326

horizontal process network (HPN), explained, 44-45

host country national hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 76

defined, 73


IATA (International Air Transport Association), e-freight initiative, 157

IBM’s Global Supply Social and Environmental Management System, 142

ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Supplier Self-Assessment, 136

IFS (interactive freight systems), defined, 240

implementations provider-selection criteria, defined, 343


as reason for sustainability strategies, 150

value of, 98

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Supplier Self-Assessment, 136

information system design, 54-55


in risk management, 288-290

in supply chain design, 56-57


balancing with outsourcing, 334

defined, 331

Institute of Supply Management (ISM), 67

ethical standards for conduct, 131

negotiation process overview, 200

principles of social responsibility, 131

sustainability metrics, 161

intelligent agents, 219

interactive freight systems (IFS), defined, 240

intercultural training, explained, 81

internal organizational analysis, explained, 11

internal resource alignment, 176

International Air Transport Association (IATA), e-freight initiative, 157

international outsourcing

defined, 331

risks in, 349-351

International Standards Organization (ISO), sustainability standards, 150


Beabout, Brent, 422-428

Capel, Eddie, 396-401

Gaffney, James Chris, 415-420

Holifield, Mark, 381-386

Kamelian, Yadi, 389-393

Orr, Mike, 369-377

Robinson, Ronald, 404-412

introduction stage (life cycle)

Brent Beabout interview, 423

defined, 13

demand planning in, 167

Eddie Capel interview, 397-398

entrepreneurial spirit in, 98

forecasting methods, 171

James Chris Gaffney interview, 415-416

Mark Holifield interview, 381

Mike Orr interview, 370-371

outsourcing in, 361

resource alignment, 187-188

Ronald Robinson interview, 408-410

strategy opportunities and, 20

Yadi Kamelian interview, 389-390

inventory planning in supply chain synchronization, 240

ISM (Institute of Supply Management), 67

ethical standards for conduct, 131

negotiation process overview, 200

principles of social responsibility, 131

sustainability metrics, 161

ISO (International Standards Organization), sustainability standards, 150


Job Descriptive Index (JDI), described, 70

job satisfaction, defined, 70

jobs in supply chains. See staffing supply chains

joint equity swaps, 181

joint ventures, 181


Kamelian, Yadi

about, 387-388

interview with, 389-393

key account management (KAM), defined, 263

key initiative (KI), 324

key performance indicators (KPIs), 261

knowledge management, 233

knowledge management technologies, 233

knowledge query manipulation language (KQML), 219

KPIs (key performance indicators), 261


labor standards for global outsourcing, 360-362

LAS (least acceptable solution), 216

lateral moves, 86-88

law of agency, described, 129


described, 112-113

evolutionary leadership, 113-115

lean supply chain management, 308-309

obstacles to, 113

styles of, 112

leagile, described, 315-316

lean management, 226. See also cost-reduction strategies

explained, 305-308

mistakes in, 324-326

outsourcing and, 351-357

principles of, 307, 428

procurement principles in service organizations, 323-324

lean supply chain management, principles of, 308-319

continuous improvement (CI), 316-317

demand pull systems, 311-312

leadership, 308-309

strategic customer value focus, 309

supplier reliability, 309-310

supply chain agility, 315-316

supply chain flow constraints, 312-315

trust-based alliances, 310-311

waste elimination, 317-318

lean supply chain productivity cycling process, 318

lean supply chains, defined, 308

least acceptable solution (LAS), 216

legal issues. See also ethical issues; government regulations; social responsibility

alternatives to litigation, 138-141

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, 135-138

types of, 128-129

libel, defined, 128

LI-COR, about, 404

life cycle approach for supply chain design, 46

Lincoln Industries, about, 388

local barriers to entrance, building plants in foreign countries, 433-434

logistic management, explained, 6-8

logistics, explained, 6-8

long-term planning, strategic planning as, 17


MAD (mean average deviation), defined, 172

management by exception, defined, 239

manager (supply chain), described, 66

Manhattan Associates, about, 396

Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI), 91

The Manufacturing Institute, 91

market intelligence (MI), monitoring customer demand with, 117-118

market research, defined, 171

master planning in supply chain synchronization, 241

materials requirement planning (MRP), defined, 54

matrix organizational structure design

explained, 40

for supply chains, 41-43

maturity stage (life cycle)

Brent Beabout interview, 424-425

defined, 13

demand planning in, 167

Eddie Capel interview, 400

forecasting methods, 171

James Chris Gaffney interview, 417

Mark Holifield interview, 383-384

Mike Orr interview, 374

outsourcing in, 361

Ronald Robinson interview, 410

strategy opportunities and, 20

Yadi Kamelian interview, 392

maximum supportable solution (MSS), 216

mean average deviation (MAD), defined, 172

mean square error (MSE), defined, 172

mediation, 139-140

mediators, described, 140

mentoring, defined, 111

mentoring programs, described, 110-111

metrics. See performance metrics

MI (market intelligence), monitoring customer demand with, 117-118

migration, defined, 352

milestones, defined, 228

mission statement, explained, 10

mixed model scheduling, defined, 315


customer demand, 117-118

defined, 115

future of, 120-121

outsourcing projects, 344-345

performance metrics for, 115

systems for, 115-117

MRP (materials requirement planning), defined, 54

MSE (mean square error), defined, 172

MSS (maximum supportable solution), 216

multi-agent systems, 219

multisourcing outsourcing, defined, 336


near field communications (NFC), defined, 55

nearshore outsourcing, defined, 336


best practices, 210-212

defined, 194

executive-level support in, 213-214

future of, 216-219

preparation for, 215-217

process overview, 200

stalling tactics, 214-215

strategies for, 206-209

styles of, 203-207

tactics for, 210-211

winning agreements, 203-204

negotiation strategy worksheet, 217

netsourcing, defined, 336

network complexity, 99

network design

explained, 43-45

phases of, 49-52

Network for Business Innovation and Sustainability, 163

new product demand planning. See demand planning

new product distribution, Mike Orr interview, 371-372

new product risk management, Mark Holifield interview, 382

NFC (near field communications), defined, 55

nonequity strategic alliances, defined, 181


obligatory selection criteria, defined, 343

obstacles to leadership, 113

Office Depot, about, 422

offshore outsourcing, defined, 336

one-number planning, defined, 17

operational alliances, defined, 251

operational planning

explained, 9

time period for, 17

operational risk

defined, 274

types of supplier operational risk, 277

operational visibility, 323

opportunity analysis, 321

opportunity flow charts, described, 101

options contracts, explained, 103

organization analysis, 321

organizational planning, stages of, 8-9. See also operational planning; strategic planning; tactical planning

organizational structure, designing, 37-41, 405-406. See also matrix organizational structure design

Orr, Mike

about, 367-368

interview with, 369-377


agreement specifications, 341

as cost-reduction strategy, 322

explained, 331

future of, 363-365

international/global outsourcing, risks in, 349-351

labor standards code of conduct, 360-362

lean management and, 351-357

management role in, 334

performance metrics, 359

process overview, 338-345

in product life cycle, 360

risks in, 346-349

strategic planning and, 335-337

TCO (total cost of ownership), 364-365

types of, 335-336

oversight council, defined, 345

ownership issues, building plants in foreign countries, 434


packaging, Mark Holifield interview, 386

Pareto charts, described, 101

particle swarm optimization (PSO), 219

partnerships. See also SRM (supplier relationship management)

collaborative growth model, 261-262

customer of choice, 263-264

described, 247-250

quality checklist, 264-268

terminating supplier relationships, 264-265

trust-based alliances, 310-311

types of supplier relationships, 250-253

PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board), 130

perceived value, dimensions of, 28

performance metrics, 115

for outsourcing, 359

for social responsibility, 131-134

SPM (supplier performance measurement), 260-261

for sustainability efforts, 160-162

plan-a-grams, Brent Beabout interview, 425-426

planning process. See also designing, supply chains

building plants in foreign countries, 430-431

collaborative supply planning, in supply chain synchronization, 241

complexity management, 99-102

demand planning

control activities, 172

explained, 167-170

forecasting methods, 170-172

functions of, 170

in lean supply chain management, 311-312

procedure for, 172-176

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

in supply chain synchronization, 240

entrepreneurial spirit in, 98

factory planning, in supply chain synchronization, 241

inventory planning, in supply chain synchronization, 240

master planning, in supply chain synchronization, 241

procurement management plans, 102-105

PLC. See product life cycle

POD (proof of delivery), 240

polycentric hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 76

defined, 73

POMS (Production and Operations Management Society), 163

pool buying, defined, 322

portfolio contracts, described, 105

preparation for negotiation, 215-217

preparedness strategy in risk mitigation, 283-285

price analysis, defined, 303

price versus value in sustainability efforts, 158

problem-solving, Yadi Kamelian interview, 392-393

process complexity, 99

procurement management plans, developing, 102-105

procurement partner competition, 320

procurement principles in service organizations, 323-324

procurement teams, 89-90

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

product discontinuation, Mark Holi-field interview, 384-385

product life cycle, 12-16

CSFs (critical success factors) in, 22

demand planning in, 167

Eddie Capel interview, 398

forecasting methods, 171-172

outsourcing in, 360

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

research on, 14

stages of, 12-13

strategy opportunities and life cycle stages, 20

product quality by geographical region, Mike Orr interview, 376

product resiliency, defined, 285

Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 163

professional supply chain organizations, 67

project failure, outsourcing risks and, 348

project life cycle, steps in, 228

project management, explained, 226-229

project managers, roles of, 229

project-based organizational designs, 39

proof of delivery (POD), 240

provider selection in outsourcing, 340-343

PSD (purchaser and supplier development), 258-260

PSO (particle swarm optimization), 219

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 130

pull strategy

Brent Beabout interview, 423-424

explained, 23-25

in lean supply chain management, 311-312

supply chain flow constraints, 312-315

purchaser and supplier development (PSD), 258-260

push strategy

Brent Beabout interview, 423-424

explained, 23-25

push-pull boundary, explained, 24-25

push-pull strategy, explained, 23-25


QRM (quick-response manufacturing), 235

qualitative forecasting methods, defined, 171

qualitative provider-selection criteria, defined, 343

quality checklist for supplier relationships, 264-268

quantitative forecasting methods, defined, 171

quantitative provider-selection criteria, defined, 343

quick-response manufacturing (QRM), 235


radio frequency identification (RFID), explained, 55-56

rate of exchange for global employee compensation, 84

real-time risk assessments, 289

reconciliation of forecasts, 17

recruiting candidates, 67-69

regiocentric hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 77

defined, 73

regression forecast methods, defined, 171

regulations. See government regulations

relationship management (RM), 258

relationships with suppliers. See partnerships

reliability of suppliers, 309-310

request for information (RFI)

defined, 254

in outsourcing vendor selection, 340

request for proposal (RFP)

defined, 254

in outsourcing vendor selection, 340

reservation price, described, 103

reshoring, defined, 336

resilience in risk mitigation, 283-285

resilient supply chain, 283-285

resource alignment

academic perspective, 186-187

contingency planning for growth, 189-190

future of, 190-191

internal versus external alignment, 176

in introduction and growth stages (life cycle), 187-188

meeting customer demand, 182-183

produce-to-demand strategy, 183-186

in seasonal growth surge, 188

strategic alliances, 180-182

supplier alignment and integration, 177-178

supply chain synchronization, 179-180

technologies for, 178-179

resource allocation in risk management, 282

resources for information on sustainability, 162

restraint-of-trade acts, described, 130

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), 406-407

retaining employees, 70-71

sabbatical programs, 86

succession programs, 88-89

returned products, Mark Holifield interview, 385

reverse auction, 320

reverse logistics

Brent Beabout interview, 426-427

explained, 151

Mark Holifield interview, 385

RFI (requestion for information)

defined, 254

in outsourcing vendor selection, 340

RFID (radio frequency identification), explained, 55-56

RFP (request for proposal)

defined, 254

in outsourcing vendor selection, 340

risk assessment systems, 288-290

risk management. See also risk mitigation

categories of risk, 274

disrupter analysis stress tests, 291-293

explained, 270-274

global risks, 287-288, 293-295

innovations in, 288-290

in international/global outsourcing, 349-351

Mark Holifield interview, 382

in outsourcing, 346-349

for procurement plans, 104-105

as reason for sustainability strategies, 150

traceability, 290-291

types of strategies, 281

types of supply chain risk, 276-277

risk management process, 276-282

risk management teams, 278-279

risk mitigation. See also risk management

defined, 274, 281

preparedness strategies, 283-285

supplier-related strategies, 286

risk profiles, 280

risk scorecard, defined, 276

RM (relationship management), 258

Robinson, Ronald

about, 403-404

interview with, 404-412

Robinson-Patman Act, 130

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), 406-407


SA8 tool, 136

sabbatical programs, 86

SAI (Social Accountability International), 136

SAI (Social Accountability International) SA8 tool, 136

sales and operations planning (S&OP)

agility and, 242

defined, 236

in supply chain synchronization, 240

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, described, 130

SBR (supply base rationalization), 254-256

SCC (Supply Chain Council), 49

SCOR (supply chain operations reference), explained, 48-50

seasonal products

Mark Holifield interview, 385

resource alignment, 188

segmentation of tasks, 323

self-managed teams (SMTs), explained, 110

sensitivity training, 81

service organizations, procurement principles in, 323-324

service-oriented architecture (SOA), defined, 239

shared outsourcing, defined, 336

Sherman Antitrust Act, 130

should-cost modeling, described, 119

silo problems, defined, 37

simulation forecast methods, defined, 171

single-source suppliers, 309-310

slander, defined, 128

SM (supplier management), 256-258

SMTs (self-managed teams), explained, 110

SOA (service-oriented architecture), defined, 239

Social Accountability International (SAI), 136

Social Accountability International (SAI) SA8 tool, 136

social loafing, 109

social media in supply chain management, 190-191

social responsibility. See also ethical issues; legal issues

auditing methodologies, 136

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, 135-138

explained, 127

future of, 141-142

performance metrics, 131-134

principles of, 131

in sustainability efforts, 148

social responsibility maturity matrix, 136

software. See supply chain technologies

source complexity, explained, 99

SOW (statement of work), defined, 204

speculation strategy (global risk management), 287

spin-off outsourcing, defined, 336

SPM (supplier performance measurement)

explained, 260-261

as part of supplier management, 257-258

spot market purchasing, defined, 105

SRM (supplier relationship management). See also partnerships

described, 247-250

implementation model, 253-261

PSD (purchaser and supplier development), 258-260

RM (relationship management), 258

SBR (supply base rationalization), 254-256

SM (supplier management), 256-258

SPM (supplier performance measurement), 260-261

quality checklist, 264-268

terminating supplier relationships, 264-265

types of supplier relationships, 250-253

SRM (supplier relationship management) intensity continuum, 250

staffing supply chains

advantages and disadvantages of teams, 109

benefits for global employees, 84-85

characteristics of teams, 106

compensation for global employees, 82-84

competencies needed, 65

elements of team-building, 108

employee selection in global staffing, 80

employee training in global staffing, 81

evaluating candidates, 69

future of, 91

global hiring philosophy, 72-74

categories of, 73

global-oriented hiring philosophy, 78

home country national hiring philosophy, 75

host country national hiring philosophy, 76

third-country national hiring philosophy, 77

guidelines for teams, 107

lateral moves, 86-88

mentoring programs, 110-111

position descriptions, 66

professional supply chain organizations, 67

recruiting candidates, 67-69

retaining employees, 70-71

sabbatical programs, 86

SMTs (self-managed teams), 110

succession programs, 88-89

supply chain procurement teams, 89-90

terminating employees, 71-72

types of teams, 106

stakeholders, defined, 6

stalling in negotiations, 214-215

standardization, 320-321

statement of work (SOW), defined, 204

strategic alliances, explained, 180-182, 252

strategic planning

elements of, 9-12

explained, 8

future of, 30-32

opportunities for, 17-20

outsourcing and, 335-337

time period for, 17

strategy development

CSFs (critical success factors) in, 19-23

customer value and, 28-30

procedure for, 25-27

succession programs, 88-89

supervisor (supply chain), described, 66

Supplier Advisory Council, 391-392

supplier alignment. See also resource alignment

defined, 177

implementation methods, 177-178

meeting customer demand, 182-183

supplier collaboration, defined, 258

supplier evaluations, Ronald Robinson interview, 406-407

supplier integration

defined, 177

implementation methods, 177-178

supplier management (SM), 256-258

supplier negotiation. See negotiation

supplier partnerships. See partnerships

supplier performance management, process overview, 257-258

supplier performance measurement (SPM)

explained, 260-261

as part of supplier management, 257-258

supplier relationship management intensity continuum, 250

supplier relationship management (SRM). See also partnerships

described, 247-250

implementation model, 253-261

PSD (purchaser and supplier development), 258-260

RM (relationship management), 258

SBR (supply base rationalization), 254-256

SM (supplier management), 256-258

SPM (supplier performance measurement), 260-261

quality checklist, 264-268

terminating supplier relationships, 264-265

types of supplier relationships, 250-253

supplier reliability, 309-310

supplier risk

defined, 276

risk mitigation strategies, 286

supplier sustainability scorecard, described, 158

supplier-based database systems, 288-289

supply base rationalization (SBR), 254-256

Supply Chain Council (SCC), 49

supply chain flow constraints, eliminating, 312-315

supply chain incident management, defined, 285

supply chain life cycle

Eddie Capel interview, 398

explained, 13

supply chain management

evolutionary leadership, 113-115

explained, 6-8

functions of, 97

leadership styles, 112

mentoring programs, 110-111

monitoring and control systems, 115-117, 120-121

monitoring customer demand, 117-118

obstacles to leadership, 113

performance metrics, 115

planning process

complexity management, 99-102

entrepreneurial spirit, 98

procurement management plans, 102-105

social media in, 190-191

team building, 105-110

advantages and disadvantages of teams, 109

characteristics of teams, 106

elements of, 108

guidelines for teams, 107

SMTs (self-managed teams), 110

types of teams, 106

supply chain network design

explained, 43-45

phases of, 49-52

supply chain operations reference (SCOR), explained, 48-50

supply chain procurement teams, 89-90

supply chain resiliency. See resilient supply chain

supply chain risk

function for defining, 288

types of, 276-277

supply chain sustainability. See also sustainability

defined, 147

electronic tracking and fuel usage in, 155-157

traditional supply chains versus, 147

supply chain synchronization

agility and, 240-241

explained, 179-180

supply chain technologies

Eddie Capel interview, 396-397, 400-401

James Chris Gaffney interview, 419-420

Mike Orr interview, 376

supply chains

agile supply chains

characteristics of, 230-231

efficient supply chains versus, 231-232

explained, 222-226, 229-235

future of, 243

global business and, 237-239

in lean supply chain management, 315-316

principles of, 231

strategies for, 232-235

designing, 41

change management in, 53-54

future of, 57

information system design, 54-55

innovation in, 56-57

life cycle approach, 46

procedure for, 46-47

RFID tagging, 55-56

SCOR (supply chain operations reference) model, 48-50

explained, 6-8

flexible supply chains

explained, 222-226, 235-237

where to start, 238

matrix organizational structure design for, 41-43

product life cycle in, 12-16

staffing requirements

benefits for global employees, 84-85

compensation for global employees, 82-84

competencies needed, 65

employee selection in global staffing, 80

employee training in global staffing, 81

evaluating candidates, 69

future of, 91

global hiring philosophy, 72-74

lateral moves, 86-88

position descriptions, 66

professional supply chain organizations, 67

recruiting candidates, 67-69

retaining employees, 70-71

sabbatical programs, 86

succession programs, 88-89

supply chain procurement teams, 89-90

terminating employees, 71-72

strategies, 23-25, 30-32. See also strategic planning; strategy development

traditional versus sustainable, 147

supply scorecards, defined, 260


barriers to, 152-153

Brent Beabout interview, 428

defined, 147

electronic tracking and fuel usage in, 155-157

elements of, 148

future of, 163

James Chris Gaffney interview, 420

measuring, 160-162

model for, 153-155

principles of best-in-class performers, 159-160

program implementation, 151

reasons for, 149-150

resources for information, 162

steps to begin, 157-159

traditional versus sustainable supply chains, 147

Sustainability and Social Responsibility for Supply Management: Assessment Elements and Criteria, 136

sustainability index. See Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI)

synchronized supply chains. See supply chain synchronization

synchronous manufacturing, defined, 179


tactical planning

explained, 9-8

time period for, 17

target costing, defined, 304

taxation of global employees, 84

TCO (total cost of ownership)

defined, 303

of outsourcing, 364-365

teams, 105-110

advantages and disadvantages of, 109

characteristics of, 106

cost-reduction teams, 302

cross-functional teams, 323

elements of team-building, 108

guidelines for, 107

project management teams, 229

risk management teams, 278-279

SMTs (self-managed teams), 110

types of, 106

technologies for supply chains

Eddie Capel interview, 396-397, 400-401

James Chris Gaffney interview, 419-420

Mike Orr interview, 376

resource alignment, 178-179

technology swaps, defined, 181


employees, 71-72

supplier relationships, 264-265

third-country national hiring philosophy

advantages and disadvantages, 77

defined, 73

third-party recruiters, defined, 68

third-party suppliers, 204

360-degree input, described, 88

time series methods, defined, 171

total cost of ownership (TCO)

defined, 303

of outsourcing, 364-365

traceability, 290-291

training employees, 81

transactional alliances, defined, 251

transitional outsourcing, defined, 336


in supplier relationships, 259-258

in supply chain design, 56

trust-based alliances, 310-311


Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Act, described, 130

United Nations Global Compact, 360-362

unity of command, defined, 40

universal product code (UPC), defined, 55

upstream, defined, 7

U.S. Green Building Council, 159


value, defined, 28

value management (VM), defined, 305

value of supply chain management, Ronald Robinson interview, 407-408

value proposition

explained, 30

in lean supply chain management, 309

value versus price in sustainability efforts, 158

value-added outsourcing, defined, 336

vendor selection in outsourcing, 340-343

vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 54, 251

vice president of operations (COO), described, 66

vilification, defined, 128

vision statement, defined, 26

VM (value management), defined, 305

VMI (vendor-managed inventory), 54, 251

volatile demand, 311

Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards Association, 179


waste elimination in lean supply chain management, 317-318

what-if thinking, 98

white boards, defined, 323

win-lose strategy, defined, 199

winning agreements, 203-204

win-win strategy, defined, 204

work environments, described, 71

work segmentation, 323

work-share agreements, defined, 177

World’s Most Ethical Company publication, 131


zero-sum game, defined, 199

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