11. Proofing Tools


In this chapter, you learn techniques for working with Publisher’s proofing tools. Topics include the following:

Image Using AutoCorrect to Fix Mistakes While You Work

Image Adding Words to the Dictionary

Image Running a Spell Check on the Publication

Image Using the Thesaurus to Look Up Synonyms

Spell checkers have become so common, you probably can’t think of a single program or app that doesn’t have one. We all know and love the autocorrect on our phones—turning our messages into gobbledygook for us. Thankfully, Publishers proofing tools are much less intrusive.

When you are ready, it’s always a good idea to do a quick run-through with the speller checker, just to make sure there are no typos or goofy mistakes. In addition, don’t let the word “thesaurus” scare you—Publisher’s built-in thesaurus is super easy to use. When you use the same word or phrase repeatedly, try it and see if you can get inspired.

Working with AutoCorrect

Even the most thoroughly researched, professionally presented publication can lose credibility with a few spelling errors. Back in the day when most executives had assistants, they didn’t have to worry about details like spelling and punctuation. Now we all take care of our own correspondence and publications, so it is important to take a few minutes to run a spell check.

Publisher has two tools to catch spelling errors: AutoCorrect and Spelling. AutoCorrect prompts you to correct spelling errors and typos as you type. Some people don’t like the interruption and turn off AutoCorrect and run spell check later.

Correcting Errors with AutoCorrect

AutoCorrect is configured to run automatically when you install Office. AutoCorrect compares the words in your document with words in the main dictionary. If it finds a mismatch, AutoCorrect underlines the word with red dotted lines. Right-clicking the word brings up a QuickMenu with suggestions and additional commands.

1. Right-click an underlined word to display the AutoCorrect QuickMenu.


2. Click the correctly spelled word at the top of the list.


3. Right-click the other misspelled words/typos and correct them.


Adding Words to the Dictionary from AutoCorrect

When you work on your content and correcting typos and mistakes as you go with AutoCorrect, you can also add words that aren’t misspelled; they just aren’t in the main dictionary. Like your name, your clients’ names, your collaborators’ names, names of cities, technical terms—anything that is spelled correctly can be added with just a click. From then on, AutoCorrect flags only the word if it is misspelled.

1. Right-click a red-underlined word to display the AutoCorrect QuickMenu.


2. Click Add to Dictionary.


3. Right-click the other abbreviations and add them as well.


4. Save your work (as often as possible).


Using the Spelling Tool

Regardless of your level of education or your background, your credibility will take a hit if you leave typos and/or misspelled words in your correspondence. You can avoid the embarrassment by running the Spelling Tool as your last step before printing or emailing.

1. Click the Review tab.


2. Click the Spelling command button to start spell checking.


3. Click Add to add “bily” to the main dictionary.


4. Click OK to clear the message box.

5. Save your work (as often as possible).


Working with the Thesaurus

A thesaurus helps you find alternative words to express yourself. Often we use the same word over and over, and wish there was a way to locate similar words. Publisher’s Thesaurus looks up synonyms (words with similar meanings) antonyms (words with opposite meanings), and related words.

Looking Up Words

You can display the Thesaurus pane at any time; although if you select a word first, it looks up that word for you. If you did not, you can search for the word of your choosing.

When you do look up a word and a list of suggestions displays, each synonym is marked with a triangle. A right-angle triangle indicates that the synonym is expanded, revealing a list of similar words. A right-facing triangle indicates a condensed list of suggestions for that synonym.

1. Select the word you want to look up.

2. Click the Review tab.


3. Click the Thesaurus command button.

4. Scroll through the list of suggestions.

5. Click a word in the list to look up suggestions for it.


6. Continue clicking suggested words until you locate the one that fits.

7. Double-click the word to swap it out with the selected word in the publication.

8. Click the Close button to close the Thesaurus pane.


Expand Your Vocabulary

After you become familiar with the Thesaurus pane, use it to expand your vocabulary while you enhance the sophistication, or subtlety, of the wording in your publications. Even a dedicated bibliophile (book lover) can appreciate an electronic thesaurus.

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