Web Exercises

  1. 10-22 WikiLeaks

    Visit the WikiLeaks website and select two of the most current leaks posted. Evaluate the effect of the information being made public. Does it violate the privacy rights of the individuals involved? Is WikiLeaks a good way to expose a criminal act? Do the benefits of leaking the information outweigh the associated privacy and confidentiality violations, or not?

  2. 10-23 Breaking in to China

    Apple’s second largest market for iPhones is China. It took careful negotiation though for the Chinese government to allow Apple to bring its iTunes store to China because that would give Chinses citizens access to films and books not approved by the government. China also has a strong history of prohibiting foreign competition, giving Chinese companies open access to lucrative markets. After allowing iTunes to operate for just a few months, the government decide to ban it. How has Apple responded? How should foreign firms proceed in trying to increase their presence in China?

  3. 10-24 Online Business Is Global Business

    Visit BMW’s website. This international portal redirects customers to one of many hundreds of country-specific sites. Select three countries and investigate the websites presented. What elements are kept the same? How does BMW maintain a unified international marketing message? Which components are different? How does your web browser handle the differences in character sets for different languages?

  4. 10-25 After the Data Breach

    Research the data breach at Maricopa County Community College, where information for 2.4 ­million current and former students was exposed. How the college’s IT department responded after the breach was critical. How expensive was the response effort? What kind of actions did the college take to reestablish confidence in the college’s IT department and the college itself? What other colleges have had to combat hacker attacks?

  5. 10-26 The Power of Your Likes

    Examine the PBS Frontline episode “Generation Like” at www.pbs.org. Are young people and their social media sites being exploited by marketing professionals? Or is this generation especially skilled in how to use social media to advance themselves and open doors to new opportunities?


Go to the Assignments section of your MyBizLab to complete these writing exercises.

  1. An image shows a star blue icon.10-27 Many people are concerned about the “digital divide,” the gap in IT resources among industrialized countries and developing countries. The explosive growth of smartphones may be a path that allows developing countries to move quickly into the digital age. What advantages would there be to supporting the use of smartphones versus the use of computers in a developing country? What infrastructure and other devices might help minimize the digital divide?

  2. An image shows a star blue icon.10-28 The growth of social media has changed many aspects of business. Has social connectedness been an advantage for business? Does it create useful information for business or unfairly spread misinformation?

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