Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

The Ethics of RX

The pharmaceutical drug industry is an ethical minefield. The development of prescription medications is one topic among many that can present significant ethical challenges. Consider the questions raised by the following scenario. If possible, discuss your thoughts with a classmate or participate in a group debate on the topic.


You are an executive at one of the top drug companies in the United States. At the most recent product development meeting, two teams of scientists reported that each is within one year of having a new drug ready for clinical trials. Team A is developing a drug to cure a rare but fatal bone disease. Team B is developing a drug to treat a common, non–life-threatening skin condition. To make the deadline, however, both teams need an additional $10 million in funding. You know that the company can afford to fund only one team. According to the product analysis, Team A’s drug will be expensive to produce and difficult to market and yield only modest profits. Team B’s drug has the potential to yield massive profits.

Questions for Discussion

  1. 13-19 Which team would you recommend the company fund? Why?

  2. 13-20 How do the potential profits of Team B’s drug affect your stance from both financial/business and medical/ethical perspectives?

  3. 13-21 What about pricing? How might you reconcile the need to keep the drug company profitable with the ethical responsibility to make medications affordable for those in need?

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