Web Exercises

  1. 2-26 Getting Acquainted with Your Local Federal Reserve Bank

    What Federal Reserve Bank branch is nearest your home or school? Go to the website of your local Federal Reserve Bank and outline its latest policies. What kind of information does the website give you?

  2. 2-27 AT&T and Antitrust Regulations

    Watch the video “AT&T History” by Stephen Colbert, which is posted on YouTube. Then look at a more complete diagram of the outcomes of the forced breakup of AT&T in 1984 on the Quest Communications page on Wikinvest. Briefly describe the government’s rationale for forcing the breakup of AT&T in 1984 and then comment on the subsequent corporate actions by AT&T and the “Baby Bells.” How have these corporate actions impacted the communications industry?

  3. 2-28 Learning More about Supply and Demand

    Find the Supply and Demand Game on Shmoop.com and play a round or two. Using information you learned from this chapter, discuss your experience. How did you do? What are the important variables? How does this game illustrate the effects of supply and demand?

  4. 2-29 Pro Sports and the Economy

    How do professional sports and the economy interact? Play Peanuts and Crackerjacks on the Boston Federal Reserve Bank’s website (under Education Resources: Games and Online Learning) and test your knowledge of basic economic principles in the context of professional sports. Write a brief summary of your experience. What did you learn from playing the game?

  5. 2-30 Monetary Policy: You’re in Control

    How would it feel to be in control of the monetary policy for a country? Go to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco website and under Student Activities find the Fed Chairman Game. In this game, you act out the role of a fictitious central bank by implementing monetary policy in a simple virtual economy so you can get a feel for the options and limitations of monetary policy. Write a brief summary of your experience. What did you learn from playing the game?


Go to the Assignments section of your MyBizLab to complete these writing exercises.

  1. An image shows a star blue icon. 2-31 How have the Kindle and the iPad affected the supply and demand for newspapers and other printed material (such as textbooks)? Discuss the impact of technology on those industries that produce printed information.

  2. An image shows a star blue icon. 2-32 The text describes how a monopoly occurs when a provider of a service or good has control of all or nearly all of its market. Using this definition, consider whether professional sports leagues such as the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League are monopolies or whether these leagues consist of a group of individual companies that operate under a single governing entity. Consider players’ salaries, contract negotiations, and ticket sales in your answer. What are the implications if these professional sports leagues are monopolies?

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