RULE 101

Be for the glory, not the degradation

We can work for the glory of humankind or we can try to bring it all crashing down into degradation. Shakespeare is for the glory, a crack house is for the degradation. A village fête on a warm summer’s afternoon is for the glory, stealing someone’s purse is for the degradation. And it doesn’t have to be tame; a parachute jump for charity is for the glory, porn is for the degradation – but an erotic movie can be for the glory. Get the idea?

Anything that makes us more than we are, makes us strive for perfection, improves us, challenges us, excites us in a good way, makes us rise above our base nature and brings us out into the sunshine is for the glory.

So what are you going to be for? The glory or the degradation? Well, for the glory of course. My fear is that you will think this is all about being good and that has a bad press. All our lives we have been told that being good is a bad thing, somehow dull, for the meek and namby-pamby, the sandal wearers, the holier-than-thou brigade. Being good hasn’t had a lot going for it. As a kid at school if you tried to be good you got beaten up. At work if you try to be good they call you the boss’s pet.

Well, being good, being for the glory is a private thing. You don’t have to tell a soul. If you keep it quiet you are being good. If you brag about it you are a goody-goody. If you interfere with others and try to make them be good, you are a do-gooder. Just make a decision to be for the glory and say nothing.


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