RULE 105

Put something back

I firmly believe that none of us asked to be born and that this world doesn’t owe us a living, or anything. But by the same token we are in hock up to our armpits. Sure, we didn’t get a choice about being here, but once we are here we get fed and watered, entertained and amused, challenged and educated, awed and flabbergasted. It’s all here on offer for us. We can do pretty much anything we want. We can take from this world all it has to offer. And this world has an amazing amount to offer to all of us.

We can take and take and take. There is nothing to say we can’t. What I am suggesting is that we sleep better at night if we put something back. After the show be one of the volunteers clearing up.

Be generous with everything. Be generous with your generosity. You don’t have to give money but rather your time and care. If you have a special talent, use it to help others in some way. If you have facilities, lend them to others who need them. If you have the power to effect change for the better, then use it. If you have influence, use it.


And if you don’t? I’m sure that we all can make a difference in our own small way. We might have to look carefully or use our imagination a bit or be creative in how we define ‘giving something back’.

We don’t all have to become charity workers or missionaries but we could sponsor a child in need. We don’t have to turn our house into a shelter for the homeless but we could start a wildlife patch in our garden. We don’t have to become totally organic but we could recycle a bit more or just ask questions about the companies we choose to buy from.

I guess we all have to ask ourselves: ‘Is this world a richer place for me being in it? Will I leave it a better place than when I came into it? Have I made a difference to someone’s life? Have I put something back?’

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