Look after yourself

You are the boss, the captain, the driving force. If you are sick, who is going to run the ship? There is no one else. It makes sense to look after yourself. And I have no intention of getting all preachy here and telling you to go to bed early, eat your greens and take loads of exercise – that would all be pure hypocrisy because I don’t do any of those things. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, however. They are all good ideas.

An occasional quick body service might be a good idea, a regular check-up to nip any potential problems in the bud. I have an annual one. I would also suggest that some foods are like dynamite and they fill you with energy, speed your metabolism and make you feel great. Other foods make you sluggish, get stored as fat and slow you down. They might also do you long-term damage in the way of clogging up bits. Now the choice is entirely yours but the machine that is you runs better on high-energy food and worse on junk food.

Same with sleep. Going without makes you tired. Having too much makes you lethargic. Getting the right amount makes you feel good. Going back to sleep makes you feel blurry. Getting up straight away makes you feel good – and noble. Nothing better. But of course all this is entirely up to you. No one is going to stand behind you any more and make sure you’ve washed behind your ears or check your shoes are clean and polished. You’re a grown-up and on your own now. Fantastic. But it means you have all the responsibility too.

Rules Players eat well, sleep well, relax a lot, take exercise (and no, computer games don’t count). They also stay away from potentially harmful situations. They know how to stay out of danger, avoid threatening encounters and generally take care of themselves.


Looking after yourself is exactly that. Not relying on anyone else to make sure you are fed on time and fed well, washed and ready to go, comfortable, tidy, healthy and let out regularly for your walk. It’s great being a grown-up. You get to stay up all night partying if you want to, but you can also choose to take care of yourself if you want to.

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