

AHP, see Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)

AIAG, see Automotive industry action group (AIAG)

Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), 3336

Anytime Feedback, 83

APIs, see Application programming interfaces (APIs)

Application programming interfaces (APIs), 112

Automated appraisal tools, 8283

Automotive industry action group (AIAG), 101


Balanced scorecards, 1820, 9093

metrics, 309315

BCR, see Benefit–cost ratio (BCR)

Behavioral competencies, 273278

Benchmarking, 2225

and brainstorming, 368

and documentation, 368

and focus groups, 368

and interviewing, 361364

of metrics, 3236

and observation, 367

and participation, 368

and questionnaires/surveys, 364367

Benefit–cost ratio (BCR), 46

BetterWorks, 82

BPM, see Business process management (BPM)

Brainstorming, and benchmarking, 368

Break-even analysis, 46

Break-even point, 46

Business Balanced Scorecard On-Line, 137

Business process improvements, 131

Business process management (BPM), 130

Business risk RMMM strategy, 112113

Business risks, 107


Capability maturity model (CMM), 61

Capco, 82

CES, see Cost element structure (CES)

Chief information officers (CIOs), 2, 39, 132

CIOs, see Chief information officers (CIOs)

CM, see Configuration management (CM)

CMM, see Capability maturity model (CMM)

Comcast Interactive, 6

Competitive analysis, 2627

Configuration management (CM), 133, 145146

metrics, 256

Continuous improvement, 131

Continuous innovation, 155159

Cost–benefit analysis, 45

Cost element structure (CES), 289

Covey, Stephen, 84

Critical success factors (CSFs), 113115, 136

CSFs, see Critical success factors (CSFs)

Customer economy, 166167

Customer intimacy, and operational excellence, 161162

Customer satisfaction survey, 162164


DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)

Data analytics, 77

Data collection, 361

Decision trees, 119

Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), 154

Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC), 130

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), 130

DevOps, 132

DFSS, see Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Direct software measurement program, 59

DirectTV, 6

DMAIC, see Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC)

Documentation, and benchmarking, 368


Earned-value management (EVM), 52

“Easy to do business with” (ETDBW), 166

Economic value added (EVA), 48

Employee appraisal, 7881

Engineering process improvements, 131

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 4144, 265266

ERP, see Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

ETDBW, see “Easy to do business with” (ETDBW)

EVA, see Economic value added (EVA)

EVM, see Earned-value management (EVM)


Factor analysis of information risk (FAIR), 122

FADE, see Focus, analyze, develop, execute, and evaluate (FADE)

Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), 116

FAIR, see Factor analysis of information risk (FAIR)

Financial metrics, 4552

Five Forces model, 5

FMEA, see Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

Focus, analyze, develop, execute, and evaluate (FADE), 17

Focus groups, and benchmarking, 368

Force field analysis, and VOC, 164165


Goal-question-metric (GQM) paradigm, 6364

GQM, see Goal-question-metric (GQM) paradigm


Holacracy, 71


IBS, see Information-based strategy (IBS)

IDEAL model, see Initiate, diagnose, establish, act, and leverage (IDEAL) model

IEEE, see Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Indirect software measurement program, 59

Information-based strategy (IBS), 172

Infrastructure as code, 133

Initiate, diagnose, establish, act, and leverage (IDEAL) model, 61


continuous, 155159

for enhanced customer support, 167170

managing for, 170172

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 258264

Intelligence quotient (IQ), 77

Interviewing, and benchmarking, 361364

IQ, see Intelligence quotient (IQ)

IT risk assessment frameworks, 120123

IT-specific metrics, 3641, 255271

IT staff competency survey, 217221

IT utility, 127130


JIT, see Just-in-time (JIT)

Just-in-time (JIT), 114


Kaizen, 132

KCO, see Key control over operations (KCO) model

Key control over operations (KCO) model, 317

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 93

K&IM, see Knowledge and information management (K&IM)

KM, see Knowledge management (KM)

Knowledge and information management (K&IM), 333337

Knowledge-based social enterprising

and balanced scorecards, 9093

measuring project portfolio management, 9599

overview, 89

project management measurement systems, 9395

Project Management Process Maturity Model (PM)2 model, 99102

Knowledge management (KM), 317331

KPIs, see Key performance indicators (KPIs)


Lean software development (LSD), 130

LSD, see Lean software development (LSD)


Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 97

Measurement case, 66

Measurement plan, 6668, 279284


balanced scorecard, 309315

benchmarking initiative of, 3236

configuration management, 256

examples of performance measures, 5254

financial, 4552

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) defined, 258264

IT-specific measures, 3641, 255271

for knowledge management (KM), 317331

overview, 3132

process maturity framework, 256258

product and process, 255256

selected performance, 264

Software Technology Support Center (STSC), 223254

system-specific, 4145

Monte Carlo methods, 119

Motivation, 7576


National Consumer Electronics, 6

Net present value (NPV), 5152

New product development, 153154

New York Times, 83

NPV, see Net present value (NPV)


Observation, and benchmarking, 367

OCTAVE, see Operationally critical threat, asset, and vulnerability evaluation (OCTAVE)

ODI, see Outcome-driven innovation (ODI)

OLTP, see Online transaction processing (OLTP)

Online transaction processing (OLTP), 44

Operationally critical threat, asset, and vulnerability evaluation (OCTAVE), 122

Organization software measurement, 6162

Outcome-driven innovation (ODI), 167


Participation, and benchmarking, 368

PC, see Production capability (PC)

People improvement systems

automated appraisal tools, 8283

employee appraisal, 7881

impact of positive leadership, 7375

motivation, 7576

overview, 7173

recruitment, 7678

and workplace stress, 8386

Performance-based strategic planning systems

overview, 12

strategic planning, 25

strategy implementation, 511

technology roadmap, 2

Performance management and measurement systems

balanced scorecard, 1820

competitive analysis, 2627

developing benchmarks, 2225

developing QI plan, 1518

establishing, 2022

overview, 1315

process mapping, 2729

PMBOK, see Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

PMG, see Portfolio Management Group (PMG)

PM2 model, see Project Management Process Maturity Model (PM)2 model

PMO, see Project management office (PMO)

Portfolio Management Group (PMG), 97

Positive leadership, 7375

PQI, see Process quality index (PQI)

PQM, see Process quality management (PQM)

PRINCE2, see Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE2)

Probability trees, 119

Process configuration management, 146, see Configuration management (CM)

Process mapping, 2729

Process maturity framework metrics, 256258

Process performance metrics, 137140

Process quality, 134137

Process quality index (PQI), 134

Process quality management (PQM), 114, 351355

Product development

measuring, 159

process, 153154

Production capability (PC), 84

Product life cycle (PLC), 149152

management, 152153

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 98

Project management measurement systems, 9395

Project management office (PMO), 9798

Project Management Process Maturity Model (PM)2 model, 99102

Project portfolio management, measuring, 9599

Project QA and collaboration plan, 339349

Project quality plan, 357359

Project risk RMMM strategy, 112

Project risks, 107

Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE2), 98

Project software measurement, 62

ProSTEP-iViP reference model, 101


QA, see Quality assurance (QA)

QCE, see Quality of customer experience (QCE)

QI, see Quality improvement (QI)

QoE, see Quality of experience (QoE)

Quality assurance (QA), 134

Quality improvement (QI), 1315

developing plan, 1518

Quality of customer experience (QCE), 166167

Quality of experience (QoE), 166

Quantitative risk analysis, 116119

Questionnaires/surveys, 364367


Recruitment, 7678

Requirements elicitation, 361

Return on attitude (ROA), 10

Return on excitement (ROE), 10

Return on intellect (ROI), 10

Return on investment (ROI), 4551, 73, 97, 140, 172, 285

Return on management (ROM), 172

Risk analysis, 104105

quantitative, 116119

Risk avoidance, 113115

Risk checklists, 119120

Risk identification, 105108

Risk mitigation, monitoring, and management plan (RMMM), 108

business strategy, 112113

project strategy, 112

technical strategy, 112

Risk process measurement, 123125

Risk strategy, 103104

RMMM, see Risk mitigation, monitoring, and management plan (RMMM)

ROA, see Return on attitude (ROA)

ROE, see Return on excitement (ROE)

ROI, see Return on intellect (ROI); Return on investment (ROI)

ROM, see Return on management (ROM)

Rosemann–Wiese approach, 43


7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 84

Sample measurement plan, 279284

Sample risk plan, 108111

SDLC, see Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

SEI, see Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

SEI CMM, see Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI CMM)

Selected performance metrics, 264

Service-level agreement (SLA), 144

Shared first approach, 140145

Simulation models, see Monte Carlo methods

SLA, see Service-level agreement (SLA)

SLOC, see Source lines of code (SLOC)

SMART, see Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed (SMART)

SMEs, see Subject-matter experts (SMEs)

Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI CMM), 6263

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 134

Software measurement program

developing software measurement plan, 6465

direct and indirect, 59

goal-question-metric (GQM) paradigm, 6364

measurement plan standard, 6668, 279284

overview, 5758

Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI CMM), 6263

software objects, 59

software process improvement model, 6162

thematic outline, 6870

views of core measures, 60

Software process improvement model, 6162

Software Technology Support Center (STSC), 223254

Source lines of code (SLOC), 59

SOW, see Statement of work (SOW)

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed (SMART), 16

Statement of work (SOW), 142

Strategic planning, 25

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), 5

STSC, see Software Technology Support Center (STSC)

Subject-matter experts (SMEs), 141

Surveys/questionnaires, 364367

SWOT, see Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)

Systems development life cycle (SDLC), 150

System-specific metrics, 4145


TCO, see Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Technical risk RMMM strategy, 112

Technical risks, 107

Technology roadmap, 2

TIME magazine, 77

Time-to-market (TTM), 130

TiVo, 67

Total cost of ownership (TCO), 48

Total quality control (TQC), 18

TQC, see Total quality control (TQC)

TTM, see Time-to-market (TTM)


Value measuring methodology (VMM), 52, 285307

VMM, see Value measuring methodology (VMM)

VOC, see Voice of the customer (VOC)

Voice of the customer (VOC)

customer economy, 166167

customer intimacy and operational excellence, 161162

customer satisfaction survey, 162164

force field analysis, 164165

innovation for enhanced customer support, 167170

managing for innovation, 170172


WEST, see Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology (WEST)

Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology (WEST), 155

Workplace stress, 8386

Work unit measures, 213216


X quotient (XQ), 77


Y2K panic, 154


Zeigarnik effect, 85

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