
air passenger demand: holiday effects 7; long-term forecasting for 8, 26; medium-term forecasting for 78, 2526; seasonal adjustment 7; short-term forecasting for 67, 25

air transportation: industry 16; role in China 5

air travel demand: of airport 1920; demographic factors 22, 23; determinants of 2125, 27; economic factors in 2123; emergencies 22, 2425; forecasting methods 1921, 2627; forecasting problems 68; geographic factors 22, 23; government policy 22, 24; integrated forecasting framework 4546, 46; market structure 22, 24; moving holiday effect 9596; nationwide 2021; of O-D (origin-destination) pairs 19; social factors 22, 2324

Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) 96, 99

ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) bounds testing approach: cointegration relationship 127128, 130133; model specifications 134; see also long-term forecasting

artificial intelligence (AI): short-term demand forecasting 6, 7; techniques 5153

artificial neural networks (ANN) 13; ANN/back-propagation NN (BPNN) techniques 5153; ANN-based nonlinear forecasting module 43; genetic programming 56; support vector machines 5455

Australia 134, 141; historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model, econometrical model 5051

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) 6, 1112, 18, 83; econometrical linear forecasting module 4143, 4849

autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, forecasting comparison 118119, 120, 120

back-propagation neural network (BPNN) techniques: artificial intelligence 5153; forecasting comparison 118119, 120, 120; forecasting process with 52

bases and bases management module, TEI@I methodology 4345

Bayesian model averaging (BMA) 111

Boeing Company 22

calendar: factor 101, 106; Gregorian 95, 107; holiday 96, 100; moving holiday effect 9596, 102, 108

Canada: historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

China: air passenger number vs GDP per capital 4; air passenger traffic and growth rate 3; air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135, 136; air transportation markets 26; gross domestic product (GDP) 116, 117; growth of air transportation and economy 4; oil price 116, 117; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136; role of air transportation in 5; SiChuan earthquake 86; trade value 116, 117; urban population 116, 117

Chinese New Year (CNY) 9496, 102, 107108

CiteSpace 89; evolution of demand forecasting research 7378; scientometric analysis for demand forecasting 66, 69, 70; software 79

Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) 5, 116, 124, 131

combination forecasting process, TEI@I methodology 5759, 6162

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) 20

demand forecasting methods 1018; actual passenger traffic vs estimated demand 120; air travel 1825; electricity demand 1112; long-term 1518; medium-term 1315; multivariate methods 17; multivariate time series models 1415; production function approach 15; research background 110111; scenario-based methods 16; short-term 1113; simulation-based methods 1617; stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model 111, 112115; tourism demand 1213; univariate statistical filters 14; univariate methods 1718; see also air travel demand

demand forecasting research: average citations per year 72, 73; clusters of cited references 75; co-citation clusters in time series 7577; co-citation network of references 74; co-occurrence network of disciplines for 70; disciplines involved in 70, 71; evolution of 7378; hybrid intelligent forecasting system 7677; intellectual structure of 7475; keywords and references with surging citation 7778; landmark articles in 78, 79; main keywords in 7172; most cited articles in literature 72, 72; yearly citations in, on Web of Science 67

econometrical models: ARIMA/SARIMA models 4849; autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH)/generalized ARCH (GARCH) model 5051; common categories 47; TEI@I methodology 4751; vector autoregressive (VAR)/vector error correction (VEC) models 4950

electricity demand forecasting 1112

empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method, air travel demand 8485, 85

error correction models (ECM) 13

European Commission 15, 26

expert knowledge and judgment: demand forecasting 5961; methods of incorporating 59; modeling process 60

forecasting models: artificial intelligence techniques 5156; combination methods 5759, 6162; econometrical models 4751; expert knowledge and judgmental adjustment 5961; linear combination approach 5758; nonlinear combination approach 5859; TEI@I methodology 4661; see also demand forecasting methods

forecasting problems: air travel 68; long-term 8; medium-term 78; short-term 67

France: historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

frequentist model averaging (FMA) 111

Frisch, Ragnar 47

Garfield, Eugene 68

GDP (gross domestic product) growth 128129; assumptions for 138; long-term forecasting 132133; variable 131

generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model, econometrical model 5051

genetic algorithms (GA) 13, 56

genetic programming (GP), artificial intelligence 56

Germany 134, 141; historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

Google Trends 7, 9, 94, 144; Genhol vs 9699, 99, 102, 103; nowcasting 104108; proposed method with 102, 103

Harvey, Andrew 95

Hodrick-Prescott filter 7, 14

holidays: Chinese New Year (CNY) 9496, 102, 107108; Easter 99, 106, 107; moving holiday effect 9596, 102, 108; Thanksgiving holiday 107

Holt-Winters forecasting methods 12, 21, 27, 125

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) 8283, 8586, 92, 144; historical air passenger traffic 98, 107108; monthly passenger traffic of 86

hybrid intelligent forecasting system 7677, 144

Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) algorithm 17

integrated short-term forecasting framework: adoption of SARIMA models 8485; data description and evaluation criteria 8687; empirical analysis 8591; empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method in 8485, 89, 91; general framework for short-term air travel demand 85; model comparisons 89, 90, 91, 91; modeling the linear component 8788, 89; modeling the nonlinear component 8889; proposed framework 8385; TEI@I methodology basis in 8283, 9192

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 130

International Air Transport Association (IATA) 12, 125, 138

International Energy Agency 130

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 15, 26, 130, 138

Japan 134, 141; historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

Kalman-filter algorithm 15

Lagrange’s theorem 58

least squares support vector regression (LSSVR) 20, 5455, 100, 101; demonstration of 55; nonlinear modeling 8485, 8889; seasonal decomposition (SD)_LSSVR model 101, 102, 103

long-term forecasting: air travel demand 8; ARDL bounds testing approach 132133, 140141; ARDL model specifications 134; cointegration relationship 126, 127128, 130133; economic globalization and urbanization 124126; empirical analysis 130138; empirical data 130, 131; fuzzy linear regression equations 18; general framework 126; irregular event effects 127, 129, 135137; logistic growth curve fitting 133134, 135, 136; long-term evolution pattern 126127, 128129; Markov-switching regime 129, 135137; methods 1518; multivariate methods 17; proposed framework for 126130; scenario-based methods 16; scenario planning 130, 137138, 139, 140; simulation-based methods 1617; unit root testing 131132, 133; univariate methods 1718

MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) 87, 98; equation 87; forecasting performance 91, 99, 102, 103, 106, 119120, 120, 131, 132, 141; forecasting vs nowcasting 106

Markov-switching (MS) regime approach 129, 135137, 141

medium-term forecasting: actual passenger traffic vs estimated demand 120; air travel demand 78; methods 1315; multivariate time series models 1415; production function approach (PFA) 15; univariate statistical filters 14; see also stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model

MIDAS (mixed data sampling) model 96; MATLAB toolbox 106; methodology of 104105; nowcasting results 105106, 107

model average (MA): comparison of stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model and 118121; appendices for calculations 147150

Monte Carlo simulation, long-term forecasting 1617

multivariate methods: long-term forecasting 17; time series models for medium-term forecasting 1415

nationwide air travel demand: long-term forecasting for 8; medium-term forecasting for 78; short-term forecasting for 67

Natural Bureau of Statistics of China 3, 131

nonlinear autoregressive (NAR) model 53

nowcasting: forecasting vs 106; Google Trends 104108; MIDAS (mixed data sampling) model 104105; MIDAS with leads 105; results 105106, 107

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 15, 26

Price, Derek J. de Solla 68

production function approach (PFA), medium-term forecasting 15

Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) algorithm 17

research see demand forecasting research

RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) 87, 98, 102; equation 87; forecasting performance 91, 102, 103, 106, 119120, 120

rule-based expert system model, TEI@I methodology 4041

scenario-based methods, long-term forecasting 16

Science Citation Index 68

Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) 70

scientometric analysis 6669; bibliographic records collection 6970; co-citation clusters in time series 7577; disciplines involved in demand forecasting 70, 71; keywords and references with surging citation 7778; main keywords in demand forecasting 7172; most cited articles in demand forecasting literature 72, 72; overview of bibliography 6972, 73; see also demand forecasting research

Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) 6, 11, 13, 83, 95, 101; econometrical forecasting model 4849; forecasting linear component 84, 8788

seasonal decomposition (SD) forecasting: empirical analysis 101103; Genhol vs Google Trends 9699; hybrid forecasting method 99103; moving holiday effect 9596; overall forecasting process 101; proposed framework 100; X-13-ARIMA-SEATS method 9697, 100, 101

seasonality 2, 7, 1112, 47; air travel demand and 87, 9496; definition 94; historical passenger traffic at HKIA 86; moving holiday effect 9596, 107

short-term forecasting: air travel demand 67; electricity demand 1112; methods 1113; nowcasting 104106, 107108; seasonality and 9496; tourism demand 1213; see also integrated short-term forecasting framework

Shuffled Frog-Leaping (SFL) algorithm 17

SiChuan earthquake 86

simulation-based methods, long-term forecasting 1617

Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) 70

STAMP method 95

statistical filters: Hodrick-Prescott filter 7, 14; univariate 14, 25

statistical learning theory (SLT), support vector machines (SVM) 54

stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model: appendices for calculations 147150; application to air travel demand forecasting 116121; data for 116118; demand estimation 115; demand forecasting and 111, 115; evaluation and comparison to model average (MA) 118121; methodology 112115; model average 112114; model construction 115; proposed demand forecasting framework 115; raw data collection 114115; summary of variables 116

support vector machines (SVM) 13

support vector regression (SVR) model 5455

TEI@I methodology 8, 3435, 6162, 124, 143; ANN-based nonlinear forecasting module 43; ARIMA-based econometrical linear forecasting module 4143; back-propagation neural network (BPNN) and forecasting process 43, 44; bases and bases management module 4345; common forecasting models 4661; general framework of 3545, 36; integrated air travel demand forecasting framework 4546; integrated short-term forecasting 8283, 9192; man-machine interface (MMI) module 36; rule-based expert system module 4041; web-based text mining (WTM) module 37, 3740; see also integrated short-term forecasting framework

tourism, short-term demand forecasting 1213

TRAMO/SEATS method 7, 9596, 107

United Nations 130

United States 134, 141; historical air passenger traffic and logistic curve fitting 135; logistic curve fitting 133; parameters of logistic curve fitting 136

univariate methods: long-term forecasting 1718; medium-term forecasting 14; statistical filters 7, 14

US Department of Defense 130

vector autoregressive (VAR) models 13; econometrical model 4950

vector error correction (VEC) model 127; econometrical model 4950

web-based text mining (WTM) module: component of TEI@I methodology 3740; feature extraction phase 37, 38; main processes of 37; structure analyzing phase 37, 38; text classification phase 37, 39; see also TEI@I methodology

Web of Science database 8, 66, 6970; yearly citation in demand forecasting 67; yearly published articles about demand forecasting 67

Web of Science™ Core Collection 70, 79

World Bank 116, 131, 139

World War II 130

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