
imageSpecial Characters and Numerics

- (minus sign), 95

# (pound sign) symbol, 149

#define, 149

%@ symbol, 8688, 9899

* symbol, 133

*label pointer, 137

*uiImageView, 117, 137

{ } (curly braces), 7478, 8586

+ (plus sign) symbol, 95

7 Wonders of the World app, 370

360 Cities app, 371


About page, APRS Map app, 420421

About This Mac option, 34


adding buttons to tabs in switches app, 245246

adding to touchesViewController header file, 176182

connecting buttons as, 182190

creating, 42

naming, 177

alloc, 8688, 9899

Amateur Radio Operators locator app, 412421

analyzer, for debugging, 359

animation code, touches app, 157, 210213


coding, 398

creating Objective-C class for, 375378

files, for MapKit framework, 376378

map, 363, 373

styles of, 412

varying uses in app, 412

app programming landscape, 23

Appdelegate, 36

Appkit, 148

Apple ID option, 8

Apple, use of MapKits, 369


7 Wonders of the World app, 370

360 Cities app, 371

About page, APRS Map app, 420421

Amateur Radio Operators locator app, 412421

animation code, touches app, 157, 210213

app programming landscape, 23

Appdelegate, 36

Appkit, 148

Apple ID option, 8

Apple, use of MapKits, 369

APRS Map app, 412421

background images, touches app, 168

coding Change button, 210, 213

setting integer to zero, 192

Blipstar app, 370

Bottom view mode, switch-mistake app, 340

bugs, in switch-mistake app, 343346

CGAffineTransformstructs, and touches app, 157182

Change button, touches app, 210213

adding actions to header file, 187

naming, 170

Compass app, 366

Cool Maps 7 Wonders of the World app, 370

data structure, touches app, 157

Female button, MyStory app, 280281, 283

Female controller, MyStory app

adding evolve button, 293297

adding images to, 289

naming bar titles, 290, 329, 352356

First View, Tabbed Application, 228229, 232236

FlightTrack app, 368369

Geek button, MyStory app, 280281

Geek controller, MyStory app

adding images to, 288289

linking evolve button to, 293297

naming bar titles, 290

Geo IP Tool app, 370

Grow button, touches app, 157, 202

header file, for touches app, 182

helloWorld_03 app, 5799

.xib files in, 9396

header files in, 9699

methods in, 9596

nibs in, 9396

roadmap for, 8591

saving, 8384

user interface for, 6382

helloWorld_04 app, 102148

IBActions in, 138, 148149

IBOutlets in, 131133, 148149

pointers in, 133135, 149150

properties in, 135138

Image View Application, 121

invisible buttons, MyStory app, 300301

iPad Simulator, running apps on, 5054

iPhone Simulator, running apps on, 3450

Male button, MyStory app, 280282

Male controller, MyStory app

adding evolve button, 293297

adding images to, 288

naming bar titles, 291

Map Tunneling Tool app, 370

forMapKit framework, 412426

example 1, 413420

example 2, 421424

example 3, 426

myStory_01 app, 371373

preinstalled apps, 363366

third-party apps, 369370

MapMyRide app, 369

Maps app, 366

Master-Detail application template, 490491

Metro Paris Subway app, 369, 371

Move button, in touches app, 208209

Move button, touches app

adding actions to header file, 187

naming, 170

tracking state of, 183

multimedia platforms, myiTunes application, 487520

coding, 502517

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489

storyboard, 493502, 517520

myDetailViewController implementation file, in myStory_02 app, 465473

myiTunes application, 488520

coding, 502517

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489

storyboard, 493502, 517520

MyStory app, 255324

overview, 256

storyboarding configuration for, 258276

view controllers for, 276286, 300322

myStory_01 app, 371373

myStory_02 app, 433458

files for, 434435

images for, 438439

myDetailViewController implementation file, 465473

myMasterTableViewController implementation file, 451458

overview, 433

single view template, 436437

storyboard in, 440441, 474486

table view controller for, 442451

Navigation-based Application template, 33, 54

platforms, myiTunes application, 487520

coding, 502517

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489

storyboard, 493502, 517520

QuikMaps app, 369

radio operators locator app, 412421

Root View Controller, MyStory app, 270, 272

Round Rect Button, MyStory app, 268

Routesy Bay Area San Francisco Muni and BART app, 406, 408

running apps

oniPad Simulator, 5054

on iPhone Simulator, 3450

on physical devices, 55

switch app, 227230

saving, app files, 8384

Second View controller, switch-mistake app, 340

Second View, Tabbed Application, 230, 237242

Shrink button, touches app, 157, 201208

adding action to header file, 184186

adding to header file, 181182

creating scaling for, 194

naming, 170

tracking state of, 183

Single View Application template, 106, 160, 258, 374

single view template, in myStory_02 app, 436437

strings, in helloWorld_03 app, 86

structs, touches app, 157

switch app, 217253

buttons in, 244250

and Content View Modes, 251253

creating app, 222223

images for, 221, 224227

running, 227230

tabs in, customizing, 230242

views in, 242243

switch-mistake app, 329356

bug in, 343346

comparing source files, 347356

creating project, 330333

views in, 334343

Tabbed Application template, 222, 330

tabs, in switch app, 230242

Tall Eye app, 370

test app, creating, 28

touches app, 155216

andCGAffineTransformstructs, 157182

header file for, 182191

implementation file for, 191213

running, 213216

traffic camera app, 421425

traffic monitoring app, 425429

transitions, MyStory app, 274

Twitter Spy app, 370

Über Geek controller, MyStory app, 298, 302, 314

UIViewControllers, MyStory app, 279

View-Based App option, 53

View-based Application icon, 58

View-based Application template, 35, 58, 106

view controllers, MyStory app

adding Web View to, 302

placement of, 282

setting class of, 308

viewDidLoad, switches app, 242

Web View, MyStory app, 302314

APRS Map app, 412421

ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), 437

arguments, 79


creating with list of cities, 454456

touches app, 182183

of wallpapers, 192193

arrow down key, 47

Aspect Fill View Mode, Xcode, 252

Aspect Fit View Mode, Xcode, 252

Assistant Editor, 3941, 45, 73, 122123, 139

Attributes Inspector, 66, 97

Attributes Panel, setting images in, 280

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), 437


background images, touches app, 168

coding Change button, 210, 213

setting integer to zero, 192

background layer, 104105

bankBalance variable, 150

Bar Button Items, 293

Base View, 115

Batchgeo, 372

beginAnimations method, 211

Beginning iPhone 4 Development, Exploring the iPhone SDK, 20

Bindings inspector, 98

Blipstar app, 370

boiler plate code, 396, 400, 489, 504, 506

Bottom view mode, switch-mistake app, 340

Bottom View Mode, Xcode, 252

brain, connecting information in, 217220

breakpoints, 358

bugs, in switch-mistake app, 343346

Build Phases tab, root directory, 379, 459

button text, writing, 119

buttonGuess method, 131134, 137138, 142, 144145


adding onto canvas, 39

adding to View Design area, 67

MyStory app, 268, 280, 283, 300301

in switch app, 244250

touches app

adding actions, to header file, 184187

adding actions, to touchesViewController header file, 176, 182

adding outlets, to touchesViewController header file, 176, 182

changing text for, 202

coding Change button, 210213

coding Move button, 208209

creating scaling for Shrink button, 194

dragging to View design area in Xcode, 169

if statements for, 203208

naming, 170

tracking state of, 183



adding buttons to, 39

adding labels to, 38


creating disclosure indicators for, 498

creating subtitles for, 497

naming, 502

centered text icon, 38

CGAffineTransform class, 157, 183, 194

CGAffineTransformstructs, and touches app, 157182

CGAffineTransformMakeScale method, 194

CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation method, 194195

Change button, touches app, 210213

adding actions to header file, 187

naming, 170

Change view and see traffic function, 365366

class of view controller, setting, 308

classes, 132

Classes file, 131

CLLocation Class Reference, 390

CLLocationCoordinate2D, 462

Cocoa Touch item folder, 113

Code folder, 108

Code snippets, 98


forMapKit framework, 404406

apps, 412426

memory management of Storyboard objects, 405406

myPos file NSObject object, 389392

parsing, 406412

protocols, 404405

view controller, 393399

myiTunes application, 502517

Command + Q shortcut, 34, 52, 55, 58

Command + Return shortcut, 74

Command + S shortcut, 40, 83, 146

Command + Shift + N shortcut, 35

Command + Tab shortcut, 34, 55, 60

Company Identifier, 59

Company option, 9

Compass app, 366

compile-time, vs. runtime, 253

Connect button, 75, 79, 95

connectionDidFinishLoading, 470

Connections inspector, 98

Content View Modes, 235, 251253

Control + Command + Down Arrow shortcut, 73

Control + Command + Up Arrow shortcut, 73

controller bar titles in storyboarding, naming, 290291

CONTROLLER section, 152

Control+S shortcut, 49

Cool Maps 7 Wonders of the World app, 370

coordinates, coding, 397

Copy items check box, 62

copy items into destination option, 61

Copy items into the destination group's folder check box, 110

CoreLocation framework

overview, 364

selecting, 381

storing in frameworks folder, 382

counterparts, 73

Create groups for any added folders check box, 110

curly braces, 7478, 8586


data structure, touches app, 157

dealloc method, 46

Debugger Console window, for debugging, 357

debugger window, for debugging, 327

debugging, 325359

switch-mistake app, 329356

comparing source files, 347356

creating bug, 343346

creating views, 334343

starting project, 330333

tools for, 326329

analyzer, 359

Debugger Console window, 357

debugger window, 327

documentation, 358, 329

Fix-it, 357

GDB console, 327

logs, 327328

NSZombie, 328

Shark, 328

text editor, 327

unit testing, 328

delegate method, 398

delegate, setting view controller class as, 397

deleting images from desktop, 165

DetailViewController controller, coding, 513517

Developer Page, 1113

Developer tool, 351

directives, 135

disclosure indicators for cells, creating, 498

Disney's storyboarding, 255

Display the Insertion indicator, 76

documentation, for debugging, 358

Download Xcode 4 button, 1112


lulu fruit icon, 158159

myiTunes app files, 489

myStory 01 code, 373

myStory 02 code files, 434

MyStory app code, 257

source code for debugging, 347348

switches app code, 221

touches app code, 156

dreams, 155


editing Table View Controllers, 443

Editor Selector, 40, 45, 73

Effects inspector, 98

Enroll Now button, 7

Enterprise program, 10

event handling, overview, 363


Female button, MyStory app, 280281, 283

Female controller, MyStory app

adding evolve button, 293297

adding images to, 289

naming bar titles, 290

Field object, 7072

File inspector, 97

File templates, 98, 329, 352356


header files, 36, 40, 4344, 46, 9699

and Inspector Bar, 9798

and memory leaks, 9899

andNSStrings, 98

for touches app, 182

implementation files, 36, 4446

for touches app, 191213

for view controllers, 395399

Media files, 98

nib files, 36, 49, 9396, 112, 141

organization of, 450451

saving, app files, 8384

Supporting Files folder, 6062, 109

.xib files, 36, 9396, 132, 153

creating, 462

nonatomic, 189

retain, 189

synthesizing, 191

File's Owner, 41, 43, 8182

Find Yourself function, 364

Finder program, 34

Finish button, 61

First View label, deleting, 338

First View, Tabbed Application, 228229, 232236

FirstViewController.xib file, 244, 336

Fix-it, for debugging, 357

FlightTrack app, 368369

folder highlights, 109

Forum, 1920

framework, MapKit, 361430

adding, 459460

to frameworks folder, 461

tomyPos header file, 462

apps for

myStory_01, 371373

preinstalled, 363366

third-party, 369370

coding, 404406

apps for MapKit framework, 412426

MapKit parsing, 406412

memory management of Storyboard objects, 405406

protocols, 404405

preliminaries for, 373

template for, 374403

annotation file, 376378

coding, 389399

frameworks, 379383

images, 383388

Storyboard file, 401403


GDB console, for debugging, 327

Geek button, MyStory app, 280281

Geek controller, MyStory app

adding images to, 288289

linking evolve button to, 293297

naming bar titles, 290

Geo IP Tool app, 370

goals, 155156

Google server, parsing, 468471

graphical user interface (GUI), 18

Grow button, touches app, 157, 202

GUI (graphical user interface), 18


.h (header) file, 44

hash character, 149

header files, 36, 40, 4344, 46, 9699

and Inspector Bar, 9798

and memory leaks, 9899

andNSStrings, 98

for touches app, 182

header (.h) file, 44

hello method, 95

Hello World folder, 108

helloWorld_01 file, 3536, 5354

helloWorld_02 file, 5354

helloWorld_03 app, 5799

.xib files in, 9396

header files in, 9699

and Inspector Bar, 9798

and memory leaks, 9899

andNSStrings, 98

methods in, 9596

nibs in, 9396

roadmap for, 8591

avoiding memory leaks, 88

dismissing keyboard, 8891

displaying text, 8788

manipulating text, 8687

strings in, 86

saving, 8384

user interface for

connecting to code, 7382

overview, 6372

helloWorld_03ViewController.xib file, 63

helloWorld_04 app, 102148

IBActions in, 138, 148149

IBOutlets in, 131133, 148149

pointers in, 133135, 149150

properties in, 135138

help for Xcode IDE, online, 358

highlighting folders, 109

history, of Objective-C, 1819


I need to create a new account for option, 8

I/O (input/output), 151

IB (Interface Builder), 96

IBActions, 79, 85, 88, 95, 99, 130131, 138, 148149

IBOutlets (Interface Builder Outlets), 96, 117118, 131133, 148149, 405406

icon file, 102103, 105106, 111112

icon.png file, 111


myStory 01 app

importing, 384

moving to correct folders, 386387

switches app, 226227

touches app, creating for, 166

IDE (integrated development environment), 16, 29

Identity inspector, 97

if statements

for buttons in touches app, 203208

for lulu fruit icon in touches app, 199200, 203208

Image View Application, 121

Image View Attributes window, 114, 117

Image View icons, 113

imageNamed method, 118, 145, 193


copying to Xcode, 164165

forMapKit framework, 383388

formyiTunes application, 492493

MyStory app

adding to view controllers, 287

copying to Xcode, 260

placing on UIViewControllers, 279

setting in Attributes Panel, 280

for myStory_02 app, 438439

for switch app

adding to project, 224227

obtaining, 221

switches app

adding to tabs, 230242

copying to Xcode, 224225

downloading, 221

imageSource pointer, 118, 145

implementation files, 36, 4446

for touches app, 191213

array of wallpapers, 192193

CGAffineTransformMakeScale method, 194

CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation method, 194195

change button, 210213

move button, 208209

setting background image, 195196

shrink button, 201208

synthesis in, 191

touchesMoved method, 196201

viewDidLoad method, 191192

for view controllers, 395399

Include Unit Tests option, 59

INDIO (Interaction, Navigation, Data, and I/O), 150153

indirection concept, 149

individual links, 9

Individual option, 9

Information tab, 114

initial momentum, maintaining, 284

initWithFormat, 8688, 9899

input/output (I/O), 151

insertion indicator, 7475, 78

Inspector Bar, 66, 93, 9798

Inspector Selector Bar, 97

Install Xcode and iOS SDK window, 1516

The Installation was Successful window, 15

instances, creating, 9394

instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier, method, 323

instantiation, 9394

integrated development environment (IDE), 16, 29

Interaction, Navigation, Data, and I/O (INDIO), 150153

Interface Builder (IB), 96

Interface Builder Outlets (IBOutlets), 96, 117118, 131133, 148149, 405406

Interface Builder view, 93

Internet, parsing from, 406409

int_pointer variable, 150

invisible buttons, MyStory app, 300301

iOSDev Center, 1011

iOS SDK drive icon, 14

iOS4, and storyboards, 323324

iPad Simulator, running apps on, 5054

iPhone Cool Projects, 406, 408

iPhone/iPad development page, 8, 10

iPhone/iPad Operating System software, 10

iPhone/iPad Simulator, 1617, 2325, 27, 29, 32

iPhone Simulator, running apps on, 3450

IPhoneRuntime, 132


Jobs, Steve, 18, 22


Kant image, 142

Kant outlet, 104106, 117, 127, 132, 134, 137, 142, 145

kantStair.png, 118, 120, 145


dismissing, 8891

shortcuts, 35

Keyboard & Character Viewer, 316319


label instance variable, 115, 144

Label object, 7172

label Outlet, 126


adding onto canvas, 38

adding to View Design area, 71

misspelled, 147

label.text, 4748

Lamarche, Jeff, 20

Language & Text preferences panel, 316319

latitude, 372, 397

lines of latitude, 372, 397

lines of longitude, 372, 397

linking buttons to navigation controllers, 270

LLVM compiler, 357

logs, for debugging, 327328

longitude, lines of, 372, 397

lulu fruit icon

associating with UIImageView, 171172

CGAffineTransforms for, 183

creating if statement for, 199200

creating outlet for, 177

downloading, 158159

if statements for, 203208

luluIcon.png, sizing, 173


MacBook Air, 2

Macintosh HD icon, 103

MainStoryboard.storyboard file, 261

maintaining initial momentum, 284

Male button, MyStory app, 280282

Male controller, MyStory app

adding evolve button, 293297

adding images to, 288

naming bar titles, 291

Map Tunneling Tool app, 370

Map View, 480482

MapKit framework, 361430

adding, 459460

to frameworks folder, 461

tomyPos header file, 462

apps for

myStory_01, 371373

preinstalled, 363366

third-party, 369370

coding, 404406

apps for MapKit framework, 412426

MapKit parsing, 406412

memory management of Storyboard objects, 405406

protocols, 404405

preliminaries for, 373

template for, 374403

annotation file, 376378

coding, 389399

frameworks, 379383

images, 383388

Storyboard file, 401403

MapMyRide app, 369

Maps app, 366

mapView, connecting to MKMapView, 403

Mark, Dave, 20

Master-Detail application template, 490491

MasterViewController, 503513

Media files, 98

memory leaks

avoiding, 88

and header files, 9899

tools for, 328

memory management, 136, 405406

meridians, 372

methods, 79, 9596

Metro Paris Subway app, 369, 371

minus sign (-), 95

misspelled labels, 147

MKAnnotation protocol, 390

MKMapView, connecting to mapView, 403

MKMapViewDelegate protocol, 394

MODEL section, 152

Model-View-Controller (MVC), 151153

monkey method, 79, 95

Moraco, Stephen A., 412421, 425

Moraco, Stephen M., 412421

Move button, touches app, 208209

adding actions to header file, 187

naming, 170

tracking state of, 183

multimedia platforms, myiTunes application, 487520

coding, 502517

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489

storyboard, 493502, 517520

mutability, 135137

mutual exclusivity, 284

MVC (Model-View-Controller), 151153

My Programs folder, 58

myDetailViewController class, 464, 483

myDetailViewController implementation file, in myStory_02 app, 465473

myiTunes application, 488520


DetailViewController controller, 513517

overview, 502512

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489


finalizing, 517520

organizing popover in, 493502

myMasterTableViewController, 451458, 472

myPos file, NSObject object, 389392

myPos header file, 462463

myPos.h file, 389392, 469471

MyStory app, 255324

overview, 256

storyboarding configuration for, 258276

view controllers for, 276286, 300322

myStory_01 app, 371373

myStory_02 app, 433458

files for, 434435

images for, 438439

myDetailViewController implementation file, 465473

myMasterTableViewController implementation file, 451458

overview, 433

single view template, 436437

storyboard in, 440441, 474486

table view controller for, 442451


N shortcut, 53, 58, 106

Name string, 86


cells, 502

navigation bar, 486

outlets, 177

navigation bar, renaming, 486

Navigation-based Application template, 33, 54

Navigation Controller

adding, 476

MyStory app, 264265, 270, 280

Navigation Pane, 37

Navigator View, 64, 123, 140141

neurology, learning and, 217220

New Project wizard, 58, 106, 160162

Next button, 5859

nib files, 36, 49, 9396, 112, 141

nonatomic directives, 189

nonatomic property, 118, 131138

NSArray object, 192

NSObject object, myPos file, 389392

NSString statement, 8688, 9899

NSURL class, 248

NSURLRequests, 312

NSZombie, for debugging, 328


Objective-C class, 362

creating, 375378, 449

history of, 1819

objects, 98, 134

online help for Xcode IDE, 358

openURL method, 248

operating system (OS), 1, 34

organization, of files, 450451

orientation, 516

OS (operating system), 1, 34

Outlet code, 75


adding images to tabs in switches app, 241242

adding to touchesViewController header file, 176182

creating, 40

using on @properties, 394

Output NSString, 86

Output string, 86


PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), 18

Parent class, 96

parser feeds, testing, 410

parser method, starting, 410412

parsing, 409412

adding methods to view controller, 410

getting data from web, 409

Google server, 468471

from Internet, 406409

overview, 433

starting parser method, 410412

starting point, 409

testing parser feed, 410

PDFs, for this book, 31

performSegueWithIdentifier, 282, 297

Peterson, Steven, 406

platforms, myiTunes application, 487520

coding, 502517

images, 492493

Master-Detail application template, 490491

preliminaries, 489

storyboard, 493502, 517520

plist file, 111

plus sign (+) symbol, 95

.png file, 60

Pointer Reference, 62

pointers, 133135, 149150

popovers, 519

organizing in storyboard, 493502

overview, 488

pound sign (#) symbol, 149

prepping before coding, importance of, 388

Press Command + Tab, 58

Press Me button, 58, 68, 77

private member variables, 453

Pro iOS 5 Tools, 357

Product Name box, 59

programming landscape, 23

project, adding images to, 224227

Project Navigator icon, 37

properties, 135138

Properties frame, 116

protocols, 404405

MKAnnotation, 390

MKMapViewDelegate, 394

pseudoiPad, 53


Quick Help, Xcode, 97, 358359

QuikMaps app, 369


radio operators locator app, 412421

read-only objects, 136

read-write objects, 136

Redraw View Mode, Xcode, 253

Rege, Satish, 425429

requirements, 117

resources, Beginning iPhone 4 Development, 20

Resources Folder, 66, 110112

retain directives, 99, 118, 131134, 136138, 189

Return shortcut, 35, 53, 70

return type, 79

Root View Controller, MyStory app, 270, 272

Round Rect Button, MyStory app, 268

Routesy Bay Area San Francisco Muni and BART app, 406, 408

Run button, 91

running apps

oniPad Simulator, 5054

on iPhone Simulator, 3450

on physical devices, 55

switch app, 227230

runtime, vs. compile-time, 253


Safari, 11

sandboxing, 248

saving, app files, 8384

saving work, 49

Scale To Fill View Mode, Xcode, 251

Scheme drop-down menu, 52

screencasts, 31, 102

SDK (Software Development Kit), 1, 7

Search for location function, 364

Second View controller, switch-mistake app, 340

Second View, Tabbed Application, 230, 237242

SecondViewController.m file, 350

SecondViewController.xib file, 239

security verification window, 15

segues, 265, 270, 273, 281, 283284, 293

creating, 478480

pronunciation and definition of, 432

ShowMapDetail, 473

setAnimationTransition method, 212

Shark, for debugging, 328


Command + Q shortcut, 34, 52, 55, 58

Command + Return shortcut, 74

Command + S shortcut, 40, 83, 146

Command + Shift + N shortcut, 35

Command + Tab shortcut, 34, 55, 60

Control + Command + Down Arrow shortcut, 73

Control + Command + Up Arrow shortcut, 73

Control+S shortcut, 49

N shortcut, 53, 58, 106

Return shortcut, 35, 53, 70

Show this window when Xcode launches option, 26

ShowMapDetail segue, 473

Shrink button, touches app, 157, 201208

adding action to header file, 184186

adding to header file, 181182

creating scaling for, 194

naming, 170

tracking state of, 183

SIGABRT error, 81

Single View Application template, 106, 160, 258, 374

single view template, in myStory_02 app, 436437

Size inspector, 97, 173

software, checking for new, 6

Software Development Kit (SDK), 1, 7

Software Update option, 45

splash screen images, 520

importing, 385, 438

moving to correct folders, 386387

overview, 383

split views, overview, 488

squiggly brackets, 40, 46

STAIR.png, 104105, 114, 120

Standard Editor, 4546, 7374, 139

Standard program, 10

Standard View, 83

start state, setting, 192

statements, writing, 130

static analysis, for debugging, 359

static cells, creating grouped, 496

static identifier, 399

Storyboard file, for MapKit framework, 401403

Storyboarding, overview, 253


finalizing, 517520

and iOS4, 323324

in myStory_02 app, 440441, 474486

organizing popover in, 493502

overview, 323324

strings, in helloWorld_03 app, 86

structs, touches app, 157

subtitles, creating for Table View Cell, 497

superviewDidLoad superclass, 191

Supporting Files folder, 6062, 109

switch app, 217253

buttons in, 244250

and Content View Modes, 251253

creating app, 222223

images for

adding to project, 224227

obtaining, 221

running, 227230

tabs in, customizing, 230242

views in, 242243

switch-mistake app, 329356

bug in, 343346

comparing source files, 347356

creating project, 330333

views in, 334343

symbol navigator pane, 41

symbols, 9596

synthesis, 118, 191

synthesisc concept, 146

synthesizestatments, 130


Tab key, 47

Tabbed Application template, 222, 330

Table View Controller

associating with myMasterTableViewController, 457458

for myStory_02 app, 442451

Table Views, populating, 495

tabs, in switch app, 230242

Tall Eye app, 370


File templates, 98

forMapKit framework, 374403

annotation file, 376378

coding, 389399

frameworks, 379383

images, 383388

Storyboard file, 401403

Master-Detail application, 490491

Navigation-based Application template, 33, 54

Single View Application template, 106, 160, 258, 374

single view template, in myStory_02 app, 436437

Tabbed Application template, 222, 330

View-based Application template, 35, 58, 106

test app, creating, 28

testViewController.h file, 29


buttons, changing with state, 202

displaying, 8788

editor, for debugging, 327

manipulating, 8687

Text Field object, 58, 6770

text property, 88

textBox, 7577, 8182, 86, 88, 96, 99

textFieldShouldReturn method, 8889

toolbag, 88

tools, for debugging, 326329

analyzer, 359

Debugger Console window, 357

debugger window, 327

documentation, 358, 329

Fix-it, 357

GDB console, 327

logs, 327328

NSZombie, 328

Shark, 328

text editor, 327

unit testing, 328

top layer, 103, 105, 113, 133

Top Left View Mode, Xcode, 252

touches app, 155216

andCGAffineTransformstructs, 157182

header file for, 182191

implementation file for, 191213

array of wallpapers, 192193

CGAffineTransformMakeScale method, 194

CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation method, 194195

change button, 210213

move button, 208209

setting background image, 195196

shrink button, 201208

synthesis in, 191

touchesMoved method, 196201

viewDidLoad method, 191192

running, 213216

touchesMoved method, 196201

touchesViewController header file

coding, 182190

connecting items to code, 174182

touchesViewController.m file, 191194

touchesViewControllernib file, 167

traffic camera app, 421425

traffic monitoring app, 425429

transitions, MyStory app, 274

Twitter Spy app, 370


Ü character, creating, 315320

Über Geek controller, MyStory app, 298, 302, 314

UIButton class, 182

UIButtonView, 280

UIImage, using with imageNamed method, 193

UIImageViews class, 65, 113, 117, 126, 131, 133, 136, 138, 171172

MyStory app, 279

overview, 266267

switch-mistake app, 339

switches app, 233234

UIKit class, 130134, 136138, 152

UILabel class, 41, 44, 117118, 131, 133134, 136138

UINavigationController, 264


coding Change button, 211

forMyStory app, 261

UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut method, 211

UIViewController class, 4041, 44, 131132, 134, 137, 304, 446448

UIViewControllers, MyStory app, 279

unit testing, for debugging, 328

Use Automatic Referencing Counting option, 59

Use Storyboard option, 59

user interface, for helloWorld_03 app

connecting to code, 7382

overview, 6372

Utilities folder, 39

Utilities Icon, 37

Utilities Inspector pane, 69, 337

Utilities Pane, 37, 65, 80, 263

Utilities View, 64, 97



myiTunes app files, 489

myStory 01, 373

MyStory app, 257

switches app, 221

touches app, 156

View-Based App option, 53

View-based Application icon, 58

View-based Application template, 35, 58, 106

view controllers, 393394

adding methods to, 410

adding to storyboard, 274278

implementation file for, 395399

MyStory app, 276286, 300322

adding Web View to, 302

placement of, 282

setting class of, 308

View Design area, 6365, 6769, 7274, 93

View frame, 113

View Modes, Xcode, 235, 251

View screen, 113114

VIEW section, 152

View Selector option, 37, 40, 45

ViewController class, 36, 4346, 84, 131, 136, 153

ViewController.h file, 44, 131, 136

ViewController.m file, 44

ViewController.xib file, 36

viewDidLoad method, 143, 344346

myStory 01 app, 395

touches app, 191192

viewDidLoad, switches app, 242

viewDidUnload method, 84, 197

viewing controls, Xcode, 262


APRS Map app, 419

in switch app, 242243

in switch-mistake app, 334, 343


wallpapers, arrays of, 192193

web browser, Safari, 11

web, getting data for parsing from, 409

Web View, MyStory app, 302314

webView outlet linkage, 313

Welcome to Xcode screen, 2526, 34

work, saving, 49

Wozniak, Steve, 18

writing statements, 130



iOSSDK.mpkg, 1415

for Lion link, 13

shrinking size of, 163

touches app, 160

Xcode folder, 36

Xcode icon, 14, 34

.xib files, 36, 9396, 132, 153

creating, 462

nonatomic, 189

retain, 189

synthesizing, 191


yourName variable, 149


zoom modes, Xcode, 262

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