Achaemenid Empire, 21

Afghanistan, postrevolutionary Iran, 91–92

Africa, postrevolutionary Iran, 101

Age structures, 8

Agriculture sector, 117, 140–141

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 29, 53, 78, 160

Ale-Ahmad, Jalal, 39

Ali, Imam, 65–66

Anglo-Russian Agreement, 24

Arab-Islamic conquest, 14, 22

Assembly of Experts, 79–80

Automotive industry, 136–137

Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan, 28

Bazaaris, 122–123

Bazargan, Mehdi, 28, 39, 51

Bonyads, 121

Carpet industry, 138–139

Carter, Jimmy, 49, 60

Cement and construction materials, 137

China, postrevolutionary Iran, 100

Colossal energy producer, 125–126


cultural collectivism, 200–202

haggling, 199–200

hierarchical distance, 200–202

high-context, 195–197

linguistic protocols, 199–200

low-context, 195–196

promotion and, 169–171

proxemics, 198–199

temporal orientation, 197–198

Conspiracy theories, 189

Consumer behavior, 166

Consumption, 167–168

Corrupt business behavior, 159–160

Corruption Perception Index (CPI), 159

Council of Guardians, 78–79

CPI. See Corruption Perception Index

Dasht-e Kavir desert, 3

Dasht-e Lut desert, 3

Demographic trends, 7–9

Dress code, 43–44

Ease of Doing Business approach, 148–151

E-commerce, 177–179

Economic diversification, 135–136

Education system, 44–46, 175

Enabling Trade Index (ETI), 150–151

Energy market

colossal energy producer, 125–126

consumption, 126–127

natural gas, 130–133

oil sector, 127–129

potential for, 133–134

Ethnic groups, 12–16

Ethnic minorities, 16–17

ETI. See Enabling Trade Index

EU. See European Union

European Union (EU), 99

Expediency Council, 80

Fallaci, Oriana, 188

Family system, 40–41

FAO. See World Food and Agriculture Organization

FDI. See Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 147

Foucault, Michel, 60

French Civil Code, 25

Gas sector, 114–115

Global Enabling Trade Report, 151

Global Hunger Index, 33

GNI. See Gross National Income

Good vs. evil dichotomy, 189–190

Great Civilization, 186

Gross National Income (GNI), 33

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States, 89–90

Haggling, 199–200

Hall, Edward T., 195

HDI. See Human Development Index

Hedonic shopping, 166

High-context communication, 195–197

Hizbollah, 89

Hossein, Imam, 69, 190, 192

Housing industry, 172

Human Development Index (HDI), 33, 188

Human resources management

compensation, 163–164

leadership, 164

performance appraisal, 163

selection and staffing, 162–163

training and development, 163

Humor, 200

Hussein, Saddam, 51–52, 190

Imam, Ali, 192

IMF. See International Monetary Fund

India, postrevolutionary Iran, 100–101

Inflation, 111–114

Information technology, 139–140

Inglehart’s theory, 34

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 46, 148

International trade, 118–119


age structures, 8

demographic trends, 7–9

ethnic groups, 12–16

ethnic minorities, 16–17

linguistic groups, 12–16

linguistic minorities, 16–17

natural environment, 5–7

physical geography, 3–4

physical map, 4

religious minority groups, 17–19

settlement, 9–12

steady socioeconomic development, 33–34

urban geography, 9–12

Iran history

ancient times, 21–22

Arab-Islamic conquest, 22

constitutional revolution, 23–24

humiliation by West, 23–24

Islamic Republic, 28–29

Islamic Revolution, 27–28

Mongol invasion, 22–23

Pahlavi Dynasty, 24–25

pre-Islamic era, 21–22

Safavid Dynasty, 23

themes and trends, 29–32

Iranian banking system, 154–157

Iranian chivalry, 192–193

Iranian Communist Party, 39

Iranian Constitutionalist movement, 24

Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 15

Iranian culture, 181–182

harmony, 191

hierarchical distance, 184–186

pick-axe society, 186–187

short-term orientation, 186–187

traditional and collectivist culture, 183–184

Iranian intellectuals, 38–40

Iranian market

clothing and footwear, 175

E-commerce, 177–179

education, 175

food and, 172–173

gold and jewelry, 176

health care and pharmaceutical, 176–177

housing industry, 172

leisure and recreation, 177

market potential and consumption, 167–169

online shopping, 177–179

retail and distribution, 168–169

telecommunication, 174

transport, 174

Iranian nationalism, 182–183

Iranian Plateau, 3


dress code, 43–44

education system, 44–46

family, 40–41

identity, 83–84

intellectuals, 38–40

role of youth, 46–47

sexual conduct, 41–43

Iranian zeal, 192–193

Iran-Iraq War, 9, 15, 17, 28

Iran’s economy

agriculture sector, 117

bazaaris, 122–123

bonyads, 121

future prospects, 123–124

historical view, 107–108

industrialists, 123

inflation, 111–114

international trade, 118–119

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, 121–122

labor market, 111–114

manufacturing sector, 115–116

oil and gas sectors, 114–115

overview of, 108–111

service sector, 116–117

small business, 123

state-owned companies, 120–121

Iran’s National Organization for Civil Registration, 8

Iraq, postrevolutionary Iran, 90–91

IRGC. See Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

ISIS. See Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Islamic Republic

construction, reform, and counter reform, 28–29

opposition, resilience, and survival, 84–86

political system, 75

structure, power relations, and decision making, 81–83

war and domestic violence, 28–29

Islamic Republic components

Assembly of Experts, 79–80

Council of Guardians, 78–79

Expediency Council, 80

Judiciary, 80–81

Parliament, 79

President, 77–78

Supreme Leader, 76–77

Islamic Revolution, 7, 15, 27–28, 44

accelerated modernization, 55–57

aftermath of, 50–53

charismatic leader, 49–50

complex nature, 54–55

conspiracy theories, 60–61

economic causes, 58–59

nationalism, 59

rebellion against dictatorship, 57–58

spirituality needs, 59–60

third-worldist perspective, 59

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), 121–122

Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’, 76

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 66

Islamist-Marxist terrorist group, 28

Islamization, undesired effects, 38

Israel, postrevolutionary Iran, 88–89

Jihad, 69

judiciary, 80–81

Jurist Guardianship, 71

Khamenei, Ali, 29, 53, 77

Khatami, Mohammad, 29, 39, 53, 77

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 15, 26–27, 49–51, 53, 55–56, 59–60, 71, 75–76, 83

Labor market, 111–114, 160–161

Lake Orumiyeh, 3, 5

Latin America, postrevolutionary Iran, 101–102

Lebanon, postrevolutionary Iran, 94

Linguistic groups, 12–16

Linguistic minorities, 16–17

Linguistic protocols, 199–200

Low-context communication, 195–196

Machinery and equipment industry, 137

Mahdi, Imam, 27

Manufacturing sector, 115–116

Market potential, 167–168

Masoomeh, Hazrat, 73

Medium-sized businesses, 152–154

Mining industry, 141–142

Ministries of Health and Medical Education, 8

Mistrust, 189

Modernization process, 37–38

Modernizing society, 34–36

Moscovici, Pierre, 148

Motahhari, Morteza, 39

Moussavi, Mir Hossein, 29, 53

Nasreddin, Mullah, 200

Natural gas

imports and exports, 131–133

production, 131

reserves, development, and production, 130


cultural collectivism, 200–202

haggling, 199–200

hierarchical distance, 200–202

linguistic protocols, 199–200

proxemics, 198–199

temporal orientation, 197–198

Nonoil sectors, economic diversification

agriculture sector, 140–141

automotive industry, 136–137

carpets, 138–139

cement and construction materials, 137

machinery and equipment, 137

mining industry, 141–142

petrochemical industry, 145

pharmaceutical industry, 138

prospects, 145–146

residential construction, 144

retail sector, 144–145

steel industry, 137–138

telecom and information technology, 139–140

tourism industry, 143

transportation industry, 142–143

urban infrastructure, 144

Oil sector

Iran’s economy, 114–115

reserves and production, 127–129

Online shopping, 177–179

OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 125, 127, 129

Pahlavi, Ashraf, 60

Pahlavi Dynasty, 24–25

Pahlavi, Reza Shah, 25, 36, 56, 76

Pahlavi rule, 44–45, 54

Pakistan, postrevolutionary Iran, 92–93

Palestinian militant groups, 94

Paradox of women’s conditions

Islamic Revolution, 36–37

Islamization, undesired effects, 38

modernization process, 37–38

Parliament, 79

Petrochemical industry, 145

Pharmaceutical industry, 138, 166–167

Physical geography, 3–4

Pick-axe society, 186–187

Postrevolutionary Iran

Afghanistan, 91–92

Africa, 101

Caspian Region, 93–94

Central Asia, 93–94

China, 100

European Union, 99

Gulf Cooperation Council States, 89–90

India, 100–101

Iraq, 90–91

Israel, 88–89

Latin America, 101–102

Pakistan, 92–93

Russia, 102–103

Syria, Lebanon, and Palestinian Militant Groups, 94

Turkey, 94

United States, 95–98

President, The, 77–78

Privatization, 151–152

Promotion, 169–171

Prophet Mohammad, 64–65, 67, 70

Proxemics, 198–199

Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi, 29, 53

Rebellion orientation, 191–192

Religious minority groups, 17–19

Residential construction, 144

Retail sector, 144–145, 168–169

Reza Shah, Mohammad, 26–27, 55

Rouhani, Hassan, 147

Russia, postrevolutionary Iran, 102–103

Safavid Dynasty, 23

Safavi, Shah Ismail, 23, 31

Service sector, 116–117

Settlement, 9–12

Shahnameh (Book of Kings) (Ferdowsi), 32

Shariati, Ali, 39, 64

Shariatmadari, Ayatollah, 71

Shia Muslims, 11, 15, 17, 63–65

Apocalyptic wiew, 70–71

clerical organization, 68

commemoration and mourning rituals, 69–70

emulation, 68

guidance, 68

Jihad, 69

Jurist Guardianship, 71

martyrdom, 69

practical and ceremonial differences, 70

religious organization, 71–73

religious teachings, 68

Small-sized businesses, 152–154

State-owned companies, 120–121

Statistical Yearbook of Iran, 152

Steady socioeconomic development, 33–34

Steel industry, 137–138

Stevens, Rick, 188

Strait of Hormuz, 125

Subjugation, 191

Sunni-Shia relations, 63–67

Supreme Leader, 76–77

Syria, postrevolutionary Iran, 94

Taleghani, Mahmud, 39

Tehran, 10–11

Tehran Stock Exchange, 157–159

Telecommunication industry, 139–140, 174

Temporal orientation, 197–198

Tourism industry, 143

Transportation industry, 142–143, 174

Turkey, postrevolutionary Iran, 94

United States, postrevolutionary Iran, 95–98

Urban geography, 9–12

Urban infrastructure, 144

Velayat Faghih, 71

Wall Street Journal, 148

WEF. See World Economic Forum

White Revolution, 26, 56

Workplace, women in, 161–162

World Economic Forum (WEF), 147

World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 140–141

World Health Organization, 5

World Value Survey, 182–183

World War I, 25

World War II, 25

Youth, role of, 46–47

Zoroastrianism, 19

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