
Aab: water

Aabad: a suffix used in place names meaning a habitable community, village, or city

Ahura Mazda: a deity of goodness and light in Zoroastrianism, literally the Wise God

Andarooni: inner

Ayatollah: a title for high-ranking Shia clerics

Basij: a paramilitary volunteer militia organization under the order of the Supreme Leader

Basiji: a member of the paramilitary volunteer militia organization

Baten: the inner truth

Bonyad: a revolutionary and religious foundation engaged in economic and business activities

Birooni: outer

Chelo: saffroned Persian rice

Chelo-Kabab: saffroned Persian rice and kabab

Faghih: a Shia jurist

Hijab: a veil that covers the head and chest

Hoseiniyeh (Huseiniyeh): a Shia congregation place serving as site for religious ceremonies especially during the anniversary of Imam Hossein’s martyrdom

Imam: one of the 12 Shia religious leaders

Imamzadeh: a shrine-tomb of the descendants of Imams who are related to Prophet Mohammad

Iran-shahr: the Greater Iran, the regions of western, central and southern Asia that have been under Iranian rule

Jameheh-ye Kolangi: “pick-axe society,” a society marked by short-termism

Koncour: a standardized test used as one of the means to gain admission to public universities

Majles Shoora Eslami: the Iranian Parliament

Marja: a high ranking Shia cleric

Mojahedin: (People’s Mojahedin of Iran): a left-leaning Islamist-Marxist group opposing the Shah and the Islamic Republic regimes

Partibazi: benefiting from the advantages to which one is not entitled by establishing privileged interpersonal relationships

Pool-Chai: literally tea expenses, small bribes

Mojtahed: a high-ranking cleric who masters the religious jurisprudence and theology

Ostan: Iranian name for province

Ostandar: governor of a province

Qanat: a series of well-like vertical shafts, connected by sloping tunnels

Raante: rent

Ravabet: relationships

Taarof: a mixture of polite and friendly expressions and gestures

Tazieh: a theatrical passion play

Vali-Faghih: the Supreme Leader

Velayat Faghih: guardianship of the jurist

Zaher: the appearance

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