
Abenomics policies, 57–58

ACTA. See Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

ADB. See Asian Development Bank

ADBI. See Asian Development Bank Institute

Advanced economies challenges, 336–341

Advanced economies prospects, 48–49

Advanced market risks, 75–103

AEC. See ASEAN Economic Community

Anti-Corruption Action Plan, 320

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), 9

Arab Spring, 42, 293–296

Arab Spring, economic impact of, 231–232

ASEAN. See Association of South East Asian Nations

ASEAN BAC. See ASEAN Business Advisory Council

ASEAN-BAC Survey on ASEAN Competitiveness, 192

ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC), 192

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), 191–194

ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC), 192

economic convergence and interdependence, 192

single market and production base, 192

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 4, 348–349

Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), 30

Asset quality review, European Banking Authority, 58

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), 22, 191

Brunei Darussalam, 194–196

Cambodia, 196–198

GDP, 31, 32

Indonesia, 198–201

influences of, 28–35

international trade effects in, 193

Laos, 201–203

Malaysia, 203–206

member countries, list of, 30

Myanmar, 206–209

Philippines, 209–213

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), 33

Singapore, 213–215

Thailand, 215–216

unit labor costs, relative levels of, 34

Vietnam, 216–217

Bananagate scandal, 315

Barron, Patrick, 115–117

Bastiat, Frederic, 119–120

Beggar-thy-neighbor policy, 115

Beijing-based Unirule Institute of Economics, 94–95

“Beyond Economic Growth” (Soubbotina and Sheram), 286

Black holes of global finance, 314

Blanchard, Olivier, 48

Boone, Elisabeth, 305–306

Bottom-of-the-pyramid customers, 28


and currency rate, 79

emerging markets, economy of extremes, 71–74

International Monetary Fund(IMF), 136–138

and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 240

Breakfast clubs, 190

Bribery Act, 188

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries, 7–8, 22, 24, 133–164

coping with de-dollarization, 154–160

GDP, 37

global influence, challenge of, 39

global influential ascend, 153–164

IMF-like development bank, capitalization of, 160–164

influences of, 35–39

U.N. budgets, participation and contribution to, 38

Brunei Darussalam, 194–196

Building Better Global Economic BRICs (O’Neill), 35

Business intelligence, importance of, 279–290

Cambodia, 196–198

Capital Control Measures, effectiveness of, 84

Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), 161


and currency rate, 77–78

emerging markets, challenges, 67–71

International Monetary Fund, 147–149

and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 243–244

CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa), 22

breakdown of, 169

vs. BRIC economies, 167

Colombia, 169–171

corruption, problem of, 187–190

definition of, U.S Department of Justice, 189–190

Egypt, 177–180

emerging market, 165–169

Indonesia, 171–173

influences of, 39–41

market performance, 166

Next Eleven (N-11) countries, 40–41

South Africa, 184–187

Turkey, 181–184

Vietnam, 173–177

CMI. See Chiang Mai Initiative

Colombia, 169–171

foreign investment in, 171

GDP growth rate, 170–171

seguridad democrática (democratic security) policy, 170

U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, 170

Consumer price index (CPI), 47, 82, 88, 110

Corruption, 309–333

challenges of combating, 312–315

levels, by country, 309–310

political participation and accountability, importance of, 319–321

poverty, 316–319

prevention, software and web-based analysis, 330–332

Corruption Perceptions Index, 96

CPI. See Consumer price index

Crime, 309–333

prevention, software and web-based analysis, 330–332

Currency exchange rates, 79

Currency rate, 77–85

Bank of Japan (BOJ) and, 79

Brazil and, 79

and capital flows, 81–85

China and, 77–78

consumer price indices, 82

control, 81–85

devaluation, threats of, 80

direct intervention, 80

European Central Bank, 79

foreign exchange taxes, 83

interest rates, 80

leading export and import traders, 78

managed flexible exchange rate, 83

quantitative easing (QE), 77, 80, 81

United States, 77–78

Currency suicide. See Currency war

Currency war, 17, 77.See also Currency rate

BRICS countries and, 114

exchange rates, against dollar, 113

and global economies, 112–115

value in devaluation, 118–122

wealth and subsidy transfer, to foreigners, 116–117

Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis (Rickards), 114

Debt level reductions, 10–13

Déséglise, Christian, 38

Dodd-Frank financial overhaul bill, 50

Doi Moi (“Renewal”), economic reform package, 174

EBR. See European Business Registry database

ECB, SeeEuropean Central Bank

Economic freedom, 50

Economic growth, Asia and, 282–284

Economic liberalization, 142

Economic nationalism, 98–102

fiscal stimulus and financial bailouts, 98–99

response to, 101–102

Economic order, new, 284–290

Economics in One Lesson (Hazlitt), 119

Economist Intelligence Unit, 25

EEU. See Eurasian Economic Union

Egypt, 177–180

economy, 177–178

emerging and frontier markets, 344

GDP growth, 180

IMF, 179

Nasser, Gamal Abdel and, 177

Pew Center’s Global Attitudes Project, 178

unemployment and inflation, 178–179

YaLibnan, Lebanese news, 178

Emerging countries, World Bank and, 22

Emerging market crisis, coping with, 335–358

Emerging Market Potential Index (EMPI), 266–267

Emerging markets, 63–74

advanced vs., 47–74

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), 22

Brazil, economy of extremes, 71–74

capitalism, new form of, 66–67

case studies, 275–276

challenges, 352–355

challenges and opportunities, 341–342

China’s Challenges, 67–71

counter-influence of, globe, 21–46

Egypt, 344

entry mode, 259–277

GDP and, 24–26, 32

impact of, on global economy, 65–74

indicators to institutions, 266, 268

Indonesia, 344–345

institutional voids, opportunities filling, 268–270

Iran, 345–346

Kraft-Cadbury, in India, 276

manufacturing bases, 266

McDonalds, in India, 276

multinational companies, failure of, 261–265

Nigeria, 346

overview, 259–261

Pakistan, 346–349

Philippines, 349–350

ranking, 265–267

recovery from global financial crisis, 357

risks, 75–103

sourcing destinations, 266

stimulating domestic demand

policies, 63

strategic choices for companies, 270–275

target markets, 266

Turkey, 350

Vietnam, 350

EMPI. See Emerging Market Potential Index

Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), 140

European Business Registry (EBR) database, 331

European Central Bank (ECB), 13, 16, 88, 89

The European Union, global economic prospects, 58–62

asset quality review, 58

euro crisis, 58–60

GDP, 60–62

Maastricht Treaty, 58

olive growing countries, 58–60

Eurozone crisis, 15

Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World (Bremmer), 6

Ewing, Jack, 48

Exchange control, 303

Extortion, Private and Public: The Case of Chiquita Banana (Paul), 328

FCL. See Flexible Credit Line

FCPA, SeeForeign Corrupt Practice Act

Financial repression, 15, 16, 17, 19

Financial system vulnerabilities, 284–290

Fiscal austerity, 11, 60

Flexible Credit Line (FCL), 341

Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA), 188

corruption and crime, 309–333

criticism, 327–330

enforcement, billion-dollar fines and jail time, 325

grease payments, 323

Increase in U.S. Department of Justice enforcement, 323

Securities and Exchange, actions brought by, 322

violations, 324–327

“Fragmentation and East Asia’s Information Technology Trade” (2004), 283

Frontier markets

Bangladesh, 343–344

challenges and opportunities, 341–342

Egypt, 344

highlights of, 343

Indonesia, 344–345

Iran, 345–346

Nigeria, 346

Pakistan, 346–349

Philippines, 349–350

Turkey, 350

Vietnam, 350

Fukuyama, Francis, 6

Future of Dollar Hegemony (Zoffer), 159

GCC. See Gulf Cooperation Council

G-7 countries, 286

economies and, 1–19

global financial crises, 13–19

power dynamics and multipolar world, 7–9

real government bond yields, 18

G-8 countries, 4–5

G-20 countries, 286

economies and, 1–19

global financial crises, 13–19

indebtedness impact, emerging markets, 10–13

list of, 2

power dynamics and multipolar world, 7–9

GDP. See Gross domestic product

Geoghegan, Michael, 40

Gini index, 72

GLIN. See Global Legal Information Network

Global Corruption Index, 188

Global economic prospects, 47–74

currency war and, 112–115

The European Union, 58–62

GDP, 109

G-7 economies, 106

G-20 economies, 106

IMF, 109

Japan, 54–58

quantitative easing (QE), 106–107, 111

United States, 50–54

at War, 105–122

Global Legal Information Network (GLIN), 331

Global market crisis, coping with, 335–358

Global trade, rebalance of, 123–131

cumulative current accounts, GDP, 124

current account deficits, nations with, 129

exports, GDP, 125

fiscal cliff, 130

G-7 and G-20 nations, 128

great recession, 126

imbalance of global economy, 127

Great Depression, 13

Great recession, 4, 126

Gross domestic product (GDP), 10–12

advances in, 4

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries, 37

Colombia, 170–171

Egypt, 180

and emerging markets, 24–26, 32

The European Union, global economic prospects, 60–62

global economic prospects, 109

global trade, rebalance of, 124, 125

Indonesia, 171

Japan, global economic prospects, 55–56

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 45, 225–226

South Africa, 185, 187

Turkey, 182–184

World Bank, top economies by, 2–4

Gross world product (GWP), 1

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 45

G-Zero phenomenon, 6

Happy Planet Index (HPI), 74

Harper, Stephen, 10

Hazlitt, Henry, 119–120

Hot money, 17, 172

HPI. See Happy Planet Index

Hutchinson, Martin, 168

Imagining India: the Idea of a Renewed Nation (Nilekani), 143

IMF. See International Monetary Fund

Import restrictions, 303

Indebtedness, 10–13


emerging markets, 276

International Monetary Fund, 141–146

and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 241–243

Indonesia, 171–173, 198–201

automakers in, 172

cheap financing, 172

emerging and frontier markets, 344–345

external debt in, 173

foreign direct investment in, 172

GDP growth rate, 171

high commodity prices in, 173

hot money, 172

infrastructure spending in, 173

Industrialization, 281–282

Indus Valley civilization, 141

Inflation, defined, 85

Inflation targeting, 85–91

with advanced economies, 86–90

advantage of, 86

central banks, summary of, 87

characterization of, 86

with emerging economies, 90–91

monetary-policy strategy, 86

transmission mechanism, 85

Institutional voids, 27, 268–270

Interest rates frequency distributions, 14, 18

International Anti-Bribery Act of 1998, 315

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2, 6, 24, 39, 44, 47, 48, 133–164

Brazil, 136–138

BRICS global influential ascend, 153–164

China, 147–149

India, 141–146

Russia, 138–141

South Africa, 149–153

Iran, emerging and frontier markets, 345–346

Islamic caliphate, 348

Japan, global economic prospects, 54–58

Abenomics policies, 57–58

GDP, 55–56

global financial crisis of 2008, 55

Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, 55

inflation rate, 110

OECD, 55

public debt ratio, 56–57

Kant, Immanuel, 119–120

Khaleej Times article, 44

Labor problems, 303

Laos, 201–203

Load shedding, 151

Local-content laws, 303

Logit analysis, 298

Maastricht Treaty, 58

Macro-prudential regulations, 17

Maierbrugger, Arno, 32

Malaysia, 203–206

Marcus Goncalves Consulting Group (MGCG), 280

Market research, importance of, 279–290

Martin, Paul, 1

MENA. See Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

MESH. See Middle East Strategy at Harvard project

MGCG. See Marcus Goncalves Consulting Group

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 22, 292

Arab Spring, economic impact of, 231–232

Brazil and, 240

BRICS countries and, 250

China and, 243–244

corruption index, 229–230

exports and imports, 233

export-to-GDP ratio, 236

foreign direct investment (FDI) in, 227, 237–239, 251–252

GDP, 225–226

GDP growth rates, 45

global and emerging market Crisis, 350–352

governance systems, indicators, 251–252

high inflation, 231

India and, 241–243

influences of, 41–46

integration of BRICS with, 239–240

international tourism receipts, 228

intra-regional trade, 232–237

long-term issues of, 228–239

low entrepreneurship levels, 230–231

map of, 220

non-fuel exports, 226

opportunities in, 252–253

overview of, 219–228

population size, 221, 223

population size and growth, 43

public sector, labor market distortion, 230

Russia and, 240–241

South Africa and, 244–250

historical perspectives, 245–246

investments inflow and trade,

perspectives on, 246–250

trade diversification, 232–237

trading partners, major, 233

unemployment rates, 228–229

United States and, 254–257

World Economic Outlook

projections, 45

Middle East Strategy at Harvard (MESH) project, 42

Modern global economic evolution, 281–282

Myanmar, 206–209

Nakba Day, 297

NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAWA (North Africa-West Asia), 41

New York Times article, 48

Next Eleven (N-11) countries, 40–41

Nigeria, emerging and frontier markets, 346

Nilekani, Nandan, 143

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 293, 310

Obamacare, 50

OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report

Operating risks, country ranking by, 302

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report, 28–29

Organized crime. See Crime

Pakistan, emerging and frontier markets, 346–349

Pakistan on the Brink (Rashid), 347

PBOC. See People’s Bank of China

People’s Bank of China (PBOC), 68, 101–102

Pettis, Michael, 128

Philippines, 209–213

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), 209–213

emerging and frontier markets, 349–350

Plaza Accord, 114–115

PMI. See Purchasing Managers Index

Political and economic risks, coping with, 291–307

Political risks

assessing, 297–305

confiscation, 301

country profiling assessment matrix, 298

country ranking by, 302

domestication, 302

economic and cultural nationalism, 300

government types, sampling of, 299–300

managing, 305–307

sovereignty, 299

Political unrests, 292–297

Poverty, corruption and, 316–319

PPP. See Purchasing power parity

Price controls, 303

Public debt ratio, Japan, 56–57

Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), 69–70, 176

Purchasing power parity (PPP), 35, 148

Qatar National Bank Group (QNB Group), 45

QNB Group. See Qatar National Bank Group

Qualitative easing programs, 280

Quantitative easing programs

currency rate, 77, 80, 81

global economic prospects, 106–107, 111

tapering, 90

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 324

Reducing Trans-Atlantic Barriers to Trade and Investment: An Economic Assessment (research study), 9

Repression tax rate, 16

Reserve requirement ratio, 68

Rickards, James, 105, 114

Rickards, Jim, 17

RICO. See Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

RiskRadar, LexixNexis, 188


International Monetary Fund, 138–141

and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 240–241

SASAC. See State-Owned

Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission

Schwab, Klaus, 140

Security Council, U.N., 6

Shiite protest movement, 294

Singapore, 213–215

South Africa, 184–187

economy, 184

GDP growth, 185, 187

IMF, 184, 186

inflation-targeting policy, 187

investment in, 185

and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 244–250

OECD, 184

World Bank, ranking, 186

World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness report, ranking, 186

Stakeholders, 288, 289

State capitalism, 91–97

response to, 97

risks associate with, 94–97

State Hypocrisy on Anti-Bribery Laws (Kinsella), 328

State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), 95

Stiglitz, Joseph, 6

Strategic Intelligence: Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, and Knowledge Management (Liebowitz), 330

Tax controls, 303

Thailand, 215–216

The Growth Map: Economic Opportunity in the BRICs and Beyond (O’Neil), 36

Think India (Rai and Simon), 144

Thornton, Grant, 190

TPP. See Trans-Pacific Partnership

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 8–9, 286

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 8–9, 33

Transparency in Corporate Reporting:Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals (Transparency International), 188

Travel warnings, 304–305

Troyjo, Marcos, 38

TTIP. See Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Turkey, 181–184

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, 182

economy, 181

emerging and frontier markets, 350

Forbes magazine survey, 181

GDP growth, 182–184

OECD, data from, 182

privatization program, aggressive, 181

World Bank, prediction, 182

UNDP. See United Nations Development Program’s report

UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization report

United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) report, 72

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report, 73

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 311

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), 311

United States, global economic prospects, 50–54

debt ceiling, 51

Dodd-Frank financial overhaul bill, 50

economic freedom, 50

Obamacare, 50

treasuries, 54

Value in devaluation, currency war, 118–122

delaying real reform, 121

against fiat currencies, 119

against gold, 118–119

insights from Kant, Bastiat and Hazlitt, 119–120

monetary expansion, boom-bust cycle, 120–121

moral hazard of welfare state, 122

wealth-transfer agent, exporter as, 121

Vietnam, 173–177

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 216–217

credit default swap (CDS), 176

Doi Moi (“Renewal”), economic reform package, 174

economic achievement and challenges, 176–177

emerging and frontier markets, 350

foreign investment, 176

Ministry of Industry and Finance, statistics from, 175

Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), 176

revenue from retail sales and services, 175

socialist-oriented market economy, 174

traditional markets, 175

Vietnam Association of Retail, 175

World Bank, prediction, 174, 175, 176

WTO, member of, 173, 175

WANA (West Asia and North Africa), 41

Ward, Robert, 39

World Bank, 6, 22, 140, 162

World Bank Group, 309

World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report, 144, 145–146

Zoffer, Joshua, 158–159

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