

ability to read body language, 4

accuracy in body language, 5

accuracy in reading body language, 4

actors, emotions and, 137-138

admiration, kids lying and, 178

affectation hand gestures, 123

Aggressor Handshake, 28

anger, displaying, 144

anger facial expression, 60

ankles, crossed, 162

anxiety, 5

displaying, 145

lying and, 191


attraction and, 264

facts about, 49

job interviews, 221

appreciation, displaying, 151

argumentum ad hominem, 200

argumentum ad ignorantiam, 200

assertions, repeated, 202

assumptions, 5

attachment anxiety, 44-45


inattentive blindness, 7-8

kids lying and, 178

attraction, 263. See also dating

appearance and, 264

curvy women, 272

eye gazing, 265-266

hair, 268

legs, 269

lip licking and, 270

mystique, 272, 277

over-the-shoulder glance, 271

repeated exposure, 264

shoes and, 269

stance, 270

vulnerability and, 267

attractiveness, physical, 46-48

auditory body language, 77

auditory learning style, 78

Australian cultural differences, 103

authority, hand gestures, 129

averted eyes, 5


back pats, dating and, 273

barriers, lying and, 192

baselining, 12-13

beards/mustaches, 47

behaviors, comparing/contrasting, 13-14

Belgian cultural differences, 104-105

big words (LIWC), 209

blank stare in job interviews, 231

body angles

away from, 190

job interviews, 231

body language

accuracy in reading, 4

myths, 4

building rapport, 9-11

Bush, George H.W. and V gesture, 102


Cambodian cultural differences, 105

cell phones, dating and, 275

CEO Handshake, 23

Chilean cultural differences, 107

chin stroking in negotiation, 254

Chinese cultural differences, 106

Churchill, Winston and V gesture, 102

client meeting exercise, 14-15

Closer Handshake, 24

closing presentation, 242-243

clothing, 38

clothes audit, 39-41

color, 50-51

emotional purchases, 40

enclothed cognition, 38

job interviews, 221-228

men’s needs, 42-43

out of date, 40

shoes, 44-45

various sizes, 40

women’s needs, 41

collar rubbing, negotiation and, 250

color psychology, 50-52


phrases used and learning style, 85-88

words and, 18

comparing/contrasting behaviors, 13-14

compassion, hand gestures, 128

competency, facial expressions and, 62

concealment, 187

confidence, displaying, 139, 141

conflict resolution, negotiation and, 258


hand gestures, 125

seating arrangements, 257

critical thinking in negotiation, 253

criticalness, displaying, 149

crossed ankles, 162

crossed arms, 152

cultural differences, 102

Australia, 103

Belgium, 104-105

Cambodia, 105

Chile, 107

China, 106

East Africa, 109

India, 110

Italy, 110-111

left hand, 110, 116

misunderstood, 117

Peru, 113, 115

curvy women, attraction and, 272


dating, 263. See also attraction

back pats, 273

cell phones and, 275

Eye Gazing Parties, 265

feet position, 163, 165

interested, 278

last-minute invitations, 274

losing interest, 278

shifting eyes, 275

shoulder turned away, 276

wandering eyes, 273

day-to-day lies, 187


body angled away, 190

clues, 190-194

concealment, 187

demeanor, 189-193

displaying, 142

documentation, 196-197

duping delight, 195

fear of being disbelieved, 213

hot spots, 189

ignorance, appeals to, 200

self-deception, 187

deceptive truths, 204-206

demeanor, deception and, 189-193


displaying, 146

feet, 167

detecting deception, 188-189

disgust facial expression, 58

display of emotion

actors, 137-138

anger, 144

appreciation, 151

confidence, 139, 141

critical, 149

crossed arms, 152

deception, 142

depression, 146

flirtation, 143

low self-esteem, 140

nervousness/anxiety, 145

pay attention, 148

power play, 150

self-doubt, 147

documenting clues, 196-197

Dominator Handshake, 28

doubt, self-doubt, 147

duping delight, 195


East Africa cultural differences, 109

Ekman, Paul, 174

Wizards, 197

Ellsberg, Michael, The Power of Eye Contact, 265

embarrassment, kids lying and, 178

emblems (hand gestures), 101-102


creating, 138

negative emotion words, 209

positive emotion words, 209

tone of voice and, 207

universal facial expressions, 54

emotion display, 138

actors, 137-138

anger, 144

appreciation, 151

confidence, 139, 141

crossed arms, 152

deception, 142

depression, 146

flirtation, 143

low self-esteem, 140

nervousness/anxiety, 145

pay attention, 148

pay critical, 149

power play, 150

self-doubt, 147

emotional clothing purchases, 40

enclothed cognition, 38

entrance, job interviews, 222

euphemism, lying and, 206

evaluation in negotiation, 254

exaggeration, lying and, 200


client meeting, 14-15

information access, eyes and, 95

mirror exercise for facial expressions, 57-60

eye contact, 5, 69. See also eye gazing

first impression quick fixes, 29-30

learning style and, 97

men and, 266

pupils, 70

shifting eyes, 71

truth and, 91

women and, 266

eye gazing

attraction and, 265-266

Eye Gazing Parties, 265

eye pull, 71

lying and, 192

eyebrows, 62

raising in job interviews, 230, 232


averted, 5

dating, shifting, 275

eye reading scenarios, 97-99

information access exercise, 95

job interviews, 225

learning style and, 97

locking, deception and, 190

lying and, 99

NLP and, 92-94

pupils, negotiation, 249

wandering, dating and, 273


face hidden, lying and, 192

face scratching, negotiation and, 249

face-reading, 53-54

facial expressions, 53

anger, 60

competency and, 62

disgust, 58

eye contact, 69-71

eye pull, 71

eyebrows, 62

fear, 60

first impressions and, 61

happiness, 59

head tilt and nod, 63

involuntary, 56

job interviews, 226

lack of, 73-74

lip pump, 65

mirror exercise, 57-60

poker face, 73-74

sadness, 59

scenarios, 72-73

smiles, 65

smirk, 68

smug, 68

superior, 58

surprise, 57

universal, 54

facial hair, 47

fear facial expression, 60

fear of punishment, kids lying and, 174-176

feet, 155

blushing, 167

crossed ankles, 162

depression, 167

firmly planted, 161

position, 156-158, 163-167

reading, 168-169

rocking on, 160

shoes, soles, 159

tapping, 168, 232, 247

finger pointing in negotiation, 248

finger steeple in negotiation, 255

first impressions, 17

facial expressions, 61

job interviews, 219-232

quick fixes, 22-34

snap judgments, 18

flared nostrils, negotiation and, 250

flirtation, displaying, 143

foot position, job interviews, 223

function words (LIWC), 208


General Inquirer, 210

gestures. See also hand gestures

crossed arms, 152

cultural differences, 102-117

grooming, negotiation and, 247

illustrators, 121-129

lying and, 194

speeches, 131-135

job interviews, 228

symphony conductors, 122

gratitude, displaying, 151

greetings, 103-113, 222

grooming gestures, negotiation and, 247


hair, attraction and, 268

hair stylists, rapport building, 10

hairstyles, 41, 46

Hallock, Joe, 51

hammerhead gesture in speeches, 131

hand gestures, 101. See also gestures

crossed arms, 152

emblems, 101-102

illustrators, 101-102, 121-135

job interviews, 228

negotiation, 247-255

peace sign, 102-103

steeple, 129

presentations, 239-242

symphony conductors, 122

V gesture, 102

hand placement, job interviews, 224

hand press gesture in speeches, 132

handshakes, 22-28

happiness facial expression, 59

head nods, 64

first impression quick fixes, 30

job interviews, 228

head tilt

first impression quick fixes, 30

nod and, 63

hiding face, lying and, 192

high-stakes lies, 186

hints, deceptive truths and, 205

Hogan, Kevin, The Psychology of Persuasion, 46

Holmes, Warren D., 199

hot spots for deception, 189

hyperbole, lying and, 206


I (LIWC), 209

iconic hand gestures, 123

ignorance, lying and appeals to, 200

illustrative hand gestures, 121

affectation, 123

authority, 129

compassion, 128

cooperation, 125

iconic, 123

inspiration, 127

metaphors, 122

motivation, 126

persuasion, 123-124

punctuation, 129

regulators, 122

speeches, 131-135

visualization, 129

illustrators (hand gestures), 101-102

lying and, 194

immigration officers, 13

inattentive blindness, 7-8

inconsistencies, lying and, 188-189

Indian cultural differences, 110

inflection, lying and, 213

information access, eyes and, 94

innuendo, lying and, 205

inspiration, hand gestures, 127

Internet, online presentation, 37

interpretation, 3

interviews. See job interviews

involuntary facial expressions, 56

Italian cultural differences, 110-111


job interviews, 219

abrupt end, 231

apparel color, 228

blank stare, 231

body angles, 231

dress, 221

employer leaning back, 229

employer leaning in, 232

entrance, 222

eyebrow raise, 232

eyebrow raises, 230

eyes, 225

facial expression, 226

foot placement, 223

foot tapping, 232

greeting, 222

hand gestures, 228

hand placement, 224

head nods, 228

preparation, 220

smiles, 232

time checking, 229

tour, 232

waiting area, 220

what to bring, 220

jury duty, 35-36


Karate chop in negotiation, 247

kids, lying and, 173

admiration, 178

attention, 178

fear of embarrassment or shame, 178

fear of punishment, 174, 176

motivations, 174-179

need to please, 181

peer pressure, 176-177

personal gain, 176

protection from harm, 177-178

reasons for, 173, 181

scenario, 182-184

white lies, 180-181

kinesthetic body language, 78-79

kinesthetic learning style, 79


lack of facial expression, 73-74

last-minute invitation for a date, 274

laughter, lying and, 191, 214-215

Laveau, Marie, 10

law enforcement

immigration officers, 13

rapport building, 9


persuasive presentations, 236-243

suggestology, 235-236

leakage, 13

leaning away, negotiation, 252

leaning back, job interviews, 229

leaning in, job interviews, 232

learning styles, 75

auditory, 77-78

auditory body language, 77

eye reading and, 97

kinesthetic, 79

kinesthetic body language, 78-79

phrases used, 85-88

quizzes, 79-82

scenarios, 82-85

visual, 77

visual body language, 76

left hand use in other cultures, 110

left-handed gestures, 116

legs, attraction and, 269

limp wrist in speeches, 134

lip licking, attraction and, 270

lip pump, 65

listen to me, displaying, 148

LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count), 208

big words, 209

function words, 208

I, 209

lying and, 210

negative emotion words, 209

positive emotion words, 209

social words, 209

text analysis origins, 210

locking eyes, deception and, 190

loophole lying, 203

low self-esteem, displaying, 140

lowered voice, lying and, 213

lying, 5

body angled away, 190

clues, 190-194

concealment, 187

day-to-day lies, 187

definition of lie, 186

demeanor, 189-193

detecting, 188-189

displaying, 142

documentation, 196-197

duping delight, 195

eyes and, 99

fear of being disbelieved, 213

high-stakes lies, 186

Holmes, Warren D., 199

ignorance, appeals to, 200

inconsistencies, 188-189

kids and, 173-184

LIWC and, 210

magicians and, 186

versus nervous speech, 212

obfuscation and, 201

partial truths, 188

poker players and, 186

polygraph tests, 211

self-deception, 187

styles, 199-206

types of lies, 186

voice and, 212-215

Wizards, 197

words and, 212


magicians, lying and, 186

meanings, 4

men, eye contact, 266

metaphoric hand gestures, 122

minimal encouragers in negotiation, 259

mirror exercise for facial expressions, 57-60

mirroring, 11-12

rapport building and, 11

missing the obvious, 7-8

monotone, lying and, 214

motivating hand gestures, 126

mumbling, lying and, 214

mustaches/beards, 47


attraction and, 272

dating and, 277

myths about body language, 4


negative emotion words (LIWC), 209


chin stroking, 254

collar rubbing, 250

conflict resolution, 258

critical thinking, 253

evaluation, 254

face scratching, 249

finger pointing, 248

flared nostrils, 250

grooming gestures, 247

hand closed, 256

hand over mouth, 252

hand to cheek, 253

hands rubbing together, 247

Karate chop, 247

leaning away, 252

minimal encouragers, 259

pupil dilation, 249

reserved judgment, 252

resistance, 252

rocking, 247

seating arrangement, 257

squirming, 252

steeple with fingers, 255

tap-dancing feet, 247

Trump, Donald, 245-246

wedding ring twist, 251

nervous speaking versus lying, 212

nervousness/anxiety, displaying, 145

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), 92

eyes and, 92-94

sensory or representation systems, 93-96

nodding head, 64

job interviews, 228

nonresponsive liars, 204

norming, 12

nose scratching, 5

nostril flare, negotiation, 250


obfuscation, 201

observation, repeated, 6

online presentation, 37

open gestures, quick fixes to first impressions, 33-34

out-of-date clothing, 40

over-the-shoulder glance, attraction and, 271


pace of words, lying and, 213

partial truths, 188

participation prompts for presentations, 237

peace sign, 102-103

peer pressure, kids lying and, 176-177

Pennebaker, James W., The Secret Life of Pronouns, 208

personal assessment, first impression, 20-22

personal gain, kids lying and, 176

persuasive hand gestures, 123-124

persuasive presentations, 236

closing, 242-243

hand gestures, 239-242

introductions, 237

participation prompts, 237

spatial anchoring, 236-239

welcome, 237

Peruvian cultural differences, 113-115

pettifoggery, lying and, 201

phrases used, learning style and, 85-88

physical attractiveness, 46

facial hair, 47

hairstyle, 46

piercings, 48

tattoos, 48

piercings, 48

pinball flipper flap gesture in speeches, 133

pointing, negotiation and, 248

pointing gesture in speeches, 131

poisoning the well, 202

poker face, 73-74

poker players, lying and, 186

polygraph tests, 211

position of feet, 156-158

crossed ankles, 162

dating, 163, 165

firmly planted, 161

leaving premises, 167

reading, 168-169

relaxed, 166

soles of shoes, 159

tapping, 168

wrapped around chair leg, 165

positive emotion words (LIWC), 209

posture, quick fixes to first impressions, 32-33

posture changes, lying and, 193

The Power of Eye Contact (Ellsberg), 265

power play, displaying, 150


attractiveness, 46-48

clothing, 38-45, 50-51

presentations, 236-243

Princess Grip Handshake, 27

protection from harm, kids lying and, 177-178

psychology of color, 50-52

The Psychology of Persuasion (Hogan), 46

pulling at the eye, 71

punctuation, hand gestures, 129

punishment fears, kids lying and, 174-176

pupils, 70

dilation, negotiation and, 249


quick fixes to first impressions

eye contact, 29-30

handshakes, 22-28

head nods, 30

head tilt, 30

open gestures, 33-34

personal assessment, 20-22

posture, 32-33

smile, 30

teeth, 31

walking style, 31

quizzes, learning style, 79-82


rapport building, 9-10

mirroring and, 11

reading faces. See face-reading

reading feet, 168-169

reasons for lying, kids, 173

red herring, 199

referral, lying by, 203

regulators, hand gestures, 122

repeated assertions, lying, 202

repeated exposure, attraction, 264

repeated observation, 6

reserved judgment in negotiation, 252

resistance in negotiation, 252

rocking, negotiation and, 247

rocking on feet, 160

Rodriquez, Alex, lying, 194

rubbing hands together, negotiation, 247


sadness facial expression, 59


eye reading, 97-99

facial expressions, 72-73

kids lying, 182-184

learning styles, 82-85

scratching, 5

seating arrangements, cooperation and, 257

The Secret Life of Pronouns (Pennebaker), 208

self-deception, 187

self-doubt, displaying, 147

self-esteem, low, 140

sensory or representation systems, 93-96

shame, kids lying and, 178

shifting eyes, 71

dating and, 275

shoes, 44-45

attraction and, 269

soles showing, 159


over-the-shoulder glance, 271

shrugs, lying and, 191

turned away, 276

smiles, 65

first impression quick fixes, 30

job interviews, 232

lying and, 191

smirk, 68

smug, 68

smirk, 68

snap judgments, 18

social networking, 36

social words (LIWC), 209

soles of shoes, 159

spatial anchoring, 236

presentations, 238-239

speeches, hand gestures

do’s and don’ts, 135

hammerhead, 131

hand press, 132

limp wrist, 134

pinball flipper flap, 133

pointing, 131

squirming, negotiation and, 252

stalling, lying and, 214

stance, attraction and, 270

steeple gesture, 129

Stone, Philip, 210

styles of learning, 75

auditory, 78

auditory body language, 77

kinesthetic, 79

kinesthetic body language, 78-79

phrases used, 85-88

quizzes, 79-82

scenarios, 82-85

visual, 77

visual body language, 76

styles of lying

argumentum ad hominem, 200

argumentum ad ignorantiam, 200

deceptive truths, 204-206

exaggeration, 200

loophole lying, 203

lying by referral, 203

nonresponsive liars, 204

pettifoggery, 201

poisoning the well, 202

red herring, 199

repeated assertions, 202

testing the waters, 204

third-person referral, 203

You don’t understand, 202

suggestology, 235-236

superior facial expression, 58

surprise facial expression, 57

sweaty palms, 26

symphony conductors and gestures, 122


tapping feet, 168

negotiation and, 247

tattoos, 48

teeth, first impression quick fixes, 31

testing the waters, lying and, 204

text analysis origins, 210

Thank You Handshake, 24, 27

third-person referral, lying and, 203

Tibetan greeting, 116

tilting head, 63

time checking in job interviews, 229

Trump, Donald, 245-246


eye contact and, 91

partial, 188


universal facial expressions of emotions, 54

V gesture, 102

visual body language, 76

visual communicators, 77

visualization, hand gestures, 129


emotion and, 207

LIWC, 208-210

lying and, 212-215

vulnerability, 267


walking style, 31

wandering eyes, dating and, 273

watch checking in interview, 229

wedding ring twist, negotiation and, 251

Weintraub, Walter, 210

Wet Limp Fish Handshake, 26

white lies, children and, 180-181

Wizards, lie detection and, 197


eye contact, 266

head nods, 30

words, communication and, 18

You don’t understand, lying and, 202

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