Data Definitions

Primary Role
Job title: nurse manager/associate nurse manager/nurse educator or quality specialist/registered nurse
Years of Service
Number of years employed as a nurse at this hospital
Org Level
Organizational level is either Leader or Nurse Professional
Employment status
Full-time/part-time/per diem
Highest nursing degree held
Acute inpatient care unit
Hospital unit where the nurse works
EBP Favorability
Aggregation of responses to the question “All of the practice changes so far have been practical and fit well with the workflow of the unit.” Favorable contains the agree and strongly agree responses, Unfavorable contains strongly disagree, disagree and neutral
Practicality & Workflow 3 point
Aggregation of responses to the question “Evidence based practice does not take into account the limitations of my practice setting.” Agreement contains the agree and strongly agree responses, Disagreement contains strongly disagree, disagree and neutral
Last updated: October 12, 2017
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