
A&C see British Arts and Crafts

Aalto, Alvar   4041

absolute poverty  55

academic disciplines    3334, 85

activism  2, 520, 82

actors   167169

adaptive capacity   187201

Adbusters  18, 43, 87, 103, 157

Aeron chair  107

affordable housing  113

Agenda 21   24, 5657

agriculture   6263

Alabama Chanin  103

algae production  93

alternative design approaches   4349, 71, 210

altruistic approaches  18, 26, 48, 144146

Amazon Mechanical Turk  172

An Affair with a Chair   98101

anthropocentric capital  89

anthropocentric perspectives  5

anti-activism  157

anticipatory democracy   196200

Anti-Design movement  42, 209

approaches/frameworks   2022

appropriate technology   4547

architecture   1718, 47, 125, 127, 170

Arnadottir, Thorunn   116119


art   1718, 195196

Art Deco  207


characterization  83

communication   8893

critical role of   8586

cultural acceptability  107

history   3334, 36

old and new  189

under-consumers  125

Art Nouveau  38, 203204

avant-garde  26

awareness raising   8695, 129132, 231233

back stories  67

Bakker, Conny  48

banking systems  193

Bauhaus   3941, 206

Baygen Clockwork radios  129

Baylis, Trevor   108109, 129

beaded clocks   116119

beauty   87188

Béhar, Yves  132

behavioural aspects  59, 78, 8695

Bel Design  48, 208

Berners-Lee, Tim  144

Bey, Jurgen  105106

biocentric perspectives  5, 17, 43, 67, 109

bio-cyclicity  106107

biodiversity  55, 6367

biotic assets  191193

Birkeland, Janis  24, 113, 189

Blackspot footwear  103

Boase housing development  112113

bonding social capital  7

Bonsiepe, Guy  142

van den Boom, Judith  104105

bottled water  89, 92

Bowyer, Adrian  103104, 174

Brand, Stewart  45, 123, 188

Braungart, Michael  106, 195

bridging social capital  7

British Arts and Crafts (A&C)  37, 49, 203

British Pop Art  41

Broadbent, John  147

Broken White  115, 117

brokered manufacturing  103104

Brown, Tim  189

Brundtland, Gro Harlem  23

Buckminster Fuller, Richard  4142

Cambodia  127, 130

capital  610, 191, 193

capitalism  187

carbon dioxide  57, 5960

cars  89, 109111, 175

Carteret Islands  5859

Celle chair  107

Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales  46

ceramic filters  127, 130, 132133

ceramics  127129

certification  103

chair design  98101, 107


agents  20, 230, 232233

creating  6, 27

cultural  48

global commons  55

habits  8788

rapid  141142

see also transformation

Changing the Change, Turin  77, 84, 189190, 229

Changing Habits project  8788

Chanin, Natalie  103

characterizing design activism  8283

charcoal stoves  127128

child mortality  216

China  193

cities  23, 8889, 109111, 175

CityCar  89, 109, 111

client systems  152154, 196

climate change  5560, 6869, 191

Clock of the Long Now  123

clocks  88, 92, 101102, 116119, 123

clothing  114115

c,mm,n car  110111

co-creation  231233

co-design  95, 141, 143160, 167, 179, 193, 195196

Codha Chair  107

collaboration  145, 156, 169173

collaborative customization  174

collective approaches  95, 105


awareness raising  50, 8795

ICT  144

networks  170

SCALES  230, 232233

technological change  72

community-based approaches  121122, 175

computers  132, 144

conferencing  169171

Constructivism  205


awareness raising  87

contesting  113121

ecological capacity  6365

efficiency  86, 194

regulatory services  36

resources  61

unsustainable  67

water  125

contemporary expressions  77–  138

context-informed practices  34

contextualizing design activism  8185

continuous present  188189

co-operation  145

Cooper, Rachel  50

copyleft licences  146

corporate social responsibility  72

counter-narratives  27

cradle-to-cradle thinking  195, 230

Creative Commons  146, 194

credit crunch  67, 69, 193

critical design  84, 120

crowdsourcing  156, 172173

Crystal Palace, London  37

Cuba  56, 62, 193

Culiblog  122

cultural level

acceptability  107

avant-garde  26

capital  69

change  48

giving form to    3336

customized design  95101, 174

CuteCircuit  119

cutting patterns  175, 194

cyclicity  106107

cyclic, solar and safe design  195

Daly, Herman  188

Datchefski, Edwin  195

Day Labor Station  127

Debord, Guy  43

DEEDS  229233

default activism  108

de-future  188

democracy  196200

demonstration artefacts  83, 85, 107

Denmark  125126

descriptors, design  3, 20

design  15, 8283, 109110

design for the environment (DfE)  4749, 212

see also eco-design

designer-led events  177178

Design with Nature  4344

Design for Need  4445, 210

Design for the Other 90%47, 77, 126

Design for the Real World 45, 44

Designs of the time 2007 (Dott07)  121122, 148

design for sustainability (DfS)  8485

Design to Order  173

Des-in  4546

De Stijl  205

Deutscher Werkbund, Germany  38, 204

developed countries  64

DfE see design for the environment

DfS see design for sustainability

directionality  36, 87, 189

diseases  126, 216217

disciplinary aspects  2, 4, 20, 3334, 85

distributed collaboration  169173

distributed manufacturing  95

DIY technology  4547

3D modelling software  173174

do Create  100102

domestic appliances  115116

Dott07 project see Designs of the time  2007

downloadable designs  103104, 110, 174175, 194

Dresner, Simon  23

Droog Design  48, 100102, 105

dualism  25, 55

Dunne, Antony  120121

Dymaxion Corporation  41

dynamic artefacts  83

Eco-cathedral  123124

eco-design  25, 4748

see also design for the environment


climate change  5960

futures  194

history  4749

improvements in  107113

production  70

resources  61

SCALES  230, 232233

sustainability  25, 8586

eco-lifestyles  157

ecological capacity  6367, 191192, 195

ecological design  211

ecological footprints (EF)  6469, 125, 190

ecologists, Postmodern  4245

economic level

climate change  59

credit crunch  67, 69, 193

degrowth  188189

financial capital  67, 911

globalization  187

inequity  6871

models  3536

ecosystems  63, 195

education  78, 129132, 215

see also learning

EF see ecological footprints

effectiveness assessment  83, 85

efficiency see eco-efficiency

elderly people  155

electronics  119121

elephants  64

elitism  26

Elkington, John  47

embodied cultural capital  8

Emerging Users Demands For Sustainable Solutions (EMUDE)  79

EMUDE see Emerging Users Demands For Sustainable Solutions

enterprise models  193

entredonneurs  151

entrepreneurial artefacts  83

entry level visualization tools  173

environmental level

contesting consumption  113121

legislation  72

movements  41, 49

sustainability  217

equality  67

equity  23

essential minerals  62

ethical aspects  103, 231233

Europe  72, 200

evacuation  5859

events  9395, 177183

exclusion  8586, 155

Existenzminimum  38

experiences focus  115120

explorations  82, 84

external motivations  1820

extinction  64

FabLabs  174

Fab Tree Hab  109110

facilitation  177179, 181

Fair Trade  103

Fallman’s triangle  8182, 8485

farming, urban  121122

feedback  182

financial (economic) capital  67, 911

First Things First manifesto  43

Fischer, Gerhard  151

Five Capitals Framework  610

Flamp  109

flash mobbing  173

flow  6

FLOWmarket  89, 92


domestic appliances  115

organic  108, 158159

production  62, 67, 93, 122

under-consumers  127129


ecological  6469, 125, 190

water  91, 125

Force4  112113

Freeplay Energy plc  129

free software  144

freshwater resources  6263

Front  115, 118

Fry, Tony  36, 87, 188

Fuad-Luke, Alastair  141

Functionalism  3839, 48

functionality  101102

functionings  154

furniture  3940, 98101, 105107, 175

future aspects  141, 188200

Future Currents  95, 97

Future Farmers  93

Futurism  205

Gablik, Suzi  196

Garden Bench  105106

Garland, Ken  43

gas liquids  62

gender  68, 216

Germany  38

Giraffe Innovation  8788

globalization  141, 187

global level  5575, 218

Global Tools  42

Godisa Technologies  132133

Goff, Bruce  188

Good Design  40, 48, 208

Good Form  40, 48, 208

Gore, Al  59

graphic design  1718, 43, 133134

Great Exhibition,  1851 37

Green, Cay  95, 9899

green consumers  47

Green Drinks  177

greenhouse gases  57, 5960

green lifestyles  157

Green Maps  175

Gros, Jochen  4546

Grow Fur  95, 9899

Grown-Furniture  106

Guixé, Martí  101, 109

habit changing  8788

Hagstroem, Mads  89, 92

halfway products  95101

Hamilton, Richard  41

happiness  71, 190191

HDI see human development index

HDPE see high density polyethylene

Heads Together  121

health  132133, 216

hearing problems   132133

Heijdens, Simon  115, 117

Heinberg, R  8687

Herman Miller  107

hertzian space  120

high density polyethylene (HDPE)  107

High-Tech Design  212

history of design  3352

HIV/AIDS  126, 216217

van Hoff, Dick  115116

Hoinkis, Monika  115, 117

holistic approaches  24, 40, 45, 47, 229230, 232233

Holmgren, David  47

Home Zones project  121

housing  38, 112113, 127

van Houweling, Molly  146

The Hug Shirt  119


capital  67, 910, 13, 17, 193

centred design  189

product relationships  113, 115

water needs  6263

human development index (HDI)  56

humanist perspectives  43, 147

hunger  215

Hurricane Katrina  58

hydrogen cars  110111, 175

ICT see information, communication and technology

Illich, Ivan  148

inclusion  85

inclusive design  155156

income  68

INDEX  125126

industrial aspects  3637, 101, 141, 188, 221

Industrial Revolution  35, 49

inequality  6769

inequity  64, 67, 6971

informal events  177

information communication  8788

information, communication and technology (ICT)  144

see also computers; internet

informed participation  151

infrastructural capital  9

Innivo Design  106

Innocentive  173

institutional aspects  79, 24, 72

intellectual property (IP)  143, 145146, 172

intention  1820

intentional design activism   2426

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  5758

Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG)  4647

International Buy Nothing Day  93

International Style  3940, 206207


co-design  95, 143

downloadable designs  103104, 194

mass collaboration  156

metadesign  151

online approaches  169173

open source design  144

participation  167

invisible forces  120121

IP see intellectual property

IPCC see Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

issue-led design  2024

Italian movements  42, 209

ITDG see Intermediate Technology Development Group

jazz standards  80

Jégou, Francois  7879

Jencks, Charles  35, 141

Julier, Guy   3334, 79

Kenya Ceramic Jiko  127, 129

Kerkeritz, Timm  88, 9091

Kessleskramer  100101

KHRAS  112113

King Hubbert, Marion  61

Kith-Kin  104

Kluster  173

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa  126

Kyoto Protocol  57

labelling  103

land availability  62

laptops  132

large-scale events  179

laser sintering  174

LCA see life cycle analysis

LCT see life cycle thinking

Leadbeater, Charles 156

leadership  230, 232233

learning  147, 154, 231233

see also education

Leeds, UK  79, 121

left-handed people  8586

Leopold, Aldo  41

Le Roy, Louis  123124

licences  146, 194

Liddle, Richard  107

life cycle analysis (LCA)  44, 230

life cycle thinking (LCT)  44, 230

life experiences  115120

The Lifetimes Project  114115

Linden Research  172

Linux  144145, 156

Living Planet Report, WWF  64

Living with Things  117

lobby groups  5, 60

local level  5575, 95, 191194

Long Now Foundation  123

low-emission scenario  5758

Lunchbox Laboratory  93

Lynas, Mark  5759

making, ways of  95107, 174175, 194

malaria  132, 216217

man-made (material) goods capital  6, 89, 1617

manual approaches  115116

manufactured capital  6, 810, 14, 17

manufacturing  95, 103104, 174175, 194

see also production

Manzini, Ezio  7879

Maori people  200

mapping  8789, 167, 175

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US   8889, 109111, 174

mass collaboration  156, 172

mass customization  174

mass production  3738

materials intensity per unit service (MIPS)  67

maternal health  216

Matthews, Thomas  9394

maverick designers  195196

MAYA see most advanced yet acceptable

McDonough, W  106, 193, 195

McHarg, Ian  4344

MDP see measure of domestic progress

MEA see Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Mead, Margaret  77

measure of domestic progress (MDP)  71

meta-challenges  20

metadesign  151152, 221225

Methleys Olympics  121

Meyer, Hannes  39

migration  6769

Milan Polytechnic, Italy  7879, 94, 154

Milkota  158159

Millennium Development Goals  68, 7172, 215219

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA)  61, 63, 194195

mind-maps  1017

minerals  62

MIPS see materials intensity per unit service

miscellaneous activism  123, 133134

MIT see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

moderate-scale events 179

Modernism  35, 3741, 48

modular evolved products  101102

Mollison, Bill  47

MootSpace  196200

Morelli, Nicola  153

Morgan-Grenville, Gerard  46

Morris, William  37

most advanced yet acceptable (MAYA)  107

motivation  1820

MP3 players  108109

multidisciplinary networks  170

multi-stakeholder participation  180

Murray, Will  35

mutual interdependency  2324

mutual learning  147

national level  5960, 64, 6869

natural capital

activism  12, 17

depletion of  6061

ecological capacity  6364

Five Capitals framework 67, 9

sustainability  23

Natural Step model  70


design for  4445

satisfaction of human  152153

typologies  56

under-consumers  125

NEF see New Economics Foundation

Negroponte, Nicholas  132

the Netherlands  110111

networks  144, 154, 169170

new builds  113

New Design  212

New Economics Foundation (NEF)  71

New Orleans, US  58

new product development (NPD)  155

New Zealand  200

Ng, Swee Hong  127

Nishiyama, Kohei  173

non-designer-led events  177178

North countries  64

No Shop  9394

nourishment  46

NPD see new product development

OAN see Open Architecture Network

objectified cultural capital  8

objects of study  34

oil  43, 56, 6162, 95

Oliver, Vik  103104, 174

OLPC see One Laptop Per Child project

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project  132

One Small Project  127

online approaches  169173

see also internet

Open Architecture Network (OAN)  174

open source/design approaches  110111, 144145, 169, 173175, 177, 194

Oranggienbaum project, Germany  105106

Organic Design  40, 207208

organic food  108,  158159

OS hydrogen cars  175

Our Common Future  23, 56

over-consumers  56, 6869, 77, 86123

Oxfam bucket  129, 131

Papanek, Victor  45, 4445, 125

Paper Critters  104

ParaSITE  127128

participatory approaches  9495, 143160, 167, 180, 196

partnerships  218219

peak oil  43, 56, 6162, 95

People’s Apartment  3940

perceptions  8695

permaculture  47, 193

personalized design  95102, 104

pervasive but differentiated values 34

Petrini, Carlo  157

physical capital  910

Placebo Project  120121

planning events  177, 180

Plantware  106

plastics  61, 106107

political change  6

van der Poll, Marijn  101

Ponoko, New Zealand  104

pop design  4142, 209


awareness raising  88, 92

ecosystems  195

inequality  68

poverty  5556

under-consumers  125

water resources  63

positive development  24, 113, 189

positivism  157

post-industrial sites  113

positive slowness  194

Postmodernism  35, 4146, 49, 211

post-peak oil economies  56

post-war design  41, 208

poverty  5556, 6769, 215

precautionary principle  57, 59

preconfiguration  36, 87, 189

prefixes  2, 147

PricewaterhouseCoopers  70

primary education  215

prism of sustainability

contemporary design activism  7982, 85

disciplinary studies  4

equality  67

issue-led design  2425

see also sustainability

private events  177178

process interpretation 34

product design  4546, 170


customization  174

eco-efficiency  194, 230

food  62, 67, 93, 122

regulatory services  36

unsustainable  67

ways of  95107

see also manufacturing

product service systems (PSS)  67, 95

product–user relationships  113, 115, 150

professional design activism  25, 77, 99

Project 192021  88, 92

project communication  95

propositional artefacts  83, 85, 107

proprietary services  173

protest artefacts  48, 80, 83, 85

protest event analysis  7980

prototypes  8893, 110

PSS see product service systems

public events  177178

Pugin, Augustus  37

Q Drum transporter  129130

QoL see quality of life

quality of life (QoL)  55, 125

Raby, Fiona  120121

Radford, Tim  6061

Radical Design movement  42, 209210

radios  129

raising awareness  8695, 129132

Rakowitz, Michael  127128

Rationalism  42, 48

Rauskolb, Roger  146

rebound effect  49

recycling   106107

RED, Design Council, UK  95, 97

redirective theory and practice  87

REEE chair  107

Rees, William  64

reform  33

regeneration  194195

regional level  121122, 191193

regulation  36, 142

remote sensory experiences  119120

renewal  194195

replicating machines  103104, 174

replicating rapid prototypers see RepRap

reporting events  181182

RepRap  103104, 174

resources  4243, 6061, 71

result-orientated networks  154

retrofit  195

Rheingold, Howard  156, 173

Riemerschmid, Richard  38

Rittel, Horst  142

Roden Crater  123

Royal Society of Arts  8788

Ruiz de Azúa, Martin  98, 100

Rural Studio  128

Ruskin, John  37, 188

Sand County Almanac  41

Sanders, Liz  143

satisfaction of human needs  152153

SCALES see Special skills, Creating change agents, Awareness, Learning together, Ethical responsibilities and Synergy and co-creating

Schaap, Natalie  98101

Schmidt-Bleek, Frederich  86

Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich  47, 71

SCP see sustainable consumption and production

Second Life  172

self-design  99

SER Process Model  151

service artefacts  80, 83, 85, 125

shelter  126127

Simon, Herbert  45

Situationists International  43

Siyathemba  126127

SketchUp  173

slide shows  88

slow design  123, 157160, 194, 227

SlowLab  194

Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered 71

small-scale events  177, 179, 182

Smart Cities  8889, 109111

smart factories  105

smart mobs  156, 173

socialism  23

social aspects

Bauhaus  3941

capital  67, 910, 15, 17, 191, 193

change  48

cohesion  121122

creativity  151

design  152154

enterprises  194

housing  38

inequality  6769

movements  5, 26

networks  170

participation  146147

quality  153

software  167, 171172

values  196

socially active design  7879

societal responsibilities  189

software  144, 167, 169174

Solar Aid  132133

solo design   195196

Solomon, Debra  122

South Africa  126, 129

Spaceship Earth  42

Sparke, P  3334

special interest groups  5

Special skills, Creating change agents,

Awareness, Learning together, Ethical responsibilities and Synergy and co-creating (SCALES) 190, 229233

spiritual capital  10

Sprout Design  107

stackable cars  89, 109

stakeholders  167169

Stav, Yael  106

steam engine  3637

Stern, Sir Nicholas  59

stories  9395

strategic design  221

Streamlining  40, 207

suffixes  2

supermarkets  187


characteristics  82

co-operation  145

eco-efficiency  25, 8586

environmental  217

future  188191

industrial mindset  221

issue-led design  2024

wicked problems  142

see also prism of sustainability

sustainable business value  70

sustainable communities  121

sustainable consumption and production (SCP)  8, 67

sustainable development  23, 25, 56

Sustainable Everyday project  7879, 94, 96, 154

sweat shops  103

symbolic capital  6, 89

synergy  152, 193, 221222, 231233

System Reload  148

Tache Naturelle  98, 100

Tarrow, Sidney  5

TBL see triple bottom line

techniques for events  180182

techno-cyclicity  106107

technology  4547, 72, 141, 156

temperature, global  5758

Tempo project  175176

Tensta Konsthall  115116, 118

terminology  16

textiles  114115

Thorpe, Ann  7980

Three White Canvas Clocks  101103

time–space models  3536, 141

TOES see Towards Other Economic Systems

Toffler, Alvin  141, 196

Towards Other Economic Systems (TOES),1986  71

transcendence  84

transformation  6, 20, 27, 95, 150151

see also change

Transition Towns  47, 175, 180

travel  93,  9697

triple bottom line (TBL)  2425

Turrell, James  123

Tyranny of the Plug  115116

UCD see user-centred design

under-consumers  55, 77, 123134

United Kingdom  64, 66, 79, 93, 9697, 121, 125

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992  24, 5657

United Nations Millennium Development Goals  7172

United States of America  127

universal design  155156

unsustainable world issues  5575

urban areas  121122

user-centred design (UCD)  150, 155

user-innovation design  156

Utility Design  40, 208

Utrecht manifest  77, 154

UV wallpaper  115, 118

value meme (vMEME)  36

values  34, 70, 196

van Hinte, Ed  48

vase decoration  98, 100

Vehicle Stacks  109

Vienna Workshop  38, 204

Virtual Water  88, 9091, 125

virtual worlds  172

visualization sharing  173174

vMEME see value meme

Wackernagel, Mathis  64

Waentig, Heinrich  38

Wales, Jimmy  156

Walker, Stuart  8485, 101103

wallpaper  115, 118

Wang, Li-Chen  146

Warm Relationships  104105

waste heat/cooling  127


awareness raising  88, 9091

humans and agriculture  6263

under-consumers  125, 127129

Watercone®  129, 131

5 Ways Project  114115

WCED see World Commission on Environment and Development

wealth 71, 191

Web  2.0 technologies 156, 167

Wedgwood, Josiah  3637

well-being  46, 113, 191192

wicked problems  142

Wikipedia  144145, 156

Willis, Anne-Marie  87, 189

Wolfe, Shawn  196

women’s empowerment  216

Wood, John  36, 151152

workers  104106

world circle  158, 180182

World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)  56

Worldmapper  8789

World Wide Web  144145

Wright, Frank Lloyd  40

youth care centres  126

zero-emission hydrogen engine cars  110111

Zohar, Danah 10

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