List of Tables

Chapter 1. Meeting Camel

Table 1.1. The services that the CamelContext provides

Chapter 3. Transforming data with Camel

Table 3.1. Six ways data transformation typically takes place in Camel

Table 3.2. Prefixes supported by the XSLT component for loading stylesheets

Table 3.3. Data formats provided out of the box with Camel

Table 3.4. Data types that camel-csv uses when transforming to and from CSV format

Table 3.5. Data types that Bindy uses when transforming to and from CSV format

Table 3.6. Entities prepopulated in the Velocity context and that are available at runtime

Chapter 4. Using beans with Camel

Table 4.1. Registry implementations shipped with Camel

Table 4.2. Parameter types that Camel automatically binds

Table 4.3. Parameter-binding annotations provided by Camel

Table 4.4. Camel’s language-based bean binding annotations

Chapter 5. Error handling

Table 5.1. The error handlers provided in Camel

Table 5.2. Noteworthy features provided by the error handlers

Table 5.3. Options provided in Camel for configuring redelivery

Table 5.4. Headers on the Exchange related to error handling

Table 5.5. Properties on the Exchange related to error handling

Chapter 6. Testing with Camel

Table 6.1. Classes in the Camel Test Kit, provided in camel-test.jar

Table 6.2. Commonly used methods in the MockEndpoint class

Table 6.3. Expression-based methods commonly used on MockEndpoint

Table 6.4. Builder methods for creating predicates to be used as expectations

Table 6.5. Methods to control responses when simulating a real component

Table 6.6. Three techniques for simulating errors

Table 6.7. The three flavors of interceptors provided out of the box in Camel

Table 6.8. Noteworthy methods on NotifyBuilder

Chapter 7. Understanding components

Table 7.1. Components discussed in this chapter

Table 7.2. Components in the camel-core module

Table 7.3. Common URI options used to configure the File component

Table 7.4. Common URI options used to configure the FTP component

Table 7.5. Common URI options used to configure the JMS component

Table 7.6. When sending messages to a JMS destination, Camel body types are mapped to specific JMS message types.

Table 7.7. When receiving messages from a JMS destination, JMS message types are mapped to Camel body types

Table 7.8. Common URI options used to configure the CXF component

Table 7.9. Common URI options used to configure the MINA component

Table 7.10. Common URI options used to configure the JDBC component

Table 7.11. Common URI options used to configure the JPA component

Table 7.12. Common URI options used to configure the SEDA and VM components

Table 7.13. Common URI options used to configure the Timer component

Table 7.14. Common URI options used to configure the Quartz component

Chapter 8. Enterprise integration patterns

Table 8.1. EIPs covered in this chapter

Table 8.2. Sequence of invocations of aggregate method occurring at runtime

Table 8.3. Different kinds of completion conditions provided by the Aggregator EIP

Table 8.4. Properties on the Exchange related to aggregation

Table 8.5. Additional configuration options available for the Aggregator EIP

Table 8.6. Headers on Exchange related to redelivery

Table 8.7. RecoverableAggregationRepository configuration options related to recovery

Table 8.8. Properties on the Exchange related to the Splitter EIP

Table 8.9. Load-balancing strategies provided by Camel

Table 8.10. Failover load balancer configuration options

Chapter 10. Concurrency and scalability

Table 10.1. Options provided by thread pools

Table 10.2. Activities for managing thread pools

Table 10.3. Settings for the default thread pool profile

Table 10.4. EIPs in Camel that supports concurrency

Table 10.5. Pros and cons of using one thread from the Camel perspective

Table 10.6. Pros and cons of using an asynchronous caller and having multiple threads, from the Camel perspective

Table 10.7. Pros and cons of using a synchronous caller and having multiple threads, from the Camel perspective

Table 10.8. Commonly used methods in the java.util.concurrent.Future class

Table 10.9. Commonly used asynchronous methods in the ProducerTemplate class

Table 10.10. Components that support asynchronous processing

Table 10.11. Advantages and disadvantages of using the asynchronous processing model

Chapter 11. Developing Camel projects

Table 11.1. Camel’s Maven archetypes

Chapter 12. Management and monitoring

Table 12.1. Categories of exposed Camel MBeans

Chapter 13. Running and deploying Camel

Table 13.1. Camel startup options

Table 13.2. Pros and cons of embedding Camel in a standalone Java application

Table 13.3. Pros and cons of embedding Camel in a web application

Table 13.4. Pros and cons of embedding Camel in JBoss AS

Table 13.5. Pros and cons of using OSGi as a deployment strategy

Appendix A. Simple, the expression language

Table A.1. Variables in the Simple language

Table A.2. Functions provided in the Simple language

Table A.3. File-related variables available when consuming files

Table A.4. Operators provided in the Simple language

Appendix C. The producer and consumer templates

Table C.1. The most commonly used ProducerTemplate methods

Table C.2. The most commonly used ConsumerTemplate methods

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