
ACF (autocorrelation function), 8689

ADF test. See Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test

Adjusted R2, 117

Akaike information criterion (AIC):

for characterizing time series, 147149

to determine autocorrelation order, 194196

formula for, 151

for model selection, 118119, 146, 182

Anchoring bias, 3, 14, 318319, 325326, 337, 346347, 361


benchmarking housing bust, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers, 172177

Box-Jenkins method, 245250

BVAR approach, 274275

judging economic volatility, 101109

multiple-equations forecasting, 280288

Probit model, 258261

relationship characterization for Great Recession and credit benchmarks, 215221

Taylor rule, 252256

Applied research, tradition of, 2

Applied time series forecasting. See Characteristics of time series; Forecasting; Relationship characterization with SAS software; Relationships between time series; Time series

ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity), 2122, 115, 125126

ARCH/GARCH modeling:

for determining statistical relationships, 124126

with SAS software, 211215

ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average), 1718, 2324, 154156, 233

ARIMA (p, d, q) model, 243244

ARMA/ARIMA, 1718, 2324

ARMA (p, q) model, 243

AR (p) notation, 243

Asset bubble forecast, 225

Asymmetric loss functions, 227228

Atheoretical forecasting approach. See Unconditional forecasting model

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test:

E-G test compared to, 198

for identifying unit root, 1617

origins of, 91

overview of, 92

SAS software and, 158159

of time series, 94

Autocorrelation detection test:

Durbin ‘h’ test, 192193

finding lag order, 194196

LM test, 193194

overview of, 117118

Autocorrelation function (ACF), 8689

Autoregressive, defined, 18

Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH), 2122, 115, 125126

Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), 1718, 2324, 154156, 233

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)/autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), 1718, 2324

Availability bias, 331

Average forecast error, 236237

Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR):

case study, 274275

efficacy of, 278

evaluation of, 271274

Great Recession and, 309

housing starts and, 296298, 299300

overview of, 263, 268271

unconditional forecasting and, 293298

Bear Stearns and overnight market for risk, 173175

Benchmarking economic growth, 318321

Beveridge curve, 75, 329331

BG-LM (Breusch-Godfrey serial correlation LM) test, 117118


anchoring, 3, 14, 318319, 325326, 337, 346347, 361

availability, 331

confirmation, 1213, 322324, 327

deficit, 358

housing market and, 346347

interest rate expectations and, 337

normalization of deviance, 348

overconfidence, 354

recency, 910, 14, 64, 326327, 331332

sunk cost, 347

Binomial (either/or) outcomes, 2425

B-J method. See Box-Jenkins (B-J) forecasting method

Black swans, 311314

Bloomberg real-time consensus forecast, 263, 267, 280288, 309

Bond yields and equity earnings, imbalances between, 338345

Box-Jenkins (B-J) forecasting method:

application of, 245250

steps in, 244245

Box-Pierce Q-statistic (Q_BP), 8889

Breusch-Godfrey serial correlation LM (BG-LM) test, 117118

Bubble forecast, 225

Budget limits, 356357

Business credit, patterns of, 347

Business cycle:

division of data into, 142

long-term forecasting and, 230231

macroeconomic variables and, 292, 310311

response to macroeconomic news and, 286287

stages in, 5

BVAR (Bayesian vector autoregression):

case study, 274275

efficacy of, 278

evaluation of, 271274

Great Recession and, 309

housing starts and, 296298, 299300

overview of, 263, 268271

unconditional forecasting and, 293298

Cash for Clunkers program, 309310

Cash ratio, 6869

Causality and correlation, 182

Causality test, 2021. See also Granger causality test

CDS (credit default swap) premiums, 338340

Census effect, 310

Characteristics of time series:

cycles in, 8589

judging economic volatility, 101109

means for, 7779

overview of, 7576

purpose of, 7677

separating cycle and trend, 98

simple statistical measures for, 7981

structural breaks in, 9598

testing for unit root, 8995

trends in, 8185

Characterization of data:

causality, 2021

cointegration and error correction model, 1820

cycles in time series, 511

modeling cycles, 1718

overview of, 2

structural breaks in time series, 1415

subcycles of economic behavior, 1114

trends in time series, 25

unit root tests, 1517

Charge-off rates, patterns in, 218, 219

Chow test:

overview of, 1415

with SAS software, 164166

testing for structural breaks in time series, 98

Coefficient, standard error of, 146147, 190


Engle-Granger test, 121122, 197199

Johansen test, 121122, 202206

overview of, 1820, 114, 196

Cointegration analysis, 120122

Conditional forecasting model:

long-term forecasting, 293

with oil price shock, 304306

overview of, 241242, 251252

strong growth and, 256257

Taylor rule case study, 252256

without oil price shock, 298, 300304

Confirmation bias, 1213, 322324, 327

Consensus forecast compared to individual forecast, 266268

Consumer price index (CPI), 5053, 333334

Consumption, government-financed, 361

Controlled forecasting experiments, 238239

Core CPI, 52

Corporate profits:

as key economic indicator, 6062

as percentage of GDP, 67

stability of, 348349, 350

volatility of, 105, 106

Correlation analysis:

causality and, 182

for determining statistical relationships, 119, 120

growth rates of variables of interest in, 186187

overview of, 113

with SAS software, 183187


of forecast error, 226229

of variables, 231232

Coverage ratio, 70

CPI (consumer price index), 5053, 333334

Credit benchmarks and Great Recession, 215221

Credit default swap (CDS) premiums, 338340

Credit imbalance, 359362

Credit markets, functioning of, 340341

Current ratio, 68, 69

Cycle for time series:

identifying, 511, 8589

identifying with SAS software, 151156

modeling, 1718

Cyclical component in financial ratios, 64

Data. See also Characterization of data; Key economic indicators

availability and release timing of, 278280

descriptive statistics of, 77, 7981, 102105, 139142, 143

inputting into statistical software, 179180

plotting, 7779, 101102

real-time forecasting and, 275277

revising, 4243

understanding, 2729


choice of, 231

converting from one frequency to another, 182183

DATA step of time series analysis, 131135

Debt ratio, 70

Debt-to-equity ratio, 7071

Deficit bias, 358


credit imbalance and, 359362

interest rates and, 358359

large and persistent, 354356

Deflation, 50

Degrees of freedom for error (DFE), 146

Delinquency rates on loans, 215218

Density forecast, 234, 235

Dependent variable:

functional form of, 276277, 289

overview of, 231

release timing of, 278280

selection of, for short-term forecasting models, 277278

traditional and nontraditional forms of, 242

Descriptive statistics of data:

calculating in PROC step of time series analysis, 139142, 143

for characterizing time series, 7981, 102105

overview of, 77

DFE (degrees of freedom for error), 146

DF (Dickey-Fuller) test, 91, 9294

Difference stationary (DS) behavior, 91, 93, 343

Directional accuracy:

in deciphering results, 236237

in forecast evaluation, 273274

forecast evaluation and, 25

Disinflation, 50

Dollar and exchange rates, 5860, 351353

DS (difference stationary) behavior, 91, 93, 343

Dummy variable approach, 1415, 163164

Durable goods, 31

Durbin ‘h’ test, 192193

Durbin-Watson “d” test, 117118, 146, 192

ECM. See Error correction model


applied research compared to, 2

of real-time short-term forecasting, 268275

Economic growth. See Employment growth; Growth

Economic indicators. See Key economic indicators

Economic policy:

budget limits, 356357

deficit bias in, 358

impact of, 353354

large and persistent deficits, 354356

Economic recovery, trends in, 12, 317318

Economic trends and financial ratios, 64

E-G. See Engle-Granger (E-G) cointegration test

Either/or (binomial) outcomes, 2425

Employment forecast, 274275

Employment growth:

Beveridge curve and, 329331

economic recovery and, 1, 317318

overview of, 324325

as stationary, 326328

unemployment rate, 325326

Employment-population ratio, 330

Employment Situation Summary:

establishment survey, 3943

household survey, 4348

Endogenous break date, 98

Engle, Robert, 120121

Engle-Granger (E-G) cointegration test:

for determining statistical relationships, 121122

overview of, 20

with SAS software, 197199

Equity earnings and bond yields, imbalances between, 338345

Error correction model (ECM). See also Vector error correction model

for determining statistical relationships, 122123

overview of, 1820, 114

with SAS software, 199202

Establishment (payroll) survey, 3943

Estimating time trends, 8485

Euro crisis, 358

Evaluating forecasts, 25, 271274

Exchange rates, 5860, 351353

Exponential trend, 8284

FIML (Full Information Maximum Likelihood), 149

Financial crisis, 175177. See also Great Recession

Financial leverage, 70

Financial ratios:

investment valuation, 7273

leverage, 7071

liquidity, 6769

overview of, 6364, 73

profitability, 6467

First-order autocorrelation, detecting, 192193

Fiscal policy. See Economic policy

Fixed investments, 3334

Forecast error:

cost of, 226229

nature of, 307

representing by time series, 235236

Forecasting. See also Long-term forecasting; Model-based forecasting; Short-term forecasting

acknowledging cost of errors, 226229

deciphering results, 235238

knowing objective, 224225

models for, as evolving over time, 239240

overview of, 223224, 240

presenting results, 234235

rationalizing horizon, 229231

rationalizing model used, 232233

understanding cost of variables, 231232

understanding purpose of, 226

understanding recursive methods, 238239

F-test, 116

Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML), 149

Functional form of variables, 276277, 289

GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity), 2122, 125126

GDP. See Gross domestic product

GNP (gross national product), 30

Godfrey LM test of autocorrelation, 193194

Gold prices, 334, 335, 336

Government consumption, 3536

Granger, Clive, 120121

Granger causality test:

for determining statistical relationships, 123124

overview of, 21, 114

with SAS software, 209211

Great Recession:

credit benchmarks and, 215221

depth of, 296

housing sector and, 298

long-term forecasting and, 311314

model-based forecasting and, 314315

Okun's law and, 242

performance of models and, 309

Gross domestic product (GDP):

benchmarking, 320321

corporate profits as percentage of, 67

government consumption and, 3536

gross private domestic investment and, 3335

identifying trend in time series and, 25

net exports and, 3637

overview of, 3031

personal consumption and, 3132

real final sales and, 37, 38

relationship to unemployment rate, 7576

trends in, 317

Gross national product (GNP), 30

Gross private domestic investment, 3335

Group of black swans, 311, 312314

Growth. See also Employment growth; Gross domestic product

benchmarking, 318321

conditional forecasting model and, 256257

indicators of, 3031

of labor force, 4546

labor market and, 38

in productivity, structural periods of, 96

Heteroskedasticity, 115

Higher-order autocorrelation, detecting, 194196

Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter:

identifying subcycles with, 1114

recency bias and, 64

with SAS software, 169171

to separate cycle and trend in time series, 98101

Homoskedasticity, 124

Horizon for forecast, rationalizing, 229231

Household survey, 4348

Housing market. See also S&P/Case-Schiller home price index

bust, as structural break, 172173

distortions in, 346347

starts, 296298, 299300

Housing-related data, forecasting from, 287

HP filter. See Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter

Identification problem, 294, 301

Importing datasets into SAS, 133134

Independent variables, 231, 232

Individual forecast compared to consensus forecast, 266268

Industrial production, 322324

Industrial Production (IP) data, 311314


bias to upside and, 333337

consumer price index and, 5053

inflation expectations and, 332333, 334, 335

overview of, 4950, 331332

personal consumption expenditure deflator and, 5556, 112113

producer price index and, 5355

Initial jobless claims, 245

I (d) notation, 243

Integration (I), 18

Interest rates:

patterns of, 345347

as price of credit, 5658, 337338

on Treasury securities, 341345

trend reversal, 358359

Interval forecast, 234, 235


private, changes to, 3435

real final sales and, 37, 38

Investment spending, 3335

Investment valuation ratio, 7273

IP (Industrial Production) data, 311314

Job growth and economic recovery, 1, 317318. See also Employment growth

Jobless claims, 4849, 245

Johansen cointegration test:

maximum, 205206

overview of, 20, 121122

with SAS software, 202206

trace, 202205

Key economic indicators:

consumer price index, 5053

corporate profits, 6062

dollar and exchange rates, 5860

establishment survey, 3943

government purchases, 3536

gross domestic purchases, 37

gross private domestic investment, 3335

growth, 3031

household survey, 4348

inflation, 4956

interest rates, 5658

jobless claims, 4849

labor market, 3738

net exports, 3637

overview of, 2729

personal consumption, 3133

personal consumption expenditure deflator, 5556

producer price index, 5355

real final sales, 37, 38

KISS principle, 233

Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) test:

described, 9192

for identifying unit root, 16

SAS software and, 161162

of time series, 95

Labor force participation rate, 4648, 330331

Labor market:

attention to, 3738

as benchmark, 319321

change in character of, 324331

combining indicators, 48

establishment survey, 3943

household survey, 4348

jobless claims, 4849, 245

nonfarm payrolls forecasts, 280284, 326328

unemployment rate and, 2728, 29, 4345, 7576, 325326

volatility of, 105107

Lag order, finding, 194196

Large-scale macro models, limitations of, 293294

Lehman Brothers, 175177, 315

Level of significance, 115

Leveraged buy-outs, 340341

Leverage ratios, 7071

LIBOR-OIS spreads, 175177

Linear loss functions, 228229

Linear trends:

estimating, 145

overview of, 34

reliability of forecasts and, 81

Liquidity ratios, 6769

Litterman prior, 269270, 294

Ljung-Box Q-Statistic (Q_LB), 8889

LM test of autocorrelation, 193194

Loan delinquency rates, 215218

Log-difference form of variables, 180181

Logistic regression model, 242, 257261

Log-linear trend, 8284

Long-term forecasting:

conditional model with oil price shock, 304306

conditional model without oil price shock, 298, 300304

overview of, 230231, 291293, 306

risks related to, 307308, 310314

Loss functions:

formula for, 227

linear and nonlinear, 228229

overview of, 226

symmetric and asymmetric, 227228

Lucas, Robert E., 345

MA (moving average), 18

Macroeconomic news announcements:

business cycle and response to, 286287

revisions to, 287288

volatility and, 265266

MAE (mean absolute error), 25, 146

MA (q) notation, 243

MAPE (mean absolute percentage error), 146

Maximum likelihood (ML) method, 168

Maximum test of cointegration, 202203, 205206


calculating in PROC step of time series analysis, 139142, 143

overview of, 79

Mean absolute error (MAE), 25, 146

Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), 146

Mean reverting, series as, 319321

Mean square error (MSE), 146

Measuring volatility:

forecast evaluation, 25

forecasting recession/regime switch as either/or outcomes, 2425

forecasting with regression model, 2224

forecasting with vector autoregression, 25

overview of, 2122

Minnesota prior, 268, 269, 294

Model-based forecasting:

case study, 280288

conditional approach, 251257, 293, 298, 300306

data and model selection, 275280

Great Recession and, 314315

individual compared to consensus, 266268

overview of, 241243, 261262, 263265

phases of, 308, 315

Probit (logistic regression) model, 2425, 242, 257261

real-time short-term, 265266

risks of, 307308

unconditional approach, 242250, 293298, 299300

Modeling cycle for time series, 1718, 154156

Models. See also Model-based forecasting; specific models

as evolving over time, 239240

large-scale macro, limitations of, 293294

monitoring performance of, 308309

selection criteria, 118119, 275, 277278

Monetary policy, inflationary bias of, 332

Monetary policy transmission mechanism, 218221

Money neutrality, 75, 111112, 113

Moving average (MA), 18

MSE (mean square error), 146

Multiple-equations forecasting:

case study, 280288

conditional model with oil price shock, 304306

conditional model without oil price shock, 298, 300304

data and model selection, 275280

individual compared to consensus, 266268

long-term, 291293, 306

overview of, 263265

real-time short-term, 265266

National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA), 6062

Net exports of goods and services, 3637

Nondurable goods, 3132

Nonfarm payrolls forecasts, 280284, 326328

Nonlinear loss functions, 228229

Nonlinear trends, 34, 147

Nonstationarity, 81, 91, 343

Nonstationary time series, 8990

Objective of forecasts:

knowing, 224225

techniques based on, 232233

Observations, time periods for, 180, 182183

Oil price shock:

conditional model with, 304306

conditional model without, 298, 300304

Okun's law, 75, 76, 111, 242

Operating leverage, 70

Ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis, 157, 196

Outcome uncertain, timing certain forecast, 224225

Overconfidence bias, 354

Overnight market for risk, 173175

Panics, 315

Partial autocorrelation function (PACF), 8689

Payroll (establishment) survey, 3943

PCE (personal consumption expenditure) deflator, 5556, 112113

Pearson correlation coefficient, 184185

Performance of models, monitoring, 308309

Personal consumption, 3132, 104105

Personal consumption expenditure (PCE) deflator, 5556, 112113

Phillips curve, 111, 240

Phillips-Perron (PP) test:

for identifying unit root, 1617

overview of, 9192

SAS software and, 160

of time series, 9495

Plotting data versus time, 7779, 101102

Point forecast, 234, 235

Policy changes and long-term forecasting, 292, 311

PPI (producer price index), 5355

PP test. See Phillips-Perron (PP) test

Predictors in forecast model, 251. See also Variables

Presenting forecast results, 234235


consumer price index, 5053

producer price index, 5355

Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, 7273

Probability forecast, 234235

Probit model, 2425, 242, 257261

PROC step of time series analysis:

calculating volatility, 139142, 143

identifying cyclical behavior, 151156

identifying time trend, 142, 144151

overview of, 131, 135136

seasonal adjustment, 136138

Producer price index (PPI), 5355

Productivity growth, structural periods of, 96

Profitability ratios, 6467


corporate, 6062

overview of, 348

as percentage of GDP, 67

stability of, 348349, 350

volatility of, 105, 106

Public sector deficits, 25

Purpose of forecasting, 226

P-values, 115, 119

Q_BP (Box-Pierce Q-statistic), 8889

Q_LB (Ljung-Box Q-Statistic), 8889

Quadratic trend model, 82

Quadratic (nonlinear) trends, 34, 137

Quick ratio, 68

R2, 117

Random walk model, 93, 158

Random walk with drift model, 93, 159


forecast horizon, 229231

forecast model, 232233

Real final sales, 37, 38, 104105

Real-time short-term forecasting:

BVAR approach, 268275

comparison of methods for, 280288

data and model selection, 275280

importance of, 265266

overview of, 263264, 288

Real yields and inflation, 338

Recency bias, 910, 14, 64, 326327, 331332

Recession/regime switch, forecasting, 2425

Recessions. See also Great Recession

dating of, 39

forecasting, 257261

Recursive methods, 238239

Regression analysis:

autocorrelation tests and, 192196

for determining statistical relationships, 119120

forecasting with, 2224

overview of, 113

with SAS software, 187190

spurious regression, 190192

using OLS, 196

Relationship characterization with SAS software:

application, 215221

ARCH/GARCH model, 211215

cointegration and ECM analysis, 196209

converting dataset from one frequency to another, 182183

correlation analysis, 183187

Granger causality test, 209211

overview of, 179, 221222

regression analysis, 187196

Relationships between time series. See also Relationship characterization with SAS software

additional reading on, 127

ARCH/GARCH model, 124126

cointegration analysis, 120122

correlation analysis, 119

error correction model, 122123

F-test, 116

Granger causality test, 123124

level of significance and p-value, 115

model selection criteria, 118119

overview of, 111115, 126

R2, 117

regression analysis, 119120

t-value, 116

white noise/autocorrelation detection tests, 117118

Results of forecasting:

deciphering, 235238

presenting, 234235

Return on assets (ROA), 6667

Return on equity (ROE), 6466

Revisions to macroeconomic variables, 287288


of leveraging activity, 341

of long-term forecasting, 310314

of model-based forecasting, 307308

overnight market for, 173175

of short-term forecasting, 308310

variance as proxy for, 211

volatility and, 107108, 349351

RMSE (root mean squared error):

in deciphering results, 236238

in forecast evaluation, 271273

forecast evaluation and, 25

simulated out-of-sample, 292293

ROA (return on assets), 6667

ROE (return on equity), 6466

Root mean squared error. See RMSE

SAS software. See also PROC step; Relationship characterization with SAS software

application, 172177

ARCH/GARCH approach and, 126

asterisks and semicolons, 133

Box-Jenkins method, 245250

BVAR approach, 274275, 295298

conditional model with oil price shock, 304306

conditional model without oil price shock, 301304

correlation coefficient, 119

DATA step, 131135

estimating time trends, 8485

Granger causality test, 124

HP filter and, 169171

identifying cycles in time series, 8687

identifying structural breaks, 162169

Macro variable, 132135

modifying data, 134135

naming conventions, 131132

OUTLIER tool, 166

overview of, 129130, 156

Probit model application, 258261

PROC ARIMA command, 151156

PROC AUTOREG command, 120, 144145, 149, 187188

PROC CORR command, 184

PROC CORR Data keywords, 136

PROC EXPAND command, 170171, 182

PROC EXPORT command, 171

PROC IMPORT Datafile keywords, 133134

PROC LOGISTIC command, 260

PROC MEANS command, 139142

PROC MODEL command, 149151, 302

PROC VARMAX command, 202203, 209210, 274

PROC X12 command, 136138

p-values, 115

references for users of, 365

SCAN method, 154156

Taylor rule case study, 252256

testing for structural breaks in time series, 9798

testing unit root, 158162

tips for, 130131, 179182

SBC. See Schwarz Bayesian criterion

Scenario-based analysis, 235, 251252, 315

Schwarz Bayesian criterion (SBC):

for characterizing time series, 147149

to determine autocorrelation order, 194196

formula for, 151

for model selection, 146

Schwarz information criterion (SIC), 118119, 182

Seasonal adjustment in SAS, 136138


net exports of, 3637

personal consumption of, 32

Short-term forecasting. See also Conditional forecasting model; Probit model; Unconditional forecasting model

BVAR approach, 268275

comparison of methods for, 280288

data and model selection, 275280

evaluating performance of, 240

long-term forecasting compared to, 292

methods for, 262

overview of, 230

real-time, 263264, 265266, 288

risks related to, 307, 308310

SIC (Schwarz information criterion), 118119, 182

Single-equation forecasting:

conditional approach, 251257

overview of, 241242, 261262

Probit (logistic regression) model, 257261

unconditional approach, 242250

Small-scale macro model, 301304

Software, 129130. See also SAS software

Solvency ratios, 7071

S&P/Case-Schiller home price index (HPI), 9697, 162, 172173, 307308, 313

Spurious regression, 190192

Stability ratio:

calculating in PROC step of time series analysis, 139142, 143

of dollar, 352353

overview of, 79, 80, 104

Stabilization policy, 345346

Standard deviation:

calculating in PROC step of time series analysis, 139142, 143

overview of, 79, 80, 104

Standard error of coefficient, 146147, 190

State-space approach:

example of, 173175

overview of, 1415

to testing for structural breaks, 166169

Stationarity, adjusting two-year Treasury yield to achieve, 343344

Stationary time series, 8990

Statistical relationships between time series. See Relationships between time series

Statistical significance, determining, 115119

Strategic vision, need for, 318

Structural breaks in time series:

Bear Stearns and, 173175

black swans and, 311312

Chow test for, 164166

dummy variable approach to testing for, 163164

housing bust as, 172173

identifying, 9598

identifying with SAS software, 162169

Lehman Brothers and, 175177

methods to identify, 157

overview of, 1415

state-space approach to testing for, 166169

Structural model, 233

Sunk cost bias, 347

Symmetric loss functions, 227228

Taylor rule, 251, 252256

TED spreads, 5758, 173175

Ten-year Treasury yields, 344345

Testing. See also Unit root tests

for autocorrelation, 117118, 192196

for causality, 2021, 114, 123124, 209211

Chow test, 1415, 98, 164166

for cointegration, 121122, 197199, 202206

for structural breaks in time series, 9798

for time trend, 8284

Theoretical forecasting approach. See Conditional forecasting model

Theory, relying on for long-term forecasting models, 292293

Time series. See also Characteristics of time series; Relationship characterization with SAS software; Relationships between time series

behavior of, 7677

cycle for, 511

as mean reverting, 319321

modeling cycle for, 1718

structural breaks in, 1415

trends in, 25

Time trend:

estimating, 8485

identifying, 25, 81

identifying with SAS software, 142, 144151

testing for, 8284

Timing uncertain, outcome known forecast, 225

Trace test of cointegration, 202205

Trade, net exports of goods and services, 3637

Trade-weighted dollar index, 352

Treasury market, 359362

Treasury yields:

inflation and, 338

ten-year, 344345

two-year, 341344

Trend stationary (TS) behavior, 91, 93, 343344

T-test (t-value), 116, 190

Two-year Treasury yields, 341344

Unconditional forecasting model:

Box-Jenkins method, 244250

BVAR approach and, 293298, 299300

overview of, 241243

Underemployment, 331

Unemployment rate:

household survey and, 4345

overview of, 2728, 29

relationship to GDP, 7576

as stationary, 325326

Unfunded liabilities of governments, 354356, 361

Unit root problem, 113114

Unit root tests:

overview of, 1517

purpose of, 157

with SAS software, 158162

for time series, 8995

Univariate forecasting, 241

VAR. See Vector autoregression

VAR/BVAR approach, 263


cost of, 231232

functional form of, 276277, 289

log-difference form of, 180181

release timing of, 278280

selection of for short-term forecasting models, 277278

VECM. See Vector error correction model

Vector autoregression (VAR). See also Bayesian vector autoregression

forecasting with, 25

multiple-equations forecasting and, 263

overview of, 269, 294

uses of, 233

Vector error correction model (VECM):

overview of, 123

with SAS software, 206209

Trace test and, 202, 203205

Velocity, decline in, 335337

VIX (volatility index), 176, 177

Volatility. See also Measuring volatility

ARCH/GARCH model and, 211215

calculating in PROC step of time series analysis, 139142, 143

in dollar over time, 352353

of financial data series, 115

interpreting, 3

judging, 101109

macroeconomic news announcements and, 265266

risk and, 107108, 349351

Volatility index (VIX), 176, 177

White noise detection tests, 117118, 244245

Worst-case scenarios, 315

Yield curves, plotting, 5657

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