How to do it...

It is best to start from a blank template such as the one that follows rather than to start from a similar recipe and modify it, as the result will be cleaner and contain only the strictly
required instructions.

A good starting base for a minimal recipe addition is:

SUMMARY = "The package description for the package management 
system" LICENSE = "The package's licenses typically from
meta/files/common-licenses/" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "License checksum used to track open license
changes" DEPENDS = "Package list of build time dependencies" SRC_URI = "Local or remote file or repository to fetch" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "md5 checksums for all remote fetched files (not
for repositories)" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "sha256 checksum for all remote fetched files
(not for repositories)" S = "Location of the source in the working directory, by default
${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}." inherit <class needed for some functionality> # Task overrides, like do_configure, do_compile and do_install, or
nothing. # Package splitting (if needed). # Machine selection variables (if needed).
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