
Before we dive in detail of neural DeepDream, let's take a glance at a similar behavior we humans experience ourselves. Have you ever tried to look for shapes in clouds, the jitter and noisy signals in your television set or even seen a face burned into your toast?

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that leads us to see patterns in a random stimulus; the tendency for humans to perceive a face or pattern where one actually doesn't exist. This often results in assigning human characteristics to objects. Please note the significance of the evolutionary consequences of seeing a pattern where there is none (a false positive) as opposed to failing to see a pattern where there is one (a false negative). For example, seeing a lion where this is no lion is rarely lethal; however, failing to see a predatory lion where there is one, of course, would often be deadly. 

The neurological foundation for pareidolia resides primarily in an area of the temporal lobes of the brain called the fusiform gyrus, deep inside the brain, where humans and other animals have neurons dedicated to the recognition of faces and other objects. 

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