Using Signals

Solaris supports the concept of sending software signals to a process. These signals are ways for other processes to interact with a running process outside the context of the hardware. The kill command is used to send a signal to a process. System administrators most often use the signals SIGHUP, SIGKILL, and SIGSTOP. The SIGHUP signal is used by some utilities as a way to notify the process to do something, such as reread its configuration file. The SIGHUP signal is also sent to a process if the telephone connection is lost or hangs up. The SIGKILL signal is used to abort a process, and the SIGSTOP signal is used to pause a process. Table 15.12 describes the most common signals an administrator is likely to use.

Table 15.12. Signals Available Under Solaris
Signal Number Description
SIGHUP 1 Hangup. Usually means that the controlling terminal has been disconnected.
SIGINT 2 Interrupt. The user can generate this signal by pressing Ctrl+C or Delete.
SIGQUIT 3 Quits the process and produces a core dump.
SIGILL 4 Illegal instruction.
SIGTRAP 5 Trace or breakpoint trap.
SIGABRT 6 Abort.
SIGEMT 7 Emulation trap.
SIGFPE 8 Arithmetic exception. Informs a process of a floatingpoint error.
SIGKILL 9 Killed. Forces the process to terminate. This is a sure kill.
SIGBUS 10 Bus error.
SIGSEGV 11 Segmentation fault.
SIGSYS 12 Bad system call.
SIGPIPE 13 Broken pipe.
SIGALRM 14 Alarm clock.
SIGTERM 15 Terminated. A gentle kill that gives processes a chance to clean up.
SIGUSR1 16 User signal 1.
SIGUSR2 17 User signal 2.
SIGCHLD 18 Child status changed.
SIGPWR 19 Power fail or restart.
SIGWINCH 20 Window size change.
SIGURG 21 Urgent socket condition.
SIGPOLL 22 Pollable event.
SIGSTOP 23 Stopped (signal). Pauses a process.
SIGTSTP 24 Stopped (user).
SIGCONT 25 Continued.
SIGTTIN 26 Stopped (tty input).
SIGTTOU 27 Stopped (tty output).
SIGVTALRM 28 Virtual timer expired.
SIGPROF 29 Profiling timer expired.
SIGXCPU 30 CPU time limit exceeded.
SIGXFSZ 31 File size limit exceeded.
SIGWAITING 32 Concurrency signal reserved by threads library.
SIGLWP 33 Inter-LWP signal reserved by threads library.
SIGFREEZE 34 Checkpoint freeze.
SIGTHAW 35 Checkpoint thaw.
SIGCANCEL 36 Cancellation signal reserved by the threads library.

In addition, you can write a signal handler, or trap, in a program to respond to a signal being sent. For example, many system programs, such as the name server daemon, respond to the SIGHUP signal by rereading their configuration files. This signal can then be used to update the process while running, without having to terminate and restart the process. For many signals, however, nothing can be done other than printing an appropriate error message and terminating the process.

Here’s an example of how to trap a signal in a script:

trap '/bin/rm tmp$$;exit 1' 1 2 3 9 15 

As the name suggests, trap traps system interrupt until some command can be executed. The previous example traps the signals 1, 2, 3, 9, and 15 and executes the /bin/rm tmp$$ command before exiting the program. The example deletes all tmp files even if the program terminates abnormally.

The kill command sends a terminate signal (signal 15) to the process, and the process is terminated. Signal 15, which is the default when no options are used with the kill command, is a gentle kill that allows a process to perform cleanup work before terminating. Signal 9, on the other hand, is called a sure, unconditional kill because it cannot be caught or ignored by a process. If the process is still around after a kill -9, either it is hung up in the UNIX kernel, waiting for an event such as disk I/O to complete, or you are not the owner of the process.

The kill command is routinely used to send signals to a process. You can kill any process you own, and superuser can kill all processes in the system except those that have process IDs 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The kill command is poorly named because not every signal sent by it is used to kill a process. This command gets its name from its most common use—terminating a process with the kill -15 signal.


A common problem occurs when a process continually starts up new copies of itself—this is referred to as forking or spawning. Users have a limit on the number of new processes they can fork. This limit is set in the kernel with the MAXUP (maximum number of user processes) value. Sometimes, through user error, a process keeps forking new copies of itself until the user hits the MAXUP limit. As a user reaches this limit, the system appears to be waiting. If you kill some of the user’s processes, the system resumes creating new processes on behalf of the user. It can be a no-win situation. The best way to handle these runaway processes is to send the STOP signal to suspend all processes and then send a KILL signal to terminate the processes. Because the processes were first suspended, they can’t create new ones as you kill them off.

You can send a signal to a process you own with the kill command. Many signals are available, as listed in Table 15.12. To send a signal to a process, first use the ps command to find the process ID (PID) number. For example, type ps -ef to list all processes and find the PID of the process you want to terminate:

ps -ef 

root     0     0  0   Nov 27  ?        0:01  sched 
root     1     0  0   Nov 27  ?        0:01  /etc/init -
root     2     0  0   Nov 27  ?        0:00  pageout 
root     3     0  0   Nov 27  ?       12:52  fsflush 
root   101     1  0   Nov 27  ?        0:00  /usr/sbin/in.routed -q 
root   298     1  0   Nov 27  ?        0:00  /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300 
root   111     1  0   Nov 27  ?        0:02  /usr/sbin/rpcbind 
root   164     1  0   Nov 27  ?        0:01  /usr/sbin/syslogd -n -z 12 
root   160     1  0   Nov 27  ?        0:01  /usr/lib/autofs/automountd 
root  5497   433  1 09:58:02  pts/4    0:00  script psef 

To kill the process with a PID number of 5497, type this:

kill -15 5497 

Another way to kill a process is to use the pkill command. pkill functions identically to pgrep, which was described earlier, except that instead of displaying information about each process, the process is terminated. A signal name or number may be specified as the first command-line option to pkill. The value for the signal can be any value described in Table 15.12. For example, to kill the process named psef, issue the following command:

pkill -9 psef 

If no signal is specified, SIGTERM (15) is sent by default.

In addition, the CDE Process Manager, which was described earlier, can be used to kill processes. In the Process Manager window, highlight the process that you want to terminate, click Process from the toolbar at the top of the window, and then select Kill from the pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 15.6.

Figure 15.6. Killing processes.

The equivalent UNIX command used by the Process Manager to terminate a process is shown here:

kill -9 <PID> 

<PID> is the process ID of the selected process.


You can redefine the command performed by the Kill menu item to a different command by redefining the action labeled “Kill” in the file /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdtprocess.dt. See Chapter 25, “Administration and Configuration of CDE,” for details on configuring the CDE.

Another new command in Solaris 9 is preap. This command forces the killing of a defunct process, known as a zombie. In previous Solaris releases, zombie processes that could not be killed off remained until the next system reboot. Each zombie process holds a small amount of memory, which can accumulate as the number of zombies grows, eventually causing a degradation of system performance. See the preap manual page for further details of this command.

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