
When I started writing the first edition of this book, I knew very little about what was expected. Gradually, I learned how to convert each topic into a story. I wanted to talk about Python by offering useful, simple, easy-to-grasp examples, but, at the same time, I wanted to pour my own experience into the pages, anything I've learned over the years that I thought would be valuable for the reader—something to think about, reflect upon, and hopefully assimilate. Readers may disagree and come up with a different way of doing things, but hopefully a better way.

I wanted this book to not just be about the language but about programming. The art of programming, in fact, comprises many aspects, and language is just one of them.

Another crucial aspect of programming is independence. The ability to unblock yourself when you hit a wall and don't know what to do to solve the problem you're facing. There is no book that can teach it, so I thought, instead of trying to teach that aspect, I will try and train the reader in it. Therefore, I left comments, questions, and remarks scattered throughout the whole book, hoping to inspire the reader. I hoped that they would take the time to browse the Web or the official documentation, to dig deeper, learn more, and discover the pleasure of finding things out by themselves.

Finally, I wanted to write a book that, even in its presentation, would be slightly different. So, I decided, with my editor, to write the first part in a theoretical way, presenting topics that would describe the characteristics of Python, and to have a second part made up of various real-life projects, to show the reader how much can be achieved with this language.

With all these goals in mind, I then had to face the hardest challenge: take all the content I wanted to write and make it fit in the amount of pages that were allowed. It has been tough, and sacrifices were made.

My efforts have been rewarded though: to this day, after almost 3 years, I still receive lovely messages from readers, every now and then, who thank me and tell me things like your book has empowered me. To me, it is the most beautiful compliment. I know that the language might change and pass, but I have managed to share some of my knowledge with the reader, and that piece of knowledge will stick with them.

And now, I have written the second edition of this book, and this time, I had a little more space. So I decided to add a chapter about IO, which was desperately needed, and I even had the opportunity to add two more chapters, one about secrets and one about concurrent execution. The latter is definitely the most challenging chapter in the whole book, and its purpose is that of stimulating the reader to reach a level where they will be able to easily digest the code in it and understand its concepts.

I have kept all the original chapters, except for the last one that was slightly redundant. They have all been refreshed and updated to the latest version of Python, which is 3.7 at the time of writing.

When I look at this book, I see a much more mature product. There are more chapters, and the content has been reorganized to better fit the narrative, but the soul of the book is still there. The main and most important point, empowering the reader, is still very much intact.

I hope that this edition will be even more successful than the previous one, and that it will help the readers become great programmers. I hope to help them develop critical thinking, great skills, and the ability to adapt over time, thanks to the solid foundation they have acquired from the book.

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