Accessing a base class

We've already seen class declarations, such as class ClassA: pass and class ClassB(BaseClassName): pass. When we don't specify a base class explicitly, Python will set the special object class as the base class for the one we're defining. Ultimately, all classes derive from an object. Note that, if you don't specify a base class, brackets are optional.

Therefore, writing class A: pass or class A(): pass or class A(object): pass is exactly the same thing. The object class is a special class in that it has the methods that are common to all Python classes, and it doesn't allow you to set any attributes on it.

Let's see how we can access a base class from within a class:

# oop/
class Book:
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages):
self.title = title
self.publisher = publisher
self.pages = pages

class Ebook(Book):
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages, format_):
self.title = title
self.publisher = publisher
self.pages = pages
self.format_ = format_

Take a look at the preceding code. Three of the input parameters are duplicated in Ebook. This is quite bad practice because we now have two sets of instructions that are doing the same thing. Moreover, any change in the signature of Book.__init__ will not be reflected in Ebook. We know that Ebook Is-A Book, and therefore we would probably want changes to be reflected in the children classes.

Let's see one way to fix this issue:

# oop/
class Book:
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages):
self.title = title
self.publisher = publisher
self.pages = pages

class Ebook(Book):
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages, format_):
Book.__init__(self, title, publisher, pages)
self.format_ = format_

ebook = Ebook(
'Learn Python Programming', 'Packt Publishing', 500, 'PDF')
print(ebook.title) # Learn Python Programming
print(ebook.publisher) # Packt Publishing
print(ebook.pages) # 500
print(ebook.format_) # PDF

Now, that's better. We have removed that nasty duplication. Basically, we tell Python to call the __init__ method of the Book class, and we feed self to the call, making sure that we bind that call to the present instance.

If we modify the logic within the __init__ method of Book, we don't need to touch Ebook, it will auto-adapt to the change.

This approach is good, but we can still do a bit better. Say that we change the name of  Book to Liber, because we've fallen in love with Latin. We have to change the __init__ method of Ebook to reflect the change. This can be avoided by using super:

# oop/
class Book:
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages):
self.title = title
self.publisher = publisher
self.pages = pages

class Ebook(Book):
def __init__(self, title, publisher, pages, format_):
super().__init__(title, publisher, pages)
# Another way to do the same thing is:
# super(Ebook, self).__init__(title, publisher, pages)
self.format_ = format_

ebook = Ebook(
'Learn Python Programming', 'Packt Publishing', 500, 'PDF')
print(ebook.title) # Learn Python Programming
print(ebook.publisher) # Packt Publishing
print(ebook.pages) # 500
print(ebook.format_) # PDF

super is a function that returns a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class. In this case, it will delegate that call to __init__ to the Book class, and the beauty of this method is that now we're even free to change Book to Liber without having to touch the logic in the __init__ method of Ebook.

Now that we know how to access a base class from a child, let's explore Python's multiple inheritance.

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