The layout logic

I'm going to paste it chunk by chunk so that I can explain it easily to you. You'll see how all those pieces we talked about in the layout draft are arranged and glued together. What I'm about to paste, as we did in the script before, is the final part of the module. We'll leave the middle part, the business logic, for last:

if __name__ == "__main__":
_root = Tk()
_root.title('Scrape app')

As you know by now, we only want to execute the logic when the module is run directly, so that first line shouldn't surprise you.

In the last two lines, we set up the main window, which is an instance of the Tk class. We instantiate it and give it a title. Note that I use the prepending underscore technique for all the names of the tkinter objects, in order to avoid potential collisions with names in the business logic. I just find it cleaner like this, but you're allowed to disagree:

    _mainframe = ttk.Frame(_root, padding='5 5 5 5')
_mainframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W, N, S))

Here, we set up the Main Frame. It's a ttk.Frame instance. We set _root as its parent, and give it some padding. The padding is a measure in pixels of how much space should be inserted between the inner content and the borders in order to let our layout breathe a little, otherwise we have a sardine effect, where widgets are packed too tightly.

The second line is more interesting. We place this _mainframe on the first row (0) and first column (0) of the parent object (_root). We also say that this frame needs to extend itself in each direction by using the sticky argument with all four cardinal directions. If you're wondering where they came from, it's the from tkinter import * magic that brought them to us:

    _url_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(
_mainframe, text='URL', padding='5 5 5 5')
_url_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W))
_url_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
_url_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)

Next, we start by placing the URL Frame down. This time, the parent object is _mainframe, as you will recall from our draft. This is not just a simple Frame, it's actually a LabelFrame, which means we can set the text argument and expect a rectangle to be drawn around it, with the content of the text argument written in the top-left part of it (check out the previous picture if it helps). We position this frame at (0, 0), and say that it should expand to the left and to the right. We don't need the other two directions.

Finally, we use rowconfigure and columnconfigure to make sure it behaves correctly, should it need to resize. This is just a formality in our present layout:

    _url = StringVar()
_url_entry = ttk.Entry(
_url_frame, width=40, textvariable=_url)
_url_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W, S, N), padx=5)
_fetch_btn = ttk.Button(
_url_frame, text='Fetch info', command=fetch_url)
_fetch_btn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, padx=5)

Here, we have the code to lay out the URL textbox and the _fetch button. A textbox in this environment is called Entry. We instantiate it as usual, setting _url_frame as its parent and giving it a width. Also, and this is the most interesting part, we set the textvariable argument to be _url. _url is a StringVar, which is an object that is now connected to Entry and will be used to manipulate its content. Therefore, we don't modify the text in the _url_entry instance directly, but by accessing _url. In this case, we call the set method on it to set the initial value to the URL of our local web page.

We position _url_entry at (0, 0), setting all four cardinal directions for it to stick to, and we also set a bit of extra padding on the left and right edges using padx, which adds padding on the x-axis (horizontal). On the other hand, pady takes care of the vertical direction.

By now, you should get that every time you call the .grid method on an object, we're basically telling the grid layout manager to place that object somewhere, according to rules that we specify as arguments in the grid() call.

Similarly, we set up and place the _fetch button. The only interesting parameter is command=fetch_url. This means that when we click this button, we call the fetch_url function. This technique is called callback:

    _img_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(
_mainframe, text='Content', padding='9 0 0 0')
_img_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W))

This is what we called Img Frame in the layout draft. It is placed on the second row of its parent _mainframe. It will hold the Listbox and the Radio Frame:

    _images = StringVar()
_img_listbox = Listbox(
_img_frame, listvariable=_images, height=6, width=25)
_img_listbox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W), pady=5)
_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(
_img_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=_img_listbox.yview)
_scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(S, N), pady=6)

This is probably the most interesting bit of the whole layout logic. As we did with _url_entry, we need to drive the contents of Listbox by tying it to an _images variable. We set up Listbox so that _img_frame is its parent, and _images is the variable it's tied to. We also pass some dimensions.

The interesting bit comes from the _scrollbar instance. Note that, when we instantiate it, we set its command to _img_listbox.yview. This is the first half of the contract between Listbox and Scrollbar. The other half is provided by the _img_listbox.configure method, which sets yscrollcommand=_scrollbar.set.

By providing this reciprocal bond, when we scroll on ListboxScrollbar will move accordingly and vice versa, when we operate Scrollbar, Listbox will scroll accordingly:

    _radio_frame = ttk.Frame(_img_frame)
_radio_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=(N, S, W, E))

We place the Radio Frame, ready to be populated. Note that Listbox is occupying (0, 0) on _img_frameScrollbar (0, 1), and therefore _radio_frame will go in (0, 2):

    _choice_lbl = ttk.Label(
_radio_frame, text="Choose how to save images")
_choice_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
_save_method = StringVar()
_img_only_radio = ttk.Radiobutton(
_radio_frame, text='As Images', variable=_save_method,
row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=2, sticky=W)
_json_radio = ttk.Radiobutton(
_radio_frame, text='As JSON', variable=_save_method,
_json_radio.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=2, sticky=W)

Firstly, we place the label, and we give it some padding. Note that the label and radio buttons are children of _radio_frame.

As for the Entry and Listbox objects, Radiobutton is also driven by a bond to an external variable, which I called _save_method. Each Radiobutton instance sets a value argument, and by checking the value on _save_method, we know
which button is selected:

    _scrape_btn = ttk.Button(
_mainframe, text='Scrape!', command=save)
_scrape_btn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E, pady=5)

On the third row of _mainframe we place the Scrape button. Its command is save, which saves the images to be listed in Listbox, after we have successfully parsed a web page:

    _status_frame = ttk.Frame(
_root, relief='sunken', padding='2 2 2 2')
_status_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(E, W, S))
_status_msg = StringVar()
_status_msg.set('Type a URL to start scraping...')
_status = ttk.Label(
_status_frame, textvariable=_status_msg, anchor=W)
_status.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W))

We end the layout section by placing down the status frame, which is a simple ttk.Frame. To give it a little status bar effect, we set its relief property to 'sunken' and give it a uniform padding of two pixels. It needs to stick to the left, right, and bottom parts of the _root window, so we set its sticky attribute to (E, W, S).

We then place a label in it and, this time, we tie it to a StringVar object, because we will have to modify it every time we want to update the status bar text. You should be acquainted with this technique by now.

Finally, on the last line, we run the application by calling the mainloop method on the Tk instance:


Please remember that all these instructions are placed under the if __name__ == "__main__": clause in the original script.

As you can see, the code to design our GUI application is not hard. Granted, at the beginning, you have to play around a little bit. Not everything will work out perfectly at the first attempt, but I promise you it's very easy and you can find plenty of tutorials on the web. Let's now get to the interesting bit, the business logic.

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