How is Python code organized?

Let's talk a little bit about how Python code is organized. In this section, we'll start going down the rabbit hole a little bit more and introduce more technical names and concepts.

Starting with the basics, how is Python code organized? Of course, you write your code into files. When you save a file with the extension .py, that file is said to be a Python module.

If you're on Windows or macOS that typically hide file extensions from the user, please make sure you change the configuration so that you can see the complete names of the files. This is not strictly a requirement, but a suggestion.

It would be impractical to save all the code that it is required for software to work within one single file. That solution works for scripts, which are usually not longer than a few hundred lines (and often they are quite shorter than that).

A complete Python application can be made of hundreds of thousands of lines of code, so you will have to scatter it through different modules, which is better, but not nearly good enough. It turns out that even like this, it would still be impractical to work with the code. So Python gives you another structure, called package, which allows you to group modules together. A package is nothing more than a folder, which must contain a special file,, that doesn't need to hold any code but whose presence is required to tell Python that the folder is not just some folder, but it's actually a package (note that as of Python 3.3, the module is not strictly required any more).

As always, an example will make all of this much clearer. I have created an example structure in my book project, and when I type in my console:

$ tree -v example

I get a tree representation of the contents of the ch1/example folder, which holds the code for the examples of this chapter. Here's what the structure of a really simple application could look like:

└── util

You can see that within the root of this example, we have two modules, and, and one package: util. Within, there may be the core logic of our application. On the other hand, within the module, we can probably find the logic to start the application. Within the util package, I expect to find various utility tools, and in fact, we can guess that the modules there are named based on the types of tools they hold: would hold tools to work with databases, would, of course, hold mathematical tools (maybe our application deals with financial data), and would probably hold tools to send/receive data on networks.

As explained before, the file is there just to tell Python that util is a package and not just a mere folder.

Had this software been organized within modules only, it would have been harder to infer its structure. I put a module only example under the ch1/files_only folder; see it for yourself:

$ tree -v files_only

This shows us a completely different picture:


It is a little harder to guess what each module does, right? Now, consider that this is just a simple example, so you can guess how much harder it would be to understand a real application if we couldn't organize the code in packages and modules.

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