Preparing the data

We want to achieve the following data structure: we're going to have a list of user objects. Each user object will be linked to a number of campaign objects. In Python, everything is an object, so I'm using this term in a generic way. The user object may be a string, a dictionary, or something else.

A campaign in the social media world is a promotional campaign that a media agency runs on social media networks on behalf of a client. Remember that we're going to prepare this data so that it's not in perfect shape (but it won't be that bad either...):

fake = faker.Faker()

Firstly, we instantiate the Faker that we'll use to create the data:

usernames = set()
usernames_no = 1000

# populate the set with 1000 unique usernames
while len(usernames) < usernames_no:

Then we need usernames. I want 1,000 unique usernames, so I loop over the length of the usernames set until it has 1,000 elements. A set method doesn't allow duplicated elements, therefore uniqueness is guaranteed:

def get_random_name_and_gender():
skew = .6 # 60% of users will be female
male = random.random() > skew
if male:
return fake.name_male(), 'M'
return fake.name_female(), 'F'

def get_users(usernames):
users = []
for username in usernames:
name, gender = get_random_name_and_gender()
user = {
'username': username,
'name': name,
'gender': gender,
'age': fake.random_int(min=18, max=90),
'address': fake.address(),
return users

users = get_users(usernames)

Here, we create a list of users. Each username has now been augmented to a full-blown user dictionary, with other details such as name, gender, and email. Each user dictionary is then dumped to JSON and added to the list. This data structure is not optimal, of course, but we're simulating a scenario where users come to us like that.

Note the skewed use of random.random() to make 60% of users female. The rest of the logic should be very easy for you to understand.

Note also the last line. Each cell automatically prints what's on the last line; therefore, the output of #4 is a list with the first three users:

['{"username": "samuel62", "name": "Tonya Lucas", "gender": "F", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 27, "address": "PSC 8934, Box 4049\nAPO AA 43073"}',
'{"username": "eallen", "name": "Charles Harmon", "gender": "M", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 28, "address": "38661 Clark Mews Apt. 528\nAnthonychester, ID 25919"}',
'{"username": "amartinez", "name": "Laura Dunn", "gender": "F", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 88, "address": "0536 Daniel Court Apt. 541\nPort Christopher, HI 49399-3415"}']
I hope you're following along with your own Notebook. If you are, please note that all data is generated using random functions and values; therefore, you will see different results. They will change every time you execute the Notebook.

In the following code #5 is the logic to generate a campaign name:

# campaign name format:
# InternalType_StartDate_EndDate_TargetAge_TargetGender_Currency
def get_type():
# just some gibberish internal codes
types = ['AKX', 'BYU', 'GRZ', 'KTR']
return random.choice(types)

def get_start_end_dates():
duration = random.randint(1, 2 * 365)
offset = random.randint(-365, 365)
start = - timedelta(days=offset)
end = start + timedelta(days=duration)

def _format_date(date_):
return date_.strftime("%Y%m%d")
return _format_date(start), _format_date(end)

def get_age():
age = random.randint(20, 45)
age -= age % 5
diff = random.randint(5, 25)
diff -= diff % 5
return '{}-{}'.format(age, age + diff)

def get_gender():
return random.choice(('M', 'F', 'B'))

def get_currency():
return random.choice(('GBP', 'EUR', 'USD'))

def get_campaign_name():
separator = '_'
type_ = get_type()
start, end = get_start_end_dates()
age = get_age()
gender = get_gender()
currency = get_currency()
return separator.join(
(type_, start, end, age, gender, currency))

Analysts use spreadsheets all the time, and they come up with all sorts of coding techniques to compress as much information as possible into the campaign names. The format I chose is a simple example of that technique—there is a code that tells us the campaign type, then the start and end dates, then the target age and gender, and finally the currency. All values are separated by an underscore.

In the get_type function, I use random.choice() to get one value randomly out of a collection. Probably more interesting is get_start_end_dates. First, I get the duration for the campaign, which goes from one day to two years (randomly), then I get a random offset in time which I subtract from today's date in order to get the start date. Given that an offset is a random number between -365 and 365, would anything be different if I added it to today's date instead of subtracting it?

When I have both the start and end dates, I return a stringified version of them, joined by an underscore.

Then, we have a bit of modular trickery going on with the age calculation. I hope you remember the modulo operator (%) from Chapter 2, Built-in Data Types.

What happens here is that I want a date range that has multiples of five as extremes. So, there are many ways to do it, but what I do is to get a random number between 20 and 45 for the left extreme, and remove the remainder of the division by 5. So, if, for example, I get 28, I will remove 28 % 5 = 3 from it, getting 25. I could have just used random.randrange(), but it's hard to resist modular division.

The rest of the functions are just some other applications of random.choice() and the last one, get_campaign_name, is nothing more than a collector for all these puzzle pieces that returns the final campaign name:

# campaign data:
# name, budget, spent, clicks, impressions
def get_campaign_data():
name = get_campaign_name()
budget = random.randint(10**3, 10**6)
spent = random.randint(10**2, budget)
clicks = int(random.triangular(10**2, 10**5, 0.2 * 10**5))
impressions = int(random.gauss(0.5 * 10**6, 2))
return {
'cmp_name': name,
'cmp_bgt': budget,
'cmp_spent': spent,
        'cmp_clicks': clicks,
'cmp_impr': impressions

In #6, we write a function that creates a complete campaign object. I used a few different functions from the random module. random.randint() gives you an integer between two extremes. The problem with it is that it follows a uniform probability distribution, which means that any number in the interval has the same probability of coming up.

Therefore, when dealing with a lot of data, if you distribute your fixtures using a uniform distribution, the results you get will all look similar. For this reason, I chose to use triangular and gauss, for clicks and impressions. They use different probability distributions so that we'll have something more interesting to see in the end.

Just to make sure we're on the same page with the terminology: clicks represents the number of clicks on a campaign advertisement, budget is the total amount of money allocated for the campaign, spent is how much of that money has already been spent, and impressions is the number of times the campaign has been fetched, as a resource, from its source, regardless of the number of clicks that were performed on the campaign. Normally, the amount of impressions is greater than the number of clicks.

Now that we have the data, it's time to put it all together:

def get_data(users):
data = []
for user in users:
campaigns = [get_campaign_data()
for _ in range(random.randint(2, 8))]
data.append({'user': user, 'campaigns': campaigns})
return data

As you can see, each item in data is a dictionary with a user and a list of campaigns that are associated with that user.

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