Adding the Entry model

Now that the boilerplate is out of the way, and we have a couple of users, we're ready to code. We start by adding the Entry model to our application so that we can store objects in the database. Here's the code you'll need to add (remember to use the project tree for reference):

# entries/
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils import timezone

class Entry(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
pattern = models.CharField(max_length=255)
test_string = models.CharField(max_length=255)
date_added = models.DateTimeField(

class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = 'entries'

This is the model we'll use to store regular expressions in our system. We'll store a pattern, a test string, a reference to the user who created the entry, and the moment of creation. You can see that creating a model is actually quite easy, but nonetheless, let's go through it line by line.

First we need to import the models module from django.db. This will give us the base class for our Entry model. Django models are special classes and much is done for us behind the scenes when we inherit from models.Model.

We want a reference to the user who created the entry, so we need to import the User model from Django's authorization application and we also need to import the timezone model to get access to the function, which provides us with a timezone-aware version of The beauty of this is that it's hooked up with the TIME_ZONE settings I showed you before.

As for the primary key for this class, if we don't set one explicitly, Django will add one for us. A primary key is a key that allows us to uniquely identify an Entry object in the database (in this case, Django will add an auto-incrementing integer ID).

So, we define our class, and we set up four class attributes. We have a ForeignKey attribute that is our reference to the User model. We also have two CharField attributes that hold the pattern and test strings for our regular expressions. We also have DateTimeField, whose default value is set to Note that we don't call right there, it's now, not now(). So, we're not passing a DateTime instance (set at the moment in time when that line is parsed) rather, we're passing a callable, a function that is called when we save an entry in the database. This is similar to the callback mechanism we used in Chapter 12, GUIs and Scripts, when we were assigning commands to button clicks.

The last two lines are very interesting. We define a Meta class within the Entry class itself. The Meta class is used by Django to provide all sorts of extra information for a model. Django has a great deal of logic under the hood to adapt its behavior according to the information we put into the Meta class. In this case, in the admin panel, the pluralized version of Entry would be Entrys, which is wrong, therefore we need to set it manually. We specify the plural in all lowercase, as Django takes care of capitalizing it for us when needed.

Now that we have a new model, we need to update the database to reflect the new state of the code. In order to do this, we need to instruct Django that it needs to create the code to update the database. This code is called migration. Let's create it and execute it:

$ python makemigrations entries
$ python migrate  

After these two instructions, the database will be ready to store Entry objects.

There are two different kinds of migrations: data and schema migrations. Data migrations port data from one state to another without altering its structure. For example, a data migration could set all products for a category as out of stock by switching a flag to False or 0. A schema migration is a set of instructions that alter the structure of the database schema. For example, that could be adding an age column to a Person table, or increasing the maximum length of a field to account for very long addresses. When developing with Django, it's quite common to have to perform both kinds of migrations over the course of development. Data evolves continuously, especially if you code in an agile environment.
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