

Active learning, 116

Activity, of learning events, 2627

Adaptation, 1718

ADDIE model

criticism of, 13

cyclical, 17

definition of, 13

early version of, 1415

evaluations, 175

feedback in, 107108

foundational notions of, 13, 15

high level view of, 13

iterative, 17

limitations of, 19

manageable nature of, 32

modification of, 1718

Additional design, 4345, 157158


rapid prototyping, 105

Savvy Start, 6569, 72

Agile Manifesto, 183184

Alpha release, 47, 177, 181182, 185, 188189

Analysis paralysis, 6

Appearance, of project, 176

Appropriateness, of project, 175

Approvals, 132

Assessments, 117119, 124

Authentic activity, 2627


Backgrounding/background information, 4041, 5860, 76, 107, 124

Behavioral change, 5152, 117

Behavioral objectives, 111

Best ideas, 162, 186

Beta 2, 48

Beta release, 47, 178, 182, 185, 189


collaborative nature of, 102, 185

description of, 41, 44, 109

group, 102

ideas from, 90, 92

Savvy Start team participation in, 64

tips on, 102103

Breadth, 121122

Budget, 130


CCAF, 2728


instructional programs, 3

in learning events, 2526

learning through, 25


informing of, 49

setting expectations for, 50

Collaboration, 31

Compliancy issues, 124

Conditions of performance, 24

Consequences, 27

Consultant, 49


information gathering for, 165

multimedia, 131

pre-existing, 115116

prototyping and, 103

writing of, 164168

Content development plan, 43

Content grids, 164168, 177

Content style guide, 43

Context, of learning event, 2425

Continuous evaluation, 16, 179

Course content, 164168

Course evaluation, 179180

Credibility, 13


Debriefing, 187189

Decision making, 132

Delegation, 132


alpha release, 47, 177, 181182, 185, 188189

beta release, 47, 178, 182, 185, 189

gold release, 48, 178, 182, 185

rolling the, 187

Delivery platform, 130131

Design consistency, of project, 176

Design documentation, 6

Design models, 4

Design proof

changes during, 164

components of, 163

description of, 46, 97, 162163

redesign after, 164

review of, 169171, 177

time spent on, 163164

Disrespect, 5

Distributed practice, 22

Documentation, 6, 132133



of iterative process, 175

of process model, 3132

Efficiency, of process model, 3132


advantages of, 118

assessment benefits of, 118

beta review checklist for, 189

challenging of learners through, 25

delivery platform, 130

description of, 2122

design proof, reviewing of, 170171

development time in, 163

interactivity in, 25, 84, 101

learner abilities and readiness assessments, 118

LMS interface compliancy issues, 124

prototype, 92, 9497

tools for development of, 101

visual interactivity in, 101

E-sketches, 8789


continuous, 16, 179

four-level model of, 179180

frequency of, 123

iterative, 169180


client, 50

cost, 130

expressing of, 186

iterative reviews, 176178

missed, 186

support team creation based on, 65

Extreme Programming, 183


“Facts,” 67

Familiarity, 13

Feedback, 27, 107108, 178

Formative evaluation, 175

Functional errors, 177

Functional prototypes, 4445, 84

Functionality, of project, 175, 177



design focus on, 75

learning, 7475

performance, 7778

setting of, 109110

Gold release, 48, 178, 182, 185

Group brainstorming, 102


Hardware, 131

Human resources staff, 64


Ideal process model

collaboration, 31

effectiveness, 3132

efficiency, 3132

iterative process, 3031

manageable nature of, 3233

overview of, 2930

Ideas, 162, 186

Imitation, 24

Individualization, 118119

Information, 9

Information gathering

background information, 4041, 5860, 76, 107

in course content development, 165

Instructional design

definition of, 1112

outcome of, 12

as profession, 8

requirements needed for, 8

SAM leader's skills in, 52

Instructional designer, 51, 63

Instructional events

building of, 104105

learning goals and objectives achieved with, 51

Instructional objectives, 110114, 119

Instructional programs, 3

Instructional systems design

complexity associated with, 16

steps involved in, 12

Instructional systems development models

adaptation of, 1718

description of, 1

Integrated prototypes, 44

Interactive learning events, 2328

Intuition, 30

ISD models. See Instructional systems development models

Iterative design phase

additional design, 4345, 157158

description of, 4245

project planning. See Project planning prototyping in, 106. See also Prototype(s); Prototyping

purpose of, 80

Savvy Start and, differences between, 80

schematic diagram of, 40, 42, 74, 123, 127, 133, 159

Iterative development phase

alpha release from, 47, 177, 181182, 185, 188189

beta release from, 47, 178, 182, 185, 188

description of, 4548

design proof. See Design proof

gold release from, 48, 178, 182, 185

production process, 183185

review expectations for, 176178

schematic diagram of, 40, 45, 74, 123, 133, 159

Iterative processes

approximations created by, 161

basic, 3031

best ideas and, 162, 186

description of, 128, 157

design proof produced by. See Design proof

effectiveness reviews, 175

power of, 185

realistic nature of, 186

in SAM1, 3336, 42

in SAM2, 4248

Savvy Start. See Savvy Start

Iterative reviews

management of, 172175

setting expectations for, 176178


Judgments, 27


Leader. See SAM leader

Learner-centered approach, 52


abilities and readiness assessments, 118

attention of, 4

boring instruction effects on, 45

challenging of, 2526

disrespect of, 5

experimentation with involvement, 14

interests of, 7

learning program design involvement by, 8

meaningful learning events effect on, 22

motivated, 23

needs and wants of, 7

negative attitudes of, 4

recent, 179

review of instructional products by, 178179

SAM leader as advocate of, 52

on Savvy Start team, 63

self-image of, 4

user testing with, 123

validation with, 123


e-. See E-learning

from mistakes, 30

through imitation, 24

through observation, 2324

Learning events

activities included in, 2627

assessments needed for, 117119

challenges included in, 2526

characteristics of, 2223

components of, 2328

context of, 2425

defining of, 21

feedback included in, 27

interactive, 2328

meaningful, 22, 28

measurable, 23, 28

memorable, 2223, 28

motivational, 23, 28

specifying of, 15

Learning experiences, 6, 77, 119

Learning goals, 7475

Learning programs

analysis paralysis, 6

“facts,” 67

poor, reasons for, 59

risk management uses of, 56

Linear process, 16, 31

LMS, 124, 158

Look-and-feel prototype, 158


Macro assessment, 117

Manageable process, 3233

Management, 3

Meaningful learning events, 22, 25, 28

Meaningfulness, 25

Measurable learning events, 23, 28

Media, 124125

Media artist, 5152

Media prototypes, 44, 158, 177

Media style guide, 43

Memorable learning events, 2223, 28

Micro assessment, 117119


learning from, 30

in prototyping, 103

Motivational learning events, 23, 28

Multimedia content, 131

Multimedia products, 182

Multiple-choice questions, 26


Navigation prototype, 158

Negative attitudes, 4

Negotiation skills, 51

Network prototype, 158


Objectives, instructional, 110114, 119

Objectives x treatments matrix, 111115, 119, 161

Observation, 2324

Opinions, 9


media selection affected by culture of, 125

training environment of, 7576


Performance goals, 7778

Performance tracking, 124

PERT chart, 32


approval of, 5

iterative design. See Iterative design phase

iterative development. See Iterative development phase

preparation. See Preparation phase

Post-tests, 117

PowerPoint, 101

Pre-existing content, 115116

Preparation phase

backgrounding, 4041, 5860, 76, 107

definition of, 40

overview of, 57, 123

Savvy Start. See Savvy Start

schematic diagram of, 40, 57, 74, 133, 159

speed of, 41, 57

Priorities, 129

Problem behaviors, 78


iterative. See Iterative processes

organizational issues that affect, 60

selection of, 14

Process model, ideal. See Ideal process model

Production process, 183185

Project costs, 130

Project leader. See SAM leader

Project manager

description of, 49

priority setting by, 129

role of, 51

on Savvy Start team, 63

Project plan, 134156, 176

Project planning

approvals, 132

costs, 130

decision making, 132

delivery platform, 130131

description of, 43, 127128

documentation, 132133

focus of, 128

initial, 128131

priorities, 129

responsibilities, 132

sample plan, 134156

subject matter experts, 131132

Project review, 172175

Project sponsor, 5960

Project team, 6465, 132


benefits of, 9092

building of, 104105

characteristics of, 9293

content development for, 116, 164168

definition of, 92

description of, 34, 36, 42

disposable nature of, 98, 121

early access to, 108

e-learning, 92, 9497

evaluation of, 106107

feedback about, 107108

first version of, 96, 98

functional, 4445, 84

instructional events, 104105

Integrated, 44

interim, 92

lifecycle of, 9497

media, 44, 158, 177

purpose of, 83, 90

reasons for building, 8492

reviewing of, 105108, 169, 176

rules for working with, 98

second version of, 96, 98

sketches and, 8384, 8687

special-purpose, 44, 93, 157158, 173

speed as measure of success with, 93

summary of, 108

third version of, 9798

types of, 4445

user feedback about, 107108

versions of, 9697

walkthrough of, 106


advice for, 102

on Savvy Start team, 63

selection of, 99100

traits of, 99


content considerations, 103

importance of, 81

mistakes made in, 103

rapid, 93, 104105

in Savvy Start, 106

tips on, 102103

tools for, 100103

unanticipated discoveries during, 107

Psychological impact, of project, 176


Quality assurance, 179


Rapid prototyping, 93, 104105

Remote learning, 130

Reviews. See also Iterative reviews

design proof, 169171

learner, 178179

project, 172175

prototypes, 105108, 169, 176

Risk management, 56

Role-playing, 158

Rolling, 187

Rollout, 48



advantages of, 55, 108

description of, 1, 33, 73

disadvantages of, 122

focus of, 121

goal-oriented design versus, 75

integrated design and development in, 33

learner involvement, 175, 178179

learning created using, 50

level 1. See SAM1

liability of, 122

overview of, 74

principles of, 73

prototyping. See Prototyping quality assurance in, 179

rapid collaborative design as foundation of, 128

realistic nature of, 186

Savvy Start team's understanding of, 7374

start dates for, 133


advantages of, 38

challenges for, 3738

evaluation of, 3637

integrated design and development in, 61

iterative processes in, 3336, 42

overview of, 3336

perpetual cycling associated with, 3738

refining of work and, 37

SAM2 versus, 42

simplicity of, 38


additional design, 4345, 157158

alpha release, 47, 177, 181182, 185, 188189

background information, 4041, 5860, 76

beta release, 47, 178, 182, 185, 189

design proof, 46

gold release, 48, 178, 182, 185

iterative design phase of, 4245

iterative development phase of, 4548

overview of, 3940

preparation phase of. See Preparation phase

project planning, 43

projects using, 162163

prototypes, 42, 4445

SAM1 versus, 42

Savvy Start. See Savvy Start

schematic diagram of, 40, 42, 74

SAM leader

behavior change as focus of, 5152

consulting skills of, 53

design and project variables adjusted by, 51

expectations setting and maintenance by, 50

leadership skills of, 50

as learner advocate, 52

negotiation skills of, 51

preparedness checklist for, 5254

project management skills of, 53

responsibilities of, 50

roles of, 51

self-assessments, 5254

selling skills of, 53

Savvy Start

activities completed before starting, 74

activities included in, 65

agenda of, 6569, 72

benefits of, 61, 81

collaborative atmosphere of, 71

conducting of, 7079

criteria for success, 77

customizing of, 6970

definition of, 41, 60

elements of, 61

focus of, 71, 74

ground rules of, 7273

highlights of, 42

information obtained from, 128

iterative design phase and, differences between, 80

kick-off, 66, 7172

learning goals stated in, 7475

performance goals, 7778

planning of, 62

previous work reviewed during, 76

prototyping in, 106

purpose of, 6061, 80

questions answered during, 8081

refreshing the content of, 122

room preparation for, 70

second, 8081

skills hierarchy, 7879

time requirements, 43

training environment of organization examined during, 7576

Savvy Start summary report, 43

Savvy Start team

brainstorming participation by, 64

building of, 6265

goal-oriented design as focus of, 75

human resources staff involvement in, 64

learners on, 63

legal staff involvement in, 64

members of, 63

project team created from, 6465

SAM understanding by, 7374

storytelling by, 7677

subject matter experts on, 62

support team created from, 6465

Scope, 186

SCRUM, 183

Self-image, 4

Setting of expectations, 50, 176178. See also Expectations

Shareholders, 3


e-, 8789

examples of, 84, 8889

prototypes and, 84, 8687

Sketching, 8384, 9495

Skills hierarchy, 7879

Software versioning, 131

Solutions, 123124

Special-purpose prototypes, 44, 93, 157158, 173

Specification documents, 37

Sponsor, 5960

Stakeholders, 64

Storytelling, 7677

Subject aversion, 4

Subject matter experts, 62, 131132


criteria for, 77

designing for, 121125

Successive approximation model. See SAM

Summative evaluation, 175

Supervisor training, 60

Support team, 6465


“Teaching the test,” 117

“Tell-and-test” instruction, 6

Text, of project, 176177

Traditional design models, 3, 5

Training departments, 3, 5

Training designers, 7


Usability, of project, 175

User testing, 123


Waterfall concept/process, 16, 31, 179

Working backward, 114115

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