Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud aims to provide solutions to some commonly encountered patterns when building systems on the Cloud:

  • Configuration management: As we discussed in the Twelve-Factor App section, managing configuration is an important part of developing Cloud-Native applications. Spring Cloud provides a centralized configuration management solution for microservices called Spring Cloud Config.
  • Service discovery: Service discovery promotes loose coupling between services. Spring Cloud provides integration with popular service discovery options, such as Eureka, ZooKeeper, and Consul.
  • Circuit breakers: Cloud-Native applications must be fault tolerant. They should be able to handle the failure of backing services gracefully. Circuit breakers play a key role in providing the default minimum service in case of failures. Spring Cloud provides integration with the Netflix Hystrix fault tolerance library.
  • API Gateway: An API Gateway provides centralized aggregation, routing, and caching services. Spring Cloud provides integration with the API Gateway library Netflix Zuul.
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