Creating Reactive methods in Rest Controller

We can now add in the controller methods to retrieve details using StockMongoReactiveCrudRepository:

public class StockPriceEventController {
private final StockMongoReactiveCrudRepository repository;
public StockPriceEventController(
StockMongoReactiveCrudRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;

Flux<Stock> list() {
return this.repository.findAll().log();

Mono<Stock> findById(@PathVariable("code") String code) {
return this.repository.findById(code).log();

A few important things to note are as follows:

  • private final StockMongoReactiveCrudRepository repository: StockMongoReactiveCrudRepository is injected in using the constructor injection.
  • @GetMapping("/stocks") Flux<Stock> list(): Exposes a GET method to retrieve a list of stocks. Returns a Flux indicating that this would be a stream of stocks.
  • @GetMapping("/stocks/{code}") Mono<Stock> findById(@PathVariable("code") String code): findById returns a Mono, indicating that it would return 0 or 1 stock element(s).
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