Functional web framework

Building on top of the reactive features, Spring 5 also provides a functional web framework.

A functional web framework provides features to define endpoints using functional programming style. A simple hello world example is shown here:

    RouterFunction<String> route =
request -> Response.ok().body(fromObject("Hello World")));

A functional web framework can also be used to define more complex routes, as shown in the following example:

    RouterFunction<?> route = route(GET("/todos/{id}"),
request -> {
Mono<Todo> todo = Mono.justOrEmpty(request.pathVariable("id"))
return Response.ok().body(fromPublisher(todo, Todo.class));
request -> {
Flux<Todo> people = repository.allTodos();
return Response.ok().body(fromPublisher(people, Todo.class));
request -> {
Mono<Todo> todo = request.body(toMono(Todo.class));
return Response.ok().build(repository.saveTodo(todo));

A couple of important things to note are as follows:

  • RouterFunction evaluates the matching condition to route requests to the appropriate handler function
  • We are defining three endpoints, two GETs, and one POST, and mapping them to different handler functions

We will discuss Mono and Flux in more detail in Chapter 11, Reactive Programming.

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