Unit testing validations

The following example shows how we can unit test the validations we added in:

public void createTodo_withValidationError() throws Exception {
Todo mockTodo = new Todo(CREATED_TODO_ID, "Jack",
"Learn Spring MVC", new Date(), false);

String todo = "{"user":"Jack","desc":"Learn","done":false}";

when( service.addTodo(
anyString(), anyString(), isNull(), anyBoolean()))

MvcResult result = mvc.perform(

Some important points to note are as follows:

  • "desc":"Learn": We are using a desc value of length 5. This would cause a validation failure for the @Size(min = 9, message = "Enter atleast 10 Characters.") check.
  • .andExpect(status().is4xxClientError()): Checks for validation error status.
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